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Time Management

Vocabulary List

Time expressions

in time (for smth)/on time (for appointments/classes/work)/in good time/in no time

at the time/at one time/at times/for the time being

in one’s time/before one’s time/behind the times/keep up with the times

time after time/time and again

all in good time/in the nick of time

take one’s time/bide one’s time/to have time on one’s hands

waste time/idle away time/kill time

for old time’s sake

about time too

time saving

to be pressed for time/to be time-pressured/to be short of time/time is against you

make time for smth (to do smth)/free up time for smth (to do smth)/set aside time for smth (to do smth)

in the time available

Time is one of the greatest assets/luxuries in life

a rigid/healthy/casual attitude to time-keeping

a relaxed/natural/fast/frantic/non-stop/hectic/demanding pace of life

to work effectively/ineffectively/effectually/ineffectually/productively/unproductively/aimlessly

to work long hours/irregular hours

to use time efficiently/sensibly/aimlessly

to plan accurately

to allocate a special time for smth

Essential elements/important aspects of effective time management

essential elements TO or NOT TO experience this

of you do this
time management or because of this
to map out smth to drift along from day to day=
to live from one day to the next
long-term planning to avoid unnecessary frustration and
wasted effort
1. Forward to have clear, long-term personal objectives “Your life will take a new zest, you’ll
planning add years to your life and more life to
your years.”
to make allowances for smth to improve your efficiency
to keep a diary to keep up with the pace of daily life
to plan and deal with things in the order of
their importance
to look ahead to anticipate future

2. Setting to fix=to set yourself objectives and to improve your motivation

priorities and keep to them
to have a specific aim
goals to work towards your goal
to achieve = to obtain goals

3. Being to achieve smth in the time available unmet expectations

to sort out priorities to put smb under more pressure
to divide work into manageable portions to create more stress
to work a piece at a time to have yourself to blame

to take on=to get down to work to tend to do quick, easy and enjoyable
things first and put off = leave =
postpone things that are unpleasant till
the last moment/the last
4. Finishing minute/tomorrow
to do priority jobs first to do first what attracts you most
the hardest tasks to complete should be to jump around from task to task=
you start planned first and finished first, however to flitter form one thing to another
to be self-disciplined to leave things unfinished/half-finished
to set yourself a deadline to be easily distracted
to meet a deadline in good time through lack of time
(to need) to feel the adrenaline rush
produced by stress

tiredness can present a major obstacle to our carrying on=going on can be

obtaining goals counterproductive
5. Feeling
to take a break to be overloaded with work
tired to take time off work to be snowed under (with smth)
to make yourself ill
to phone in sick
6. Giving work should take second place to health to fell restless/overwhelmed
to sleep well to worry about the trivia
to do/play a sport to be good for physical well-being and
to health a healthy outlook on life
to identify and analyze problems

to “clock-watch” all day waiting for the to be much better off taking holidays
moment when you can leave and go home and weekends
to work long hours to “switch off” and relax
to voluntarily do unpaid overtime spending to be most productive
evenings and weekends at work
to spend all of your conscious hours in the
7. Being a to have every minute filled
workaholic to play a big part in disrupting many
people’s work-life balance
eating becomes a secondary issue
the emotional burdens that come from
overwork are frustration and anxiety
to experience burn out – long-term physical
and emotional exhaustion
workaholism doesn’t make for higher
to become less creative/more
obsessional/more bogged down

time is against you to adapt to the circumstances

to be pressed for time=to be time- good enough is still good
8. Always
pressured=to be short of time
trying to achieving perfection slows you down and in all probability no one will notice the
achieve reduces productivity difference
perfection to do things to the best of your ability to limit the amount of work you try to
do in a day
to lower your expectations

life is not ruled by the clock to fail to achieve the right balance
between work and relaxation
to be in control of your time/work/life to feel under stress
to be as careful with your time as you are stress is the outcome
9. Achieving with money
the right to have low stress levels slumping in front of the television is a
poor use of time
work-life to allow yourself to have a lie-in at
balance weekends
to make the most of every day
to make time for yourself
to free up time for the things you find most
fulfilling for you in life
to set aside enough time for your pursuits/to
pursue your interests
to achieve much more in the long term by
planning both work and leisure
to make use of travelling time

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