The Optimal Height For A Security Camera Is 260 CM (Ahmet) - Original Height of The Camera: 370 CM

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Veronica Caridi

Math Trig Investigation
Romita Khindria

Security Camera Investigation

This investigation is to look at the security cameras throughout TISA, and see if they are the
optimal height. We had to choose one of the specific cameras throughout TISA 3 or 4. My partners
and I chose the one on top of the window right next to the Secondary reception. We had to use three
methods of finding how high are the cameras. The methods we chose are the 45 degree angle, the
second one was the estimation method which was we estimate how many times an object can fit in
that height. And the last and third method we used was the clinometer.
The optimal height for a security camera is 260 cm (Ahmet).
Original height of the camera:
370 cm

Estimation method:
The first method we used to
figure out the height of the camera is
the estimation method. We had to use
an object and estimate how many times
it would fit in the height of the camera.
The object we used to estimate was the
AC. And we thought that it would fit
twice in the height of the camera.

Height of AC: 184.5 cm

h = 184.5 · 2
h = 369 cm
Our estimation of the height where the camera is positioned is that we think that the AC could
have fit in the height where the camera was positioned at least twice. And we were right because the
actual height of the camera is 370 cm, and our estimation was 369 cm. So we were very close.

45 Degree Angle:
The second method we used to find the height of the camera is the 45° angle method. Which
was that we had to bend backwards and move forward until we saw the camera through our legs. Then
when we were able to see the camera through our legs we had to see how far we were from the
camera. Which we basically had to find the length. And since we have the angle and the length we are
able to find the angle with using trigonometry.

45 degree angle:
Length: 458 cm
Angle: 45° angle

tanΘ = opp/adj
tan(45) = x/458
458tan(45) = x
458 = x

This was the math and how I solved finding the height of the camera. I first found out that I
had to use tangent for finding the height. When I finished solving the equation I found out that the
height that I found was really off. The original height of the camera is 370 cm. And the height I found
was 458 cm. So when I measured the length it seemed like it was pretty far away from the camera. So
this method wasn’t as accurate as the first method I used to find the height of the camera. It was really
off from the original height of the camera.

Clinometer method:
The third and last method that we used to find the height of the camera is the clinometer
method. We had to use this thing called a clinometer that would measure the angle of elevation while
we were looking up at the camera. And when we then found the angle of it we had to ding the length
between where we were standing and the camera. We then can use these measurements to solve the
height of the camera.
Length: 359.8 cm
Angle: 20° angle

tanθ = opp/adj
tan(20) = x/359.8
359.8tan(20) = x
130.96 = x

In this method I also had to use a​ tan ​to find the height of the camera. When I plugged
everything in and solved it I realized that the height I found was not even close to the original height
of the camera. The original height of the camera is supposed to be 370 cm, while what I found is
130.96 cm. Even though I might have done the math right the measurements are not completely
correct because it seems like the height I found is really off. But I think the math I did was right.

Throughout this investigation we had to find the height of the security cameras around the
whole school. We had to use three different methods of finding the heights. With these heights we had
to see if our measurements and the way we solved to find the height were the same as the actual
height of the camera. With all the information that we found we then had to see if all of it is an
optimal height for a security camera to be at.
The first way we found the height of the camera is the estimation method. With this method
we measured the AC and saw that the AC was approximately half of the height of the camera. So we
then thought that the AC would fit at least two times in the height of the camera. When we then did
the math for finding the height of the AC doubled. We then found out that our estimation was really
close to the actual height of the camera. Our math came out to be 369 cm and the actual height of the
camera is 370 cm. So our estimation was correct.
The second method we used to find the height of the camera was the 45° angle. For this one
we had to use trigonometry to find the height of the camera. We used ​tan​ to find the actual height.
And when we finished solving the problem we saw that the measurements were a bit off. The height
we found was 458 cm. And the actual height of the camera is 370 cm. We then found out that the
length of this way of finding the height was the same as the height. So when we were measuring the
length we found out that we were pretty far from the actual height of the camera. And we also found
out that our result with using this method was the most off from the original height than any other of
the methods we used.
The third and last method that we used to find the height of the camera is the clinometer
method. This one was pretty close to the actual height of the camera. The height that we found was
130.96 cm and the actual height of the camera is 370 cm. This was the method that out of all the 3 was
the one most off from the actual height.
After we finished solving these three methods I was able to find out which was the most
accurate out of all the three methods we used. Which we came to the conclusion that it was the
estimation method. And even though it wasn’t completely accurate, it was probably the closest one
out of all the other methods we used. The methods that we used were off were the clinometer method
and the 45° angle method. And even though we thought that they would be more successful, or get a
result that is closer to the actual height of the camera. It wasn’t so bad.
A camera has an optimal height to be at. The optimal height of the camera has to be at least
260 cm above the ground (Ahmet). We were given to ding out the height of a camera around school,
and see if the camera was at the optimal height. The height of the camera that we found was actually
above the optimal height. As I said before, the height of the camera we found was 370 cm. While the
optimal height of a camera to be at is around 260 cm (Ahmet). There is a pretty big gap between these
two measurements. There is a meter difference. But since the camera is already above the optimal
height of a security camera to be at, the height of it does not need to be altered.
Work Cited

Ahmet. "What is the Correct Installation Height." ​CCTVAware,​ Accessed 6 Mar. 2020.

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