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ccTalk Command List

Date: June. 25. 2015

International Currency Technologies Corp.

International Currency Technologies Corporation (ICT)

BR1500 Editor: Acqua Lin

Approbation: Joseph Hsiao
ccTalk Command List Version: SWD-06

Document Edition / Revise Recording

Revise Content Publication Date Version History PIC

1st Version Publication 2011.01.06 SWD-01 First edition Acqua Lin

Add Recycler Status

2st Version Publication 2011.07.04 SWD-02 Acqua Lin
(Header 255 – 04)
Revise Recycler Status
(Header 255 – 04)
3st Version Publication 2011.07.26 SWD-03 and Acqua Lin
add Clear Status Command
(Header 255 – 06)

4st Version Publication 2011.11.29 SWD-04 Add ccTalk Bill Event Codes Acqua Lin

5st Version Publication 2012.04.18 SWD-05 Update the contents of the file Acqua Lin

Add Command of
(Header 255-07)
(Header 255-08)
(Header 255-09)
6st Version Publication 2015.06.25 SWD-06 (Header 255-010) Phineas Hu
Add ccTalk Bill Event Codes
Stack Finish (0 210)
Modify the contents of Header

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International Currency Technologies Corp.
PURPOSE: ...............................................................................................................................- 4 -
THE INTRODUCTION OF COMMAND FUNCTION: ....................................................- 4 -
COMMAND EXPLANATION: .............................................................................................- 5 -
1. HEADER 255 – 01: ENABLE RECYCLER BILL TYPE........................................................................................................................ - 5 -
2. HEADER 255 – 02: RECYCLER STATUS .......................................................................................................................................... - 5 -
3. HEADER 255 – 03: DISPENSE VALUE............................................................................................................................................. - 5 -
4. HEADER 255 – 04: DISPENSE STATUS ........................................................................................................................................... - 6 -
5. HEADER 255 – 05: RECYCLER TO CASHBOX ................................................................................................................................. - 6 -
6. HEADER 255 – 06: CLEAR STATUS ................................................................................................................................................ - 6 -
7. HEADER 255 – 07: REQUEST THE POSITION OF RECYCLED BANKNOTES ......................................................................................... - 7 -
8. HEADER 255 – 08: STACK VALUE ................................................................................................................................................. - 7 -
9. HEADER 255 – 09: MODIFY INHIBIT RECYCLED BILLTYPE ............................................................................................................ - 8 -
10. HEADER 255 – 10: MODIFY INHIBIT RECYCLED BILLTYPE.......................................................................................................... - 8 -

TABLE 7 - CCTALK BILL EVENT CODES: .....................................................................- 9 -

* The Test Method for Appropriate Machine Type: BR1500

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International Currency Technologies Corp.
Explain the function and specification of “BR1500” ccTalk Command.

The Introduction of Command Function:

 The command for BR1500 as the table shows below.

Table 1 The Introduction of Command Function

Header Sub-Command Function Description
255 1 Enable Recycler Bill Type Set the denomination of inserting Recycler.
255 2 Recycler Status Show the bill numbers of Recycler.
255 3 Dispense Value Set the bill numbers of exiting from Recycler.
Show the rest bills of returning from Recycler
255 4 Dispense Status
and Recycler Status.
255 5 Recycler to Cashbox Convey all bills to Cashbox from Recycler.
255 6 Clear Status Clear Recycler Status.
Request the position of
255 7 Show the bill type of note in each position
recycled banknotes
Set the number of recycled notes that will
255 8 Stack Value
convey to cashbox
Modify Inhibit Recycled
255 9 Inhibit the billtype to store in the recycled module
Request Inhibit Recycled
255 10 Request the inhibit status of the recycled billtype

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International Currency Technologies Corp.
Command Explanation:

1. Header 255 – 01: Enable Recycler Bill Type

Transmitted data: [Sub-Command] [Bill Recycler with Stacker Enabled]

Received data: ACK

[Sub-Command]: 1

[Bill Recycler with Stacker Enabled]

0 = Bill cannot insert Recycler (insert Cashbox only).
1 ~ 16 = Set the denomination which can be inserted in Recycler.
254 = Set the all denominations which can be inserted in Recycler.
Ex: EURO; 5 EURO is the first denomination; 10 EURO is the second denomination; 20 EURO is the third

2. Header 255 – 02: Recycler Status

Transmitted data: [Sub-Command]

Received data: [Bill Count]

[Sub-Command]: 2

[Bill Count]: Show the bill numbers of Recycler.

3. Header 255 – 03: Dispense Value

Transmitted data: [Sub-Command] [Value of bills to be paid out]

Received data: ACK

[Sub-Command]: 3

[Value of bills to be paid out]: Set the bill numbers of exiting from Recycler

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International Currency Technologies Corp.

4. Header 255 – 04: Dispense Status

Transmitted data: [Sub-Command]

Received data: [Dispense Bill remaining] [Recycler Status] [LastBillValue]

[Sub-Command]: 4

[Dispense Bill remaining]: Show the rest bills of returning from Recycler.
[Recycler Status]:
0 = Self-test completed.
1 = Self-test not completed.
2 = Stacker not completed.

[LastBillValue]: Last Bill type (Recycler Status = 2)

5. Header 255 – 05: Recycler to Cashbox

Transmitted data: [Sub-Command]

Received data: ACK

[Sub-Command]: 5

Convey all bills to Cashbox from Recycler.

6. Header 255 – 06: Clear Status

Transmitted data: [Sub-Command]

Received data: ACK

[Sub-Command]: 6

Clear Recycler Status.(255-4 : Dispense Bill remaining , Recycler Status , LastBillValue).

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International Currency Technologies Corp.

7. Header 255 – 07: Request the position of recycled banknotes

Transmitted data: [Sub-Command]

Received data: [Position 1] [Position 2]…[Position 50]

[Sub-Command]: 7

[Position X]:
0 = no banknote
1~16 = Billtype 1 ~ 16
It means the bill type of recycled note in each position. The [Position 1] is the first banknote that was inserted
into the recycled module. And the [Position 50] is the last banknote that was inserted into the recycled module.
The recycled module is the LIFO(Last in first out) So the [Position 50] is the only one that is available to payout
or stack into the cashbox.

8. Header 255 – 08: Stack Value

Transmitted data: [Sub-Command] [The number of bills to be stacking]

Received data: ACK or NAK

[Sub-Command]: 8

[The number of bills to be stacking]:

Set the number of recycled notes that will convey to cashbox from recycler

If the stored notes are enough to achieve the command, the bill recycler will reply with ACK message. If
the operation is impossible, the bill recycler will reply with NAK message.

The event code(0 210) will be updated when the task is finish.

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International Currency Technologies Corp.

9. Header 255 – 09: Modify Inhibit Recycled Billtype

Transmitted data: [Sub-Command] [inhibit byte 1] [inhibit byte 2]

Received data: ACK or NAK

[Sub-Command]: 9

[inhibit byte 1]: bit 0 is billtype 1, bit 7 is billtype 8

[inhibit byte 2]: bit 0 is billtype 9, bit 7 is billtype 16

0= billtype disabled (inhibited)

1= billtype enabled (not inhibited)

This command can inhibit the billtype to be stored in the recycled module.

This command is valid when the command 255-01 was set with the value of 255(It means all denominations
which can be inserted in Recycler).If It is valid, the bill recycler will reply with ACK message. If the
command is invalid, the bill recycler will reply with NAK message.

10. Header 255 – 10: Request Inhibit Recycled Billtype

Transmitted data: [Sub-Command]

Received data: [inhibit byte 1] [inhibit byte 2]

[Sub-Command]: 10

This command requests the inhibit status of the recycled billtype.

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International Currency Technologies Corp.

Table 7 - ccTalk Bill Event Codes:

Result A Result B Event Type

1 to 255 0 Bill type 1 to 255 validated correctly and
sent to cashbox / stacker
1 to 255 1 Bill type 1 to 255 validated correctly and
held in escrow
Pending Credit
0 0 Master inhibit active Status
0 1 Bill returned from escrow Status
0 2 Invalid bill ( due to validation fail ) Reject
0 3 Invalid bill ( due to transport problem ) Reject
0 4 Inhibited bill ( on serial ) Status
0 5 Inhibited bill ( on DIP switches ) Status
0 6 Bill jammed in transport ( unsafe mode ) Fatal Error
0 7 Bill jammed in stacker Fatal Error
0 8 Bill pulled backwards Fraud Attempt
0 9 Bill tamper Fraud Attempt
0 10 Stacker OK Status
0 11 Stacker removed Status
0 12 Stacker inserted Status
0 13 Stacker faulty Fatal Error
0 14 Stacker full Status
0 15 Stacker jammed Fatal Error
0 16 Bill jammed in transport ( safe mode ) Fatal Error
0 17 Opto fraud detected Fraud Attempt
0 18 String fraud detected Fraud Attempt
0 19 Anti-string mechanism faulty Fatal Error
0 20 Barcode detected Status
0 21 Unknown bill type stacked Status

0 202 Sensor Problem in Bill Acceptor

0 203 Sensor Problem in Recycler
0 210 Convey(stack) Finish

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