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Course: BUS 251; Sec: 12

Submitted to:
Lecturer, Department of Management

Submitted by:
Name Id
Fahim Chowdhury 1512180030
Afsana Rahman 1511249030
Kazi Farhan Uddin 1420757030
Montak Tahmidul Haque 1511529630
Abdullah Al Mamun 1521681630

Submission date: 18/04/2019


We believe that, through our sellers in Bangladesh, eBay offers some of the best value and deals
available for a number of consumer products. The majority of transactions on the eBay
Marketplace in the U.S., the U.K. and Germany. In Bangladesh we include free shipping, and we
encourage sellers to offer free returns. Through eBay Guaranteed Delivery, we provide faster and
more precise delivery dates on more than 100 million eligible items. Nowadays eBay is the world’s
largest internet by revenue. (Summary for ebay, Yahoo finance), (10k,PDF, ebay annual report ) For
doing business in Bangladesh eBay we need to remind few things:

1. Research Bangladeshi market and it is important to identify the best potential customers ,
locations, sales lead ,channels , to expand the business in Bangladesh
2. Identify the best distribution channels to expand the business in Bangladesh.
3. Studying the other competitors their products, services, distribution channels.
4. Bangladeshi people are very conscious to buy this types of product so it’s important for us
to ensure about the product quality to keep the customer in hand.
5. Under take a market test to understand the viability transferability and profitability about
product or service.
6. Evaluate what will help more to expand the business in Bangladesh largely.







05. PEOPLE 9


07. CUSTOM 13


09. CLIMATE 17

10. ECONOMY 17







INTRODUCTION is an American multination of E-commerce Corporation based in San Jose. California.
That facilitates consumer to consumer and business to consumer. Sales through its website .eBay
was founded by Picrre Omidyar in the autumn of 1995 and become a notable success story of the
dot-com bubble. The company manages the eBay website an online action and shopping website
in which people and business buy and sell a wide variety of goods and services worldwide. The
website is free to use for buyers but seller are changed free for listing items after a limited of free
listing and again when those items are sold. (10k, ebay annual report)

Purpose and Scope: Currently UK is one of the biggest market in the apparel industry apart from
the European Union. The compounded annual growth rate of the apparel market in UK is projected
as 2% since most of the competitors of eBay has actually started reaching in Bangladesh to expand
the business, eBay should also try to reach a large market in Bangladesh. The location of
Bangladesh is perfect to do business comparative to India, Japan, and China etc. As well as
Bangladesh has a low labor cost and perfect geographical location. (10k, ebay annual report)

Assumption: The recommendation made in this report is based on the assumption that the
relationship between Bangladesh and UK will remain the same as of the end the year 2019.

We also assume that Bangladesh will not suffer that much of natural disaster which could damage
the economy and the apparel industry. We also are assuming that the process of expansion in
Bangladesh is same with UK eBay.

Methods: We mainly collect the information for our report form online sources and reference book.
The main source we collect form the UK eBay official pages through Google.


Bangladesh is an independent nation in South Asia. It is officially known as the Peoples’ Republic
of Bangladesh. It is situated at the zenith of the Bay of Bengal and is bordered by Myanmar and
India, and separated from Nepal and Bhutan. Bangladesh came out as a sovereign country in 1971
after breaking away and gaining independence from Pakistan through the Bangladesh liberation
war. The borders of modern Bangladesh were formed after the partition of India and Bengal in
August 1947, when the area became East Pakistan as a section of the newly established State of
Pakistan. On 23 March 1971, the Bangladeshi flag was raised for the first time. Operation
Searchlight was, however, launched on 26 March 1971 by the Pakistani military who massacred
Bengali politicians, students, intellectuals, military defectors, and civil servants during the 1971
Bangladesh genocide. (Studycountry, 2019) After gaining its independence, Bangladesh became
a republic within the Commonwealth and a secular democracy. Its early history was characterized
by internal fighting, a succession of Indian empires, and a scuffle between Buddhism and
Hinduism for dominance. The name Bangladesh was initially written as two words, Bangla Desh.
Bangla is a key word for both the Bengali language and the Bengal region. At present, Bangladesh
is the world's eighth most populous country as well as it is most densely-populated, to the exclusion
of small island nations and city-states. Dhaka is its capital and largest city, followed by Chittagong,
which has the country's largest port. Bangladesh forms the largest and easternmost part of
the Bengal region. (, 2019)


Location Southern Asia, bordering the Bay of Bengal, between Burma and
Map references Asia
Area total: 148,460 sq km
land: 130,170 sq km
water: 18,290 sq km
Area – comparative slightly larger than Pennsylvania and New Jersey combined; slightly
smaller than Iowa
Land boundaries total: 4,413 km
border countries (2): Burma 271 km, India 4,142 km
Coastline 580 km
Maritime claims territorial sea: 12 nm
contiguous zone: 18 nm
exclusive economic zone: 200 nm
continental shelf: to the outer limits of the continental margin
Climate tropical; mild winter (October to March); hot, humid summer (March
to June); humid, warm rainy monsoon (June to October)
Terrain mostly flat alluvial plain; hilly in southeast
Elevation extremes mean elevation: 85 m
elevation extremes: lowest point: Indian Ocean 0 m
highest point: Keokradong 1,230 m
Natural resources natural gas, arable land, timber, coal
Land use Agricultural land: 70.1%
arable land 59%; permanent crops 6.5%; permanent pasture 4.6%
forest: 11.1%
other: 18.8% (2011 est.)
Irrigated land 53,000 sq km (2012)
Natural hazards droughts; cyclones; much of the country routinely inundated during
the summer monsoon season

Environment - current many people are landless and forced to live on and cultivate flood-
issues prone land; waterborne diseases prevalent in surface water; water
pollution, especially of fishing areas, results from the use of
commercial pesticides; ground water contaminated by naturally
occurring arsenic; intermittent water shortages because of falling
water tables in the northern and central parts of the country; soil
degradation and erosion; deforestation; severe overpopulation
Environment - party to: Biodiversity, Climate Change, Climate Change-Kyoto
international Protocol, Desertification, Endangered Species, Environmental
agreements Modification, Hazardous Wastes, Law of the Sea, Ozone Layer
Protection, Ship Pollution, Wetlands
signed, but not ratified: none of the selected agreements

most of the country is situated on deltas of large rivers flowing from

Geography – note the Himalayas: the Ganges unites with the Jamuna (main channel of
the Brahmaputra) and later joins the Meghna to eventually empty into
the Bay of Bengal

(Bangladesh Geography Profile, 2018)

The current populace of Bangladesh is 167,700,989. Bangladesh populace is proportionate to
2.18% of the entire world populace. Bangladesh positions number 8 within the list of countries.
The populace thickness in Bangladesh is 1291 per Km2. The entire arrive region is 130,170 Km2
(50,259 sq. miles). 37.2 % of the populace is urban. The middle age in Bangladesh is 26.0 years.
(World,2019) There are many other challenges in front of it like; about 31.5%
population is living below poverty line, there are 56.7 million workable populations in
Bangladesh with 2 million unemployed populations. About 1.8 million educated workforces are
entering into the job market in each year. GDP Growth rate is rotating around 6% to 6.6% during
last decades, but it has to be increased into 8% to 10% to facilitate employment generation and
poverty alleviation in Bangladesh. (World population review,2019)A huge amount of new
investment is required to increase GDP growth and employment rate up to the desired level.
There are options to increase local investment as well as go for foreign direct investment but
preparations shall be taken time. (Abdin, J.,2019)


Bangladesh is a country which has an approximate population of 168 million based on United
Nations estimates. This population is equivalent to 2.18% of the total world population. The people
of Bangladesh are known as Bangalees. Bangladesh is the world's eighth most populous nation.
Vast majority of Bangladeshis are ethno linguistically Asian Indo-Aryan people who
speak Bengali language and follow the Islamic religion. The population of Bangladesh is
concentrated in the fertile Bengal delta, which has been the center of urban and agrarian
civilizations for millennia. The country's highlands, including the Chittagong Hill Tracts and
the Sylhet Division, are home to various tribal minorities. Bengali Muslims are the predominant
ethno religious group of Bangladesh with a population of 146 million, which makes up majority
of the country's population. Chittagonian people, Rangpuri people and Sylhetis form the majority
in Chittagong, Rangpur and Sylhet regions respectively. The minority Bengali Hindu population
in Bangladesh is over 16,238,167 which make up 12.07% of the total country population. Non-
Bengali Muslims make up the largest immigrant community; while the Tibeto-Burman Chakmas,
who speak the Indo-Aryan Chakma language, are the largest indigenous ethnic group after Indo-
Aryan Bengali peoples. The Austro-Asiatic Santhals are the largest aboriginal community.

The Bangladeshi Diaspora is concentrated in the Middle East, North America and the United
Kingdom. (, 2019)

Bangladeshis have been known by several terms:

 Bangladeshis- The most widely-used term to refer to the citizens of Bangladesh, comes
from Bangladesh (meaning "Country of Bengal"), and can be traced to the early 20th century.
Then, the term was used by Bengali patriotic songs like Namo Namo Namo Bangladesh Momo,
by Kazi Nazrul Islam, and Aaji Bangladesher Hridoy, by Rabindranath Tagore.
 Bangalees- An eponym for Bengalis, was used between 1972 and 1978 by the Constitution of
Bangladesh for all citizens of Bangladesh, despite 2% of the population being indigenous and
immigrant non-Bengalis. Under President Ziaur Rahman, the constitutional term was changed
to Bangladeshi, as part of efforts to promote Bangladeshi nationalism.
 East Bengalis- A term used in reference to Bangladesh being a political unit based on
the Partition of Bengal. The territory was known as East Bengal twice in the 20th century. It
was used for Eastern Bengal and Assam in the British Raj between 1906 and 1912. It was
again used for the Dominion of Pakistan's province of East Bengal between 1947 and 1955.
 Bangals- A term used informally in neighboring India to refer to Bangladeshis. Bangal is also
the Hindustani term for Bengal. In West Bengal, Bangal is widely used among upper-class
subgroups to differentiate families from Bangladesh, the opposite then being Ghoti, which
once referred to people from West Bengal. (, 2019)

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Bangladesh uses The Bangladeshi Taka as currency. The currency code of Taka is BDT and the
currency symbol is Tk. The frequently used coins are Tk1, Tk2 and Tk5 and rarely used coins are
1, 5, 10, 25, 50. The banknotes that are frequently used are Tk2, Tk5, Tk10 Tk20, Tk50, Tk100,
Tk500 and Tk 1000 and rarely used note is Tk1 only. The central bank of Bangladesh is named as
Bangladesh Bank. Bangladeshi Takas can be coverted from UK, USA or any other country’s notes.
Ebay should also think about the currency system and convert their product’s price into BDT
properly. It will create an easy access and easy payment methods should be introduced by them.
Also, they should properly mention all the prices in BDT form including vat or other delivery
charges to avoid any misunderstanding among the customers. (, 2019)

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Customs and Traditions The customs and traditions of Bangladesh are varied and fascinating.
Some are rooted in its little-known prehistory and some have been carried through the ages by
hundreds of aboriginal tribes who came to the subcontinent from many parts of the old world.
Many of the customs have grown round the agricultural practices. Navanna is the age-old festival
of new harvest and takes place in the Bengali month of Agrahayana (November-December),
proverbially known as the month of plenty. The advent of the winter brings welcome relief from
the sweltering heat and humidity of the long summer and flooding of the plains. As men bring
golden paddy home for thrashing, women get busy making pitha with new rice to be soaked in
date-palm juice and milk. Pahela Baishakh (Bangla Navabarsha), Bengali New Year’s Day which
falls in the middle of April, is celebrated throughout Bangladesh as a traditional festival. The day
starts with the people taking a breakfast of pantabhat or soaked rice with fried fish or vegetable
curry or cheera, gud and yoghurt. Men, women, and children then wear their best and rush to fairs
that are usually held under the cool shade of banyan trees or at riverfronts. The fairs or melas bring
commodities of every sort, unending varieties of food and sweets and arrays of clay and plastic
dolls for children. Women never fail to buy a set of glass or plastic bangles. The birth of a child is
celebrated with distribution of sweets among relatives and friends. The naming ceremony is
observed with a feast and invitees bring gifts for the child. Khatna or mussalmani (circumcision),
common among Muslims, is also an occasion for celebration and feasting. An empty pitcher, a
broomstick, an odd number of salik birds, a crow cawing, a black cat crossing the way, or a dead
body appearing in sight would be deemed inauspicious for a journey. And thus, many other
customs are carried by Bangladeshi people all the year round. (, 2019)

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Power distance

Bangladesh scores high on this dimension (score of 80) which means that people accept a
hierarchical order in which everybody has a place and which needs no further justification.
Hierarchy in an organization is seen as reflecting inherent inequalities, centralization is popular,
subordinates expect to be told what to do and the ideal boss is a benevolent autocrat.

Individualism vs. Collectivism

Bangladesh, with a score of 20 is considered a collectivistic society. This is manifest in a close

long-term commitment to the member ‘group’, be that a family, extended family, or extended
relationships. Loyalty in a collectivist culture is paramount, and over-rides most other societal
rules and regulations.

Masculinity vs. Femininity

Bangladesh scores 55 on this dimension and can be considered a a Masculine society. In Masculine
countries people “live in order to work”, managers are expected to be decisive and assertive, the
emphasis is on equity, competition and performance and conflicts are resolved by fighting them

15 | P a g e
Uncertainty Avoidance

Bangladesh scores 60 on this dimension and thus has a high score. Countries exhibiting high
Uncertainty Avoidance maintain rigid codes of belief and behavior and are intolerant of
unorthodox behavior and ideas.

Long Term vs. Short Term Orientation

Normative societies which score low on this dimension, for example, prefer to maintain time-
honoured traditions and norms while viewing societal change with suspicion. Those with a culture
which scores high, on the other hand, take a more pragmatic approach: they encourage thrift and
efforts in modern education as a way to prepare for the future.Bangladesh has an intermediate
score at 47, this does not indicate a strong preference in either direction.

Indulgence vs. Restraints

Bangladesh has a very low Indulgence score of 20. This makes it a Restrained country. Societies
with a low score in this dimension have a tendency to cynicism and pessimism. Also, in contrast
to Indulgent societies, restrained societies do not put much emphasis on leisure time and control
the gratification of their desires. (Hofstede Insights, 2019)

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Bangladesh is full of mix climate so it’s very easy to establish new business here. Tropical; mild
winter (October to March); hot, humid summer (March to June); humid, warm rainy monsoon
(June to October. The climate of Bangladesh is subtropical within the center-north and tropical
within the south, with a wonderfully warm and sunny winter from November to February, a brief
hot spring between Walk and May, and a long blustery season from June to October due to the
summer rainstorm. The nation is level and possessed by the tremendous Ganges-Brahmaputra
Delta, and it's in this manner uncovered to surges as well as to storm surges when tornados hit
the Narrows of Bengal. Bangladesh is one of the promising Least Developed Countries having
potentials to grow further. The Speculation climate is influenced by numerous variables,
counting: talented laborers, destitution, wrongdoing, foundation, workforce, national security,
political precariousness, administration vulnerability, charges, run the show of law, property
rights, government directions, government straightforwardness and government. (Climates to
travel, 2019)


The market-based economy of Bangladesh is the 42nd largest in the world in nominal terms, and
31st largest by purchasing power parity; it is classified among the Next Eleven emerging
market middle income economies and a Frontier market. According to the IMF, Bangladesh's

17 | P a g e
economy is the second fastest growing major economy of 2016, with a rate of
7.1%. Dhaka and Chittagong are the principal financial centers of the country, being home to
the Dhaka Stock Exchange and the Chittagong Stock Exchange. The financial sector of
Bangladesh is the second largest in the subcontinent.



GDP $287.630 billion (nominal, FY18 est.)

$761.699 billion (PPP, FY18 est.)

GDP rank 41st (nominal, 2018)

30th (PPP, 2018)

GDP growth 7.3% (16/17) 7.9% (17/18)

7.0% (18/19e) 6.8% (19/20f)[2]

GDP per capita $1,744 (nominal, FY18 est.)

$4,619 (PPP, FY18 est.)

GDP per capita rank 146th (nominal, 2017)

138th (PPP, 2017)

GDP by sector agriculture: 14.23%

industry: 33.66%
services: 52.11% (FY18)

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Inflation (CPI) 5.378% (FY19f est.)

5.564% (FY18 est.)

5.611% (FY17)

Population below poverty line 8.1% living below $1.90/day (2018)

Labor force 109.1 million (2017 est.)[8]

Labor force by occupation Agriculture: 40.6%

industry: 20.4%
services: 39.6% (2017 est.)[9]

Unemployment Overall 4.2%

Male 3.1%
Female 6.7% (2017 est.)[10]

Main industries
pharmaceutical products
food and beverages
natural gas and crude petroleum
iron and steel

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For introducing an e commerce business like in Bangladesh, advertisings need to be

done properly and in every possible ways. First of all, social media play a vital role for advertising
at present days. Millions of people use social media platforms nowadays. Through Facebook ads,
YouTube ads, Messenger and Instagram ads ebay can promote different brands’ and non-brands’
products through the advertising of Otherwise they can use newspaper ads and
billboards too. For advertising and attracting customers from the very beginning, may
do different promotional activities. They may provide free delivery to all over Bangladesh for the
very first time, as it is a great way to expand the business. They can also open an ebay stores it
will help customers to easily get hands on their products. They can also use a forum so that
customers can easily connect with the sellers. They can use their official website for selling
products. They need to provide promotional codes, discounts and other offers for different types
of purchase of the customers. They should also come up with strategies for easy payment systems
for the customers like online banking, cash on delivery, bkash, card payment and all. They need
to use clear images for every product and proper description. Also, they need to keep in mind about
the Bangladeshi peoples’ way of adapting new services. competitors are also using those
ways for advertisement.

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Bangladesh is a country of opportunity. It is a developing country. Though it is developing there

are a big amount of manpower are unemployed. In Bangladesh 40% work able people are
unemployed. Some percentage are working in daily or weekly basis. have a great
opportunity to use these manpower to make a stable business in Bangladesh. (Bangladesh
unemployment rate, Jan20, 2018)

Staffing is the process of finding, selecting, evaluating and developing a working relationship
with current or future employees. By this process organization hire suitable employee for their
organization. will be a new e-commerce site in Bangladesh. So staffing is very important for them
because if they don’t have skilled and good staff it will be difficult for them to become successful
in Bangladesh. can offering job by Bangladeshi media, newspaper and online job
portals. Ex-

To staffing manpower for need to follow some steps


Recruitment is the overall process of attracting, shortlisting, selecting and appointing suitable
candidates for jobs within an organization. By this process organization collect their necessary
employee so it is very important for every organization because employee is one of the most
important resource for an organization. (QTI, fall 2018)

21 | P a g e
Forecast staff needs: By this organization measure how many people need to achieve their
strategic goal. is an e-commerce online shop so it need staff mainly for IT and marketing and some
staff for delivery, product supply etc. (QTI, fall 2018)

Job Specifications: will recruit different types of people like IT expertise, sales
executive, marketing expertise, manager etc. depending their needs. They mainly focus on taking
hard working, punctual and experienced people. They should have-

 Good communication skill

 Hard working

 Can handle any situation properly

 Can talk Bengali & English fluently

 Know Bengali culture and how to behave with an Bangladeshi people

Minimum education requirement will be S.S.C (secondary school certificate) passed. (QTI,
fall 2018)

Selecting: It is the process of selecting right staff from all candidate. It is a lengthy process
and very important for organization. It plays a significant role for the organization. (QTI, fall

Review and Screen the CVs: By this organization review the CVs to select the correct candidates
as the candidate’s qualification and personality matches with the job or not. Some certain things
that checked mainly is given below:

 Skill ,education

 The candidate is experienced or not.

Other quality that he/she put on the CV that suitable or not. (QTI, fall 2018)

22 | P a g e
Interview: It is a process of testing a staff by asking questions or talking. An interview is a
conversation between two people or more where questions are asked to a person to get the
answers. The interviewer will ask question and the interviewee will answer question. will try to identify and select the candidates, who have knowledge about e-
commerce site and has a good skill about creating brand image, will also try to
recruits some managements who already works Bangladeshi e-commerce site. They also focus
on communication skills, and IQ of the candidates in the interview. (QTI, fall 2018)

Training and Development:

Training is the process of teaching new or current employees the basic skills they need to
perform their jobs. Training is necessary for every organization. If an organization does not
train their employee then the employee will not work properly because they have no skill and
knowledge about their work. New and old people both need proper training. But for new
employee training is must because they don’t know about the organization. So it is very
important for every organization because it increase the quality of all old and new employee. start their new business in Bangladesh, they will recruits manpower from
Bangladesh. is a UK based e-commerce sites and new to Bangladesh they have to
train about their policy, business rules-regulation, their code of conduct etc. Though they
recruits some management who already works in Bangladeshi e-commerce site it will be easier
for to train the employee. (QTI, fall 2018)


Every business firm always analyze four things, they are strength, weakness, opportunity and
threats. Based on these topic research business administrator operate their business. Now we
will analyze about’s one of threats, competitors. Every e-commerce business always
think about their competitors and is not different from them. Nowadays in
Bangladesh has internet in everywhere so that Bangladeshi e-commerce firms already take first
mover advantages. They has a big amount of market expansion. They are the leading e-

23 | P a g e
commerce brand in Bangladesh. We will analyze top ten Bangladeshi e-commerce site who
are competitors for Bangladeshi most popular and big e-commerce site. This site found in 2012. They
are selling verities product in their online shop. Bangladeshi biggest online bookshop. is a leading book seller

in Bangladesh. They also operating in Bangladesh from 2012.

Ajker This online shop also create a good market position in Bangladesh. They also
established in 2011. This online shop has a good brand image among Bangladeshi people. They do
their operation recently but has a good market value.

Pickaboo: This is also a leading e-commerce site in Bangladesh. They registered and doing
business from 2016.

They are all doing their operation successfully in Bangladesh. So if will not come with
a big business dimension it will difficult to survive in Bangladesh.

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Some time there is a problem with the seller that couldn’t get enough time for correct wrong before
the buyer can give a negative or natural feedback. Sometime they use this way to get their money
back. This things we must change because sellers revenue is also our revenue. In eBay business,
the internal factors are the weaknesses that impose difficulties in improving the performance of
the online auction/retail marketplace platform, classified listings websites, and ticket exchange
business. To improve competitiveness and performance, the company must overcome these
weaknesses. has the following main weaknesses:

1. Limited emphasis on innovation

2. Limited flexibility to market variations
3. Imitable business model

The recommendations in this case are intended to strategically respond to the internal factors and
external factors in the industry environment. The company’s management must especially consider
the opportunities for business growth. Based on this types of problems eBay can take some steps for
solving this

1. Increase its rate of innovation to address rapid changes in technologies, and to address the threat of

2. Increase its degree of decentralization to improve business flexibility to e-commerce market


3. Expand operations internationally, building on economies of scale. (Gupta, G.& MIshra,R.P. PP.

25 | P a g e
CONCLUSION is one of the renowned ecommerce sites of the world. The business will go well in the local
market as they are at the top of ecommerce business. Bangladesh may be a beat speculation goal after
China and India. The influx of outside coordinate speculation is 27.19 percent year-on-year to $1.45
billion within the July-February period, concurring to central bank information. The normal GDP
development was at 6.4 percent, per capita national net pay rose by 9.7 percent each year, expansion
rate came down to 6.1 percent at the conclusion of Walk this year from nearly a double-digit figure
six a long time back. Remote trade saves rose to $29 billion from $7.5 billion six a long time prior.
Human capital is one of the statistic focal points, as three million individuals connect the workforce
each year and Bangladesh can proceed the supply of the workforce until 2045. (Abdin, J.,2019) There
are seven center zones where billion-dollar speculation openings are lying- physical framework,
control, in reverse linkage industry for article of clothing and material, car, pharmaceuticals, calfskin
and shipbuilding. Bangladesh is presently in it creating arrange so that numerous foundations will
continue. The environment in Bangladesh for doing commerce is way better since they have inviting
state of mind with great tone of verbal and non-verbal communication. It is open for unused thoughts,
developments and undertakings. Over the final six a long time, Bangladesh reliably recorded advance
on different socio-economic pointers, counting GDP development, per capita salary, nourishment
generation, moo swelling, work creation, social portability and women’s strengthening. It is
innovation which has made a difference this development, and most vitally, it is investigate which has
reliably contributed to this development.

26 | P a g e

Bangladesh Geography Profile. 2018. Retrieved from

Bangladesh unemployment rate. Jan 20, 2018. Retrieved from

QTI. Fall 2018. MGT351: job specification, staffing & recruitment. Address at North South
University, Dhaka, Bangladesh

"10-K" (PDF). (Retrieved 25 January 2019). Annual report.

"EBAY .(2019). Summary for eBay Inc. - Yahoo Finance". Retrieved 2019-02-05

Gupta, G., & Mishra, R. P. (2016). A SWOT analysis of reliability centered maintenance
framework. Journal of Quality in Maintenance

World (2019). Bangladesh Population (2019) - Worldometers. [online]

Available at: [Accessed 16 Apr.

World population review. (2019). [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Apr. 2019].

Abdin, J. (2019). Investment Climate in Bangladesh: Performance and Possibilities. International Journal
of Economics & Management Sciences.

Climates to travel. (2019). Bangladesh climate: average weather, temperature, precipitation, best time.
Available at: [Accessed 16 Apr. 2019].

Studycountry. (2019). A Brief History of Bangladesh. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Apr. 2019]. (2019). BDT - Bangladeshi Taka rates, news, and tools. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Apr. 2019].

27 | P a g e (2019). Bangladesh. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Apr. 2019]. (2019). Bangladeshis. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Apr. 2019]. (2019). Customs and Traditions - Banglapedia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Apr. 2019].
Hofstede Insights. (2019). Bangladesh - Hofstede Insights. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Apr. 2019]. (2019). Economy of Bangladesh. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Apr. 2019].

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