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Wednesday, 20 May 2020 6:19 PM

20 May
• Must Have
○ [bug] Password being set during signup, being asked again during Account
○ Logo & Verbiage - Sell.Do to Kylas
○ Remove Dashboard & redirect after login to Leads
○ Default Smart List after Signup
○ Delay in Lead reflecting in Listing page
• Good to Have
○ OTP based Login
○ Font-size to be increased

21 May
• Must Have
○ Design Onboarding Screen
§ Import
§ Help Tips
§ Support Channel
§ Product tour
○ Filter -
§ Clear - Data gets reset & reloaded, so there should be a button for
"Save" since the filters are removed & different data shown for the
smart list
○ Search
§ first name, last name phone, email etc. Its not clear what all I can
text search for
§ [bug] search by complete email is not working probably @ is missing
○ Pipeline
§ Populate options for lookup
§ Create a default pipeline for Lead, Deal
§ [bug] Default win likelihood for Pipeline is set to 100, should be 0
§ View Details - Selecting a certain stage has no visual indicator that its
selected & active.
○ Lookups
§ [bug] Need to support fuzzy
§ [bug] User / Owner shows first name only, needs last name as well
§ [bug] Default win likelihood for Pipeline is set to 100, should be 0
§ View Details - Selecting a certain stage has no visual indicator that its
selected & active.
○ Lookups
§ [bug] Need to support fuzzy
§ [bug] User / Owner shows first name only, needs last name as well
○ Lead
§ Professional - Title needs to be at the beginning of group
§ [bug] Details page Social URLs - Click not taking to the url
§ [bug] Details page - duplicate prompt
§ [bug] Link broken. currently is /lead/details/**** should be
○ Deal
§ [bug] Details - Estimated Closure Date - flowing to 2 lines . breaking
the UI
○ Sign-in / Signup
§ Copyright, Brand
§ [bug] Sign-in on mobile takes to 404 page (android)
○ Import
§ Sample file name starts with Sling
§ [bug] "File name grater than" spelling name
§ [bug] Define Actions page - font size, style is broken. Remove button
is adjoined and connected to other text
○ Navigation breadcrumb
§ Consistency - Some are all caps, some is Capital
○ User
§ Language - Default set to English
§ Signature - Remove Mandatory
• Good to have
○ Listing
§ Persist Column selection Preference
§ Sort Intermittently not working
§ Multi select checkboxes need to be removed
○ Lead
§ Currency Formatter
§ URL field Validation
○ Company
§ Populate Industry list
○ Task Related to
§ Record Name is clickable which is not intuitive. Need a underline

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