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NPM/Organic farming Agreement

I ________________________________________________, son/daughter of
___________________________of Village __________________ District
____________________ hereby declare on ________ day of month _______ year
___________ season Kharif/Rabi that:

I will follow the terms and conditions written in this agreement under which I will grow
NPM/Organic crops:

Crop Names Area under NPM/Organic Crop Names Area under NPM/Organic
crop (Acres): crop (Acres):

And PC name: __________________________________________________________ will

promote, purchase, process and market them.

1. I will follow the package practices given by the PC in crop production to ensure
chemicals free production system for the long-term sustainability of soil,
environment, crops, livestock, my family and community.
2. I will not use any synthetic input (such as chemical pesticides, insecticides,
herbicides, fungicides, chemical fertilizers, growth regulators and synthetic
hormones, etc) in any form directly or indirectly in my farming operations.
3. I will check with the PC staff before using any off-farm product that I am unsure of its
chemical status.
4. I will work with my fellow farmers in the Farmers’ Group and attend meetings and
trainings to expand and share my knowledge of the NPM/Organic farming.
5. I will work to build the soil through ecologically sustainable farming practices such as
crop rotations, composting, cover crops and green manures.
6. I will ensure that on the farm during storage, processing, transport and sale there is
no contamination or mixing of NPM/organically grown with non-NPM/non-
organically grown produce.
7. I agree to accept the decision of the Farmers’ Group in regards to my certification
8. I will participate in appraisals on other farms as per group norms.
9. I will report even minor or unintentional non-compliances to the NPM/organic
standards on my farm to my Farmers’ Group and PC staff.

The farmer agrees:

1. To plant the seeds provided by the PC and following the procedure (Package of
practices) advised by PC.
2. To allow PC staff to visit and inspect his/her farm for monitoring any time they wish.
3. That she/he will grow and sell NPM/organic produce to PC only.
4. That she/he will not buy produce from other farmers and sell that produce to PC

The company agrees:

1. To pay farmers by cash/cheque/online at premium rate for quality NPM/Organic
produce they have supplied.
2. To buy NPM/Organic produce from the farmer produced in area mentioned above.
3. To train farmers where need arises and if possible, to organize study visits for
farmers to other NPM/organic farms.

Duration of this agreement:

1. This contract must be respected for the season mentioned above.
2. For all the time the farmer is selling produce to PC
3. If the farmer fails to follow the procedures (Package of practices) in this contract, PC
___________________________________ will have the right to stop buying from
the farmer until the matter is resolved.
4. If the farmer is found using synthetic chemicals then this contract will be put on hold
and the whole lot of respective Farmers’ group will not be procured by PC.
5. Any of the parties can terminate this agreement by informing the PC staff.

I hereby further declare that the information I have provided in the application is true to the
best of my knowledge. I also hereby declare that during training and monitoring of farm, I
will fully cooperate with PC staff and Farmers’ group to provide true information to the best
of my and my family’s knowledge and I will keep my information up to date with any
changes occurred during the process.

Acknowledgement –

Farmer’s Name:
Date & Place:
PC staff Name: PC Stamp:
Date & Place:

In presence of:
1. Full Name:

2. Full Name:

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