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Marketing Mix:

The 7P’s of

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• Marketing Mix

• Buyer Behavior

• Assembling the Marketing Mix

• Diagnostic Marketing Mix

• Marketing Plan

• 4S’s in Marketing Plan

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Marketing Mix
•The Marketing Mix is one of two interrelated
components of strategy
•The Marketing Mix, more popularly referred to as the 7Ps of
Marketing is a set of controllable and interrelated variables
composed of product, place, price and promotions that a
company assembles to satisfy a target group better than it’s
•Marketing Mix strategy is choosing and implementing the
best possible course of action to attain the organization’s
long- term objectives and gain competitive edge.

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Physical Appearance

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To satisfy the needs and wants of the

target market.

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To make the product conveniently
available to the target market consistent
with their purchasing pattern.

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To build and improve consumer
demand. Promotions has four
components called the Promotions Mix
as follows:

•Advertising – to effectively inform and

persuade the target market
•Public Relations – to offer a positive
image of the company and the brand
•Selling – to get the customers buy
•Sales Promotions – to convince
1/28/2020 customers to buy immediately
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To make the product affordable to the
target market and reflect the value of
benefits provided.

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They are the target consumers of the company. They are
the ones who are the consumers

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Physical Appearance
Physical appearance is the first distinction of a product. A
product could be easily recognized by it’s appearance.

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The process of the product is essential in marketing. This
determines the capability of the product to supply the
demand of the consumers.

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•Product, place and people are
considered as the strategic Ps of
marketing mix since they cannot be
changed overnight.
•Promotions, price, process and
physical appearance are considered
as the tactical Ps of marketing mix
because these can be changed
more easily.

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•Marketers of consumer packaged goods such as food and
personal care products sold in supermarkets would often add
“Merchandising” as another component of the marketing mix.
•Merchandising aims to extend advertising message at the
point of purchase (POP) by generating superior presence
within the store.
•Many companies uses store signs, posters, price tags, shelf
takers and island displays.
•Companies spend a significant 1% of their sales on

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