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After reading the text decide whether you think these statements are

true or false:

        Students’ and postgraduates’ research papers usually have polar true
        Research papers can be written according to a random formula. false

        Students should start to present information in the research work false
without wasting time on thinking over the structure of the paper.

        The writing task for the reader should be defined in the introduction false
of the research work.

        Terms are not to be defined in the paper as readers are good experts false
in the problem discussed.

        Graphs and tables are strongly recommended when listing the true
results of the experiment.

        Conclusions differ from the body of the report in the way of true
presenting the facts.

Vocabulary work

1. Match the columns.

 1. to present the views e) знайомити із поглядами

 2. random formula c) безладна формула
 3. to conform to f) підпорядковувати, погоджувати
 4. to evaluate information h) оцінювати інформацію
 5. to order disparate facts d) упорядкувати непорівнянні факти
 6. to cover all the aspects b) охоплювати всі аспекти
 7. to enhance a) посилювати, збільшувати
 8. to define concisely g) стисло визначати
2. Find the words in the unit which have the opposite meaning to the
words below.

1 to differ from
2 similar
3 to diminish
4 approximately
5 in detail
6 colourless
7 useless
8 scientific

Key vocabulary:

a research paper - исследовательская работа,

research findings - результаты исследований,
postgraduates - аспиранты,
to evaluate information - оценивать информацию,
notations - условные обозначения,
acknowledging material - подтверждающий материал,
source - источник,
to discover, - обнаружить,
to develop a viewpoint - развить точку зрения,
an outline - план,
introduction, - введение,
body - тело,
conclusion - вывод,
to define - определять,
definition - определение,
background information - исходная информация,
graphs and tables - графики и таблицы,
summary - резюме,
abstract - Аннотация.
Text work

1. Answer the questions.

— What is a research paper?

The research paper is a typewritten paper in which you present your
views and research findings on a chosen topic.
— Complete the ideas:
Students usually work on the ‘term paper’ or the ‘library paper’ or
the ‘diploma paper’.

Postgraduates work on their dissertations.

— What is the task of any research work?

No matter what the paper is called, the task is essentially the same: to
read on a particular topic, evaluate information about it, and report
your findings in a paper.
— The research paper can not be written according to a random formula,
can it?
The research paper can not be written according to a random formula
but must conform to specific format.
— What does the specific format of writing a research work govern?
The format governs the entire paper from the placing of the title to the
width of the margins, and to the notations used in acknowledging
material drawn from other sources.
— What are the key issues in interpreting the facts?
Perhaps the key word is logical because it is through logic that you will
take disparate facts and order them into a meaningful pattern.
— What are the components of a technical report?
In addition, the outline breaks a long technical report down into these
components: introduction, body, and conclusion.
— What information must be included in the introduction? Body?
Introduction, labelled The Problem, consists of the kind of
information that must be included in the introduction of any technical
— What are abstracts or summaries? In what way must they be written?
An abstract or a summary highlights the most important ideas in the
proposal, manual or dissertation. Abstracts or summaries are very
helpful to people outside your scientific field so they need to be
worded carefully in general, not scientific terms.

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