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Working Day

Vocabulary List

Daily Routine

a weekday; on a weekday/on weekdays

a workday = a working day; on a working day/on working days
a usual/typical/busy/tiring working day
fixed working hours = a fixed schedule ≠ a sliding=flexible schedule
to work/to do the morning/day/night/an 8-hour shift; to do the first/the second shift at_University
to be on the morning/day/night shift
to work shifts ≠ to work in shifts
to have an ordinary/strange routine
to live/to lead a normal/double/hectic/busy/sedentary life
Her routine varies depending on what jobs she has got on.
She alters her routine according to her mood.
to get down to = to turn to = to take on work
to start on one’s work = to set about doing smth
to be through = to be done with smth
to work on/at smth

Waking up

to wake up/ to wake smb up

to set the alarm clock for … a.m.
the alarm clock wakes me up at … o’clock.
the alarm clock goes off at … o’clock.
to wake up before the alarm clock goes off
to reach out and turn the alarm clock off
to press the snooze button and doze for just a few more minutes
to bury one’s head under the pillows pretending not to hear the alarm clock
to put a pillow over one’s head and go back to sleep
to wake up to one’s favourite song/to the sound of the radio
to be wakened from one’s sleep by a bell

Getting up

to get up = to turn out (right after you wake up)

to get up as soon as you are called
to call smb in good time to get up
to pull the bed clothes off smb
to be/not to be quick to leave your bed
to jump = to leap out of bed
(to need some time) to lie/to stay in bed
(to afford yourself) to have a lie-in/to sleep in
to get up early = to be an early riser = to be a morning (type of) person = to get an early start (to the day)
to get up late = to be a late riser = to be an owl = to be an evening (type of) person = to get a late start (to the
to get up/to be up at the crack of dawn
getting up early can be a challenge
The early bird catches the worm
If I had a good night’s sleep/managed to get a decent eight hours’ sleep I feel
fully alert/alert/revitalized/relaxed/refreshed/fresh/active/energetic/bright/good-tempered/efficient/at my best

If I had a bad night’s sleep/didn’t manage to recharge my batteries I feel

drowsy/dozy/sluggish/nervy/irritable/groggy/tired/weary/exhausted/run down

to set smb into a cheerful working mood

to put some life into smb
to run to the window and open it wide to let the fresh morning air in
to air the room
to be still half asleep
to be like a machine that’s programmed to carry out automatic actions
to tend to spend the first part of the day waking up and really come to life in the evening
to grope one’s way across the room to draw the curtains
to spend the first few hours of the day pottering around the flat before you get down to work
to spend most of the morning on the phone/on the Internet

to be pressed for = to be short of time

to make the bed
to tidy up the room
to do morning exercises; to work out; to go to the gym for a work-out; to do press-ups (Br) = to do push-ups

Keeping clean

to put on a dressing gown and slippers

to go straight to the bathroom
to turn on/off the hot and cold taps
to have (Br) / to take (Am) a (cold/warm/contrast/quick) shower
to have a bath
to have a wash = to wash up (Am)
to wash yourself thoroughly
to wash one’s hair
to have a shave/to shave
to brush/to clean one’s teeth
to rub one’s hands with soap
to dry oneself on a towel


to have __ breakfast/lunch/dinner
to have a light ≠ heavy=substantial=hearty=large=big=square breakfast; to have a cooked breakfast
The breakfast I had in the morning was substantial.
to have a snack
As I live by myself/on my own/alone, I have to make my own breakfast and dinner, but during the week I don’t
bother to cook very much.
Doctors say breakfast must be the most substantial meal of the day, but I have neither time nor inclination to
cook it.
to have little appetite in the morning
not to spend much time over breakfast=to be long at breakfast
to sit down at the table and quickly gulp down one’s tea
to be the life and soul of the breakfast table
Even after two cups of coffee and some toast the day doesn’t seem any brighter.
A cup of strong coffee sets me into a cheerful working mood/puts some life into me.
Getting ready for University

to make up =to put on make-up = to put one’s face on

to do/to brush/to comb one’s hair
to dress = to get dressed; to change one’s clothes; to put on (a piece of clothing)
to pack one’s bag/satchel; to look round for one’s satchel

The way to the University

to live in the suburbs/on the outskirts/in the city centre=downtown (Am)

to go to the University by bus/tram/train/trolleybus/minibus/underground
to get=to take the bus/tram/train/trolleybus/minibus/underground (to the University)
to commute/to drive/to cycle/to walk to the University
to walk in any weather to enjoy the fresh air=to go on foot
It takes me 45 minutes to get to the University by bus.
It’s a fifteen minutes’ walk/ride by bus from my home/house.
It’s rather a long/short way from my house.
It takes/doesn’t take me long to get there.
The University is within walking distance of my house/hall of residence.

to pick up one’s satchel, to put on one’s coat and rush out of the door
to leave home/the house for the University at … o’clock
to hurry to a bus stop; to be in a (terrific) hurry
to be pressed for time=to be short of time
to have plenty of time
the bus stop is just round the corner/on the corner of the street
to run quickly towards the bus as you see it in the distance
to catch ≠ to miss a bus
to get on ≠ off the bus at a stop
the bus goes to the Underground station
bus 18/the 18 runs every 10 minutes
to wait at the bus stop/on the platform
the underground/the tube/the subway/the metro
to travel three (bus) stops
to travel in the rush hour
to get stuck in a traffic jam
to be crammed/to be packed like sardines in a can
to study/to doze on the bus/on the train

on the way to the University

to meet group mates/fellow students/fellow workers=co-workers=colleagues
to go on together talking shop=business
to come to/to get to/to arrive at the University on time/in time/at the right time
to be punctual
at 1 p.m. sharp=at 1 p.m. exactly
my watch is 5 minutes fast/slow
I am 5 minutes late/early
to be late= to be tardy (Am) for classes=to be a latecomer

At University

our classes begin ≠ are over at … o’clock

to work/study steadily till … o’clock with a ten-minute break after each class
to have a lunch/coffee break
to have lunch/to have a snack at the University canteen
to learn smth new every day
to broaden one’s horizons=outlook
to doze at the lecture
to communicate=to socialize with friends
to be involved in extracurricular activities; to be involved with a group/club
to take part in the work of scholarly clubs and societies
to leave the University (at) around=(at) about … o’clock
to go straight home
on the way home
to call at=to drop in at=to drop into a place (e.g. a shop, my friend’s)
to call on=to drop in on smb (e.g. my friend)
to get home=to arrive home


to feel tired/dog-tired/exhausted/weary/run down/groggy/worn out/knackered (inf, Br)/beat(inf, Am)

to come home and relax= wind down; to “switch off”
to stay in ≠ to go out (on the town)
friends come round for a chat/ for a cup of tea
to hang out with friends; to entertain
to enjoy socializing and night life
to be able to enjoy and make the most of all the nightlife that is on offer
to walk around the city; to go for a walk; to take smb for a walk
to go to the gym for a work-out
to go to dance classes
to feel like doing smth = to have inclination to do sth
to allocate a special time for smth
to surf_ the net
to play computer games
to listen to music
to slump in front of the television
to miss out on smth in life (I never really feel I’m missing out on anything)
to make the most of every day

Mental powers

to get down to doing homework

to put off doing homework till morning
to have no inclination to do homework in the evening
It takes me 2 hours to do my homework.
My mental powers are at their peak/at their trough in the evening/_ last thing at night/_ first thing in the
I’m most alert and mentally at my best in the evening/_ last thing at night/_ first thing in the morning.
I accomplish my best work in the evening/_ last thing at night/_ first thing in the morning and leave the
morning/the evening for winding down and relaxing.

+ Essential elements of effective time management (see Time Management

+ Work-life balance (Vocabulary List)

Sleep (See Sleep Questionnaire)

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