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Student's Book

Virginia Evans
Jenny Dootey
Nadezhda Bykova
Marina Pospetova

� -�-
Student · s book

We c t o m bace k ! р. 4

c_h _o
_o _ay
_t_d ....::. _ !
c...s _______ р. 9

•&fmmt5f___ t __m
F_a_m e _t
o _
_ !s
n ________ р. 25

C.fmmt=I___ _t
t _....,.g
A_H__h_e k_ei ___
_h i n ,_s_l_t_ ! р. 41

Bmf:i ____ C _m_e

o _ _n
_ai _n__,p
_d ._t
a _______ р. 57

Etфmf411rt__F_u_r_ry,,__f_r_i___e n _d s ______
! _ 73 P·

ftJmm§, ____
H _m e _s
o _,_,
_ _ _w e _e __
_ h o _!_______
t _m
_e р. 89

А Dya ff o ! р. 105

1/фmfi••__D_....ya _b_
y .._
._ d _y_ !
a ___ _______р. 121

________ ,р.138

....,l.aiilii1Aaii1118i11ii18ii��------------P· 140

р. 142

• .."----------_JP· 150
-'Q.� bl §..i111MlllilM
•i.i1111th1&1·t!:::!i11i.M... 8[.__________ p. 166
lilllllillll lillii

�ii!lill!Мii�.il-------------1P · 172
Sterter Unit - Welcome backl (рр. 4-8)

Module 1 - School days! (рр. 9-20)

practise,.. write..
Lаггу and Lulu's first day at school identify school items the present simple about yourself
and their new friends, numbers spell names of the verb 'to Ье'
1-20, school items & subjects, talk about school imperative
shapes, schools in the UK subjects
give commands
pronounce Л:/ and /е/

Now I know (рр. 22-23)

Madule 2 - family moments! (рр. 25-37)

family members, famous paintings, • introduce family • possessive • about your

families members adjectives family
• pronounce /е!/ and /ffi/ • plurals (-s)

Now I know (рр. 38-39)

Module 3 - AII the things I like! (рр. 41-53)

ln this module you will ...

l learn, read and talk about...

the children's food preferences,
learn how to...
• identify food and drink
• the present simple
• а note to your
British favourite food • express likes and • some - any mother
• order food
• pronounce /а1/ and /1/
Now I know (рр. 54-55)

Module 4 - Come in and play! (рр. 57-69)

ln this module you will...
learn, read and talk about... learn how to... practise... write...
Larry, Lulu and Betsy's toys, things talk about possession а - an about your
in а room, popular fairy tales, j identify rooms and this/that room
Tesco superstores furniture these/those
• pronounce /ou/ and /о/ • the possessive case

Now I know (рр. 70-71)

Modu\e 5 - Furry friends! (рр. 73-85)
ln this module yotI will...
the children's trip to Snowdonia, • describe parts of the • the verb 'have got' • about your or
animals and parts of the body, body • adjectives your friend 's
reptiles and mammals, emus • describe animals • irregular plurals pet
• express abllity • the verb 'can'
• talk about age • numbers 20-50
• pronounce /а1/ and /i/
Now I know (рр. 86-87)

Module 6- Home, sweet home! (рр. 89-101)

ln this module you will ...

l learn, read and talk about... learn how to... practise... write...
Larry and Lulu's grandparents from , talk about location • prepositions of • about your
Australia, rooms and things in а • pronounce /u:/ and /л/ place house/ flat
house, family crests, houses in • there is/are
Britain • plurals (-es, -ies,
Now I know (рр. 102-103)

MQdufe 7 - д �у offl (рр. 1 DS-117)

111 thts modu(e you Wf 11 •••

the children's activities on Кing's • describe actions • the present • about а day in
Park Day, hobbles, popular happening now continuous the park
children's races in the USA • talk about free-time • like + -ing
• pronounce /rJ/ and /n/
Now I know (рр. 118-119)

Module 8 - Day Ьу dayl (рр. 121-133)

ln this module you wШ ...

daily routines, days of the week, • describe daily routines • the present simple • about what
time, time zones around the world, • tell the time (daily routines) you do on
popular American cartoons • pronounce /s/, /k/ and • prepositions of time Saturdays or
ltJI Sundays

Now I know (рр. 134-135)

Меггу Christmas, everybody! (рр. 138-139) Further Speaking Practice (рр. 162-165)
Mother's Day (рр. 140-141) Grammar Reference (рр. 166-170)
Spotlight on Russia (рр. 142-149) Phonetics (р. 171)
Further Reading Practice (рр. 150-155) Word List (рр. 172-177)
Further Writing Practice (рр. 156-161)
Welcome back!
Read and write their names·.

Hetto, 1 'm ... . Hetto, 1 'm ... and this is ... .

Nice to see you again! Wetcome back!

Hetto, everyone! l'm ... !

Q Chit-Chat
Hetto, Rosie! Nice to see you again!

Hetto, Jake! Nice to see you too!

@Listen and sing a[ong!

// u r me ьtue,
re d , c o t o
,cotour me
nboW, too\
� fJ ��
m e а r a i
d uc ks a r e ьrown,
o oks are
T he ь .
p e c ,t c ase ,s p1nk
The n
e sun today1
u r i s t h
What coto
, ., . s u n , 1 think\
\t's а .,

· ,., �Fun with colours!

Work in pairs.
Student А: Read the word.
Student В: Say the cotour.

fl)ifffik r!@OIJ§Xry Whlte


�� [JJOJ!;@
� Ye/fow
BlcrcA, (]J@(§j (JJW/Jз
WhН. Yel'-9 ГJJ(§Jj}
Look, read and choose.

This is Nanny Shine оп holiday in the country. lt's а

1) sunny / windy day and she's with her dog, Danny.

This is Larry оп holiday. Не is at camp. lt's

2) hot/ raining!

This is me on holiday at the seaside. lt's а very 3) hot/ cold

day and we're all having lots of fun! 1 love holidays!

Show holiday photos to your class and talk about them.


'... •
- �···. _

Everyone with brown shoes, change seats!

�Let's play!

�� Chit-Chat
• 1

А: Му name's Joyce. That's J-0-Y-C-E.

В: Hi, Joyce. What's your phone number?
А: Му phone number is 567 789 091.


iS \
o '-- �

ln this module you wiH ...
e.1earn, read and talk about ...

• Larry and Lutu's first day at schoot

• schoot items
• schoot subjects

e.pгactise ...

• identifying schoot items

• numbers 1-20
• tatking about schoot subjects
• commands

ScRoofs in tRe U}(J

·�- �З.:: -- - --- . ЖЗ_ --- -- - - .-

School again !
- �Listen and repeat.

schoot school bag реп pencit

rubber ruter book pencit case

Chit-Chat l-= GLet's playl
What's this?

What's your name?


U@Listen and read.
---1 Вуе, Lutu! Вуе, Larry!

Hi, Расо. This is Lutu.

··"' ,,

Hetto, l'm Мауа.

What's your name?

Му name's Lutu.
This is my pet, Chucktes. /-

What's this? r--------------,-

Read again and choose the names.

Lulu, Larry, Betsy, Мауа, Расо, Chuckles.

J Sing a[ong!

One, two, three, four,

Time to go to schoot once more!

,, Five, six, seven, eight,
Get your schoot bag, don't Ье tate!

Nine, ten, get your реп.

Come with me, it's schoot again!

���Listen and repeat. Then count and say.

11 = e,even 16 = stxteen а 1+8 f 3+5

12 = twe,ve 17 = seventeen ь 3+7 g 9+11
13 thtrteen 18 = etghteen с 8+7 h 2+2
1д f ourteen 1
9 = ntneteen d 10+9
е 9+5
( 9+.д

15 ftfteen 20 = twenty j 9+2

w. а One ptus eight is nine.

.@Listen and repeat.

РЕ is а tot of fun for me.

Теп red pens are оп the desk.

,,. Сору the tаЫе and complete it.

three, y ettow, реп, see, w e, teddy, tree, pencit, desk, she

/i:/ /е/

-- �Let's play!

-- @Listen and repeat.

Б,glish Maths Geography РЕ

History Science Music

Which subjects do you have at schoo[? Аге they the

---- same ог different?
We have ... .
We don't have ... .


А: What's your favourite subject?

В: Art. What about you?
А: 1 tike Music.
:lj Read and say.

1 1 am ВоЬ. 4 l'm in уеаг 8.
l'm ВоЬ. 5 What is this? 1 am· Mike.
2 What's your name? 6 Му name is Peter. l'm Mike.
What is your name? 7 They аге at schoot.
3 He's 12. 8 lt's а ruter.

г- Read and answer the questions .

� 1 Get Msg Шrite Msg Reply File

Stop Print
Му name's Larry and I'm 9. I'm in Year 5 at
school. I like History, РЕ and Maths, but my
favourite subject is Art.
What about you?

1 How otd is Larry?

2 What уеаг is he in at schoot?
3 What's Larry's favourite subject?

-- "WPortfo[io: Now write an e-maH about yourse[f .

�Let's playl
,�- L_-
А: Guess the subject! .!'
В: Music!


• Look, read and match.

1 Stand up!
(1 ,,
2 Sit down!
З Open your book!
4 Ctose your book!
5 Ctap your hands!
6 Stamp your feet!

-_ �{!} Sing a[ong!


Come on, everybody,

Stand up, stand!
Stamp your feet
And ctap your hands!

Come on, everybody,

Sit down, sit!
Ctap your hands
And stamp your feet!
J. J
1' , i,..
t' ':- � --!(· ) J;

11� 1: t.. (_ r. '>1 (.f I t I О �-
,r.; t

.__Е� . J;-.�

Read the examp[e and have fun with numbers!

number (1-7) 7

Add ( +) five _ 12
Add four 16

Take away (-)

Add six 20
Take away the
first number

Answer 13

,,.r,r, Match the pictures to the correct shapes.

1 3

triangte circte square

Daddy: Here's а toy WiHiam: Thank you, Daddy!
For my tittte Ьоу. He's very nice
А toy sotdier fог you He's got dark hair
And his jacket is blue! And Ыg brown eyes!
Daddy: And what have I got
For my tittte Rose?
А batterina
She сап dance оп her toes!

Rose: Thank you, Daddy!

She's beautifut too!
She's got а pretty pink skirt
And pretty pink shoes!
Тhе Тоу Soldier

;ij Read and say yes ог по.

1 Wiltiam has got а toy sotdier.
2 The toy sotdier has got Ыg green eyes.
З The toy sotdier has got а black jacket.
4 The batterina сап dance оп her toes.
5 Rose has got pretty pink shoes.

1 Q Сору the 'Thank you' [etters and comp[ete them.

Dear ...
Thank you for my new ...
He's very nice!

Dear ...
Thank you f or my new ...
She's beautifut!
s,Roois tn tRe tJКJ
Read and find the age.

м any children in the UK start nursery school at the age

of three ог four. AII children start primary school
when they аге five and spend six years there. Some
children in primary schools wear uniforms.

[ Name of school Age

[Nursery school

[Primary school

Look and write. (15 points) D Look and write. (30 points)
1 Z- J


\ - Read and choose. (20 point�

1 А What your name?
В What's your name?
2 А What's this?
В What this?
3 А This my pet, Jessie.
В This is my pet, Jessie.
4 А lt а реп.
В lt's а реп.

�IJ Read and answer a�out yourse[f. (15 points)

1 What's your name?
2 How otd аге you?
З What's your favourite subject?

Reading and Writing-

1.D Read and write the names of the schoo[ subjects. (20 points)
о e:J§;


Му name's Tim. l'm in Уеаг 6 at schoot.

1 like 1) ., ооо' 2) ��i 000 , 3) ... and

4) but my favourite subject is 5)

ооо, ООО о

What about you?


1 Totat 1 OooJ
:i ��s, vJJ

1 tatk about my schoot

2 count 1-20

З write about schoot subjects

Hetto. Му name's Arthur.

___, And my name's Tricksyl I tive next doorl
ln this modu[e you wiH ...
• learn, read and talk about ...
• family members

•pгactise ...
• tatking about famities

Famifies пеаг anri /ar!

- - -- - - __- --- - .,.з _._ ·---= - - -� - -- - _J@!iii

А new member!
· - @Listen and point. Then sing along.

Look at me
And my famHy tree!
Grandma and
Grandpa , you see!
Mum and Dad,
Ыg brother and me
And our new
littie sister, Betsy!

Look and say.

Look! This is my grandma, Rosie!

":�Listen and read.
Hetto, Larry!

Look! lt's Mum and Dad !

8. , This is your little sister, Betsy.
....=..:r 1

Nanny! This is our

tittte sister!

1s she my tittte sister too?

Chucktes, what's this?

·,, , Read again and choose.

Chucktes has got а teddy / chimp.

This is my Ыg brother. His name is Ron.
1 - my it - its
you - your we - our
Read and choose . he - his you - your
she - her they - their
Tom: What's this?
Sam: lt's а photo of my famity. Look! This is 1) my/her brother.
Tom: What's 2) his/her пате?
Sam: Ron. He's ten.
Tom: Who's this?
Sam: Oh, that's my sister, Pam.
Tom: 1s this З) your/my dad?
Sam: Yes, it is. His name is Dan.
Tom: Who's she?
Sam: She's my mum. 4) His/Her name is Anna.
Tom: Who are they?
Sam: Му grandma and my grandpa. 5) Your/T heir names аге
Lara and ВоЬ.

U Look and say.

This is my Ыg sister. Нег name is Carin.

., -=-====а::==-11'
�Listen and repeat.

А happy f amity is in the hat.

Take а cake, Kate.

:.� 1 Сору the tаЫе and complete it.

name, cake, ftag, tate, tamp, bag, table, grandma, ЬаЬу,

/eJ/ /re/

�Let's playl

,;, J,J .. -,
Who's she? She's my mum.

ha у
@Listen and repeat.
mье Sh1ne Fa_mi_ly

grandmother grandfather father mother

(Meg) (Harry) (Peter) (Sara)


А: Who's Meg?
В: Нег grandmother.
What is it? lt's а toy soldier.
What аге they? They're baHerinas.
-g Look, геаd and say.
1 They're yettow. What are they?
They're boats.
2 lt's pink. What is it?
lt's а baHerina.
З They're blue. What are they?
4 lt's green. What is it?
5 They're red. What are they?
6 They're brown. What are they?
1). Read and choose.

Helto, 1' m 1) Larry / Рас о. This is my mother and 2) father /

brother. Their names аге Sophia and Cartos. Hector is my
Ыg 3) brother /sister and Anna is my tittte sister. This is my
grandmother and this is my 4) mother / grandf ather. We аге
а happy famity!

,%Portfoiio: Now write about your famHy.

,., �Let's play!

l'm Мг Green!
l'm Grandmother Btue. Who аге you?

��,, 31
• Say the words in the plural.

1 chair 5 candte 9 book

2 duck 6 burger 10 Ьоу
З bed 7 mask 11 girt
4 boat 8 banana 12 puppet

Say the sentences in the plural.

1 1 am а Ьоу. 2 The piano is black. 4 lt is а Ыrd.

We аге boys. З She is а batterina. 5 Не is а teacher.

1 Sing along!

Соте to my house and see

Му happy famity!
Му mum and dad, ,,
Му brother Brad
And my sister Rosie Lee!
Му mum is very pretty,
Му dad is Ыg and tatt.
Rosie Lee's а ЬаЬу Соте to my house and see
And she is very smatt! Му happy famity!
Brad is eight
And he's great!
We're as happy as сап Ье!
Paint it Blue!
�- These are paintings Ьу Picasso. What cotour are they?
Read and choose:
а) red Ь) yeHow с) blue

Bj .
1:: .....
. ?

�� . %,....: ,. �:: �&У

.. ... .....
. -'"t.:. � --�
. .,.,.;.. -:1(.. �·

1�_� . 2;� ; ;_� �,�,

v:, ...
, ��

/: �\


t1:'�� . � . .,. ., ...-·::..

у -�.i·,_;i· - . ...

Look at the paintings again. What's the best titte for each
one? Read and choose.
Picture А Picture -В
1 Воу and Dog 1 А Нарру Famity
2 ln the Street 2 Mother and Chitd

•L� Choose one cotour you like. Paint your own picture.

Narrator: And now it is Look, my friends
The end of the day. Аге over there !
Time for the toy s That's Dotty the dott
То come out and ptay. And Jack in his Ьох
And Pip the puppet -
Ted: Hetto, l'm Ted. " One of Wittiam's socks!
l'm а teddy bear.
Sam: l'm Sam, the toy sotdier.
How do you do?
lt's very nice
То meet аН of you!

Bella: And my name's ВеНа.

НеНо, everyone!
1 tike it here,
lt's tots of fun!
� � ---- -

f И<
The Тоу Soldler

Look, read and match.

а Dotty

ь Pip

Сору and comp[ete.

And my ... Betta. ... , everyone!
1 'm 5am the ... . How do ... ?
[fa1/li�ies near anri far! -�

Hetto! l'm Sam Adams. l'm from the UK. Meet my

famity ! This is my mum, Laura, and my dad, Chris.
Сап y ou see my tittte sister, Patti? She's onty one!

..... 7
' .. ----:--,:::-.-.·.-;,..,..J,

This is my grandma and this is my grandpa. Their

names are Jack and Becky. They tive in Austratia.

а Read and say yes or по.

1 Sam is from Austratia. 3 Chris is his grandfather.

2 His sister is one. 4 Jack and Becky tive in the UK.
а Look, read and complete. (20 points)
t ef d a g � efh a t r
n r a rh -1�

1 3 4

tJ Read and choose. (15 points)
1 This is my fish. lts/Your na·me is Bubbles .
2 She/Her name is Lutu.
3 This is my father. Нег/His name is Roger.
4 Look at its/our f riends, Раса and Мауа!
5 This is my grandmother. Нег/His name is Anna.

Read and complete: is, аге. (15 points)

1 lt ... а book.
2 They ... not ducks .
3 ... they rubbers ?
4 This ... not my s choot.
5 Who ... she?

11 Write the plurals. (10 points)

1 ruter 2 реп 3 book 4 rubber 5 pencit
Read and match. (20 points)

1 What's this? а Му Ыg sister.

2 Who's she? Ь They' ге �ooks ..
3 What аге they? с No, it's а teddy.
4 Who's he? d Му tittle brother.
5 Is it а tittte chimp? е lt's а rubber. 1201

Reading and Writing /

� Look and read. Tfien write the names in your notebooks.

(20 points)

Hetlo, l'm 1) ... . This is my mother and father. Their names аге
2) ... and 3) ... . 4) ... is my Ыg sister and 5) ... is my tittte
brother. We аге а happy famity!
, ,,,
..... о .....

1 Totat 1 Ооо]

1 tatk about my famity

2 write about my famity


� � 39
_ ____..

@Episode 1
НеНо, Rascat .
Ti me to go home !

1 ' \
\ � t\
\� c; S \ \--
Иt: \\-\
�\--\--\ �
ln this module you wiH ...
e.1earn, геаd and talk about ...
• food preferences t

e.pгactise ...
• talking about food
• ordering food

А 8ite to eat!
- .. � -- -- . -

Не loves jelly!
� Chicken with vegetables,
1Q\Ь1isten and point. Then sing along!
lce cream and chocolate.
Water and lemonade,
Pizza with cheese оп it!
Eggs in my sandwiches,
Burgers with chips:
These are j ust some
Of my favourite things!


What's your favourite food?


IJj@Listen and read.

What's your favourite food, Мауа?

Му favourite food is chips.

Pizza, yum!
What about you?
1 tike chips, but I don't tike burgers!

lQ Read again and say yes ог по.

Мауа tikes burgers.

/ 1'IIMI143
• 1 like pizza. Не likes chicken.
Do you like chips? Yes, 1 do. /No, 1 don't.
Does he like eggs? Yes, he does. /No, he doesn't.
1 don't like burgers. Не doesn't like vegetables.

1g Сору the tаЫе. Then ask your friends_ and �omplete.

Find someone who tikes...

chicken burgers
vegetables eggs -
ice cream sandwiches -
chocotate chips

А: Anna, do you tike chicken? В: Yes, 1 do.

!Q\ Ask and answer.


1 burgers? 2 chips? 5 cheese?

Does Rascal like burgers? З vegetables? 6 chicken?
Yes, he does. 4 eggs? 7 pizza?

!Q Now look at the pictures again and talk about Rascal.

Rascat tikes burgers, but he doesn't tike chips.

and repeat. li
1 tike white mice; they're very nice.

His tittte sister is six.

(tJ Сору the table and complete it.

ice cream, tike, Ыscuits, rice, Ыg, mitk, nine, fish, kite, chicken

/aJ/ /J/

111 �Look and find the wordsl


1 don't tike XSRXPVM
Му favourite food is KLКXLIM

(g Now complete about yourself.

1 tike ... .
1 don't tike ....
Му favourite food is ... .
�a@Listen and repeat.

meat potatoes Ьiscuits milk cake

orange J u1ce

1 ��

pasta � sausages
е J


А: Сап I have some meat and potatoes, ptease?

В: Неге you are.
А: Thank you.

1g Read and complete. Use: some ог any.

1 She's got some Ьiscuits.
2 They haven't got ... orange juice. l 've got some Ьiscuits.
3 Have they got ... pasta? Have you got any mitk?
4 He's got ... popcorn. 1 haven' t got any Coke.
5 We haven' t got ... Coke. BUT
6 Have you got ... mitk? Сап I have some mitk, ptease?
7 They've got ... cake.
8 1 haven't got ... rice.

Q1 Read and comp[ete the shopping [ist for Karen.

Karen, 1' ShO(?(?i119 Ltst
We've got some eggs, but we haven't got any chicken
chicken. We've got'some milk, but we haven't got ...
any ice cream. We've got some carrots and
potatoes, but we need some apptes and some
David ...

1IJ Portfo[io: Now write а note for your mother.

D �What's in your !unch Ьох? Choose 3 things and draw. Then

ta[k with your friend.

. 1
- .

jl CJJ
е-- '

А: l've got some cheese. Have you got any cheese?

В: Yes, l've got some cheese too!/No, 1 haven't got any cheese.

IQ Fruit, vegetable or drink? Look and say.


1 An appte is а fruit. 2 Water is а drink.

IJ Jь Sing aiong!

" I like food, I love it!

1 tike apptes I сап crunch!
1 tike Ыscuits I сап munch!

1 tike orange juice
that I сап swish,
swish, swish!

1 tike food, 1 tove it!

1 eat it every day;
Hot or cotd,
Wet or dry,
1 eat it any way!
�(Ь) -т\-=-1"
m сшШ IIRlf
D What's their favourite food? Read, look and find out!

• Edward tikes А5. • Lisa tikes D6.

• Penny tikes ЕЗ. • Darett tikes С4.
• Martin tikes Н1. • Jitty tikes F2.

tQ1 Now write in your notebooks about yourself and your

family. Use the code!
1 tike ... . Му father tikes ... . Му mother tikes ... .
Sam: Foltow me, foltow me, Come оп, everyone,
March if you сап! Foltow me! Foltow me!
Swing your arms,
And count to ten! АН: Hooray! Hooray!
lt's the end of the day!
One, two, lt's time for us
One, two, three! То соте out and play!
Narrator: And now the day
1s here again !
The toys сап' t march,
Or count to ten.


т е Тоу Soldier

(11 What's the command? Say.

1 ten/Count/to!
2 your/Swing/arms!
З can/you/March/if!
4 me/FoHow!

(0 Game: _FoHow the leader!

А 8ite to- eat!

Q Read and write.

А I tove teatime! 1 have tea and 1) с... every day at
4 o'ctock.

В Му favourite breakfast is sausages, 2) е... and

toast. Yummy!

С Оп Saturdays we have fish and 3) с... for tunch.

There's а great fish and chip shop in our street.

11 What do you iike eating? Draw 2 things and say.

1 tike eating ... .

g sз
IQ Look, read and match. (20 points) с

r==:1 а
e.g. Ыscuits j 1
1 eggs
2 orange juice
З cake
4 temonade
5 chocotate
6 mHk
7 sandwiches
8 water
9 ice cream
1О rice

1g Read and choose. (20 points) ttJI Read and choose. (20 points)
1А We doesn't tike mHk. 1 We haven't got some/any eggs.
В We don't tike mHk. 2 Have you got some/any cheese?
2 А Does Sue tikes potatoes? З Сап I have some/any meat?
В Does Sue tike potatoes?
4 1 haven't got some/any cake.
З А I tike chips.
В I tikes chips. 5 We've got some/any burgers.
4 А Peter, does you tike rice?
В Peter, do you tike rice?
11 Read and complete: 1 do. Yum!, 1 don't. Yuk! (20 points)
А: Do you like Ьiscuits? А: Do you like mHk?
В: 1) Yes, ... � В: 2) No, ...
- �

А: Do you like sausages? · А: Do you like rice?

В: 3) No, ... В: 4) Yes, ...

Reading and Wrjting

IJ Look, read and write the names in your notebooks. (20 points)
e.g. 1 like chicken and carrots. Frank

T(na � 1 1 like chicken and potatoes.

2 1 like pasta and vegetaЫes·.
3 1 like rice and sausages.
4 1 like meat and potatoes.
5 1 like pizza and salad.
Theo �

1 Total 1 [IooJ
Frank (t. · 1 \ �
-� ll CC:..v .1

1 talk about food

2 order food

Sam 3 talk about likes and dislikes

4 write а note
@Episode 2
Catch the batl, Rascat!
� i\
� ��Q

co� t\

ln this module you will ...

е. [earn, read and ta[k about ...
• Larry, Lutu and Betsy's toys
• things in а room

e.pгactise ...
• tatking about toys and possessions
• identifying things in а room

Tes�o Superstore!
.Q@List�n and repeat.

lL:W..(ц_ elephant

musical Ьох

rocking horse

tea set
7 LLL4tn�

Whose is this musicat Ьох?

lt's mum's.

g@listen and read.

Look! This is my
etephant and that 's
my rocking horse .

.л Wow! Thank you, Nanny. ·� , , ::, ,

(Q, Read agai n and answer.

Whose are Lutu and Larry's toys now? "

1 lsg
l,Q Put the words оп the right train.
tea set, egg, animal, репсН, ruler,
umbreHa, rocking horse, orange.
ап appte а ЬаН

This is а doH. uw That is ап etephant. uw

D Look and say. Then complete.

1 This is а tea set. .,.,.�� 5 ... ruler.

2 ... appte. 6 ... egg.

З ... train. 7 ... pencH case.

4 ... ЬаН. 8 ... banana.

g@Listen and repeat.

Rose, ctose your book and go home.

ВоЬ, put the dog and the frog into the toy Ьох.

(111 Сору the tаЫе and comp[ete it.

nose, ctose, frog, dog, open, hot, Ьох, home, dott, по

/оо/ /о/

8 �Let's playl
Whose is this? lt's Anna's.



(8 Jk{!) Listen and point. Then
sing along!

Computer, ТV, radio,

Armchair, lamp and bed.
Му desk is blue and yeltow
And my chair is green and red!

В Chit-Chat
А: What's this? А: Whose is it?
В: lt's а computer. В: lt's Roy's.

This is my реп. -+ These are my pens.

That is my ruter. -+ Those are my ruters.

\11, Say the sentences in the plural.

1 This is а table. 4 This is an aeroptane.
These are taЫes. 5 This is my brother.
2 That is а desk. 6 That is my book.
З That is а chair.

81 Which picture? Read and choose.

This is Donna and Danny. This is their playroom! These are their
toys. That's Danny's rocking horse. lt's brown and white. This is
Donna's tea set. lt's red! Donna's chair is pink and Danny's chair
is Ыuе. And look at the funny radio! lt looks like а yellow

R'WPortfolio: Now draw·your room and write about it.

D �Let's play!

А: What's in my room?
В: А bed!


D, Look, ask and answer.
1 2

А: What's this? А: What are those?

В: lt's а radio. В: They' re computers.

3 4 5


11, 1 Sing along!

Соте to my
This is а tea set.
Ready for tea.
Ptay with my toys,
Come in and play
Come in and play
With ВаЬу and me!
Оп my rocking horse.

Tel1 me а stnry!
81 What's the fairy tale? Look and choose.
а. The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse

Ь. Littte Red Riding Hood

..,,-----� с. Gotditocks and the Three Bears

d. Steeping Beauty

lQ1 What's the story? Read, choose and say.

"Grandma, what Ыg ears you've got!"
"That's because I want to hear а tot!"

(Q Draw а scene from your favourite fairy tale and present it

to the class .

� !!!/
Narrator: Now Wittiam and Rose Mummy: Time for tea!
Аге ptaying, you see - Time for tea!
But here comes Come оп! Come оп!
Mummy, Put your toys оп the
lt's time for tea! shetf
And run, run, run!
Narrator: Oh dear, poor Sam!
He's not оп the shetf.
He's there Ьу the window
Att Ьу himsetf!
lt's windy today,
Look out! Look out!
Oh dear, poor Sam,
Сап you hear him shout?

( \
Тhе Тоу Soldier

(Q Read and choose.

1 Wiltiam and Rose are dancing/playing.
2 Put your radio/toys on the shetf.
З Sam is Ьу the window/shelf.
4 lt's sunny/windy today.

1,Q Read and complete. Then, draw the missing toy.

On my shetf there is а с __, а Ь ___ and а teddy bear.

Tesco S1J1Jerst,ore

81 What сап you buy at а Tesco supermarket? Read and answer.

Tesco supermarkets are popular in the UK. Tesco superstores sell
everything for your house and family: clothes, food, furniture, electrical
items, sportswear, toys and games.

81 Read and put the foHowing into the correct category.

jacket, bed, [amp, cheese, skirt, ЬаН, armchair, T-shirt, ice
cream, ТV, sports shoes, kite

F.0�0D ·J�O·Y·S
1 1
1Q Сап you add any other items to the Hst?


(8 Look and match. (30 points)

1 dott 5 etephant 9 ТУ
2 armchair 6 aeroptane 10 desk
З tea set 7 computer
4 musicat Ьох 8 rocking horse
ll) Look, read and comp[ete: This, That, These ог Those. (20 points)
' 1 '

1 ... is my tamp. � 4 ... is my radio.

4. '
2 ... are my dotts. � �-··н���
· � 5 ... are my batts.

З ... are my chairs. [@'

Module 4
·вl Read and compiete: а or an. (10 points)

1 ... etephant 2 ... bed З ... armchair 4 ... orange 5 ... tamp

Q1 Read and choose. (20 points)

1 А: What's this? З А: What are these?

В: а) lt's а pencH. В: а) А реп.
Ь) These are pencHs. Ь) Pens.
2 А: Whose is this doH? 4 А: Whose is this?
В: а) lt's Marina. В: а) Atbert's.
Ь) lt's Marina's. Ь) Atbert. Ш]
Reading and Writing
IJ Look, read and comp[ete. (20 points)
This is my room! Look at my 1) ... rocking horse. lt's very nice.
Сап you see my tea set? lt's 2) ... . Му chairs are З) ... . And took
at my funny radio! lt tooks tike а 4) ... mouse!

1 tatk about my toys

2 name the things in my room

З write about my room

1 Totat 1 Поо]
@Episode 3
Неге you are, Rascal.

1 don't know
but it's а lot of fun !

Where's that silly dog?

u ny!
�@Listen and repeat. This is Poggo! Look and say.


smaH nose blg ears

smaH head blg eyes

thin [egs fat body Poggo has got а Ыg head !

G,Dгaw and play!
short taH [ong tai[

Look and say.

l lt's got а Ьig mouth!


�Listen and read.
Larry, Lulu, look at the cows!

And there's а black sheep!

На! Look - it's got а fat body ....... . ..---� .,

and thin legs! ( Oh! lt's got а Ыg mouth!

- - » J-Ш

[Соте here, little cow!

L--�11!!:::....:::!!!811,,J' Look what l 've got!

Cows аге funny !

,]· Read again and correct.

The sheep's got а thin body and fat legs.
• __
�Let's р\ау! Which anima\ have I got? Guess!

lt's got four tegs and а tong tait.

lt's Ыg and it's brown!
l've got а dog.
1 haven't got а cat.
Have you got а cat?
Yes, 1 have. /
No, 1 haven't.
Have you got а horse?


!:!. �-
�\о 1(
� � ..

man men woman women chHd children

tooth teeth foot feet mouse mice

о .: ��
:. �f..

sheep sheep fish fish
Comp[ete the sentences.
1 Chucktes has got two Ыg ... (foot).
2 ВаЬу Atex has got one smatt ... (tooth).
З Att the ... (chHd) in the ctass have got new books.
4 Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse аге funny ... (mouse).
5 These ... (man) аге from the UK.
6 Look! This ... (fish) is pink and green!
7 1s that ... (woman) your mother?
8 Have you got any ... (sheep) оп your farm?
76 •• ,.
,., �Listen and repeat. ·

Му happy famHy сап fty!

1, Сору the table and complete it.

Ну, Ьуе, sunny, m y, windy, funny, еуе, spy, happy, ЬаЬу

/aJ/ Л/

,, �Help Lulu with her poem! Write in your notebooks.

Bill and Ben !м)@rn)

Аге funny 1) .... !
They' ve · got Ьig teeth
And long thin 2) ... !
They' ve got three З) ... - о

They' re very nice {}WO�@

And two small 4) ...
ln а Ьig Ыuе ·dish !

с ver animals!
�Listen and point. Then
sing and do! Сап parrots tatk?
Yes, they сап.
Сап spiders tatk?
No, they can't.

Look and say.

1 crawt ./
What сап crawl?
jump ./
А spider сап!
What сап fly?

2 fty ./
sing ./
А гаЬЫt сап! tatk Х
What сап swim?
А seahorse сап! swim ./
What сап walk? jump ./
А tortoise сап! watk Х
What сап talk?
А parrot сап! 4 watk ./
run ./
fty х

Spiders сап crawt and jump,

but they сап' t swim.

Read and answer.

" �

l 've got а pet chimp. His name is Chucktes. He's

eteven! Chucktes has got Ыg ears and а fat body.
He's very cute! Chucktes is very ctever, too! Не
сап run, jump and ctimb. Не сап dance, too!

Oh, 1 tove Chucktes!


1 How otd is Chucktes? 4 Сап he ctimЫ

2 Has he got Ыg ears? 5 Сап he swim?
3 Has he got а thin body? 6 Сап he dance?

. .

�WPortfolio: Now write about your or your friend.'s -pet .

�Brainstorml Work with your friend. You've got five minutes!

Write in your notebooks three animats that ...

1 сап swim. 2 сап jump.

3 have got two tegs. 4 have got Ыg ears.

5 have got tong taits. 6 can ctimb.

\'_c::::YListen and repeat.

twenty twenty-one twenty-eight thirty

I r-;
thirty-two forty forty-three fifty

Ask and answer.

А: How otd is Chucktes?
В: He's eteven !

,,, Tom

Sing and do.

. 1Ье \\j
, (' Jt,\
с (Jt,\ . (3)
11\ §, 1

Сап, сап you dance Сап, сап you watk

Like I сап? Like I сап?
Сап you sing tike I сап? Сап you tatk tike I сап?
Сап you run Сап you swim
And сап you jump And сап you ctimb
Like me? Like me?
\JJtmfi IhЪnl �
�� Look, read and say.

lizard mouse horse whale

snake crocodile tortoise elephant

Е Reptile ог mammal? Look again and write the names of

- -- animals below in your notebooks.
1 ... 3 ...

2 ... / 4 ...

1 ... з ...
2 ... / 4 ...

� Draw ог find а picture of а reptile and а mammal.

--- Present them to your class.
Sam: · Help me! Help me! Where am 1? Where am 1?
Help me, please! Where are my friends?
1'm here outside Where's Bella? Where's Ted?
With the flowers and trees! Oh no! This is the end!
Ted: Come оп, time to play,
l'm happy, 1 am!
But where's the toy soldi�r?
Where's our friend Sam?

� .., ,, )
'V' '"\

�' �

Тhе Тоу Soldier

Read and complete. Use: the, our, am, friends.

1 Where ... 1? З Where's ... toy soldier?

2 Where аге my ... ? 4 Where's ... friend Sam?

· Who сап help Sam? Play the game!

'An_tnuds IJo,wn .,/JnrJer! - -�-

Read and match .


с hea�:
d leg

Now, read again and answer.

This is an emu. Emus аге from Austratia. ln Austratia there аге

а tot of emu farms. Emus аге very tatt with а Ыg body, а smatt
head and tong tegs. An emu's body and tegs аге brown and its
head and neck are blue. Emus сап run very fast, but they can't
fty! They eat fruit and insects. Their eggs аге green! Emus аге
very interesting Ыrds!

1 Where аге emus from?

2 What cotour is an emu's body and tegs?
З Сап emus fty?
4 What cotour аге their eggs?


Read and correct. (15 points)

� lt's got а blg nose.

e.g. �- lt's got а small nose. 2
ro lt's got а short tail.

lt's got а thin body. 3 lt's got а Ьig head.

1 � �

1 151
Read and comp[ete. (15 points) �- Write the numbers. (16 points)
1 twenty-five 3 forty-two
2 thirty-six 4 fifty

1 _ i_ d 2 p__ r_ t
· Look and choose. (8 points)
-.-- �

3 __ ah __ s _
man/men chitd/ chitdren

4 t__ t___ e

tooth/ teeth mouse/mice
8 1 1
Look, r ead and complete: сап, can't, has got or hasn't got.
(14 points)

:-� ! А spider e.g. has got eight tegs. lt 1) ... а taH. lt 2) ...
-7-""" �,�'f� ctimb, but it 3) ... swim.
(i\ ,' ' А parrot 4) ... а tong taH. lt 5) ... any teeth. lt 6) ...

fty, but it 7) ... crawt.

•] Read and_ answer. (12 points)
e.g. Have you got а brother? 3 Сап you swim?
Yes, 1 have. 4 Do you tike fruit?
1 How otd are you? 5 Have you got а pet?
· 2 Сап you dance? 6 What's your favourite animat?

Reading and Writing ШJ

� Read and complete. (20 points)
l've got а pet rabЫt! His name is Ronnie! He's got а fat body,
tong pink ears and Ыg eyes. Ronnie сап run and he сап jump,
too! He's very funny!
Pet: e.g. rabblt Totat 100
Name: 1) ...
Body: 2) ... ,
Ears: 3) ... ,
Eyes: 4) ...
Сап: run and 5) ...

r Gcl ll (,(;(.
1�1 tatk about animats
2 describe animats
3 tatk about aЫtity
4 write about а pet
@Episode 4
Arthur, she's not in the cupboard.
Quick, Rascat!

Tricksy's in the house!

Arthur, there's а
funny animat in

----- lt's got two noses!

T hat's you, silty!
One nose is black and
the other is red.

& ��\\\J=-'

ln this module you will ...

8t [earn, read and ta[k about ...

• Larry and Lutu's grandparents

i from Austratia
1 • о

• rooms in а house �

• things in а house

8tpractise ...

• identifying rooms
� ,� ·1
• tatking about tocation � \'� �(/
11 "-�'4

BritisR Homes!
- - .. -

u@Listen and point. Then sing along!

This is my house,
lt's number two.

There's а bedroom, а bathroom
And а kitchen too !
ln my house •о


There's а living room and in the

АН the ftowers bloom !

� �/ �11 ./�

1fl Chit-Chat
1 8 2

1s Lutu in the kitchen?

• bathroom? • garden?
3 4

No, she isn't.

She's in the bedroom.

• kitchen?
• bedroom?

IJ�Listen and read.
__ Grandma! Grandpa!�---

Thank you, Grandma!

Where's Chucktes? L-----

Look! He's there, under the chair!
Look, Larry! А koata!

;Q_ Read again and say yes ог по.

The presents аге for Chucktes.
,,,т, 191
)\ се

in under next to in front of behind

(Q, Look, read and choose.

1 Chucktes is in/оп the саг.

2 Lutu is in front of/under the саг.
З Larry is next to/behind а tree.
4 Grandma is behind/next to Grandpa.
5 The food is in/оп the table.
6 The ЬаН is under/next to the table.

11 �Look at the picture for one minute. Close your books.

Answer your teacher's questions.

Teacher: Where's Chucktes?

Student: He's in the саг.

Module 61
D@Listen and repeat.

Chuckles сап jump and run. Hurray, he's number 1.

11 Сору the tаЫе and complete it.

under, Lulu, ruler, puppet, mummy, number, Ыuе, sun, music,
/u:/ /л/

ilJ �Let's playl о <!:>О
h@ ct1 � ®I
i � tr& t! '�
Му �

k:::8 1t '::J
kitchen living

@Listen, point and repeat.

:IJ\ Put these things in the picture. Now talk with your friend.
А: Where's your а р?
В: lt's under the sofa. Where's your tamp?
А: lt's in the bat' !

gtass gtasses Ьох boxes

,IJ Read and choose.

dish dishes ЬаЬу ЬаЫеs
1 This is Mary's ЬаЬу/bables.
2 Where are the glass/glasses?
З Whose is this box/boxes?
shetf shetves
4 Bring me two dish/dishes.
5 l've got two shelf/shelves in my room.
There is а gtass оп the table.

There are two gtasses in the cupboard.

Q Complete the sentences.

1 There is а glass (glass) оп the table.
2 There ... two ... (sandwich) in the tunch Ьох.
З There ... two ... (shelf) in the bedroom.
4 There ... three ... (Ьох) over there.
5 There ... four ... (dish) in the cupboard.
6 There ... а ... (mirror) next to the sofа.

fJ, Look, read and complete.

- ---,
This is our 1) ,� house. lt is а Ыg house! There's а tiving
room, а 2) 1 � ••• , two bathrooms and four З) /8,, /_ _ .
Look! There's � �ink 4) Г&\

... in the bathroom! Our tiving
room is 5) . ;if ... and there are two Ьig mirrors in it. Look at
аН the Howers in our 6) ... .1 0ur house 1s. very nке
. .1

.,Q%Portfolio: Write about your house/flat.

11 �Let's playl 1 have two of them in my house.

They are blue. They are in the tiving room.

1 195
ф0 1s there а desk in your room?
1 Ask and answer. Yes, there is. /No, there isn't.
Аге there any boxes?
Yes, there are. /No, there aren't.

How many sofas are there?

There are two.

11 �Let's play!
Teacher: 1s there а red tamp? Student: Yes, there is.
- ---
�а: 1 r

Sing a[ong!

Му new house is funny!
There are boxes everywhere:
Boxes in the cupboards,
Boxes оп the chairs­
Boxes оп the table,
And some under my bed!
And there are two men in the kitchen
With boxes оп their heads!
t .F. _ 1;_� -',.,. ,;, r
� r ·�i
\" { l f'. � rt--(
J.c �1C'f1CLf�Jt,
r.....Ё.::...u _}._,�·
., - ,..1- ..,.

Family Crest!
D\ Read and choose.

А famity crest

а) gives information about your faniity.
Ь) is your famity's favourite picture.

oday, we have аН got surnames - our famity

name - and everyone knows which famity we
betong to. Long ago, Ьу looking at а famity crest,
people knew your name!

IJ, Look at the family crest. What's the name of the family?
Where does this family соте from?


,9, Find and draw your crest or design your own.

1 197
ВеНа: 1s he under the chair? Oh, where is poor Sam?
1s he there? 1s he there? Oh dear! Oh dear!
1s he оп the shetf He's not over there,
With the Ыg teddy Ьеаг? He's not over here!
Narrator: lt's sunny now,
The sky is blue,
But роог otd 5am,
What сап he do?
А blg black dog
Comes running out,
And puts the toy sotdier
ln his mouth.
Тhе Т у Soldier

!Q, Match the rhyming words.

1 bear а) Jack
2 dear Ь) there
З blue с) here
4 black d) do

IJ Game: Where's Sam?

о D

1s he under the chair?

BritisR Homesl

,Q, Read and match. There is one extra picture.

1 This is а cottage in the UK. Cottages are smalt but very

pretty. Look at the garden - it's futt of ftowers!

2 There are а tot of casttes in the UK. This is Windsor Castte.

lt's one of Queen Etizabeth's homes. Look, it's very Ыg!

0 Look and complete. (12 points)
1 3
' 4

с_р __ а __ _ t_ s_ f__ d__ _о __ е_

Look, read and choose. (24 points)

1 There is/are а sofa in front of/behind the window.

2 There is/are two cats on/under the sofa.
3 There is/are some books on/next to the sofa.
4 There is/are some gtasses on/in the cupboard.
5 There is/are а batt under/next to the cupboard.
6 There is/are а tamp behind/in the books.

D Write the p[ura[s. (24 points)

1 ЬаЬу З shetf 5 dish 7 body

2 gtass 4 Ьох 6 sandwich 8 famity

Q, Read and match. (15 points)
1 What's in the fridge? а An appte.
2 How many cookers аге there? Ь ln the bedroom.
З Where's lan? с Onty one.

Reading and Writing ШJ

fJ Read and write yes or по. (25 points)
Our house is very Ыg! There's а tiving room, а kitchen,
three bathrooms and four bedrooms! Look! There's а
blue bath in my bathroom! Our tiving room is yettow
and there аге two mirrors and а Ыg sofа in it. Look at
att the trees in our garden! Our house is vегу nice!

1 There аге two kitchens.

2 There are four bedrooms.
З The bath is blue.
4 The tiving room is yettow.
5 There is one ·mirror in the tiving room. 1 1 tatk about things in my house

Ш] 2 tatk about tocation

1 Totat \ @]
З write about my house/ftat


G ���\.@ ' 7u
i off \
\l��� f>-. t>f>-.

ln this module you will ...

• learn, read and talk about ...
• Кing's Park Day
• activities
• hobЫes

•pгactise ...
• tatking about actions happening now
• tatking about free-time activities

et set ГJо!
@Listen and point. Then sing and do.

l'm playing а game, With me? With me?

l'm driving а саг. l'm painting а picture,
You are! You are! lt's upside down!
l'm making а sandcastte, What is it?
l'm watching ТV. lt's the face of а ctown!

11 Chit-Chat
А: What are you doing?
В: l'm making а sandcastte.

1 paint/picture 3 watch/TV
2 drive/car 4 play/game

�Let's play!

,, .____
l'm ptaying game
______, J,

@Listen and read.

Аге you having а good time, children? r-�--------..

What аге you doing, Мауа?

She's painting her face over there .

.-�--- -
Соте here, everybody!

Read again and answer.

What's Lutu doing?


D Read and choose. What is Расо doing?
Не is playing а game.
1 Sue ... the cats in the garden. Не is not (isn't) drawing.
А are watching В is watching
2 Listen! Tom ... the piano.
5 Where's Sandra? ... trees again?
А is playing В are playing
А She is climЫng
З What ... ? 1s it an orange? В 1s she climЫng
А you are eating
6 The children ... ! They're
В are you eating
4 Look, Mum! 1 ... my face! А aren't swimming
А 'm painting В painting В isn't swimming

s he running? No, he isn't.

Аге they singing? Yes, they аге.

8 Free time! Look at the picture. Then ask and answer.

1 Chuckles/run? 4 Larry and Lulu/play the piano?

2 Nanny/paint а picture? 5 Paco/read?
З Maya/swim?
1 А: 1s Chuckles running?
В: No, he isn't. He's climЫng.

@Listen and repeat.

The king and the queen are eating chicken in the kitchen.

\о\ Сору the tаЫе and complete it.

green, tong, ten, spring, king, run, queen, pin, sing, swing

/rj/ /п/

What do they like doing in their free time? Look, ask and
( Cathy)

(Ben) ( Mary)

с Judy)
T(m )

1 А: What does Cathy tike doing?

В: She tikes dancing.
" lz/. Mime and ask your friends to guessl

В: Do you tike dancing?

А: Yes, 1 do./No, 1 don't.
ln the park.'
@what are they doing? Listen and match.

Н sleeping
1 Neil and Мах
2 DеЬЫе
д playing soccer 3 Lee
4 Pat and EHie
G drinking Coke
5 Bitt
6 Ken
в eating а hot dog

F wearing а mac

С playing basketbaH

Read and complete.

Mum: НеНо, dear! 1s everything ОК? What 1) are the

children doing (the children/do)?
Dad: Wett, Judy 2) ... (play) with some toys and Ben
3) ... (jump) up and down оп the bed.
Mum: And the ЬаЬу?
Dad: The ЬаЬу 4) ... (eat).
Mum: 5) ... (you/have) а good time?
Dad: Oh, yes. 1 6) ... (have) а great time!
С[ Read and answer.
• ��.

,,. с
lt's Кing's Park Day today. There are а tot of peopte
in the park. Look! Jim is ptaying а game with the
ctown ! SaHy is eating an appte and her brother
5am is making а sandcastte. Jenпy and Jude are
painting their faces. Their mother, Sue is watching
them. Сап you see Paut апd Топу? They are riding
а horse! Everybody is having а great time!

1 Who is ptaying а game?

2 Who is eating an appte?
З Who is making а sandcastte?
4 Who is riding а horse?
.� : .....

'WPortfo[io: Now draw а picture and write about а day in the park.

�Let's play!

• Look, read and say yes or по.

1 There are nine chHdren in the picture.

2 There is а girt оп the sofа.
3 The girt оп the sof а has got fair hair.
4 Two boys are dancing. )1
5 А girt is ptaying the piano.
6 А Ьоу is singing.
7 Two girts are drinking Coke.
8 There is а Ьоу оп the table.

� Sing along!

We're having а good time,

А f abutous, fun time!
We're painting our faces,
We're running in races,
We're having а good, good time!

We're having а good time,

А fabutous, fun time!
The park beHs are ringing,
We're taughing and singing,
We're having а good, good time! \

·r � -
r. I .�1. 'J-..�,
[ -
Lr · J t (' ' �

1- .

l f1�
- )'
•. _"-
[_ tl "-
,J . ·
. .1:- .J' ,,__.; .,. "

IJ Look, read and comp[ete.

Macy's got а 1) � ... ,

And it's got а tong tait .

Hotty's got а 2) ... '

And its name is Gait.

RobЫe's got а 3) �
� ... ,
lt сап jump up on his bed .�

Bonnie's got а 4) ... ,

lt сап fty on her head!

Freddy's got а 5) � ... ,

lt сап swim and swim .

And Dan has got а 6) -='••• '

lt сап run tike him!

� Now answer the questions.

1 Who's got а mouse? 4 What сап Bonnie's Ыгd do?
2 What is Gait? 5 What сап swim?
3 What сап RobЫe's гаЬЫt do? 6 What сап Dan and his dog do?
,___ ---=·
WHliam: Oh, Blackie, what's this? Thank you, dear Blackie,
1s it for me? Good Ьоу! Good Ьоу!
lt's Sam, my toy soldier! Now I сап play
How сап that Ье? With my favourite toy!


�')///-?'./ {\.:'°\,, //
,,\) �'\)) / ,....._......,,1 ,,.,,,....,.���,
Ted: Sam's here! Sam's here!
Everyone, cheer.
Now att our friends
Are together again.
Let's dance and ptay -
Let's att shout HOORAY!
Тhе То Soldier

а Read and correct.

1 The dog's name is Arthur.
2 5am is а puppet.
З Witliam can't play with 5am.
4 ВеНа is Witliam's favourite toy.

11 Game: Ted says!

et set о./
� Read and match the words in bold to the pictures.

• • ••с

• • ••С
- n• j
ln the USA, chitdren tove running in races. Оп -.•rJ;
-· tc�

Sports Day chitdren take part in tots of fun races. о•.:•

The sack race is very poputar - the runners
get into а sack to run the race. lt's great fun!
There's atso the ЬаН and spoon race � the
winner is the first one to finish with the batt stitt

(! Correct the sentences.

1 Оп King's Park Day chitdren take part in tots of fun races.

2 They get into а sack and crawl.
З There's atso the dish and spoon race.
4 Another favourite is the four-tegged race.

What fun races are there in your country? Mime one for
the class to guess!
Q Look and complete. (25 points)

e.g. drive а саг а 2 ride а horse 4 watch ТУ

1 steep 3 fty а kite 5 make а sandcastte

Look, read and write the answer. (25 points)
• What are the chitdren doing?

e.g. 2

Cathy's dancing.


l 251

Look, read and choose. (15 points)
1 А: Аге you having а good time? 3 А: What are you doing?
В: а) Oh, yes. lt's great here! В: а) l'm fine, thanks.
Ь) lt's morning! Ь) l'm painting а picture.
2 А: Who_'s riding the horse? О}]
В: а) lt's brown.
Ь) Fiona is!

Reading and Writing

- - "
Look, read and complete. (35 points)
- . -- -- ..-

T here are а tot of chitdren in the park today. Look!
Liam and Jim e.g. аге playing (play) soccer. Mandy
1) ... (drink) Coke and her sister Ruth 2) ... (fly) а
kite. Karen and Wendy 3) ... (play) basketbatt. Their
mother, Janet 4) ... (sleep) under the tree!
Everybody 5) ... (have) а great time!

1 Totat 1 Ооо]

1 tatk about activities & hobЫes

2 tatk and write about things happening now

� Episode 6

Mm! Му favourite! Sausages!

What's Tricksy doing?
Oh, oh!


Соте on, Tricksy! No

food for you today!

o� i\
i � i
ln this module you wHI ...
8Hearn, read and talk about ...
• Lutu оп а TV show
• everyday activities
• parts of the day

•pгactise ...
• days of the week
• tatking about daHy activities
• teШng the time

Cartoon fayourites!

-- @Listen and read.
--- What day is it today, chitdren?

What's got two hands, ll·

а fасе and numbers?

Now read again and complete.

i\ �,

А clock has got ... hands, а ... and ... .

�Listen and repeat.

Chuckles and the chHdren like chips, chocolate cakes
ц_.=...nti,W' , � -u&�
and Coke.

The City Mice are dancing in а circle.

Сору the table and comp[ete it.

children, city, juice, chair, carrot, cooker, rice, Ыасk, cheese,

music, pencil, duck, chips, jacket, computer, sock

с ck ch
/k/ /s/ /k/ /tj_/

�Let's play! Do you ptay tennis?

\. �

What do I do on Mondays?


r-&\ in the morning <�!>


: \c?'Listen and repeat. . ht ... {;] ��

аt n1g о

at seven о'сtоск {')':,,,.

С- -@Listen and match. 2

have а shower have breakfast 1

get up
have tunch tisten to music з come home

go to schoot

watch TV

go to bed
visit my friend have supper

watch а video go to bed

1 81 Now, ta[k with your friend. � Now, ask and answer.

А: What do you do in the morning? А: What time do you get up?
В: 1 have а shower, then I have В: At seven о'ctock.

:� Read and say yes ог по.

lN081a.A� ! ,Ж''1?6 •UltllD.A'W1!

Lutu's favourite day is Sunday. She gets up at ten o'ctock. ln
the morning, she has breakfast, then she visits her grandma and
grandpa. Then, at one o'ctock, she comes home and has tunch
with her famity.
ln the afternoon, Lutu watches а video or tistens to music.
Then, at six o'ctock, it's time for supper.
ln the evening, she ptays games with Chucktes. They have а tot
of fun!
Then, at nine o'ctock, Lutu goes to bed. Sundays аге happy
days for Lutu!

1 Lutu toves Sundays.

2 Lutu gets up earty on Sundays.
3 ln the morning, she goes to schoot.
4 She goes to bed at ten о'ctock.

_i,%Portfolio: Now write about what you do on Saturdays or


11 �Let's play!
r � What's the time, Мг Wotf?
·: //

- @Listen and write the days. There is one extra day.

MondaY Wednesday Friday Sunday

Tuesday Thursday Saturday


4 5

1 Sing a[ong!

и� id у
� f One о' ctock, two о' ctock,
JJ Three о' ctock's fine,
Any time; it's holiday time!
Morning, evening, noon or night!
lt's holiday - the time is right!
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 's fine,
Any time; it's holiday time!

Грамматический справочник

:•:-.� _- r -- ._.....,,. о .,-,-.�-З .·• �--.,�-...,.-�i,;,, •

Отрицан1-1с Местоимения Some/ Any
Полная форма Краткая форма • Some употребляется с неисчисляемыми
существительными в утвердительных
1 do not like 1 don't like
You do not like You don't like
There is some cheese in the fridge.
Не does not like Не doesn't like
She does not like She doesn't like • Some также употребляется в утверди­
lt does not like lt doesn't like тельных предложениях с исчисляемыми
We do not like We don't like существительными во множественном
You do not like You don't like числе.
They do not like They don't like There are some appies in the fridge.
Утвердительная форма • Any употребляется с исчисляемыми и
• Настоящее простое время образуется неисчисляемыми существительными в
при помощи подлежащего (существи­ отрицательных и вопросительных пред­
тельное или личное местоимение) и смы­ ложениях.
слового глагола. В 3-ем лице единст­ There aren't any eggs оп the tаЫе.
венного числа к глаголу добавляется -s. There isn't any water in the glass.
Вопросительная форма Аге there any Ыscuits?
• В вопросах для всех лиц, кроме 3 лица 1s there any chocolate?
единственного числа, используется вспо­
могательный глагол do+подлежащее+ • Some употребляется в вопросительных
смысловой глагол. предложениях, обозначающих просьбу.
Do you iike pizza? Сап I have some milk, please?
• В 3-м лице единственного числа исполь­
зуется вспомогательный глагол does + Модуль 4
подлежащее + смысловой глагол. Possessive case - Притяжательный падеж
Does he iike chicken?
• Притяжательный падеж показывает при­
Отрицательная форма
• В 3-м лице единственного числа исполь­
Lulu's rocking horse
зуется вспомогательный глагол does not
• Притяжательный падеж образуется с
(doesn't) + смысловой глагол.
помощью 's (апостроф и s).
• В остальных случаях используется вспо­
Larry's train the dog's house
могательный глагол do not (don't) +
• Чтобы узнать кому что-либо принадле­
смысловой глагол.
жит, задаётся вопрос, начинающийся со
Краткие ответы
слова whose.
В кратких ответах используется Yes или No,
Whose is this dotl?
личное местоимение (/, уои, he, etc) и
вспомогательный глагол do/don't или
Неопределенный артикль А/ An
Неопределенный артикль a/an употре­
Do you Yes, l /we do.
like milk? ]- No, 1/we don't.
бляется перед исчисляемыми существитель­
ными в единственном числе.
• а употребляется перед существитель­
Does he/she/it Yes, he/she/it does.
}- ными, начинающимися с согласных:
like milk? No, he/she/it doesn't. а ball а pencil case
• an употребляется перед существитель­
Do they Yes, they do.
like milk? ]- No, they don't.
ными, начинающимися с гласных:
an aeroplane an elephant
167 11
Грамматический справочник

Глагол сап выражает способность/умение. Конструкция There is/There аге

А Ыrd сап fly.
Конструкция There is/There are употре­
Краткие ответы
бляется для сообщения о наличии в данном
В кратких ответах употребляется только месте какого-либо лица или предмета.
Yes или No, личное местоимение в • there is употребляется с существитель­
именительном падеже (1, you, he, etc) и
глагол сап/сап t.
ными в единственном числе. Краткой
формой there is является there's.
Сап y ou he/she Yes, I/he/she/etc сап There is (There's) an armchair in the
etc sing? No, I/he/she/etc can't. tiving room.
• there аге употребляется во множест­
венном числе.
Модульб There аге two beds in the bedroom.
Prepositions of ptace - Предлоги места • Вопросительная форма: 1s there?/ Аге
Предлоги места помогают определить место­
нахождение предмета/лица.
1s there а shetf in your room?
Аге there four dishes оп the table?
• Отрицательная форма: There is not
in оп under

(isn't) ... /Тhеге аге not (aren't) ... .


There is not (isn't) а fridge in the
nextto in front of behind
There аге not/aren't four gtasses in the
D ��
Модуль 7
� �
Present Continuous - Настоящее
Pturats - Формы множественного число продолженное время
• Большинство существительных образуют
форму множественного числа путем
добавления -s. Полная форма Краткая форма
chair - chairs 1 am ptaying l'm ptaying
• К существительным, оканчивающимся You аге ptaying You're ptaying
на -ch, -s, sh -ss, -о или -х во Не is ptaying He's ptaying
множественном числе добавляется -es. She is ptaying She's ptaying
bus - buses gtass - gtasses lt is ptaying lt's ptaying
potato - potatoes Ьох - boxes We аге ptaying We're ptaying
• К существительным, оканчивающимся You аге ptaying You're ptaying

- --
на гласную + у добавляется -s. They аге ptaying They're ptaying
Ьоу- boys
• У существительных, оканчивающихся на
согласную + у, во множественном
числе -у заменяется на -i и добавляется Am I ptaying?
Аге we ptaying?
-es. Аге you ptaying?
Аге you ptaying?
ЬаЬу - ЬаЫеs Is he ptaying?
Аге they ptaying?
• У существительных, оканчивающихся на 1s she ptaying?
-f или -fe, во множественном числе 1s it ptaying?
заменяются на -v и добавляется -es.
shetf - shetves
Word List

З. 1 scream for ice cream ! 8. Cartoon time

cafe /krefer/ кафе ongnt 1ьra1t/ яркии
festivat /f�strv"l/ фестиваль, праздник hаге /he:i/ заяц
flavOL.Г /- � ,-;// � r-.YC
outside /autsard/ на улице, вне дома Сlа�5ГОО11Т' J:'n�lf
scream /skitm/ кричать, визжать
Аге you ready? /gr ju: r�dr/ Вы готовы?
vanHLa /v�111ld/ ванилрный
Change seats. /lf.ernщ stts/ Пересядьте.
Ctap your hands. /klrep j:-,:г hrendz/
4. Everybody likes presents! Хлопайте в ладоши.
grandparent /grrenprergnt/ дедушка и Get ready. /g�t r�di/ Подготовьтесь.
бабушка Pick а card. /p1k g ka: гd/ Выберите
granddaughter /grrend:-,:t�i/ внучка карточку.
Present it to the ctass. /pпz�nt rt tg og
5. Grandpa Durov's Wonderland kla:s/ Представьте (это) классу.
Show your photos to the ctass. /Jgu j:-,:г
actor /rektgг/ актёр, артист
fgutguz tg og kla:s/ Покажите свои
ue_. � 1L .... �.:.- фотографии классу.
camet /k�ш,]/ верблюд
Stamp your feet. /stremp j:-,:г П�t/
hippo /hrpou/ бегемот, гиппопотам Потопайте ногами.
pigeon /р1щш/ голубь Try again. /trar �g�n/ Попробуйте еще
р� - '10: ......... раз.
theatre /0i;_gtgr/ театр
Wett done! /w�.l dлn/ Хорошо!
trick /tqk/ трюк, фокус
What's the matter? f°wo.ts Od mretgг/ Что
tн._,s1 j�JJ/ t-,eo• .. �ный случилось?
What's wrong? /hwQts гол/Что случилось?
6. House museums in Russia Work in pairs. /wз: k m pegrz/ Работайте в

artist /:-,:rtrst/ художник парах.

composer Jkgmpouz�i/ композитор
famous /fermgs/ известный, знаменитый
museum /mju:ztgm/ музей
1а /'p�s1:/ прошлое
poet /pgurt/ поэт
3UСГ "S �-" f :JZ/ Til;{OЙ °К;\К
writer /rartg г/ писатель

7. Fun after school

costume tknstju:щ, костюм
drama cLass /drg_;_m�/ театральный кружок
judo /{IJu:dgu/ дзюдо
karate /k�ro;tr/ карате
martia[ arts /ma:fl a: rtsi боевые
put on а ptay /put !!ll � ple1/ ставить пьесу
-------------- lnstructions --------------
h_!е� � �i�t� nam..:,:. - ---
Choose one cotour you like.
� Прочитай и запиши их имена. Выбери понравившийся цвет.

� Chit-Chat _ h_L� and fin�h��s.

� Беседа �� Посмотри и найди слова.
<�_:!s:. :_n �d�n�t�g! What's in your tunch Ьох? Choose
� Слушаем и поём вместе! h 3 things and draw.
�-Ч;;у ;-6;;: к;;обке �а::е�
� Look, read and choose. Выбери 3 продукта и нарисуй.
�........�о�о;и,-;;:тай и выбери.
Put the. words оп the right train.
,.J'-: Let's ptay! 'Посади слово на нужный поезд'.
'у\ Давай :играем! Read again and correct.
Прочитай снова и исправь.

______ _
� Listen and_::peat.
V\ Слушай и повторяй. .....
Which animal have I got? Guess!
Какое у меня животное? Угадай!
� Listen and read.
V\ Про�луша;:; �ч,итай. V
� Complete the sentences.
-З;;о� ��жения.
Сору the table and co�tete it. Help Lulu with her poem! Write in
-- -----

your notebooks.
Перерисуй таблицу и заполни её.
Помоги Лулу сочинить стихо­
Which subjects do you have at
творение. Запиши его в тетради.
schoot? Аге they the same or
Sing and ·do!
_,)'-: different?
V\ школе?
Какие предме.;;т;:з�е:: ;-
Такие же или другие?
Пой и выполняй!
Mime and ask your friends to
Изобрази и попроси друзей
What аге they doing? Listen
� Read and �wer the �estions.
and match.
Что они делают? Послушай и
� Прочитай и ответь на вопросы.
подбери правильный ответ.
Match the pictures to the Listen and write the days.
correct shape.
Подбери картинке
-- -
There is one extra day.
Послушай и запиши дни недели.
соответствующую форму Один день лишний.
Look and write.
Посмотри и напиши.
Read and fНl in.
Прочитай и заполни.

Listen and point. jy Read and act out.

r:�ослушай и покажи. V Прочитай и разы;;;й сценку.


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