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Buku Prof Grabber Pediatri

CASE 13.1

1. E. 90%
2. E. all of the above
3. E. all of the above
4. B. oral sodium phospahat solution


E. sepsis

D. exchange transfusion with normal saline

CASE 13.2:

1. A. she has breastfeeding failure jaundice

2. B. gestational age > 41 weeks
3. C. admission for fototheraphy
4. D. 14 days
5. D. eritema at the site of immunization
6. B. The fever and rash side effect of the MMR are from the measles component and usually occur
one week after the vaccine is given
7. B. 9 months
8. C. seizure like activity my occur with breath holding spells
9. D. rotavirus
10. A. murmur is grade II/VI
11. C. ecg and chest radiograph


A. Continue to breastfeed

CASE 13.3

1. E. Inadequate nutrtion
2. A. allow the child to feed herself whenever she is hungry and thirsty.
3. C. infuse 20 ml/kgBB normal saline iv over 20 minutes
4. D. 20 ml/kg NS over 20 minutes
5. C. Herpetic ginnggivostomatitis
6. B. 2
7. C. The height spurt occurs early during puberty and is almost complete at menarche

C. cow milk protein intolerance

CASE 13.4

1. C. intusuusception
2. E. none of the above
3. D. an abdominal ultrasound

CASE 13.5

1. A. x-ray
2. A. admit to the hospital
3. E. none of the above
4. E. Hypertonic left upper extremity: refer for further evaluation and treatment of his delay
5. D. Modified checklist for autism in toddlers

CASE 13.6

1. B. 10%
2. A. a family history of enuresis
3. D. spine MRI to rule out pathologic lesion
4. A. patient education and motivational training


E. B and C

B. Henoch Schonlein Purpura (HSP) Aka Immunoglobulin A vasculitis

CASE 13.7

1. A. obtain urinalisis and urine culture

2. C. bladder catheterization
3. B. amoxiciiliin
4. E. none of the above
5. E. none of the above

CASE 13.8:

1. A. empiric theraphy with ampicillin and gentamicin

2. D. Treponema pallidum
3. E. A and B

QUICK QUIZZ: Congenital Infections

1. B. rubella imunity status

2. A. patent ductus arteriosus
CASE 13.9

1. E. observation with no intervention at this time

2. A. The majority of infants with neonatal HSV are born to mothers with symptomatic herpetic

CASE 13.10

1. B. Get treated within 96 hours of exposure with varicella immunoglobulin

2. B. varicella immune globulin is aimed mostly at attenuating the case in the mother should be
3. C. cardiac abnormalities
4. D. all lesions are crusted over

CASE 13.11

1. A. Parvovirus B-19
2. B. Birth defects, including CNS and limb disease
3. D. This child can be allowed back into preschool and is no longer infectious


1. A. Roseola infantum (erythema subitum)

2. D. use commercially prepared oral rehydration solution and reintroduce foods as tolerated

CASE 13.12

1. A. colic
2. D. anticholinergic drugs are effective in treating infant colic, but the risk are unacceptable


1. E. leave the child on the mothers lap and don’t upset the child
2. C. emergent surgery

CASE 13.15

1. E. all of the above

2. A. Reye syndrome
3. C. aspirin
4. D. Gangrenous bowel

CASE 13.16

1. Siblings of an infant with SIDS have a fivefold increase in the risk of SIDS
2. C. early introduction of solid foods
3. D. place the child in the supine position (stomach and face up) when sleeping
CASE 13.17

1. E. children should have good head control before solid food are considered
2. B. do not change formula
3. E. A and D
4. D. treat with lactulose
5. E. Thickening formula with rice sereal

CASE 13.18

1. E. surfactant
2. D. prolonged rupture of the membrans
3. C. pneumonia
4. B. ceftriaxone

CASE 13.19

1. D. admit to the hospital

2. E. ampicillin and cefotaxime
3. D. osteomielisis
4. E. all of the above
5. C. 4 weeks


E. None of the above

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