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MOOC Should Be Implemented for University Students Who Look for International


Fatih Ekşi


Academic English for International Students

Huimin Ke

MOOC Should Be Implemented for University Students Who Look for International

Word Count: 900

The MOOC should be carried out and it should become more widespread rather than

the other education systems because it eliminates the visa barrier, it can help to reduce the

education expenditures, and you can manage your time effectively.

First of all, by virtue of the MOOC education system, you do not have to deal with the

visa process. Visa is one of the biggest obstacles for taking international education because

students might not receive visa for political reasons, etc. For the sake of example, those who

do not have citizenship of the union and would like to study in European countries are obliged

to obtain a visa in order to receive international training. Visa and residence permit process

are of two fundamental challenges. The first one is that everyone does not have budget to

afford this process. For example, The Netherlands wants non-European students to provide

317 Euro application fees for only visa and residence permit. The second challenge is that it

can pose a problem on account of political controversies among the countries. For example,

some students who have studied in the United Kingdom have said that The UK discriminates

students who are from the other countries. Over half of the 3100 international students

surveyed by the NUS in 2013 said that they have felt unwelcome and 19% of them would not

recommend the UK to a friend or relative as a good place to study. On the other hand, in 2012

and 2013, there was a 25% decrease in the number of Indian students recruited to the UK

compared with 2011 and prior to it (Gil & Wakefield, 2015, para. 6). Besides, politicians have
been separating students, rather than integrating them. That is to say, so many students feel

categorized as an outsider in the UK, just mainly because of the strict visa requirements.

In the second place, the MOOC is the best option for most of students who wants to

get international education because this education system is free. Otherwise, they would have

to cover the expenses, such as books, tuitions and so on. The main obstacle for international

education is that tuition fees have been skyrocketing in the recent times. To give an example,

one of the most expensive countries for education is the United Kingdom. The tuition fees of

the UK are mainly divided into two groups. One group is home and EU students, and the

other one is non-EU students. Tuition fees for home and EU students are approximately 6000

British Pound, and for students who are not from European countries are approximately

17000 British Pound, which these fees vary by the students’ department and so on (Gil &

Wakefield, 2015, para. 15). These numbers are seriously going to deter especially middle

income families from sending their children the abroad for an international training.

One of the biggest advantage of the MOOC is that students can program their

schedule more easily due to not having timetable. This creates some advantages. For example,

everyone has internal clock. Everyone has an optimal time of the day. Our cognitive

processes, such as memory, attention, language comprehension, even intelligence testing and

attitude change come to a head at our optimal times. All of them operates at a peak during our

optimal time of the day. It means that whereas someone can comprehend properly the subject

which is taught in the early hours, other can comprehend it in the late of the midnight. The

more options, the better results in education. The other advantage of managing the schedule is
that students can work easily whereas they continue their education. This can help to bring

about better and faster to be experienced for international students’ training fields, and they

can earn money while studying. In addition, this sort of working does not affect negatively at

all, because they can arrange their program in a suitable way.

All things considered, the MOOC should be much more common to be international

student. Because it is beneficial, especially for those who cannot afford the field of training.

As mentioned above, there are three fundamental reasons for the MOOC. These are harsh visa

requirements, free international education, and providing flexible time. Thanks to the MOOC,

students can find a glimmer of hope for international education in the most affordable way

without going abroad.


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