Five Brides: By: Eva Marie Everson

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Cadiz, Angela Mae H.

HUMSS 112-02
I. The Author

Eva Marie Everson is multiple-award-winning author and speaker. She is one of

the original five members of the Orlando Word Weavers critique group, an international
and national group of critique chapters,, and now serves as president of Word Weavers
International, Inc. her novel Waiting for Sunrise, which boldly approaches the topic of
mental illness, was a finalist for the 2013 Christy Award for excellence in Christian
Eva Marie is a popular presenter at writer’s conferences nationwide and serves as
co-director of the Florida Christian Writers Conference and contests director for the Blue
Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference. During the 2010-2011 school years, she
was an adjunct professor at Taylor University in Upland, Indiana. She describes it as one
of the best times she ever had while working.
In 2002 and 2009, Eva Marie served as a journalist for the Israel Ministry of
Tourism. Her article series, “Falling into the Bible,” served as the inspiration for her book
Reflections of God’s Holy Land: A Personal Journey through Israel, co-authored with
best-selling Israeli author Miriam Feinberg Vamosh. The book went on to become a
finalist for the ECPA Gold Medallion award.
Born and reared in the low country of Georgia, Eva Marie is a wife, mother and
grandmother. She lives, works, and finds respite in her lakefront home in Florida. She
enjoys reading, knitting, traveling, boating and singing along with country music on the
radio. She is pretty much owned by her dog, Poods.
The writing style of Eva Marie Everson is easier to understand by the readers, the
other book that she created was said by the readers that it was a conversational style by
the author. The book Five Brides was a catchy enchanting and emotionally satisfying
story that will capture the reader hearts.
Eva Marie Everson writes this story because of her friend Sharon Allred Decker
who gave the idea for her story and it’s inspires the real story of Joan Hunt Zimmerman
that had a story behind her wedding dress that there are Five Brides in the past of that
dress. Because of the wonderful story of her friend, she said the she wants to create a
story that surely inspires her readers especially women like her.
Eva Marie search the four brides involved in that dress, but she found that the
other women were passed way. But, at the same time Joan and Robert Zimmerman tell
the story to Eva Marie the real love story of the couple and the five brides.
She wrote this novel to inform us young women to be independent on creating our
own journey in life, there’s no one can do it, but only ourselves.
The purpose of the story was to share the love story and inspired the young
women that sounds fantasy but it could happen in real life like the two couple that
different from the real love story, they were five women that had a different journey that
finding love and had a happily ever after.
II. The Book Format
Table of Contents



Chapter 1………………………………………………………………………5

Chapter 2……………………………………………………………………....12

Chapter 3………………………………………………………………………17

Chapter 4………………………………………………………………………22

Chapter 5…………………………………..........................................................27

Chapter 6………………………………………………………………………33

Chapter 7………………………………………………………………………38

Chapter 8………………………………………………………………………45

Chapter 9………………………………………………………………………54

Chapter 10……………………………………………………………………..62

Chapter 11……………………………………………………………………..69

Chapter 12………………………………………………………………..........77

Chapter 13……………………………………………………………………..87

Chapter 14…………………………………………………………………..97

Chapter 15………………………………………………………………….108

Chapter 16………………………………………………………………….117

Chapter 17………………………………………………………………….128
Chapter 18………………………………………………………………….137

Chapter 19………………………………………………………………….147

Chapter 20………………………………………………………………….158

Chapter 21………………………………………………………………….170

Chapter 22………………………………………………………………….179

Chapter 23………………………………………………………………….187

Chapter 24………………………………………………………………….197

Chapter 25………………………………………………………………….206

Chapter 26………………………………………………………………….214

Chapter 27………………………………………………………………….222

Chapter 28………………………………………………………………….232

Chapter 29………………………………………………………………….240

Chapter 30………………………………………………………………….249

Chapter 31………………………………………………………………….259

Chapter 32………………………………………………………………….267

Chapter 33………………………………………………………………….277

Chapter 34…………………………………………………………………287

Chapter 35…………………………………………………………………296

Chapter 36…………………………………………………………………307

Chapter 37…………………………………………………………………314
Chapter 38…………………………………………………………………324

Chapter 39…………………………………………………………………334

Chapter 40…………………………………………………………………345

Chapter 41…………………………………………………………………355

Chapter 42………………………………………………………………....365

Chapter 43…………………………………………………………………374

Chapter 44…………………………………………………………………384

Chapter 45…………………………………………………………………395

Chapter 46…………………………………………………………………404

Chapter 47…………………………………………………………………415

Chapter 48…………………………………………………………………426

Chapter 49…………………………………………………………………437

Chapter 50…………………………………………………………………446


Discussion Question……………………………………………………….455

A Note from the Author……………………………………………………459

About the Author…………………………………………………………..461

III. The Content

Can a brush with fate and one beautiful dress forever stitch together the lives
of five very different women as they take their own journeys to love and whatever
comes happily ever after?

The question may answer on reading a story, because it’s so confusing that
there were five brides that had only one dress, when the different women come
together for that wedding dress and only wanted was to be married by their future
husband that shadowy could come true. On their journey, there are struggles that may
encountered by them on finding the men of their dreams. In the story we could saw a
friendship and love story that we imagine, we said that it was a fantasy but this story
is based on real life story of Joan Zimmerman and the four brides that passed away
according to the author.

In a one dress there’s should be a one owner of it, a one woman had a one
dress for her wedding that not same as others, she was the only one owner of it and
also a woman had a boyfriend or husband to marry that sure to you and sure about
choosing you. A woman that had a ring on her finger and sure about the future that
she going through but in the story there were five on one dress and it’s possible for
the young women. If a woman was not sure on her marriage she should had a plan
about her wedding dress and many more, but in the story they were five women that
grab a one dress for their wedding that not that sure if they had.There were five
women that had a different journey for their future. The wedding dress was one of
their want too even though they were not that sure about it, five women that wanted a
one dress.

The story is set in Chicago in the 50s. It stars five young women, Joan, Betsy,
Evelyn, Inga, and Magna, who are roommates. Though born in Chicago, Joan’s
family moved to England when she was a child. Evelyn is a Georgia farmer’s
daughter and she and Joan were international childhood pen pals. When Joan decides
to move back stateside after the War in attempt to earn money to send back to her
struggling family in England, Evelyn decides it is time for her to leave the South and
the two meet up in Chicago. They room together, along with the other three ladies.
Joan was on Chicago and searching for a job, wanted to be independent to achieving
her dream and then she met her boss at Hertz named Mr. Fegurson. On their interview
asked if what skills that she had and she said that being a secretary was the job that
she applying for, and Mr. Fegurson accepted it and tomorrow was her first day of
work. Evelyn receive a letter from Joan and she wanted Evelyn to follow her to
Chicago, and Evelyn ask her father if it’s okay for them to Evelyn goes to Chicago
and her father said yes to her but her mother didn’t know about it. Betty was on the
hotel eating with her family and talking about the foods that they were eating and also
George, the man that linked to her because of their closeness but Betty denies it and
said that there were friends only and no other affection that she felt. When Evelyn
arrived at Chicago she met her friend Joan and also they met Betty and making
friends together. Inga and Magda were sisters, they worked too on Chicago to their
Aunt and Uncle grocery but because they were strict they back to Minnesota with
their family, they already met Betty at dinner party of mutual acquaintance. So, some
of the five women were already know each other in Chicago.

They lived together at the apartment and then the dress that bought by them
even though their future is like a shadowy to saw because there were had different
goals in their lives and their were a lot of struggles that the five young women
encounter . That wasBetty’s fears of becoming a married woman and on being a
mother. Magda fall in love with Barry but there were had a problem on the blended
families. Inga was pregnant and not going to marry the father of her baby never an
option. Joan didn’t see going to have a family in the future because that’s not the first
goal of her but at the end of the story Evelyn was the last woman that got married and
the keeper of the dress. They were five women that the only wanted love come to and
even though there were had a different journeys at the end of the day they just wanted
to had love and to be loved, creating their own lives and families.

In the book, I particularly like the story was for women but it’s not aligned to
the teenagers because the story was all about getting married and settling down. I like
the book because on the title you were confused about what it’s all about and where
the story goes through. I didn’t like in the book is there were few words that can’t
easily understand and you need to search for the meaning to understand what is the
meaning of that word, but it’s okay because it is also challenging the mind of the
readers and also it had a lot of chapter than the content of it.

The book was good for the adult women that had a further knowledge about
getting married, and want to get married. The story it’s exciting to read every chapter
because you already want to know what’s happen next, it had a feeling of love
because of the love teams that said on the story and also to the friendship that they
had for each other, even though they were not had the same goals/ journeys, it’s not
the reason of not helping each other. It’s good to read to be relax and go away from
negative vibe and by that it will make you fall in love again and again, totally sure
that the readers were satisfied to this story once they read it. It is highly recommended
to the young and adult women to have knowledge between journey and love.

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