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Article Review Form

Student Name: Radhika Singhania Reg. No: 1920343

Class: III Sem BBA ‘C’

Subject: Research Methodology

Date: 22/05/2020 Faculty: Dr. Raghavendra A.N.

Final Score: ________________

Name of Journal Newspaper or Magazine or the Internet Article Address:

Harvard Business Review

Mela, C. F., & Moorman, C. (2018). Why marketing analytics hasn’t lived up to its promise.
Harvard Business Review, 1-7

Internet article address-


Title of the article/paper:

Why Marketing Analytics Hasn’t Lived Up to Its Promise

Date, volume and issue of the article:

30 May, 2018. PP: 1-7

What is the main idea of the article?

It describes how different forces (the data used in analytics and the analyst talent producing it)
has inhibited organizations from realizing the full potential of marketing analytics and offer
specific prescriptions to better align analytics outcomes with increased spending.

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List 3 facts you learned from your article:

• Companies face an unprecedented opportunity to delight their customers by delivering

the right products and services to the right people at the right time and the right format,
location, devices, and channels.
• Realizing the potential and the associated performance benefits, however, requires a
proactive and strategic approach to marketing analytics.
• The promise is achievable but companies need to invest in the right mix of data,
systems, and people to realize these gains.

1. Examine the literature review.

a. Are the previous studies identified and described?
Yes, many valuable data showing the previous analytical tools and the outcomes
yield has been identified and compared with various companies and the data has be discussed
in the article.

b. Are the references current?

Yes, the references are current.

c. Are the studies critiqued by the researcher?

Yes, it has been criticized by the researcher as it indicates various methodologies

that the companies uses and procure their data which in few cases helps them but is uncertain
whether the data yields them success or not.

d. Is the current knowledge of the research problem described? Identify the

current knowledge base.

Yes, the author has described the major shift in the thoughts on marketing and
the process to use analytics to obtain success. The author has also talked about how the
problems can be solved and what is important.

2. List the research objectives, questions or hypotheses.

OBJECTIVES: To identify if the marketing analytics is helpful to the companies and

in what way and how far it has helped the corporates identify whether the success earned

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is due to analytics result or due to other reasons.


• How can it be that firms have not seen any increase in how analytics contribute
to company performance, but are nonetheless planning to increase spending so

• Whether the investments in analytics is worth it or not?

• Why should one use a complicated model to present information when a simple
infographic would suffice?


• The firms have not yet seen any increase in how analytics contribute to
company performance, but are nonetheless planning to increase their

• To understanding how data obtained from analytics will ultimately be

integrated and measured that should be considered prior to collecting the
data, precisely because it will lower the cost of matching in analytics.

3. Label variables: independent, dependent, or research.

INDEPENDENT VARIABLES- data collected from different systems using different

coding schemes, right marketing talent.

DEPENDEMT VARIABLES- success of the marketing tools used, success of the

company due to investment in analytics and the marketing team.

RESEARCH- Marketing analytics and how far it helps to determine and quantify
success in the companies.

4. Describe the sample.

a. Population
2796 top U.S. marketers at for- profit companies

b. sample size
3362 responded for a 12.95% response rate

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c. characteristics of sample
VP-level and above of the companies responded to the research providing the
information to the survey conducted.

d. sample frame
Drawn from the CMO survey conducted by Duke University’s Fuqua School of
Business and sponsored by Deloitte LLP and the American Marketing Association.

e. method used to obtain the sample

• email contact with four follow up reminders
• survey in field from January 9-30, 2018
• 98.3% of respondents VP-level or above.

5. Describe measurement methods

The measurement methods used were sample average (M), sample standard deviation
(SD), Business to business firms (B2B), and Business to consumer firms (B2C).

A seven point scale measurement (where 1 denoted not at all effective and 7- denoted highly
effective) was used to measure the effect of analytics on company-wide performance .

6. Describe the researcher’s interpretation of the findings.

The researcher interprets that on the analytics side, it goes without saying that years
of training and practice are necessary. Most important is knowing which tool, of the many
available, is best for which problem. Companies need to invest in the right mix of data, systems,
and people to realize the gains.

7. Describe the researcher’s generalization of the findings.

The researcher suggests that in light of the exponential growth in customer, competitor,
and marketplace information, companies face an unprecedented opportunity to delight their
customers by delivering the right products and services to the right people at the right time and
the right format, location, devices, and channels.

8. Identify the implications of the findings.

The hypothesis is applicable only if there are larger data to be analyzed. The more data

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and fields collected, the less they overlap, creating “holes” in the data. Also, if the analytics
give too many information, analytics can be used to determine and measure the real source of
success. The data collected should also be in analyzable form. Presentations should be
organized around insights, rather than analytic approaches.

9. List the researcher’s suggestions for further studies.

The researcher suggests that rather than create data and then decide what to do with it,
firms should decide what to do first, and then which data they need to do it. This means better
integrating marketing and IT, and developing systems around the information needs of the
senior management team instead of creating a culture of “capture data and pray.”
Companies should create an integrated 360-degree view of the customer that considers every
customer behavior from the time the alarm rings in the morning until they go to bed in the

10. Identify the missing elements of the study.

Topics like Myopia, which is also the factor limiting contribution of analytics to
marketing and growth is one of major missing element in the study. The obsession with digital
and behavioral data, and a single view of everything about a customer, limited benefits to the
short-term Analytics should build a single view of the marketplace and the position of a
company and its brands, and quantify, optimize and forecast the evolving drivers of sales and
predictive, profitable growth over the next two years not just the next two months.

Faculty Signature Date: Student Signature

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