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Bartosz Pokorski

Niektórzy uważają, że filmowe adaptacje dzieł literackich nie dorównują książkom, na podstawie
których zostały nakręcone. Napisz rozprawkę, w której przedstawisz wady i zalety filmowania
klasycznych dzieł literatury.

Nowadays, when we go to cinema, we can choose from many movies which are based on world-
famous books. This situation have many supporters, who say that this is an awesome way of
promotion but also many opponents, who say that this type of movies are only made for profit.
There is no doubt that making a movie based on a best-seller is a good financial move. It will
encourage readers to go to cinema and increase sales of the book. It is also a safe bet for producers
and investrors, who rather than creating a completely new story prefer to work with already well-
known story.
Having said this, there are also minuses. Since many of these movies are made very fast and in
bulk, most of them are much worse than their books prototypes. It may actually be very hard to find
a good movie based on a book, because for producers the only thing that matters is profit.
All things considered, there are pros and cons of making a movie based on a best-seller. This type
of movies are almost always profitalbe for producers, but it is very hard to make a movie as good as
an book, but sometimes movie can be even better that the prototype.

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