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Ephemeral Artwork 

Distant Learning Unit 

Mr. Augsberger’s  
Grade 5 Art Class 


Table of Contents 

Unit Overview and Objectives…………….3

Lesson 1: Pattern in Art………………...….4

Lesson 2: Symmetry and Movement…….6

Lesson 3: Final Ephemeral Sculpture…...8

Unit Rubric…………………………………...10

Introduction to Ephemeral Art 

Hello fifth graders,​ and welcome to distant learning with me, ​Mr.
Augsberger​. I am super excited to be teaching you about ​Ephemeral Art​. The word
Ephemeral ​(​e·phem·er·al)​ ​in art refers to art that is temporary or not permanent and is
usually made out of objects that are found in nature. Since we are not at school and
everyone in the class lives under different circumstances we will be creating art from
found objects in nature or from normal everyday objects that you may have around your
This is a three week unit that is made up of three separate lessons that can be
completed in about forty five minutes each. The lessons should be done in order but
can be completed at your own pace each week. You will post images of the artwork you
create for each lesson onto the Google Classroom as you complete them. You will need
to follow the directions in this resource packet and follow along on Google Classroom.
There are folders on our Google Classroom with this information and places to post
your work and comments. The words in blue that are underlined, like my name in the
paragraph above, are links for you to click on to open up the different parts of the
assignment. These links will have videos, pictures, worksheets and other optional
resources to help you with the assignments. Make sure to look over the ​Unit Rubric​. If
you need any help please don’t hesitate to email me. I look forward to seeing all the
beautiful works of art you will create.

Unit Overview and Objectives 

Students will recognize how to use pattern and movement to create visual interest in
their artwork and create an ephemeral artwork out of found objects.

Questions to consider:
Why do artists use pattern and movement to create visual interest in their artwork?
How can artists use found objects to create a meaningful work of art?
How can I use found objects to create movement and pattern in my artwork?

Important vocab words I will understand:

Ephemeral​- a temporary work of art, can be a sculpture or a performance but generally
only occurs once
Movement​- Used to show an impression of action in a work of art
Repetition-​ ​it is a recurrence of a particular line, pattern, shape, or other visual
elements in a single or part of the series.
Pattern​- ​ is an underlying structure that organizes surfaces or structures in a consistent,
regular manner​.
Asymmetrical ​Balance​ is when you have two dissimilar sides of a design and have
positioned visual weight unequally, and yet you've still achieved a sense of balance.
Symmetrical B​alance​ is when you have two identical sides of a design with equal
weight on either side of a central point of axis.
Natural-​ ​existing in or caused by nature; not made or caused by humankind.
Manufactured- ​produced on a large scale using machinery; manmade

Lessons: 45 minutes each to be done over the next three weeks

Lesson 1: Pattern in Art
Lesson 2: Symmetry and Movement
Lesson 3: Final Ephemeral Sculpture

Lesson 1: Patterns in art 

In this lesson you will learn about ​patterns​ and how they are found in everyday life. You
will search for and take pictures, draw or make rubbings of the patterns you find in
natural​ and in ​manufactured​ items. Then you will create a ​pattern​ of your own out of
found objects. Follow these steps below. I can’t wait to see what you discover.
1. Introduction:​ Watch this ​video on pattern​.
● As you watch the video think about how artists can use patterns when
creating artwork.
● After you watch the video post two questions or comments in the comment
section under Introduction on Google Classroom.
2. View​ this ​Google Slideshow​ on pattern.
● As you view the slideshow consider these questions:
- How do different artists use pattern and repetition to create visual
interest in their artwork?
- Where can patterns be found in manufactured objects?
- Where can patterns be found in natural objects in nature?
- How can you use patterns when creating your own artwork?
3. Scavenger Hunt: ​This activity should take you about fifteen minutes to complete
● You will explore your surroundings and find examples of different ​patterns
that are ​natural​ and ​manufactured​. You should find five examples of
natural and five examples of manufactured.
● To document your findings you can take a picture, ​make a rubbing​ or draw
a quick sketch. If you draw, sketch or make a rubbing of your patterns, put
the hard copy in your art portfolio with the rest of your artwork so we can
look at it when we are back in school. Here are some examples of
patterns that I found​.
● If you can take pictures of the patterns you found then upload at least one

example of manufactured and one example of natural pattern onto the

Google Classroom under Scavenger Hunt under lesson 1.
● Look at your classmates' work and post a comment under someone's
work. Make sure to try and post comments under everyone's pattern
4. Pattern Creation: ​This activity should take you about fifteen minutes
● You will create your own ​pattern​ out of found objects inside your house or
outside in nature.
● First pick what the found objects that you will use to create your pattern.
Think about the different types of objects you could use.
● Arrange the found objects in a pattern. Remember to use ​repetition​ of the
objects and have fun. When you are finished upload a picture of your
created pattern to the Google Classroom under Pattern Creation.
● I encourage you to post two comments under your classmates' work.
● Below are examples of some ​found object patterns​ I created.

5. Complete the Exit Slip Questions: ​Take a few minutes to answer these
questions about pattern. Click on this link, ​Exit Slip on Pattern​, and if you can
download it and type your answers. If you would like you can print it out and write
your answers on the printout or write your answers on a piece of paper and
upload a picture of the completed assignment under lesson 1 Exit Slip in Google

Lesson 2: Symmetry and Movement 

In this lesson you will learn about how artists use ​Movement​ to create visual interest in
their artwork. You will create two ​Ephemeral​, or temporary, works of art. Your works of
art will have two different ​compositions​, one will be ​symmetrical​ and the other will be
asymmetrical​. For this project you can use found objects inside your home or you may
go outside and use found objects that you find in nature. The choice is yours. Have fun
and I can’t wait to see your creations.
1. Introduction:
● Watch this ​Video on Movement​ in art
● As you watch the video think about how the artists make the viewer's eye
move around the artwork.
● Watch this short video on ​Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Designs
● Think about the difference between the two types of composition.
2. View this ​google slideshow​ and think about these questions.
● What does it mean to have a balanced work of art?
● What is the difference between ​symmetrical ​and ​asymmetrical
● How can you create ​movement​ in your artwork?
3. Brainstorm Activity:
● Complete the ​Brainstorm Activity​ by either completing it on the computer
and uploading it to Google Classroom, printing the worksheet out and
writing in your answers or write your answers on a piece of paper and take
a photograph and upload the photo to Google Classroom under Lesson 2
Brainstorm Activity.
4. Symmetrical​ ​and​ ​Asymmetrical Creation Assignment:​ Spend about twenty
minutes working on this assignment

● Choose 24 or more of ​manufactured​ or ​natural​ items to be used to

create your two ​ephemeral​ artworks. Think about ideas from your
brainstorming activity. Consider the use of ​patterns.
● Create at least one design that is a ​symmetrical ​composition.
● With the same 24 objects create at least one more design that is
asymmetrical​ composition.
● When creating your designs think about ​movement ​and how your eye
travels around the artwork as you are viewing it.
● The purpose of this activity is to be creative and experiment with different
compositions​ and moving the objects around.
● Take a picture of the designs you create and post at least one photo of a
symmetrical design and one photo of an asymmetrical design to the
Google Classroom under Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Designs.
● Post a comment or two under your classmates' artwork.
● Here are some examples of ​Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Designs​ that I

5. Conclusion: ​Answer the questions on this ​Lesson 2 Worksheet

● To complete this assignment you can either download and complete the
worksheet on the computer and upload on Google Classroom or print the
worksheet and write your answers or write your answers on a piece of
paper and take a photograph and upload it to Google Classroom under
Lesson 2 Worksheet.

Lesson 3: Ephemeral Sculpture 

In this lesson you will use what you have learned about ​pattern​, ​movement​ and
symmetrical​ and ​asymmetrical​ compositions to create an ​ephemeral ​work of art
outside your house in nature using ​natural​ found objects or inside your house using
manufactured​ found objects. Whichever you decide to choose is great and I can’t wait
to see your final artwork.
1. Introduction:​ view this ​slideshow​ and think about these questions.
● How does Andy Goldsworthy use patterns in his artwork?
● Why do you think that Goldsworthy picks the materials that he uses to
create his sculptures?
● Why does Goldsworthy create artwork that is temporary?
● How does Goldsworthy use movement in his artwork?
● What kinds of found materials can you build a work of art with?
● Considering what Goldsworthy creates is temporary, is it still art? Why?
2. Watch​ this video on ​Andy Goldsworthy
● Post two questions or comments you may have about Andy Goldsworthy
and the art he creates to the Google Classroom under Lesson 3.
3. Sculpture Creation:​ This project should take you at least thirty minutes
● Think about what types of found objects you will use to create your
sculpture. Will they be ​manufactured​ or ​natural​? Remember to be
respectful of nature and not ruin any plants or trees by breaking them. If
you find things on the ground it should be ok to use.
● Pick the spot where you will build your found object sculpture. This can be
inside your house or outside. I decided to do my sculpture outside
because it feels nice to get outside and enjoy the nice weather.
● Collect your objects. As you begin to create, think about what your design
will look like. Will it be ​symmetrical​ or ​asymmetrical​? Both are great
choices and can be visually interesting.

● Think about using a ​pattern​ to create visual interest.

● Think about having ​movement​ in your sculpture to make it more visually
interesting to the viewer.
● Photograph your sculpture as you build and the final product.
● Be sure to clean up any mess that you may have made inside or outside
your house.
● Here is an example of my ​My Ephemeral Sculpture​ that I created.

4. Artist Statement: ​Complete the ​Artist Statement​ Document

● Download and complete the document on your computer or print out the
document and write in your answers or write your answers on a piece of
● When you're writing your artist statement, think about the important
vocabulary that you have learned and used in these lessons:​ Ephemeral,
Natural, Manufactured, Pattern, Repetition, Symmetrical,
Asymmetrical, Composition, Balance, Movement​.
● Upload your photographs of your sculpture and completed artist statement
to the Google Classroom under Final Sculpture in Lesson 3.
● Post at least two comments under your classmates' artwork on the Google
5. Self-assess Unit Rubric
● Self-assess the work you did on the ​Unit Rubric​ and upload it.

Rubric For Ephemeral Artwork Unit

Name: Date: Class:

Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary Self Teacher

2 3 4 5 Assessment Score
Pattern The student did A pattern was A pattern was The student created
Creation not create or created but created that and posted multiple
Assignment post an example there was no showed repetition patterns that showed
of a found object sign of repetition and creativity in an exemplary
pattern of the objects the design understanding of the
use of repetition to
create pattern
Symmetrical/ Student did not The student Student created an Multiple exemplary
Asymmetrical attempt the created two example of an designs were
Design Creation creation activity designs but they asymmetrical and created that
did not symmetrical accurately showed
accurately design symmetrical and
depict asymmetrical
symmetrical and designs and
asymmetrical creativity in the
objects used
Ephemeral Students did not Assignment was Student created an The student created
Sculpture attempt the attempted but interesting design a well balanced
Creation assignment the final product that showed exemplary sculpture
did not look movement or with a creative use of
unfinished and pattern but more objects that had
was lacking time could have pattern and
visual interest been spent on the movement.
creation of the
Artist Statement The students did Questions were The student The artist statement
not attempt the left blank and answered all the was written in an
assignment there was questions but did exemplary manner
numerous not provide with little to no
grammatical examples and grammatical errors.
errors there were minor All questions were
grammatical errors answered in a
in the writing thoughtful manner
with specific details
in the answers
Completion of Only one of the Two of the four Three out of four All the assignment
worksheets and four assignments assignments assignment were were completed in
Scavenger hunt was completed were completed completed an exemplary
Participation in No comments The student The student Student posted two
Google were posted posted posted one comments or
Classroom comments fifty comment to their questions to their
percent of the peers work when peers work every
time asked time they were

Student Total:_________________

Teacher Total: _________________out of 30

Written By: Mr Augsberger 5/10/20

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