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How This Pandemic Situation Can Be Better Tackled

Course Code: Pad201

Introductions to Public Administration
Section: 06
Submitted By
Name ID

Jonathan L. Rodrigues 1612654030

Musarrat Saba 1631200630

Sadia Zaman 1631828630

Aniruddha Islam Khan Desh 1632242630

Submitted To
Dr. M Mahfuzul Haque
Date: 11.05.20
Government is a system where a group of people governing an organized community or a state.
It provides political direction to the members, citizens, or inhabitants of communities, societies
and states to protect and regulate them. By this system, it delivers all the goods and services to
the citizen to make their life possible. Civilized society can not exist without the government.
We need government to form a more perfect union, to establish justice, to insure domestic
tranquility, to provide for the common defense, to promote the general welfare, to secure the
blessings of liberty. But sometimes this government can not solve society’s issue due to
governmental problem. Sometimes governmental system is not effective for solving those
problems. That’s why they need to reinvent the government. The reinvention of government is a
process by which the progressive movement of continuous improvement is followed.
Reinventing government is a  fresh, hopeful look for insoluble problems of the state. It is a fresh
system where they restate the issue in a nonpolitical way. Its principles are drawn from real-
world successes. Government can be transformed into a vital and effective force once again in
the society. Reinventing government is not just to meet new economic and social challenges but
also to regain the public's confidence. It is more like entrepreneurial government. Because
entrepreneur changes economic resources out of an area of lower and into an area of higher
productivity. An entrepreneur always uses resources in a new way to maximize productivity and
effectiveness. So if they don’t reinvent the government, they might face many challenges.
Reinventing government is very important to solve those problem. Now we are facing a
pandemic situation like Covid-19. It’s a challenges for every government. They were not
prepared for any situation like this. They didn’t anticipate this. And this is why, the previous
governmental system can not cope with this pandemic situation. If they reinvent the
governmental system, if they create some changes in their policy, they may handle this pandemic
situation very well.
By reinventing government’s policy, government can easily tackle any pandemic situation. For
coping with the pandemic situation nicely, government should have some objectives.
Government should follow anticipatory government because prevention is better than cure. If
they follow this, government will be fully prepared for any pandemic situation. Traditional
bureaucratic organizations will focus on supplying services to fight pandemic situation in this
anticipatory government. They will also make fund for health to deal with illness, to combat
fires. Instead of reduction in crime, they should focus on fire prevention and environmental
protection. For reinventing government, they should also focus on result oriented government.
Their objective should be based on this for managing any pandemic situation. In this result
oriented government, they will focus on the outcomes, not the inputs. Also goverment should
become an entrepreneur, because an entrepreneur can change economic resources, they can
maximize productivity and effectiveness. And it is very important to tackle a pandemic situation.

As indicated by Osborne and Gaebler (Governments that are tall, drowsy, over-brought together,
and engrossed with rules and guidelines don't function admirably. "We planned open
organizations to secure people in general against lawmakers and civil servants picking up too
much influence or abusing open cash.” In making it hard to take the open's cash, we made it
practically difficult to manage the open's cash. In endeavoring to control for all intents and
purposes everything, we turned out to be so fixated on directing how things ought to be done -
managing the procedure, controlling the inputs - that we overlooked the outcomes, the results.
Osborn and Gaebler suggest Entrepreneurial Government, government that can - and must -
contend with revenue driven organizations, nonprofit offices, and other units of government.

Osborne's and Gaebler's Ten Principles of Reinvention are:

 Catalytic Government (steering rather than rowing): Catalytic governments separate

controlling, or giving direction and heading, from paddling, or creating products and
 Community-owned Government (empowering rather than serving): Community-owned
governments push control of administrations out of the organization, into the community.
Models show how carrying networks into the image enables the individuals who are the
expected beneficiaries of administrations and results in better execution.
 Competitive Government (injecting competition into service delivery): Osborne and
Gaebler accept that improving both the quality and cost-viability of government
administrations can be accomplished through competition as opposed to guideline.
Presenting competition doesn't really imply that a help will be gone over to the private
segment, rather the pivotal capacity of competition is finishing government restraining
 Mission-driven Government (transforming rule-driven organizations): Mission-driven
governments deregulate inside, killing a large number of their interior principles and
profoundly rearranging their regulatory frameworks, for example, financial plan, work
force, and obtainment. They require every organization to get clear on its mission, at that
point free chiefs to locate the most ideal approach to achieve that mission, inside
legitimate limits.
 Results-oriented Government (funding outcomes, not inputs): Result-oriented
governments move responsibility from contributions to yields, or results. They measure
the presentation and prize organizations, so they regularly surpass their objectives.
 Customer-driven Government (meeting the needs of the customer, not the bureaucracy):
Customer-driven governments are those that put forth an attempt to see the requirements
of customers and to give customers a selection of makers. They use reviews and center
gatherings to tune in to their customers, and put assets in the customers' hands.
 Enterprising Government (earning rather than spending): Enterprising governments stress
winning instead of going through cash. They charge client expenses and effect expenses,
and use impetuses, for example, undertaking reserves, shared profit, and advancement
assets to urge chiefs to procure cash.
 Anticipatory Government (prevention rather than cure): Anticipatory governments try to
forestall issues instead of conveying administrations to address them. They overhaul
spending frameworks, bookkeeping frameworks, and prize frameworks to make the
proper motivating forces.
 Decentralized Government (from hierarchy to participation and teamwork):
Decentralized governments move dynamic position to those people and associations at
the base of the hierarchical chain of importance. They rebuild associations and engage
representatives and make work the executive organizations.
 Market-oriented Government (leveraging change trough the market): Market-oriented
governments use a market system rather than a managerial program to give products and
enterprises to people in general. They reevaluate themselves through the use of market-
oriented motivating forces.

David Osborne's and Ted Gaebler's model for Entrepreneurial Government prompted the
inception of the National Performance Review (NPR) by Vice president Al Gore in 1994.

Reinventing Government, as the term suggests is to reinvent the ideology of the government
structure and functions, in order to better provide to its citizens and thereby regulate with ease.
This way, it is much more convenient to achieve efficiency and hence perform at it’s optimum,
for an economy to compete in the global platform. Public officials all over the country are
working to change the way the government works. This way, not only do they meet new
economic and social challenges but is also able to regain some confidence among the citizens. A
global pandemic, as such as the current one, COVID-19 is something that isn’t fully anticipated
in the past. The idea of it has been thought but the implementation of ideas into tackling isn’t
something, that has been anticipated till the real scenario comes up. It has been certainly creating
governance challenges. In such a difficult situation, it comes down to the government leaders
who have been on the driving seat, to take correct measures in order to efficiently bring
country’s stability.

Some of the governance challenges:

 Number of local citizen suffering- First and foremost, the local citizens of the country,
who are directly under the government’s responsibility. The number has been increasing
excruciatingly each day, due to which there has been a whole countrywide lockdown.
The current numbers tolled up to 8300 infected. This has also had a mental effect on the
people for which many aren’t willing to risk their lives and go to their workplace.
 Anticipatory Government measures- Due to the current pandemic, government has
declared a global lockdown which is an anticipatory move in order to “Prevent rather
than cure”. Due to the exponential increase in the number of infected, the government has
announced a whole country wide lockdown. Starting from schools/universities to
garments factories, all are under lockdown, being completely shut or working partially
with very limited workers. Till now Bangladesh has received work order cancellations of
nearly $3 billion. Many garments factories and other services that add to our economic
growth are losing out, leading to high unemployment and cutting down production.
 Day to day workers- Since Bangladesh is yet a small and lower middle-income country,
here people earn most of their earnings in a day to day basis. This means that they earn
the amount of work performed in each day. Due to the lockdown, workers aren’t being
able to work nor earn resulting in a huge opportunity cost in their lifestyle.
 Economy collapsing- Our country might be a small one, but our economy was one of the
sharpest till date, with ranging over a 6.3% GDP. Due to the current pandemic scenario, it
has been estimated to fall in the range between 3.1% and 4.0%. Our country is not
designed to take such a big hit economically since most people still belong to a lower
income group. Starting from public transport service companies to banks, all business
transactions have been taking a toll.
 Uneven Government Investments- It has been seen statistically that in the past, our
government has allocated around 16% to the technology and education sector whereas
our medical sector has received only about 4.9%. Due to this, our medical teams lack
protective gear and equipment’s, hence why they aren’t being able to fight against this

However, in this difficult time, depending solely on the government isn’t going to turnaround
the whole situation, rather “solidarity” among the people is very much needed. It has been a
war for us and the people along with the government are doing their best to fight this off.
Once the storm ends, we shall see the rainbow again.
Possible Solution with the Reinventing Government approaches
Civilized society needs government to function properly. There is no substitute to government.
Every society needs government to regulate and to protect the citizens. As the pandemic situation
is prevailing across the world, it can be better tackled by following the ideas from reinventing
government. Every government have some responsibility towards their country. The current
situation is hampering so many governmental works as well as hampering the lifestyle of every
individuals. The bureaucratic government system is no longer helping to improve the situation. It
needs to change the bureaucratic model and replace with entrepreneurial model that has
creativity flexibility as well as power to change and improve the public sector system.

So, by following some ideas of reinventing government, the current alarming situation can be
tackled carefully:

Firstly, if we follow Catalytic Government system where public, private and non-profit these
three economic sectors should work together on how the good and services in this situation better
be controlled. Government needs to come up with policies, direction of the economy and needs
to monitors that social equity is maintained. At Providing quality goods and services, private
sectors are best and nonprofit sectors have reputation at providing human goods and services.
The government must need to create this flexibility to be in the competition in this pandemic

Secondly, if we follow Community-Owned Government we will get another idea for solving
the problem. In this process the government not only work by themselves they will improve their
working condition by including communities. The community will be given the control, process
of service delivery. Government will work together with the communities to improve the
performance. Sometimes government needs to take services from communities into centralized
bureaucratic. Community people are closer to the problem than the government professionals.
So, they know better how to solve it. Public agencies can help community by encouraging them
to take the control of the services and by removing existing barrier.
Thirdly, Competitive Government is another reinventing idea that we may follow to improve
the situation. We believe that competition is necessary for improving the cost effectiveness and
quality of government services. But monopoly structure of the government is hampering the
innovation. Government needs to reduce the monopolistic behavior. Competition needs to be
increased by allowing private firms to compete with public agencies and allowing private
companies to compete with each other. Not only service providing agencies but competition can
be happened in internal services as well.

Fourthly, Mission-Driven Government, following this idea will be a very good way to solve the
current pandemic around the world. Government should not focus on their rules and budget but
public organization should be driven by mission. Mission-Driven organization are more efficient,
flexible, innovative and effective because the organization give their employees freedom
regarding achieving the organization’s mission and objective. Government needs to scrapped off
their regulation. Rules and on top of that need to implement some methods. To tackle current
situation, we need to focus on budgeting and personnel these two important areas. For example,
the personnel system needs to be changed. Pay status needs to be based on performance.

Fifthly, Focusing on Result-Oriented Government will be a useful way to improve the global
pandemic. Government should not focus on input only but need to focus on output as well. That
government who follows result-oriented system is much more successful in recent years because
this system results in high productivity, higher salaries, smaller staff levels and lower cost. to get
the performance measurement for result-oriented government need to follow three approaches
such as management by objective (MBO), total quality management (TQM) and budget system.

Sixthly, we may follow Customer-Driven Government idea. Government must think of the
customers. What customer actually want and what they actually get. Government must perceive
what customers needs and wants. Government should think of the customers and let them choose
what service they want. It provides greater opportunities to improve a countries situation.

Seventhly, we might follow the idea of Enterprising Government. Government always remain
under pressure to keep local taxes down. Government needs to come up with some innovative
ideas with local and state government to earn money. If a government can focus on earning
money that will results in revenue which would be very good in this situation. Government can
focus on four ways to earn money which was mentioned earlier.
Eighthly, Anticipatory Government is one of the main ideas that we need to follow to improve
the current situation. As it was explained earlier how this idea can be used to tackle the current
situation. Federal government, state and city needs to work together.

Ninthly, another reinventing government idea is Decentralized Government. One of the main
elements of the entrepreneurial government is the free flow of the information. Government’s
centralized decision making has ability of organization to respond to very difficult challenges.
Because of this centralized authority, organizations become much more flexible. Understand the
situation as well as the customer and makes the institution much more effective. Because the
centralized decision come with the discussion and observation the pandemic situation can be
better tackled with this idea.

Tenthly, we can use Market-Oriented Government idea to get rid of the pandemic situation.
The better way to control the current market situation is not by the direct control through
administrative program but by using policy regarding individual’s decision and behavior of that
decision. Government need to focus on some points like, programs needs to be driven by
customer, policy, self-correcting and there has to be incentives to improve the pandemic around
the world.

When government face problem and unable to provide solution then they reinvent the
government to get the effective result. In reinventing government, the restate the policy in
nonpolitical way. To tackle the global pandemic, a government can add all the ideas from
reinventing government together as a single idea to get rid of the situation that the world is
facing. That’s how ideas of reinventing government can give the solution of current pandemic
situation around the world. So, government needs to act as an entrepreneur when they involve in
market activities. They need to be risk takers. Entrepreneur Government needs to be innovative
towards producing goods and services and also in other public, private and nonprofit
organization works as well.
1. Restructuring Local Government. (2020). Retrieved 11 May 2020, from

2. Osborne, D. (1992). Reinventing Government.

3. (2020). Retrieved 11 May 2020, from
4. Reinventing Government. (2020). Retrieved 11 May 2020, from

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