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Environmental pollution is an incurable disease.

It can only
be prevented
What is Environmental pollution?
Environmental pollution is defined as “the contamination of the physical and
biological components of the earth/atmosphere system to such an extent that normal
environmental processes are adversely affected.”
For us to live in a healthy environment we have to prevent pollutants to affect
it. If we will continue to ignore the consequences of pollution we won’t be able to use
natural products without doing us harm or to enjoy a simple walk outside. When I
think of nature and its astonishing beauty, my heart breaks that some people don’t
realise that we must protect it and care for it, not just only for ourselves, but also for
the future generations.
There are many types of environmental pollution, depending on the nature of
pollutants: air pollution, soil pollution, water pollution…
All of them affect us directly and indirectly, for example by ingesting plants with a
high concentration of heavy metals. One of the most dangerous is the air pollution.
Due to the rise of the concentration of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere
(like CO2 or CH4) we are facing today the effects of Climate change. We humans did
this and we must stop carbon emissions, deforestation, burning fossil fuels and start to
change our way of thinking and acting to restore our only home, Earth.
Many animal species changed their homes and began migrating to cooler
places, others began to disappear, due to pollution. Ocean acidification destroyed
many specials of coral reefs and by 2050 studies predict that all of them will be gone.
Coral reefs are home and food to many fishes. Everything in nature is in balance,
every little and big part of it matters and must be in good shape and everything cycles
and recycles, as John Bruckner described nature as “one continued web of life”.
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, as everyone declared quarantine and flights
and long travels were canceled, recent studies showed us that the atmosphere became
less polluted.
If we want to live in a world without pollution we have to start acting for it, by
adopting a healthy lifestyle, a plastic free environment, less traveling by plane,
cycling or using public transportation ...

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