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VALUE secure to ourselves and our country the

blessings of independence and democracy

A thing has value when it is perceived as good and under the rule of law and a regime of truth,
desirable. Food, money, and housing have value justice, freedom, love, equality and peace.
because they are perceived as good; and the desire 2. The educational policy statement in Article
to acquire those influences attitudes and behavior. XIV, Sec. 3 clearly mandates all educational
institutions to “inculcate patriotism and
Values are the bases of judging what attitudes and nationalism, foster love of humanity, respect
behavior are correct and desirable and what are not. for human rights, appreciation of the role of
national heroes in the historical development
It is, therefore, of crucial importance that there be of the country, teach the rights and duties of
an appropriate framework as well as strategy for citizenship, strengthen ethical and spiritual
providing the context and operational guidelines for value, develop moral character and creative
implementing a values education program. thinking, broaden scientific and
technological knowledge and promote
The values education framework hereby suggested vocational efficiency”.
is designed to translate values from the abstract into 3. Based on the mandate of the 1987
the practical. constitution, the DECS Values Education
Program authored by the then DECS
Values such as discipline and concern for the poor Secretary, Dr. Lourdes R. Quisumbing, has
are ineffective unless they are internalized and been developed to serve as a guideline for
translated into action. Therefore, there is a need for the implementation of values education
values education that is meaningful and effective. programs in the three levels of education.
4. It was in 1988 that DECS, through the
VALUES EDUCATION leadership of Dr. Quisumbing, made Values
Education as an educational thrust in all the
Values Education as a part of the school curriculum levels of Philippine education. The new
is the process by which values are formed in the Secondary School curriculum which was
learner under the guidance of the teacher and as he implemented starting schoolyear 1989-1990
interacts with his environment. But it involves not introduced Values Education as a separate
just any kind of teaching learning process. subject while values development was also
integrated in all other subjects in the
The following have to be considered by anyone who curriculum.
is involved in values education. 5. The content of the four-year Values
Education Program (DECS Order No. 6, s.
1. The subject matter itself – VALUES – has 1988) is focused on the development of a
direct and immediate relevance to the fully functioning human person. It develops
personal life of the learner. through four main concepts of values
2. The process in not just cognitive but development such as the development of
involves all the faculties of the learner. relationship skills with the self, with fellow
3. One learns values the way children learn human beings, with forces around him and
many things from their parents. Hence, the with the Supreme Being.
teacher’s personal values play an important
role in values learning. VALUES EDUCATION 2002
 The 2002 Basic Education Curriculum
LEGAL FOUNDATION provides for a stronger integration of
1. The Philippine Constitution of 1987 competencies and values within and across
mandates in its preamble the building “of a the learning areas.
just and humane society” and establishing a  Values are treated as integral to the five
government that shall embody our ideals and learning areas: English, Filipino,
aspirations, promote the common good, Mathematics, Science and Makabayan.
conserve and develop our patrimony and
Education in and for values is geared Values education, pursued at the national, regional,
towards the learner’s self-actualization. local, and institution levels, should be guided by the
 Besides its integration in every learning following general principles:
area. Edukasyong sa Pagpapahalaga(EP) or 1. It must be oriented toward the total person of the
Values Edcuation (VE) for First to Fourth learner- - mind, heart, and entire being.
Year is given 60 minutes/week entirely for 2. It must take into consideration the unique role of
values-processing activities that will deepen the family in one’s personal development and
and enrich the analysis of values within and integration into society and the nation.
across learning area. 3. In the school context, more important than lesson
plans and any list of values are the teachers
GOAL AND OBJECTIVES themselves who have the proper sense of values,
 Values have a social function: commonly awareness of their inner worth, and utmost respect
held values unite families, tribes, societies, for the person of the other.
and nations. They are essential to the
democratic way of lie, which puts a high VALUES CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK
premium on freedom and the rule of law.
That is why, shortly after the Revolution of The Values Conceptual Framework, herein
February 1986, the DECS made values described, is intended as a guide and form of
education a primary thrust. teaching aid in the implementation of the Values
 Similarly, the DECS thrust found strong Education Program.
support in the Philippine Constitution of
1987 in its vision of "a just and humane WHAT IT IS:
society," which calls for a shared culture and  It is descriptive: it is an attempt at an orderly
commonly held values such as "truth, description of a desirable value system on
justice, freedom, love, equality and peace." the basis of an understanding of the human
(Preamble) person.
 It is conceptual: it lists ideals which have to
GOALS be internalized in the educational process.
“To provide and promote values education at all  It is intended to be applicable in varying
levels of the educational system for the degrees to all three levels of the educational
development of the human person committed to the system.
building of a just and humane society and an  It is broad and flexible enough for
independent and democratic nation.” adaptation to specific contexts.

OBJECTIVES Proper implementation of the WHAT IT IS NOT:

program will develop Filipinos who:  It is not prescriptive: values cannot be
1. are self-actualized, integrally developed human imposed.
beings imbued with a sense of human dignity;  It is not exhaustive: it does not purport to be
2. are social beings with a sense of responsibility for a complete list of human values.
their community and environment;  It makes no statement on regional, local, and
3. are productive persons who contribute to the institutional needs and priorities.
economic security and development of the family
and the nation; WHAT IT USES:
4. as citizens have a deep sense of nationalism and  It is desirable that regions, localities, and
are committed to the progress of the nation as well institutions construct their own values map,
as of the entire world community through global with clearly defined priorities, suited to their
solidarity; and peculiar context and needs.
5. manifest in actual life an abiding faith in God as a  Several Filipino cultural values such as
reflection of their spiritual being. pakikisama, utang na loob, hiya, bayanihan,
productivity, national solidarity, justice
truth, freedom, honesty, etc. Must be 7. Lastly, he is political. Like other peoples in
considered in the values education program. the world, the Filipinos have constituted
themselves into a nation-state to pursue the
PHILOSOPHY (HUMAN PERSON) goal of "social progress" and " total human
1. The human person is the subject of liberation and development." (Art.II,Sec.17)
education: he is a human person learning
and being taught. The human person is also CORE VALUES
the object: the human person is at the center One of the foregoing philosophy of the human
of the curriculum and the entire program. person, the supreme and overarching value that
The task of education is to help the Filipino characterizes the educational process is human
develop his human potential, contribute to dignity; the human person is of infinite value. (Art.
the growth of the Philippine culture, and by II, Sec. II; Art. XII, Sec. 1)
controlling the environment and making use
of human and non-human resources, build THE DIMENSION OF HUMAN PERSON
appropriate structures, and institution for the
attainment of a just and humane society. On the basis of the foregoing philosophy of man,
2. The human person is multi-dimensional. the supreme and over-arching value that
There is, first of all, the distinction between characterizes education is the human dignity.
the person as self and the person in
community. In real life, however, these are Being physical – he must maintain health and
not two distinct and separate aspects; the harmony with nature. That he should not abuse and
person as self grows precisely by developing over used his body: his physical nature calls for
his faculties in contact with the world and harmony with the material world.
others in the community and by taking an
active role in improving that community. Values: Health (Physical Fitness), Cleanliness,
3. The human person is an individual self- Harmony with the material universe, Beauty and
conscious being of incalculable value in Art
himself (Art.11, Sec.11: Art. XIII, Sec.1)
who cannot be a mere instrument of the Being spiritual - capable of higher concern and of
society and of the state. He is not just body rising above of the material. He must cultivate a
and soul juxtaposed or mixed as oil and global spiritual which essentially connects him with
water, but he is an embodied spirit. Hence, God and the whole earth community.
his physical, intellectual, moral, and spiritual
well-being is recognized by the State. (Art. Value: Faith in God
II. Sec.13).
4. The human person, however, does not live in Being intellectual – gifted with mind and the faculty
isolation but in community with other of knowing. He must constantly search for the truth.
personsphysical, intellectual, moral and He seeks knowledge that would transform society
spiritual like himself. He is inevitably social and the world. At the same time he maintains a
(Art. II, Sec. 13). tolerant and open disposition of mind.
5. He belongs to a family, the basic unit of
society or, in the words of the Constitution, Values: Truth, Knowledge, Creative and Critical
"the foundation of the nation" (Art. XV, Thinking
Sec.1) as well as to a wider and more
complex society of men and women. Being Being moral – endowed with the faculty of freely
social, he participates in defining the goals choosing and loving. He must go out to others and
and destinies of the community and in in fact to all humanity in love.
achieving the common good.
6. He is also economic. Life in a community Values: Love, Integrity, Honesty, Self-worth, Self-
involve the concerns of livelihood, esteem and Personal Discipline.
sufficiency, production, and consumption.
Being social – he must help build peace and justice
in our society, through the pursuit of family
solidarity as well as the common good and well-
being of the larger society. He must also cultivate
respect for human right and active non-violence.

Values: Social Responsibility, Mutual love and

respect, Fidelity, Responsible Parenthood, Concern
for other/ Common Good, Freedom, Equality,
Social Justice and Respect for Peace/Active Non-

Being Economic- concern of production and

consumption. He must help achieve the of a more
human and sustainable development for the country.

Values: Economic Efficiency, Thrift, Conservation

of Resources, Productivity, Vocational Efficiency
and Entrepreneurship.

Being Political – relates to the conduct of political

affairs with in the nation and the world. He must
cultivate his sense of nationalism and globalism.

Values: Nationalism (Common Identity, National

Unity, Esteem for National Heroes, Commitment/
Civic Consciousness/Pride, Bayanihan/ Solidarity
and Loyalty to country), Global Solidarity
(International understanding and cooperation)

The foregoing are values pertaining to the person as

self; indeed, the human being must achieve integral
self-development by cultivating his human faculties
to the fullest possible. In fact, however this values
are actualized in the society.

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