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Quiz 1

(Time: 10 minutes)

Choose the correct item.

1 Paul has got…. money in his pocket.

A a
B an
C some

2 There are…. children in the park.

A a
B an
C some

3 Can I have a….of soap to wash my hands, please?

A cup
B bar
C loaf

4 Let's buy two….of cola.

A cans
B cartons
C bowls

5 Is there….apple in the basket?

A a
B an
C some
6 Can I have a……of chocolate, please?
A bottle
B jug
C bar
7 We need a….of flour
A bag
B piece
C slice
8 Can I have a…..of honey, please?
A jar
B bar
C cup
9 Let’s buy….. grapes
A a
B an
C some
10 Can I have a…...of meat, please?
A cup
B kilo
C loaf
11 There are many famous…. in Rome.
A churchs
B churches
C church
12 Can you buy a….of bread, please?
A leaf
B packet
C loaf
13 The baby has got two new…..
A tooths
B teeth
C tooth

14 There aren’t many… in the library today.

A peoples
B person
C people
15 I want to have a… of soup for lunch.
A packet
B bottle
C bowl
16 There are no…… on the lrees.
A leaves
B leafs
C leaf
17 Can i have a…. of orange juice, please?
A glass
B bar
C piece
18 There are some……in the garden.
A butterfly
B butterflies
C butterflys
19 There is….. butter in the 1ridge.
A a
B some
C an
20 These……are heavy.
A boxes
B box
C box’s

21 Add…..salt to your soup it you want.

A a
B some
C an
22 I’d like a…..of coffee.
A can
B bottle
C cup

23 The girls have got…

A red schoolbag
B red schoolbags
C reds schoolbags
24 We need some…. of tuna.
A tins
B bottles
C packets
25 There is…. orange and …. banana on the table.
A a, an
B an, a
C an, an
Choose the correct item.
1 Julie …. got a sister.
A haven’t

B hasn’t

C isn’t

2 I …. play the guitar.

A can
B am
C have
3 Claire is twelve. She is ……. student.
A the
B a
4 We’re funny. Look at …….. !
A us

B we

C you

5 Peter …. a pet.
A have got
B haven't got
C hasn’t got.
6 Mum and Dad …… happy.
A am
B is
C are
7 Paul …. my brother,…
A isn’t
B aren't
C am not
8 The boys are in the park. … are happy
A They
B We
C Them
9 … Sarah a teacher?

A Am
B Is
C Are
10 ….. you ride a bike?
A Have
B Are
C Can
11 Tom …… play basketball well.
A can’t
B isn’t
C hasn’t
12 ….. Paul got a bicycle?
A Is
B Have
C Has

13 We ……… any homework today.

A aren’t
B haven’t got
C can’t
14 The Petersons exercise a lot. … jogging every day
A We
B They
C Them
15 This is Emma. …. is twelve.
A Hers
B Her
C She

16 Jane ……… a doctor. She is a teacher.

A aren’t
B isn’t
C ’m not
17 They can swim. Look at …… !

A them
B we
C they
18 ….. he sing?
A Is
B Can
C Has
19 .. … the children at school?
A Have
B Is
C Are

20 We ……… teachers. We are students.

A isn't
B are
C aren’t
21 … She …. a blue dress?

A Have, got
B Has, got
C Haven’t, got
22 My f iends …. play volleyball.
A can
B are
C have got
23 How old ……. Ben?
A are
B am
C is
24 I …. ride a horse.
A am
B can
C have got
25 Look at …… ! …. can draw.
A her, She
B hers, She
C she, Her
Choose the correct item.
1 This is Lisa’s book. It’s ….
A hers
B she
C her
2 These toys are…
A you
B your
C yours
3 Mr Brown is …. teacher.
A our

B ours

C us

4 …. is a bag.
A Those

B This

C These

5 Bill’s got a computer. It’s…

A him

B he

C his

6 …. are Katie’s gloves.

A These

B This

C That

7 These pens are ….

A their

B theirs

C them
8 This is the …… jacket.
A man's
B mans'
C mens’
9 Look at the wheels …. the car.
A from
B of
C to
10 That CD is ….
A my
B me
C mine
11 ….. are my new shoes.
A This
B These
C That
12 Can you see the …. ?
A house’s roof
B roof of the house
C roof’s of the house
13 Have you got …. pencil case?
A Peter's
B Peters’
C Peter
14 The house is yellow. …. doors are brown.
A It’s
B Its
C It
15 … house is Peter’s.
A These
B Those
C That Wearcoat!
16 It’s cold outside.
A your
B yours
C you
17 These clothes aren’t
A our
B ours
C we
18 …. children are young.
A They’re
B They
C Their
19 I love …. grandparents.
A mine

B me

C my

20 The ……. toys are in the box.

A children’s
B childrens’
C children
21 Tom is Mary’s friend. He isn’t a friend of…
A my
B her
C mine
22 Jack is Amy’s brother. He is ….. brother.
A hers
B she
C her

23 This is …. house. It’s their house.

A Ann’s and Ted’s
B Ann’s and Ted
C Ann and Ted’s
24 Look at the …. beautiful dresses.
A women’s
B womens’
C women

25 These are …. books.

A Johns’ and Kates’
B John's and Kate’s
C John's and Kates
Quiz 4
Choose the correct item.

1 Mum is in ….. living room.

A a
B an
C the
2 There is …. cat in the tree.
A a
B an
C some

3 I am from … Spain.
A a
B -
C the
4 There is ….. milk in the fridge.
A a
B an
C some
5 Is your dad …. astronaut?
A a
B an
C the
6 There’s a newspaper on …. table.
A the
B -
C a
7 There are ……. apples in the bowl.
A a
B an
C some
8 Have you got ….. umbrella?
B an
C the
Are you from …… Paris?
A -
B a
C the
10 Have ….. Browns got a dog?
A a
B an
C the
11 Have you got ….. piano at home?
A an
B the
C a
12 …. Eiffel Tower is in Pafis.
B The
C An
13 There are ….. oranges in the basket.
A some
B an
C a
14 Jane lives in …… London.
A -
B the
C a
15 The children go on ….. trips every year.
A -
B a
C an
16 … s want to go to Italy.
B The

17 ….. octopus is a sea animal.

A An
18 Can you see ….. moon this evening?
A some
B a
C the
19 Mark hasn’t got …. guitar.
A an
B a
C some
20 Emily is in … kitchen.
B the
21 Nurses wear … uniform at work.
A an
B a
C the
22 Lucy is from … New York.

A the
B a
C —

23 Philip is … good student.

A a
B an
C the
24 … white coat is mine.
B The
C An
25 There are … strawberries in the bridge.
A a
B the
C some

Choose the correct item

1 Are there … pears in the basket?

A any
B some
C no
2 There aren’t .. people at the party.
A much
B many
C a lot of
3 There isn’t … sugar there.
A any
B some
C many
4 There isn’t …. cheese on my pizza.
A much
B many
C a lot of
5 Can you buy … eggs, please?
A any
B some
C not any
6 t’ve got … pens in my bag.
A much
B any
C a lot of
7 There aren’t … carrots left. Can you get some from the supamarket?
A much
B some,
C any
8 There aren't … apples in the fridge.
A much
B many
C a lot of
9 We haven’t got … time left.
A no
B some
C much
10 There is … cola in the bottle.
A any
B many
C a lot of
11 James has got … books on his desk.
A any
B some
C much
12 Some children eat … sweets.
A a lot of
B many
C much
13 There aren’t … pears in the bowl.
A many
B much
C some
14 Has Tanya got … pets at home?
A any
B some
C much
15 John needs … new clothes.
A any
B some
C much
16 Can you play .. sports?
A much
B a lot
C any
17 Would you like …. coffee?
A any
B some
C many

18 How … milk is there in the carton?

A many
B much
C a lot of

19 There is … jam left. We have to buy a jar.

A any
B some
C no
20 There is … pasta of the pbte.
B many
C a lot of
21 James hasn’t got .. ….. money
A much
B many
C no
22 Diane hasn’t got … homework today.
A some
B many
C any
23 He … bags of flour do you need.*
A much
B many
C any

24 There aren’t … eggs in the fridge

A much
B some
C any
25 They have go … DVDs
A a lot of
B much
C any

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