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Glazed Rhubarb Tart

Serves 4


 400g block puff pastry

 6-8 rhubarb stalks75g Cream Cheese
 1 egg beaten
 5 tbsps redcurrant or apple jelly

1. Preheat the oven to 200°C gas mark 6. Roll the pastry out on a work surface dusted with
flour, to a thickness of 2mm, intro a square or rectangle large enough to cover a baking sheet
measuring 25x30cm. Prick the base of the pastry all over with a fork to stop the pastry from
puffing too much.

2. Place the pastry on greaseproof paper on the baking sheet. Cut the rhubarb into 5cm sticks
and arrange in neatish rows in the centre of the pastry sheet. Brush the edges with the egg
then pinch the corners of the pastry together to ‘enclose’ the tart a little. Bake for 20-30
minutes until the pastry is golden and the rhubarb soft. Remove from the oven and allow to

3. Melt the jelly in the pan, adding about a tablespoon of water. Allow to boil and become
runny. Brush several layers of jelly over the tart until it is glossy. Serve at room temperature.

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