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Vibrational Spectroscopy 16 Ž1998.


Vibrational spectra of acid and alkaline glycine salts

´ T. Rosado a, Maria Leonor T.S. Duarte a, Rui Fausto
Mario b,)

Departamento de Quımica ´
e Bioquımica, ˆ
Faculdade de Ciencias da UniÕersidade de Lisboa, Ed. C1-58, Campo Grande, 1700 Lisbon,
Departamento de Quımica, UniÕersidade de Coimbra, 3049 Coimbra, Portugal
Received 5 September 1997; accepted 5 December 1997


The infrared and Raman spectra of crystalline acid ŽqNH 3 CH 2 COOHP Cly. and alkaline ŽNaqP NH 2 CH 2 COOy.
glycine salts were recorded and interpreted. The assignments were confirmed by comparison with the infrared and Raman
spectra of crystalline glycine Žzwitterion, qNH 3 CH 2 COOy. and the infrared spectrum of this molecule isolated in an argon
matrix at low temperature Ž10 K. Žneutral form, NH 2 CH 2 COOH.. Further insight on the features of the vibrational spectra
of these substances was achieved by ab initio ŽHFr6-31G ) . frequency and intensity calculations and potential energy
distribution calculations resulting from normal coordinate analysis. q 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.

Keywords: Glycine Žneutral and zwitterionic forms.; Acid and alkaline glycine salts; Vibrational ŽIR and Raman. spectra; Ab initio
prediction of vibrational spectra

1. Introduction w10,11x, have previously been studied, although the

main focus has been on the zwitterion, due to its
Glycine is the simplest protein structural unit and
greater biological importance.
the smallest amino acid that can act as neuroinhibitor
The assignment of bands in the infrared spectrum
in mammalian central nervous systems w1,2x. Since
of crystalline glycine Žzwitterion. presents difficul-
vibrational spectroscopy can provide the key to elu-
ties, due to the presence of some regions with very
cidation of both structural and dynamical properties
broad and structured bands Že.g. n OH, n NH and
and can be used to establish fundamental correlations
n CH stretching regions.. The study of the vibrational
between these and the chemical or biochemical be-
spectra of glycine alkaline and acid salts appeared to
haviour of these substances, considerable effort has
be a promising way of understanding complex fea-
been dedicated to such studies on glycine under
tures of the zwitterion spectra, since -NH 2 , -COOy
various experimental conditions w2–12x. Interesting
and -COOH, -NHq 3 groups are present in alkaline
vibrational features of the infrared spectra of glycine,
and acid salts, respectively. However, glycine salts
both in the zwitterionic w2–9x and neutral forms
have not previously received much attention.
Williams et al. tried to correlate vibrational spec-
Corresponding author. Tel.: q351-39-22826; fax: q351-39- tra of the salts with ab initio calculations w12x. How-
27703; e-mail: ever, these focused only on spectra in aqueous solu-

0924-2031r98r$19.00 q 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

PII S 0 9 2 4 - 2 0 3 1 Ž 9 7 . 0 0 0 5 0 - 7
36 M.T. Rosado et al.r Vibrational Spectroscopy 16 (1998) 35–54

tion and the calculations were performed with a modification of this compound w14x Žglycine crystal-
relatively modest basis set Ž4-31G.. lizes in three different modifications, the a , b and g
In this work, FT-IR and Raman spectra of crys- forms w2x, the a-form corresponding to the stable
talline glycine salts were assigned with the help of modification at room temperature.. For zwitterionic
polarized wavefunction double-z HFr6-31G ) ab glycine, the infrared and Raman spectra of the crys-
initio vibrational frequency calculations and normal tal Ž a-modification. were obtained, while the neutral
coordinate analysis. All calculations were applied to form was studied by matrix isolation infrared spec-
the most stable conformer of each molecule studied troscopy ŽMI-IR., in Argon, at 10 K.
ŽFig. 1. and, since the present studies used the
crystalline compounds, the cyclic dimer of the acid
salt Žsee Fig. 1. was also considered. 2. Experimental and computational methods
The assignment of vibrational spectra was helped
by extensive comparison with the spectra of zwitteri- a-Glycine p.a. q98% was obtained from Merck.
onic and neutral glycine. The zwitterionic form of The alkaline salt, the glycinate Ž N a q P
glycine constitutes a unique situation, because it does NH 2 CH 2 COOy. , was prepared by dissolving com-
not correspond to a minimum in the potential energy mercial glycine p.a. in a saturated solution of NaOH.
surface of the isolated molecule w13x. The calcula- The solution ŽpH ) 12. was dried in vacuum until
tions were carried out using the basic molecular complete solvent evaporation, and the crystals
geometry previously determined by neutron diffrac- washed with methanol. The acid glycine salt
tion for an individual molecule in the a-crystalline Žq NH 3 CH 2 COOHP Cly . was prepared by dissolu-
tion of the amino acid in concentrated HCl solution
Ž33%. and the resulting solvent ŽpH - 3. was evapo-
rated as for the alkaline salt.
Fourier transform infrared ŽFT-IR. spectra of
crystalline materials as potassium bromide pellets
were recorded with a Perkin Elmer PE 1760 FT-IR
spectrometer, in the 4000–400 cmy1 region, with a
resolution of 2 cmy1 .
Raman spectra were obtained using a SPEX 1403
double monochromator spectrometer Žfocal distance
0.85 m, aperture fr7.8., equipped with holographic
gratings with 1800 grooves mmy1 ŽRef. 1800-
1SHD.. The 514.5 nm argon laser ŽSpectra-Physics,
model 164-05. line, adjusted to provide 220 mW
power at the sample, was used as excitation radia-
tion. Detection was effected using a thermoelectri-
cally cooled Hamamatsu R928 photomultiplier.
Spectra were recorded using increments of 1 cmy1
and integration times of 1 s. Under these conditions,
the estimated errors in wavenumbers are "1 cmy1 .
The matrix isolation spectrum ŽMI-IR. of the
neutral form of glycine was recorded with a disper-
sive Specord IR75 Župdated. infrared spectrometer
and a resolution of 0.2 cmy1 . The complete descrip-
tion of the set-up used for these experiments is
Fig. 1. Molecular structures of the various systems studied: Ža.
described elsewhere w10x.
zwitterionic glycine; Žb. neutral glycine; Žc. glycine alkaline salt; Ab initio calculations were performed with a PC
Žd. glycine acid salt Žmonomer. and Že. glycine acid salt Ždimer.. equipped with a Am486DX4r100 MHz processor,
M.T. Rosado et al.r Vibrational Spectroscopy 16 (1998) 35–54 37

using Gaussian 92 for WindowsrRevision G-3 w15x. intensities, their potential energy distribution and
These calculations were executed at the Hartree– proposed assignments are presented in Tables 2–5.
Fock level of theory with the 6-31G ) basis set w16x. In general, the assignments made for glycine Žboth
Molecular geometries were fully optimized by the neutral and zwitterionic form. agree with those pre-
force gradient method using Berny’s algorithm w17x. viously proposed w2–9x and, together with the results
The largest residual coordinate forces were always of the calculations, were used as a basis for assign-
less than 3 = 10y4 hartree bohry1 Ž1 hartrees ment of the spectra of the two salts. The detailed
2625.5001 kJ moly1 ; 1 bohr s 5.29177 = 10y11 m. analysis and discussion of the results will be divided
or hartree rady1 , for bond stretches and angle bends, into sections, corresponding approximately to differ-
respectively. The stopping criterion for the SCF iter- ent spectral regions.
ative process required a density matrix convergence
of less than 10y8 .
The force constants Žsymmetry internal coordi- 3.1. Region aboÕe 2000 cm y 1
nates. used in the normal coordinate analysis were
obtained from the ab initio Cartesian harmonic force Only neutral glycine and its acid salt contain the
constants using the program TRANSFORMER Žver- OH group. In the MI-IR spectrum of neutral glycine,
sion 2.0. w18x. This program was also used to prepare as consequence of the isolated status in the Ar
input data for the normal coordinate analysis pro- matrix, the OH stretching mode appears as a sharp
grams: BUILD-G and VIBRAT ŽRefs. w19x 1 and band at 3560 cmy1 . In the infrared spectrum of the
w20x., which enabled the calculation of the potential acid salt, this appears as a broad band centered at
energy distribution ŽPED. of each of the normal 3439 cmy1 . In this case, the band shape clearly
modes of vibration. shows the effect of association and hydrogen bond-
The ab initio calculated force fields were scaled ing. It is interesting to note that the calculated value
down using a single scale factor Ž0.89., which is for the frequency of this mode for a monomer in the
accepted to be the best for the Hartree–Fock level of acid salt calculations Ž3558 cmy1 ; see Table 5. is
calculations w21x. This very simple scaling preserves considerably higher than the experimental one, while
the potential energy distributions as they emerge the calculated value for the dimer Ž3437 cmy1 ; Table
from the ab initio calculation and has an important 6. is in good agreement.
advantage over more elaborate force field scaling Assignment of the NH and CH stretching modes
procedures that use more than one scale factor and in the neutral glycine infrared spectrum is straight-
usually gives rise to marked PED distortions from forward, since these give rise to bands in a clear
the ab initio calculated values. spectral region. In the alkaline salt, nas CH 2 and
nsCH 2 are observed at 2945 and 2927 cmy1 , in the
infrared spectrum and give rise to strong Raman
3. Results and discussion bands at 2941 and 2911 cmy1 . Calculations on this
molecule suggest the n NH 2 bands should appear at
The optimized molecular geometries for the low- lower frequencies than in isolated neutral glycine
est energy conformation of the various molecules Žsee Tables 3 and 4.. Thus, these modes are assigned
studied are shown in Table 1. The vibrational spectra to the two broad medium intensity bands at 3325
of neutral and zwitterionic glycine Žinfrared and cmy1 Ž nas NH 2 . and 3212 cmy1 Ž ns NH 2 . in the
Raman. are shown in Figs. 2–4 and those of the Raman spectrum of this compound. In the corre-
alkaline and acid salts are presented in Figs. 5–8. sponding infrared spectrum, the n NH 2 vibrations
Experimental and calculated vibrational frequencies, give rise to the very broad feature from ca. 3000 to
3400 cmy1 . The two infrared bands at 3439 and
3391 cmy1 are at too high frequencies for these
modes and are attributed to the first overtone of the
These programs incorporate several routines from programs nas COOy stretching fundamental, which appears as a
GMAT and FPERT w19x. doublet at 1597 and 1561 cmy1 .
38 M.T. Rosado et al.r Vibrational Spectroscopy 16 (1998) 35–54

The infrared spectra of both crystalline glycine broadening and complex structure of the n NH 3
and its acid salt show a very broad and structured stretching region in the infrared spectrum of crys-
band spanning from 3400 to 2400 cmy1 . This is talline amino acids has been extensively discussed
typical of crystalline amino acids w5,22x and has been w5,23–26x. Although still controversial, it is generally
ascribed to NH 3 stretching modes, which sometimes considered that the observed band contour results
obscure the CH 2 stretching bands. In the Raman essentially from Fermi resonance between the n NH 3
spectra, the n CH 2 modes increase and the n NH 3 stretching modes and combination bands involving
modes decrease in intensity, which allows a clear mainly the d NH 3 bending vibrations w5x. This inter-
observation of the first. The origin of the extensive pretation is reinforced by the present results. Al-

Table 1
Calculated Žab initio 6-31G ) . optimized molecular geometriesa
Coordinate Glycine Žneutral form. Glycineb Žzwitterion. Alkaline salt Acid salt Žmonomer. Acid salt Ždimer.
C5O 1.188 1.233 1.233 1.184 1.197
C–C 1.515 1.553 1.553 1.517 1.515
C–O 1.330 1.237 1.237 1.301 1.289
C–N 1.439 1.496 1.463 1.496 1.495
O–H 0.952 0.957 0.964
C–H 1.085 1.080 1.086 1.080 1.081
1.085 1.080 1.089 1.080 1.081
N–H op 1.002 1.012 1.005 1.012 1.013
1.002 1.012 1.005 1.012 1.013
N–H ip 1.011 1.011 1.013
H . . . O5 1.948
C–C–O 111.8 117.5 115.6 111.4 111.6
C–C5O 125.4 117.1 116.7 120.8 121.1
O5C–O 122.8 125.4 129.7 127.8 127.2
N–C–C 115.0 111.9 115.7 106.8 108.6
C–O–H 108.4 111.3 112.4
C–C–H 107.7 108.8 109.0 111.4 110.7
107.7 110.5 107.4 111.4 110.7
C–N–H op 110.4 110.4 104.6 110.9 111.6
110.4 111.7 106.9 110.9 111.6
C–N–H ip 112.1 112.2 111.5
O–H . . . O5 170.3
C5O . . . H 130.1
C–CŽ5O. –O 180.0 180.0 178.2 180.0 180.0
N–C–C5O 0.0 18.9 11.8 0.0 0.0
O5C–O–H 0.0 0.0 0.0
H–C–C5O y123.0 y101.0 y107.9 y118.8 y119.5
123.0 140.6 133.7 118.8 119.5
H op –N–C–C y58.6 y58.1 y37.7 y58.5 y59.3
H ip –N–C–C y177.3 180.0 180.0
a ˚ angles in degrees; geometries refer to the most stable conformer in the RHFr6-31G ) PES of each molecule studied.
Bond lengths in A,
Zwitterionic form of glycine does not correspond to a minimum in the PES of this molecule w13x. The geometry here presented and used to
undertake the vibrational calculations was built as follows: Ži. valence angles and dihedrals were taken from the neutron diffraction data
relative to crystalline glycine Ž a-form. w14x; Žii. bond lengths were transferred from the 6-31G ) optimized structures here calculated for the
alkaline salt ŽCOOy group. and acid salt ŽNHq 3 group . The calculated bond lengths obtained for the two salts were used instead of the
experimental data obtained from neutron diffraction since otherwise it would not be possible to adopt the single force field scaling factor
used in this study to fit the calculated frequencies to the experimental spectra also for the zwitterionic form of glycine. Indeed, the scale
factor requires 6-31G ) consistent data, in particular in the case of bond lengths, whose particular values strongly influence the calculated
M.T. Rosado et al.r Vibrational Spectroscopy 16 (1998) 35–54 39

Fig. 2. Infrared spectra of neutral form of glycine: Ža. experimental ŽMI-IR spectrum of glycine isolated in an Ar matrix at 10 K. and Žb.
6-31G ) predicted infrared spectrum Žscaled..
40 M.T. Rosado et al.r Vibrational Spectroscopy 16 (1998) 35–54

Fig. 3. Infrared spectra of zwitterionic glycine: Ža. experimental ŽFT-IR spectrum of crystalline glycine at room temperature. and Žb.
6-31G ) predicted infrared spectrum Žscaled..
M.T. Rosado et al.r Vibrational Spectroscopy 16 (1998) 35–54 41

Fig. 4. Raman spectra of zwitterionic glycine: Ža. experimental ŽRaman spectrum of crystalline glycine at room temperature. and Žb.
6-31G ) predicted Raman spectrum Žscaled..
42 M.T. Rosado et al.r Vibrational Spectroscopy 16 (1998) 35–54

Fig. 5. Infrared spectra of glycine alkaline salt: Ža. experimental ŽFT-IR spectrum of crystalline NaqP NH 2 CH 2 COOy at room temperature.
and Žb. 6-31G ) predicted infrared spectrum Žscaled..
M.T. Rosado et al.r Vibrational Spectroscopy 16 (1998) 35–54 43

Fig. 6. Raman spectra of glycine alkaline salt: Ža. experimental ŽRaman spectrum of crystalline NaqP NH 2 CH 2 COOy at room temperature.
and Žb. 6-31G ) predicted Raman spectrum Žscaled..
44 M.T. Rosado et al.r Vibrational Spectroscopy 16 (1998) 35–54

Fig. 7. Infrared spectra of glycine acid salt: Ža. experimental ŽFT-IR spectrum of crystalline NH 3 CH 2 COOHP Cly at room temperature.
and Žb. 6-31G ) predicted infrared spectrum Ždimer ‘model’; scaled..
M.T. Rosado et al.r Vibrational Spectroscopy 16 (1998) 35–54 45

Fig. 8. Raman spectra of glycine alkaline salt: Ža. experimental ŽRaman spectrum of crystalline NH 3 CH 2 COOHP Cly at room
temperature. and Žb. 6-31G ) predicted Raman spectrum Ždimer ‘model’; scaled..
Table 2
Spectra assignment and potential energy distribution for the zwitterionic form of glycinea
Assignment Symmetry Calculated Experimental ŽIR. Experimental ŽRaman.
Wavenumber IR int. R int. Wavenumber Intensity Wavenumber Intensity P.E.D.
nas NH 3 A 3319 131.0 27.8 3176, 3040 s, s 3149 m nasX NH 3
nas NH 3 A 3311 86.0 51.5 3176, 3040 s, s 3149 m nasY NH 3
ns NH 3 A 3224 38.9 79.5 2899 b w 2911,2886 m, m ns NH 3
nas CH 2 A 2977 7.3 53.6 3007 w 3013 s nas CH 2

M.T. Rosado et al.r Vibrational Spectroscopy 16 (1998) 35–54

ns CH 2 A 2926 6.1 84.9 2970 vs 2978 s ns CH 2
nas COO A 1666 528.5 1.0 1596 vs 1575 w nas COO Ž83., dasX NH 3 Ž10.
das NH 3 A 1616 109.0 5.5 1615 s 1676,1638 w, vw dasX NH 3 Ž40., dasY NH 3 Ž40., nas COO Ž10.
das NH 3 A 1614 44.3 5.3 1615 s 1676,1638 w, vw dasY NH 3 Ž47., dasX NH 3 Ž42.
ds NH 3 A 1493 264.2 1.0 1525,1505 s, s 1522,1511 w, w ds NH 3
d CH 2 A 1446 9.7 8.4 1460,1444 vw, m 1462, 1446 m, m d CH 2
ns COO A 1367 232.5 6.6 1413,1401 s, m 1417,1404 m, sh ns COO Ž72., n CC Ž20., d COO Ž15., v CH 2 Ž14.
v CH 2 A 1294 69.6 2.8 1334 s 1331 s v CH 2 Ž59., ns COO Ž22.
twCH 2 A 1277 26.6 5.8 1310 w 1331 s twCH 2 Ž46., r NH 3 Ž18.
r NH 3 A 1046 8.6 1.9 1131 w 1144 w r NH 3 Ž29., twCH 2 Ž21., r NH 3 Ž16., v COO Ž15.,
r CH 2 Ž11.
r NH 3 A 1025 28.3 4.1 1112 w 1114 w r Y NH 3 Ž32., twCH 2 Ž19., r X NH 3 Ž16., r CH 2 Ž11.,
v CH 2 Ž11.
n CN A 914 8.3 2.8 1034 w 1041 w n CN Ž69., n CC Ž19.
r CH 2 A 865 31.6 1.0 911 m 928 vw r CH 2 Ž28., r Y NH 3 Ž47., v COO Ž28.
n CC A 831 111.9 6.5 893 m 899 s n CC Ž76., n CN Ž19.
d COO A 648 3.0 3.4 698 m 703 w d COO Ž61., r CH 2 Ž19., n CC Ž11.
v COO A 571 5.0 3.8 608 w 608 w v COO Ž43., r CH 2 Ž24., n CC Ž19., d COO Ž16.
d CCO A 437 18.5 3.2 504 m 499 w d CCO Ž44., n CC Ž14.
d NCC A 320 32.7 0.2 358 c 364 w d NCC Ž66., d CCO Ž45.
t CN A 206 4.8 0.4 520 d sh 509 d w t CN
t CC A 119 2.1 0.3 186,171 w, m t CC Ž46., t CN Ž22., v COO Ž13.
a ˚ 4 ramu. n stretching, d bending, v wagging, r rocking,
Wavenumber values are in cmy1 . IR int. Žinfrared intensities. kmPmoly1 and R int. ŽRaman scattering activities. in A
tw twisting, t torsion, s symmetric, as asymmetric. The experimental intensities are only qualitative. PED: The number is parenthesis is the percent contribution of each internal
mode for the total potential energy. Contributions -10% are not shown. When only one internal mode in the PED have a contribution )10%, its value is ommited.
Higher component band of the complex structured band due to Fermi resonance interaction; other main relative maxima occur at 2830, 2733, 2622 and 2532 cmy1 Žsee text..
The predicted wavenumber for t CN is considerably lower than the experimental value, due to crystal packing forces Žsee text..
From Ref. w9x.
M.T. Rosado et al.r Vibrational Spectroscopy 16 (1998) 35–54 47

Table 3
Spectra assignment and potential energy distribution for the neutral form of glycinea
Assignment Symmetry Calculated Experimental ŽMI-IR.
Wavenumber IR int. Wavenumber Intensity P.E.D.
n OH A 3607 110.1 3560 m n OH
nas NH 2 A 3400 5.0 3410 w nas NH 2
ns NH 2 A 3328 3.0 3200 w ns NH 2
nas CH 2 A 2915 15.5 2957 w nas CH 2
ns CH 2 A 2881 19.9 2943 w ns CH 2
n C5O A 1811 385.9 1780 vs n C5O
d NH 2 A 1648 25.4 1630, 1623 w d NH 2 Ž71., v NH 2 Ž24.
d CH 2 A 1433 9.2 1428 w d CH 2
v CH 2 A 1397 36.4 1385 w v CH 2 Ž48., n CC Ž16., n C–O Ž15.
twNH 2 A 1349 0.0 1373 vw twNH 2 Ž47., twCH 2 Ž47.
d COH A 1288 19.4 1339 w d COH Ž38., v CH 2 Ž33., n C–O Ž10.
n C–O A 1165 299.0 1100 s n C–O Ž43., d COH Ž34.
twCH 2 A 1154 2.1 1147 w twCH 2 Ž49., twNH 2 Ž32., r CH 2 Ž11.
n CN A 1096 39.9 1131 m n CN
v NH 2 A 930 198.2 882, 880 m, w v NH 2 Ž46., n CN Ž17., d NH 2 Ž16.
r CH 2 A 897 6.6 867, 852 w, w r CH 2 Ž43., twNH 2 Ž26., v COO Ž21.
n CC A 809 80.3 799 s n CC Ž46., v NH 2 Ž13.
t C–O A 630 137.9 618 m t C–O Ž50., v COO Ž30., r CH 2 Ž17.
d COO A 621 15.7 637 w d COO Ž50., d NCC Ž16., d CC5O Ž12., n C–O Ž10.
v COO A 491 38.6 498 w v COO Ž37., t C–O Ž40., r CH 2 Ž17.
d CC5O A 448 34.1 463 m d CC5O Ž27., d COO Ž34., n CC Ž15., d NCC Ž11.
d NCC A 250 10.8 d NCC Ž47., d CC5O Ž47.
t CN A 232 60.3 t CN
t CC A 74 5.2 t CC Ž69., t CN Ž13.
Wavenumber values are in cmy1. IR int. Žinfrared intensities. km P moly1 . n , stretching; d , bending; v , wagging; r , rocking; tw, twisting;
t , torsion; s, symmetric; as, asymmetric. The experimental intensities are only qualitative. PED: The number is parenthesis is the percent
contribution of each internal mode for the total potential energy. Contributions - 10% are not shown. When only one internal mode in the
PED have a contribution ) 10%, its value is ommited.

though more elaborate studies on this problem are band at 3113 cmy1 , due to the first overtone of the
still required, our data are consonant with the follow- nas COOy stretching, whose fundamental occurs at
ing assignments: 1592 cmy1 w6x.
Ži. The infrared bands at 3176 and 3040 cmy1 Žii. In the Raman spectrum of crystalline glycine,
Žwith the first also present in the infrared spectrum the nas NH 3 modes give rise to a single broad band
of crystalline ND 3 deuterated zwitterionic glycine with maximum intensity at ca. 3149 cmy1 Žclose to
w5x. are mainly due to nas NH 3 in Fermi resonance the average frequency of the doublet of bands ob-
with the first overtone of the nas COOy mode Žfunda- served in the corresponding infrared spectrum..
mental: 1596 cmy1 .. The doublet of bands at 3209 Žiii. The ns NH 3 stretching is extensively involved
and 3165 cmy1 in the Raman spectrum of glycine in Fermi resonance with combination bands. For
acid salt has a similar origin Žin the infrared spec- zwitterionic glycine, we tentatively interpret the
trum of this compound only the lower frequency maxima at 2899, 2830, 2732, 2622 and 2532 cmy1
component can be observed, since the higher compo- to bands resulting mainly from Fermi interaction
nent band is buried within the more intense very with ds NH 3 q ns COOy Ž1505 q 1413 cmy1 .,
broad n OH stretch band.. This interpretation is rein- ds NH 3 q v CH 2 Ž1505 q 1334 cmy1 ., das NH 3 q
forced by the observation in the infrared spectrum of r NH 3 Ž1615 q 1112 cmy1 ., das NH 3 q n CN Ž1615
crystalline ND 3 deuterated zwitterionic glycine of a q 1034 cmy1 . and das NH 3 q r CH 2 Ž1615 q 911
Table 4
Spectra assignment and potential energy distribution for the glycine alkaline salt a
Assignment Symmetry Calculated Experimental ŽIR. Experimental ŽRaman.
Wavenumber IR int. R int. Wavenumber Intensity Wavenumber Intensity P.E.D.
nas NH 2 A 3342 4.1 48.4 3325 m nas NH 2
ns NH 2 A 3282 8.9 83.6 3212 m ns NH 2

M.T. Rosado et al.r Vibrational Spectroscopy 16 (1998) 35–54

nas CH 2 A 2872 82.5 80.3 2945 m 2941 vs nas CH 2 Ž80., ns CH 2 Ž19.
ns CH 2 A 2831 87.2 108.7 2927 m 2911 vs ns CH 2 Ž80., nas CH 2 Ž20.
nas COO A 1688 622.3 0.3 1597, 1561 s, vs 1597,1572 w, w nas COO
d NH 2 A 1652 26.4 6.5 1630 sh 1630 w d NH 2
d CH 2 A 1444 3.3 12.7 1431 m 1439,1410 s, s d CH 2
ns COO A 1392 234.3 4.2 1498, 1457 s, m 1462 sh ns COO Ž56., n CC Ž18.,
d COO Ž14.
twNH 2 A 1344 23.7 10.7 1355, 1336 w, w 1358,1314 m, m twNH 2 Ž53., twCH 2 Ž33.
v CH 2 A 1292 115.1 2.9 1270 m v CH 2 Ž70., ns COO Ž12.
twCH 2 A 1118 11.5 3.4 1159 w 1168,1122 w, m twCH 2 Ž48., twNH 2 Ž23.
v NH 2 A 1094 2.0 0.7 1069 w 1079 w v NH 2 Ž47., n CN Ž17.
n CN A 997 4.6 0.5 1009 w 1004 w n CN Ž54., v NH 2 Ž28.
r CH 2 A 912 0.4 0.4 944, 900 w, w 909 vs r CH 2 Ž39., twNH 2 Ž25.,
v COO Ž25.
n CC A 855 9.6 0.1 865, 827 w n CC Ž37., d COO Ž33.,
ns COO Ž12.
d COO A 661 3.9 0.7 674 w 636 w d COO Ž36., d NCC Ž21.,
n CC Ž12., d CCO Ž10.
v COO A 561 13.5 2.6 622 m 582 w v COO Ž49., r CH 2 Ž30.
d CCO A 474 10.9 4.5 519 w 517 s d CCO Ž41., n CC Ž18.,
d NCC Ž11.
d NCC A 280 16.1 0.3 261 w d NCC Ž54., d CCO Ž38.
t CN A 180 67.9 2.9 239, 206 m, sh t CN
t CC A 73 3.9 0.2 t CC Ž63., t CN Ž12.
a ˚ 4 ramu. n , stretching; d , bending; v , wagging; r ,
Wavenumber values are in cmy1 . IR int. Žinfrared intensities. kmPmoly1 and R int. ŽRaman scattering activities. in A
rocking; tw, twisting; t , torsion; s, symmetric; as, asymmetric. The experimental intensities are only qualitative. PED: The number in parentheses is the percent contribution of
each internal mode for the total potential energy. Contributions -10% are not shown. When only one internal mode in the PED has a contribution )10%, its value is ommited.
M.T. Rosado et al.r Vibrational Spectroscopy 16 (1998) 35–54 49

Table 5
Calculated spectra and potential energy distribution for the glycine acid salt Žmonomer ‘model’. a
Assignment Symmetry Wavenumber IR int. R int. P.E.D.
n OH A 3558 244.9 69.4 n OH
nas NH 3 A 3320 155.3 37.9 nas NH 3
nas NH 3 A 3303 167.5 23.7 nas NH 3
ns NH 3 A 3223 77.2 54.8 ns NH 3
nas CH 2 A 2988 2.9 47.8 nas CH 2
ns CH 2 A 2929 3.9 79.0 ns CH 2
n C5O A 1825 414.7 5.1 n C5O
das NH 3 A 1614 44.6 4.9 das NH 3
das NH 3 A 1608 65.0 6.1 das NH 3
ds NH 3 A 1521 187.8 0.5 ds NH 3
n C–O A 1440 106.7 4.3 n C–O Ž15., d CH 2 Ž38., n CC Ž18., v CH 2 Ž16.
d CH 2 A 1435 41.3 4.3 d CH 2 Ž53., v CH 2 Ž21.
v CH 2 A 1311 42.3 1.5 v CH 2 Ž46., d COH Ž18., n C–O Ž17.
twCH 2 A 1286 17.3 5.6 twCH 2 Ž67., r NH 3 Ž21.
d COH A 1181 234.3 3.3 d COH Ž54., n C–O Ž32.
r NH 3 A 1078 0.2 1.0 r NH 3 Ž29., twCH 2 Ž33., r CH 2 Ž23., v COO Ž12.
r NH 3 A 1065 43.0 1.7 r NH 3 Ž59., v CH 2 Ž15.
n CN A 939 8.2 3.5 n CN Ž74., n CC Ž13.
r CH 2 A 873 40.5 0.4 r CH 2 Ž33., r NH 3 Ž42., v COOŽ15.
n CC A 807 45.4 9.9 n CC Ž44., n CN Ž11., r NH 3 Ž11.
t C–O A 632 143.6 0.3 t C–O Ž67., v COO Ž22.
d COO A 608 25.7 2.9 d COO Ž50., d NCC Ž16., d CC5O Ž12.
v COO A 509 44.9 2.7 v COO Ž58., r CH 2 Ž23.
d CC5O A 448 57.1 1.5 d CC5O Ž29., d COO Ž29., d NCC Ž14.
d NCC A 265 25.7 0.1 d NCC Ž48., d CC5O Ž47.
t CN A 161 0.9 0.0 t CN Ž65., t CC Ž22.
t CC A 48 5.3 0.1 t CC Ž44., t CN Ž38.
a ˚ 4ramu. n ,
Wavenumber values are in cmy1 . IR int. Žinfrared intensities. km P moly1 and R int. ŽRaman scattering activities. in A
stretching; d , bending; v , wagging; r , rocking; tw, twisting; t , torsion; s, symmetric; as, asymmetric. P.E.D.: The number in parentheses is
the percent contribution of each internal mode for the total potential energy. Contributions - 10% are not shown. When only one internal
mode in the PED has a contribution ) 10%, its value is ommited.

cmy1 .. In the acid salt, the corresponding bands stretching modes, a band of medium intensity is also
appear at 3003, 2840, 2678, 2595 and 2525 cmy1 , observed at 2117 cmy1 , and is here assigned to the
with the dominant band at 3003 cmy1 . combination mode das NH 3 q t NH 3 . As discussed in
Živ. The frequencies of the n NH 2 stretching Section 3.2 the fundamentals are assigned to the
modes in the alkaline salt of glycine and, in particu- bands at 1615 and 520 cmy1 .
lar, the n NH 3 vibrations in both crystalline glycine
and its acid salt are considerably overestimated by 3.2. Region 2000–1400 cm y 1
the calculations, since these groups participate in
intermolecular hydrogen bonding that is not properly This region of the spectrum includes the carbonyl
considered in the calculations. However, the calcula- stretching band Ž n C5O., NH 2 and NH 3 bending
tions are able to predict correctly the general trends, modes, CH 2 scissoring and the two carboxylate
both with respect to relative positions of the various stretching modes Ž nas COOy and ns COOy ..
n NH vibrations within the same molecule and the The carbonyl stretching band is present in both
relative values for the same mode in different neutral glycine and acid salt spectra and can be
molecules Žsee Tables 2–6.. assigned to the intense infrared bands at 1780 cmy1
In the infrared spectrum of the crystalline glycine, Žglycine. and 1745 cmy1 Žacid salt; Bu mode. and to
in addition to the bands due to the n NH 3 and n CH 2 the doublet of bands at 1737 and 1717 cmy1 in the
Table 6
Spectra assignment and potential energy distribution for the glycine acid salt dimer a
Assignment Symmmetry Calculated Experimental ŽIR. Experimental ŽRaman.
Wavenumber IR int. R int. Wavenumber Intensity Wavenumber Intensity P.E.D.
n OH Bu 3437 1590.0 3439 vs n OH
n OH Ag 3404 238.8 n OH
nas NH 3 Ag 3303 78.2 3209, 3165 m, m nas NH 3
nas NH 3 Bu 3302 353.5 3196 s nas NH 3
nas NH 3 Au 3302 333.4 3196 s nas NH 3

M.T. Rosado et al.r Vibrational Spectroscopy 16 (1998) 35–54

nas NH 3 Bg 3302 45.7 3209, 3165 m, m nas NH 3
ns NH 3 Ag 3216 116.4 3020 m ns NH 3
ns NH 3 Bu 3216 189.1 3003 vs ns NH 3
nas CH 2 Au 2982 13.2 nas CH 2
nas CH 2 Bg 2982 97.2 3001 vs nas CH 2
ns CH 2 Ag 2925 159.1 2968 vs ns CH 2
ns CH 2 Bu 2925 19.0 ns CH 2
n C5O Bu 1787 919.2 1745 vs n C5O Ž89., n C–O Ž14.
n C5O Ag 1756 6.7 1737, 1717 m, w n C5O Ž90., n C–O Ž11.
das NH 3 Ag 1614 9.6 1601 w das NH 3
das NH 3 Bu 1614 84.5 1625 m das NH 3
das NH 3 Au 1612 137.6 1594 m das NH 3
das NH 3 Bg 1612 13.2 1585 m das NH 3
ds NH 3 Ag 1526 0.8 1494 m ds NH 3
ds NH 3 Bu 1525 363.4 1486 s ds NH 3
n C–O Ag 1464 5.8 1445 w n C–O Ž32., v CH 2 Ž26.,
n CC Ž21., d COO Ž12.
n C–O Bu 1461 301.0 1437 s n C–O Ž29., v CH 2 Ž30.,
n CC Ž24., d COO Ž12.
d CH 2 Ag 1431 16.2 1421 m d CH 2
d CH 2 Bu 1431 60.6 1421 s d CH 2
v CH 2 Ag 1344 7.6 1342 w v CH 2 Ž53., d COH Ž23.
v CH 2 Bu 1328 96.4 1332 m v CH 2 Ž52., d COH Ž21.,
n C–O Ž14.
twCH 2 Au 1292 31.1 1313 w twCH 2 Ž60., r NH 3 Ž17.
twCH 2 Bg 1292 11.2 1315 m twCH 2 Ž60., r NH 3 Ž17.
d COH Ag 1234 7.3 1219 m d COH Ž46., n C–O Ž40.
d COH Bu 1226 380.9 1254, 1216 s, s d COH Ž64., n C–O Ž31.
r NH 3 Au 1085 0.6 1115 w r NH 3 Ž34., twCH 2 Ž32.,
r CH2 Ž26., v COO Ž14.
r NH 3 Bg 1085 1.3 1125 w r NH 3 Ž34., twCH 2 Ž32.,
r CH2 Ž26., v COO Ž14.
r NH 3 Ag 1069 3.4 1108 m r NH 3 Ž65., v CH 2 Ž15.
r NH 3 Bu 1069 98.3 1103 m r NH 3 Ž65., v CH 2 Ž14.
n CN Ag 952 7.1 1047 m n CN Ž72., n CC Ž15.
n CN Bu 951 16.3 1040, 1027 w, w n CN Ž72., n CC Ž14.
r CH 2 Au 875 111.9 912, 900 sh, m r CH 2 Ž35., r NH 3 Ž45., v COO Ž20.
r CH 2 Bg 873 0.8 904 m r CH 2 Ž36., r NH 3 Ž46., v COO Ž20.
n CC Bu 823 73.8 870, 857 w, w n CC Ž42., n CN Ž15., d COO Ž14., r NH 3 Ž12.
n CC Ag 819 17.8 860 vs n CC Ž44., n CN Ž15., d COO Ž13., r NH 3 Ž12.
t C–O Au 780 295.3 804 w t C–O Ž73., dop Žring. Ž12.
t C–O Bg 737 0.6 t C–O Ž90.
d COO Bu 622 50.6 675, 640 w, w d COO Ž48., d NCC Ž15., d CC5O Ž11.
d COO Ag 618 5.6 637 m d COO Ž51., d NCC Ž14., d CC5O Ž10.
v COO Bg 555 2.3 571 w v COO Ž63., r CH 2 Ž23.

M.T. Rosado et al.r Vibrational Spectroscopy 16 (1998) 35–54

v COO Au 545 3.9 f 540 vw v COO Ž61., r CH 2 Ž23.
d CC5O Bu 464 65.4 496 w d CC5O Ž30., d COO Ž21., n CC Ž11.
d CC5O Ag 457 5.1 498 m d CC5O Ž31., d COO Ž20., d NCC Ž13.
d NCC Bu 269 119.3 d NCC Ž58., d CCO Ž35., n H . . . O Ž19.
d NCC Ag 269 0.1 296 m d NCC Ž53., d CCO Ž42., d C5O . . . H Ž17.
t CN Bg 167 0.1 178 m t CN Ž56., t CC Ž13.
t CN Au 166 0.1 t CN Ž54., t CC Ž15.
d C5O . . . H Ag 114 0.3 135 m d C5O . . . H Ž48., n H . . . O Ž33.
t C5O Bg 98 0.4 t C5O Ž76., t C–O Ž19.
n H...O Ag 95 0.0 n H . . . O Ž55., d C5O . . . H Ž26.
t C5O Au 80 6.4 t C5O Ž18., t CC Ž31., t CN Ž26., t C–O Ž13.
n H...O Bu 78 20.0 n H . . . O Ž81., d CCO Ž15.
t CC Bg 61 0.1 t CC Ž50., t CN Ž32.
t CC Au 51 4.9 t CC Ž33., t C5O Ž26., t CN Ž19., dop Žring. Ž11.
dop Žring. Au 39 37.5 dop Žring. Ž41., t CC Ž32., t CN Ž11., t C–O Ž10.
a ˚ 4 ramu. n , stretching; d , bending; v , wagging; r ,
Wavenumber values are in cmy1 . IR int. Žinfrared intensities. kmPmoly1 and R int. ŽRaman scattering activities. in A
rocking; tw, twisting; t , torsion; s, symmetric; as, asymmetric. The experimental intensities are only qualitative. PED: The number in parentheses is the percent contribution of
each internal mode for the total potential energy. Contributions -10% are not shown. When only one internal mode in the PED have a contribution )10%, its value is

52 M.T. Rosado et al.r Vibrational Spectroscopy 16 (1998) 35–54

Raman spectrum of the later compound Ž A g mode.. and 1444 cmy1 Ž1462 and 1446 cmy1 in the Raman
The appearance of the doublet of bands in the Ra- spectrum. for the zwitterion. In the alkaline salt, this
man spectrum is probably due to a Fermi resonance mode gives rise to the infrared band at 1431 cmy1
involving the carbonyl stretching fundamental and and to the Raman doublet at 1439 and 1410 cmy1 ,
the first overtone of the C–C stretching mode Ž A g while in the acid salt it gives the band at 1421 cmy1
symmetry. whose fundamental vibration leads to the Žboth in the infrared and Raman spectra..
intense Raman band at 860 cmy1 . As is commonly Because carboxylic acid group intra-dimer inter-
observed w27–31x, the calculations considerably actions in the acid salt of glycine considerably in-
overestimate the frequency of the n C5O mode, crease the double bond character of the C–OŽH.
since they do not fully account for intermolecular bond when compared with a pure carboxylic acid
effects that tend to reduce the frequency of this moiety, the n C–O vibration in this molecule occurs
vibration Žfor glycine, polarization effects due to at a much higher frequency than in the isolated
matrixrsolute interactions w27–29x were not consid- neutral form of glycine. We assign the infrared band
ered, while interdimer interactions w30,31x were ne- at 1437 cmy1 ŽRaman: 1445 cmy1 . of the acid salt
glected in the acid salt.. In the case of the glycine to this mode Žinfrared, Bu mode; Raman, A g mode.,
acid salt, however, comparison of predicted frequen- while in the MI-IR spectrum of the neutral form of
cies for n C5O calculated using monomer and dimer glycine this mode gives rise to the band at 1100
‘models’ Žsee Tables 5 and 6. clearly shows that the cmy1 . The corresponding calculated values for this
calculated frequency for this mode is considerably mode are: glycine acid salt: 1464 cmy1 Ž A g mode.,
improved in the later, where intermolecular associa- 1461 cmy1 Ž Bu mode.; neutral glycine: 1165 cmy1 ..
tion is partially considered. Note that as with the remaining C–O stretching
As with the n C5O mode, the calculations also modes, the predicted frequencies are overestimated
overestimate the frequency of the antisymmetrical by the calculations.
COOy stretching mode of the zwitterionic form and
of the alkaline salt, while they underestimate the 3.3. Region 1400–800 cm y 1
frequencies of the symmetrical COOy stretching
vibration Žsee Tables 2 and 4.. This results could be Most of the bands in this region are due to the
anticipated, since the calculations Žfor isolated wagging, twisting and rocking modes of the CH 2 ,
molecules. do not take properly into account inter- NH 2 and NH 3 groups. When the CH 2 group is
molecular interactions acting in the crystalline state placed in an adjacent position to the NH 2 or NH 3
that tend to make the two C–O bonds more similar fragments, the vibrations become strongly coupled.
and, thus, lead to an increase of the ns COOy and This is reflected in the extensive mixing of these
decrease of nas COOy mode frequencies w30–32x. coordinates in the potential energy distribution calcu-
The assignment of the COOy stretching modes is lated for most of these modes Žsee Tables 2–6..
made easier because these vibrations are predicted For molecules containing the carboxylic acid
by the calculations to give rise to very intense in- group, the band due to d COH can also be found in
frared bands, whose counterparts in the Raman spec- this spectral region Žas usual, strongly coupled with
tra are relatively weak. n C–O w28–32x, and also with v CH 2 .. As previ-
The NH 2 and NH 3 bending modes were assigned ously referred, n C–O in neutral glycine also gives
easily, despite, in general, that some of the bands rise to a band in this region Ž1100 cmy1 ., which is
originated in these vibrations cannot be observed in easily identified by taking into consideration its high
the infrared spectra due to extensive overlap with the intensity Žsee Table 3 and Fig. 3..
very intense nas COO band Žthey are, however, clearly Finally, the n CC and n CN modes also give rise
observed in Raman.. to bands in this region and are predicted by the
The assignment of the CH 2 scissoring band does calculations to be very sensitive to the nature of the
not present any major difficulty in the spectra of neighbouring groups. Interestingly, these stretching
glycine and is ascribed to the infrared band at 1428 vibrations seem to couple extensively only in the
cmy1 for the neutral form and to the doublet at 1460 acid salt. Calculated frequencies and intensities are
M.T. Rosado et al.r Vibrational Spectroscopy 16 (1998) 35–54 53

in general good agreement with the experimental of glycine, using a moderate basis set Ž6-31G ) . at
infrared and Raman data. the Hartree–Fock level of theory, produce helpful
predictions of vibrational frequencies for the assign-
3.4. Region below 800 cm y 1 ment of the vibrational spectra of these molecules. In
addition, although generally not as accurate as the
The deformation modes involving the skeletal frequencies, the theoretically predicted intensities
atoms Ž d COO, v COO, d CC5O and d NCC. ap- Žboth in infrared and in Raman. have proved useful
pear in this spectral region, along with the torsional in assignment of the spectra. Finally, a dimeric struc-
vibrations. The frequencies predicted for these vibra- ture of the acid salt of glycine in the crystalline state
tions Žin particular t C–O and v COO. in the acid was found to give best results in the prediction of the
salt, on the basis of the dimer ‘model’ calculation, vibrational spectra of this compound.
are in much better agreement with experimental data
than those calculated using the monomer. The ap-
pearance of the band at 135 cmy1 in the Raman Acknowledgements
spectrum of this molecule, which was assigned to the
d C–O . . . H ‘ring’ mode, is also worth noting. This The authors would like to thank Professor Yuri P.
could not be interpreted on the basis of the monomer Blagoi, Dr. Eugeni D. Radchenko and Dr. Igor D.
‘model’ calculation. Reva ŽInstitute for Low Temperature Physics and
The predicted frequency for the NCC bending Engineering of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences,
mode in the acid salt is 269 cmy1 Žfor both Bu and Kharkov. for making available the MI-IR experimen-
A g modes.. Thus, we assigned the Raman band at tal facilities used in this work. R.F. also aknowl-
296 cmy1 to this mode. In the zwitterionic glycine, edges Professor Hugh D. Burrows for his comments
this vibration is predicted to occur at a higher fre- on this work. This study has been carried out under
quency than in the acid salt Žcalculated value: 320 the PRAXIS XXI research programme Žcontract
cmy1 . and is here assigned to the Raman band at PRAXISr2r2.1rQUIr412r94. also supported by
364 cmy1 , whose infrared counterpart occurs at 358 FEDER.
cmy1 w9x. The t C–N mode Žcalculated value: 206
cmy1 . was previously assigned to the infrared band
at ca. 520 cmy1 ŽRaman: 509 cmy1 ., on the basis of
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