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Jack Tim


College Composition

November 1st, 2019

Symbolism in Divergent

Divergent is an adventurous, action-based novel. The novel is base in a futuristic time

period. It is based in Chicago and are split up in to five factions. The book is based off of

Beatrice Priors life. Starting with her being in the Abnegation faction and to her having to run

away from the faction system because she is part of the Divergent. The book is dramatic and can

also be considered a romantic genre. The novel uses symbolism to explain the different attitudes

of the different type of people in the story. In the novel Divergent, Veronica Roth creates depth

to her story through the use of symbolism in various names and several tattoos.

Symbolism is used in different ways throughout the story, but one of the main ways it

was used is in names. Names in the story were mainly symbolized in the Dauntless faction as

they were the “hard-core” faction in the faction system. These names symbolized certain traits

about them such as the character Tobias Eaton or better known as Four. Four is a serious

character who has had an abusive past with his father. Tobias chose to move factions when he

turned sixteen and became a member of Dauntless. As he went through Dauntless training, he

was tested against all his fears. The test simulates his fears as if he was living them. He had only

four fears in this simulation which is the least any Dauntless member has ever had. “Becoming

fearless isn't the point. That's impossible. It's learning how to control your fear, and how to be free from

it, that's the point.” (Roth 239) The nickname four comes from these fears. This symbolized him
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being a strong and almost fearless man, someone who is feared by others. This name symbolizes

what he is known for and that he is not afraid of these fears.

Another name that uses symbolism does not only affect one person, but an entire faction.

This faction is known as Abnegation. The abnegation are known as stiffs. This faction gets this

nickname as they are known for their selflessness mainly for their desire to help others and not

doing anything for themselves. This faction has set rules on how long they are aloud too look at

themselves in the mirror, how much they are allowed to eat and are judged on if they help other

people and not themselves. The nickname Stiff symbolizes that they are not allowed to do

anything for themselves (Roth 78) It also symbolizes that the faction does not allow for the

faction members to have fun or be able to make their own decisions on what they want to do in

their own home and lifestyle. Stiff is symbolized for someone who is boring and does nothing


In the novel Divergent, symbolism is used in tattoos. These tattoos help express

themselves and what they believe in. Four’s tattoo on his back has a picture of all five of the

factions. This tattoo represents not only Divergent (the brave), but it also represents Amity

(peaceful), Candor (the honest), Abnegation (the selfless), and Erudite (the knowledgeable). This

tattoo symbolizes that he does not just want to be in one faction, but he wants to have the

personality of all five of the factions (Roth 112). This tattoo symbolizes that he is not a simple

person, but a complex one.

Another character Tris is an abnegation born who transferred to Dauntless. She is an

abnormal character because she is considered Divergent. She believed that a tattoo would fit the

Divergent personality. Tris’s tattoo uses symbolism is the three ravens on Tris’s collarbone.

These Ravens symbolize the life that she is going to and the one that she is leaving behind (Roth
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67) Each raven symbolizes a different person that she is leaving behind when she chose

Dauntless, her father (Andrew Prior), her mother (Natalie Prior) and her brother (Caleb Prior).

Tori’s Tattoo also symbolizes one of her fears. Her tattoo is a black and white hawk with red

eyes. She says in parts of the ancient world the hawk symbolized the sun. She said that if she had

the sun on her she would not be afraid of the dark anymore, this symbolizes her fear and how she

is able to get over it.

In the novel Divergent, Veronica Roth creates depth to her story through the use of

symbolism. Symbolism is used in this novel to express feelings, characters history, what they are

known for and how their families have affect them. In various names and several tattoos. These

names represent something about themselves. The names also show their personality and what

they are going through or have gone through. Symbolism is also expressed through tattoos.

These tattoos express what the characters want to be, how they want to be known, family history

and also a way to cope with their fears.

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Works Cited

Roth, Veronica. Divergent. New York: Katherine Tegen Books, 2011.

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