Law of Crimes-II Examination, 2020 PDF

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Paper Code: BLW – 305

B.A.LL.B (Hons) IV Semester Examination, 2020

Law of Crimes - II

Maximum Marks: 75

 Attempt all five questions. All the questions carry equal marks.
 Mention your Full name, Roll no. and Student ID at the beginning of your answer script.
 All the text of the answers shall be typed in Times New Roman, font size 12, 1.5 line spacing and
justified. There shall be a margin of 1 inch on all sides.
 There shall be no borders.
 The word limit for each answer shall be 1200-1500 words.
 The answers may be typed or handwritten (scanned).
 The answer script is required to be e-mailed as an attachment (in PDF) at with a subject line “Law of Crimes-II Examination, 2020”
 Last day for the submission of answer script is May 30, 2020.

1. Discuss the various theories of punishment. According to you which approach of punishment will help in
preventing the increasing number of crimes in our country? Elaborate your answer by giving appropriate
examples. (15 marks)


2. ‘X’ is forcibly carried away by her husband ‘Z’. She resists, and in order to save herself, ‘X’ throws a
stone at ‘Z’ which resulted in Z’s death. Did ‘X’ exceed her right of private defence? Discuss the liability of
‘X’ if any, with relevant provisions and case law. (15 marks)


3. “The legal conception of insanity differs considerably from the medical conception”. Comment with
supporting case law. (15 marks)

4. ‘A’, with the intention of murdering ‘Z’, instigates ‘B’ (a lunatic) to give poison to ‘Z’. ‘B’, however,
takes the poison himself and dies. Discuss the liability of ‘A’ if any, with relevant provisions and decided
cases. (15 marks)


5. Discuss the essential ingredients to charge a person under the offence of ‘Forgery’ as mentioned under the
Indian Penal Code. Can a man commit forgery by signing his own name? Elaborate with the help of decided
case law. (15 marks)

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