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No Call-No Shows, Absences, and Tardiness have a significant impact on the functioning of our
system as well as on other employees. If you do not come in as scheduled, it makes a negative
impact on the entire shift, leaving everyone short-handed and putting a strain on successful

As a result, other staff must make up for the loss of a missing team member. This also
negatively affects the bike share experience for our riders.

Please read the below policies regarding how to handle an anticipated absence and what the
consequences are for missing a shift.

How to Avoid Attendance Marks on Your Record:

1. ​Keep track of your work schedule.​ It is posted in Dayforce. If you need help signing into
Dayforce, contact the People Team. If you are unable to view your schedule, notify your
manager. Management will endeavor to provide access to functioning computers and internet
at each work facility for employee use. Schedules and Timesheets are also viewable, and Time
Away requests can be input, on the time clocks at each location.

2. ​Communicate to your manager ​well ahead of any scheduled shift that you are unable to
work. In accordance with the Employee Handbook and the CBA, all Paid Time Off, (PTO), must
be requested at least 14 days in advance, and must be approved by your manager. However,
requests should be entered as far in advance as possible. In cases where multiple requests
have been made for the same day, and not all can be accommodated, approval shall be based
● Regular Workweek: Date of Request
● Holiday Workweek: Company Seniority of Requester

All time-off requests must be made through Dayforce. ​PTO Requests made for Regular
Workweek days will be approved or denied within 7 days of request.

3. ​You may find someone to switch shifts with you. ​The switch must happen within the
workweek (Sun-Sat), with someone who works the same shift length. Shift swaps should go
through Dayforce, where final approval comes from your manager. This ensures that the
schedule is updated and that your replacement is committed to that new shift. If you find a
replacement without following this procedure and your replacement does not show, it will be
counted as your Absence.

4. ​Unscheduled absence notifications must be made at least one (1) hour prior to the start of
your shift, ​or in the case of an emergency, as soon as is practical.​ ​Notification must be made
according to your department/location’s policies.

Revised 03/2020

5. ​All employees accrue sick leave in accordance with the Employee Handbook, CBA and local
laws, ​for unforeseen days off in which they cannot work their scheduled shift (ie. illness, family
emergency, other reasons covered by sick leave laws). Absences of three (3) days or more may
require certification (ie. Doctor’s note), in accordance with applicable law. Such certification
must include the medical provider’s name and contact information, the date treatment was
provided, the provider’s certification that you are unable to perform your duties, and the date
you may return to work. You begin accruing sick leave immediately upon hire, but you may not
use any sick leave until you have passed your 90-day probationary period. Requests to use sick
leave must be entered in Dayforce before the close of the pay period in which the absence

6. ​All employees are allowed three (3) excused absences per year for unforeseen days off in
which they cannot work their scheduled shift (“personal days”).​ They are defined as the first
three unscheduled call-outs of the year, regardless of reason, that are not covered under the
list of Exempt Absences below, or STO. They also​ ​do not count towards the absences in the
Absence Policy listed below. The employee may choose to pay themselves with available PTO.

No Call-No Show Policy

No Call-No Show is defined as anytime an employee does not show up for a scheduled work
shift without calling prior to or within an hour of that work shift start time.

- 1​st​ No Call-No Show: Mandatory meeting with your manager and a Final Warning.
- 2​nd​ No Call-No Show: Termination

Time period: One (1) rolling year period.

Absence Policy

Absence is defined as not working a scheduled shift, even though you may have ‘called out’ in
advance of the shift. If available STO is used to cover the absence, the absence will be
considered excused. If no STO is available, or you choose not to use it, the absence will be
considered unexcused, except as noted in Number 6 above.

- 1​st​ unexcused absence: No action

- 2​nd​ unexcused absence: 1st Corrective Action
- 3​rd​ unexcused absence: 2nd Corrective Action
- 4​th​ unexcused absence: Final Corrective Action
- 5​th​ unexcused absence: Termination

Revised 03/2020

STO Note: ​STO should be requested in full or half-day increments, however, in accordance with
local sick leave laws, STO can be requested in hourly increments (eg. leaving 1 hour early for a
Dr. appointment, you can request 1 hour of STO by adding a note in your request for your
manager to adjust the time requested). When STO is used for less than a full day, the
Attendance Policy will apply to the rest of your scheduled shift.

Note:​ If you are absent from work more than three (3) consecutive workdays without notifying
the appropriate manager of the reason for the absence and its expected duration, you are
considered to have abandoned your job and will be separated from employment.

Time period: One (1) year rolling period.

Tardy Policy

Tardy is defined as arriving late for the start of your shift. You should be ready to work at the
exact time that you are scheduled. There is a 10 minute grace period at the beginning of your
shift. An employee will be documented as tardy when clocking in more than ten (10) minutes
after the start of a scheduled shift. If you are late in excess of two (2) hours then such situation
will be counted as an absence unless your manager approves it still being a tardy.

Note: ​If you are a remote worker, i.e Valet, Field Bike Mechanic, etc, key fob activity may be
required to verify the start and end of your shift.

- 1​st​ tardy: No action

- 2​nd​ tardy: 1st Corrective Action
- 3​rd​ tardy: 2nd Corrective Action
- 4​th​ tardy: Final Corrective Action
- 5​th​ tardy: Termination

Time Period: Six (6) month rolling period.

Note:​ Any occurence of Absence or Tardy if an employee is on “Final Warning” in Absences or

Tardies category shall result in termination.

Early Out Policy

Early out is defined as leaving before your shift is scheduled to end. An early out occurring
more than 10 minutes before the end of your shift shall result in a tardy. An early out occurring
2 or more hours before the end of your shift will be treated as an absence.

Note​: If you are permitted to leave by your manager or supervisor due to weather, business
needs, etc., the early out will not count against your absences or tardies.

Revised 03/2020

Exempt Absences

The following absences will not impact your attendance record:

1. Worker's Compensation Injury Leave (may run concurrently with FMLA, if eligible)
2. Medical Leave of Absence and/or Family and Medical Leave (FMLA)
3. Approved Leave Of Absence covered under the Collective Bargaining Agreement or
Employee Handbook
4. Jury Duty
5. Military Leave
6. Bereavement Leave
7. Parental Leave
8. Volunteer Time Off


There are sometimes situations when conduct exhibits a pattern of behavior that illustrates a
disregard for responsible behavior in regards to attendance, tardiness, and schedule-adherence

Thus, if such a pattern is detected, a manager will hold, and document, a Coaching Session with
the employee to point out the behavior. Continuation of the behavior may result in discipline
and/or termination, either standing alone or in conjunction with the other requirements found
in the attendance and tardiness policy.​ ​In all such instances, there must be a case-by-case
determination with the outcome turning on a standard that the conclusion must be reasonable
once all the factors are considered.

Previous Corrective Action

All Corrective Actions for attendance received prior to the start of this policy will remain active
for the duration of the time period(s) outlined above.

Separation of Disciplinary Tracks

The disciplinary tracks in this policy (NCNS, Tardy, Absence) are wholly separate unto
themselves and may not be combined with any non-Time & Attendance violations.

Revised 03/2020

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