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How are our future generation

responding to the threat?
AIESEC has been running this education program for 4 years,
more than 65,000 students and young adults have been
educated under effective HIV/AIDS education model
developed by Standard Chartered Bank.

We have rolled it out to 21 countries as part of a

comprehensive education programme.

We have a proposal for you...


"I invite you to become a partner and use this ready-

made model to educate students/young adults who
are in your organization."
AIESEC is the international platform for young people to discover
and develop their potential so as to have a positive impact in society. With a
history of 60 years, we have more than 23,000 members reaching across
over 100 countries.

The future is in the hands of the youth, a future that can be defined by
societies that act in a sustainable manner and in harmony with their
environs. Undoubtedly, one of the biggest challenges in creating this future
in the short term is the scourge of HIV/AIDS.
While there are lot of initiatives around youth education on HIV/AIDS, few are designed by the youth for the youth. The
ownership of the problem is the first step to developing a solution. This program is believed to be the most comfortable
approach to increasing the awareness and understanding about the raising number of cases among HIV/AIDS among young
people today.

In all 17 countries, multicultural teams of young people have been conducting education sessions impacting 65,000
students and young adults to increase their awareness and knowledge around the disease, multiplying the effect of the
valuable HIV Champions network established by Standard Chartered Bank.

This education has made a real difference to the lives of many people across AIESEC footprint. It equips people with the
knowledge of how to avoid becoming infected, and also who to avoid infecting others.

Today, in Malaysia, I invite you to become a partner by using this ready-made model to educate students/ young adults who
are in your organization, and help us to make good on the promise of educating 12,000 people.

Together, we can make a significant difference.

James Loh Ting Chong, President , AIESEC in Malaysia 08/09

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The Global HIV/AIDS epidemic

 Young adults between 15 and 24 years old, those making up the future
workforce, account for the greatest number of new infections (Global
Business Coalition)

 The global labor force has lost more than 28 million people as a result of
AIDS. Without further intervention this number could grow to 74 million by
2015( UNAIDS and World Health Organization)

 In year 2007, there are 2.1 million HIV-positive children.

 Asia is the second largest region which has highest number of people living
with HIV.

 By 2010, per capita GCP in some of the hardest-hit countries may drop by 8
per cent and per capita consumption may drop even further (UN Special
Session on HIV/AIDS)
What is AIESEC's approach
Standard Chartered Bank -AIESEC HIV/AIDS Learning Network Programme involves delivering education through peer to
peer educators, called HIV/AIDS champions, who conduct face-to-face HIV/AIDS awareness sessions.

Aiming to influence a change among young people that will result a reduction in the number of HIV/AIDS cases in
Malaysia, AIESEC will provide international volunteers who will deliver different learning activities to students in different
universities and/or youth organizations.

These international volunteers to become champions and are trained about HIV/AIDS, how to communicate effectively,
and are offered a choice of educational resources. The champions are able to adapt their campaigns to local and cultural

All learning activities and events will be HIV/AIDS related, which aims to give a better understanding and raise awareness
about the issue of HIV/AIDS.

The presence of the international ambassadors is one of the main motivational factors for local students to participate in
the programme and is also an opportunity for meeting and interacting with young people from different countries with
different realities and perspectives.

Target Group:
Students aged 15-25. Around 50 participants are needed in each workshop.
A total about 12,000 youth will be educated in year 2009.

What does the partnership involve?

 The partnership is deliberately flexible to ensure that it can be tailored effectively to your organization. The programme
would involve the adoption of the following Standard Chartered Bank-AIESEC educational approaches:
 Face to face education sessions conducted by HIV champion peer educators. This would involve Standard Chartered's
and AIESEC's HIV Champions training HIV Champions within partner organizations to use educational material, modules,
case studies and games developed by the bank.
 Help gather a certain number of students to be the participants of this programme. Either being audience or be part of
We will not charge for sharing our educational products with partner organizations.

How would the partnership work in practice?

Contact AIESEC in Malaysia
--To find out more about becoming a partner
--to assess the most suitable educational resources, approach, timeframe and methods of evaluation for your
3. --

--to make sure the educational resources suit the local and cultural contexts
HIV/AIDS awareness sessions
--to deliver the session to your students/ young adults
--to examine feedback and assess the success of the programme
More sessions for more participants
--to schedule sessions for next rounds.
Our programme partners
Standard Chartered Bank
In 2003, Standard Chartered Bank and AIESEC established an HIV/AIDS
learning network in Malaysia. Through AIESEC 's network, this
partnership has gone to global level. AIESEC promise SCB to educate
300,000 young adults around the world by the end of year 2010.

The workshops conducted by AIESEC champions are based on the

learning model provided by Standard Chartered Bank.

Participating countries :
Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Mainland of China, Pakistan, Singapore, Sri
Lanka, Malaysia ,Thailand, Bangladesh, The Philippines and
Vietnam ,Tanzania, Kenya, Cameroon, Nigeria, Ghana, Zimbabwe, South
Africa and Cote D’Ivoire


In partnership with UNICEF and the Football Association of Malaysia,

AIESEC youth are taking a proactive role to educate teenage footballers
from the FAM "First Touch Football Program" about HIV and AIDS.

Malaysian AIDS Council

Provide knowledge and materials for HIV/AIDS project.

What do partner organizations say?

“I am really excited that your organisation will be coming
to our school and I am grateful that the students learned so
much today. Can we have another session as soon as
--Mrs. Tan,
Student Affairs Teacher, SMK Sultan Abdul Samad

AIESEC HIV Champions from

A school the Netherland and Mexico
teacher took are conducting a workshop
part in our to delegates from Malaysian
session. Indian Youth Council.

Why is AIESEC's approach right for your organization?

The programme is flexible, both to meet the diverse needs of participants, and to reduce the costs of
implementation. It is straightforward to set up and simple to run. As the programme filters via a few highly trained
and motivated HIV Champions, it is very efficient in terms of engaging students and deliver key information.
How to find out more about becoming a
Please send an e-mail requesting more information in AIESEC in
Malaysia :


And the Fulfillment of Humankinds


Spanning across 100 countries and over 1100 universities worldwide, AIESEC provides an international platform for young
people to discover and develop their potential so as to make a positive impact on society.

AIESEC encourages young individuals to take an active role in learning. Through developing self-awareness and personal
visions, young individuals increases their capacity to achieve personal goals. AIESEC provides opportunities for young
people to build a strong network across the globe and to have a holistic view of the world.

AIESEC platforms to develop young individuals and to embrace cultural diversity are made possible through strong support
and confidence from partners in various sectors around the globe.

- Over 4,500 International Internships through Global Exchange Program

- More than 350 conferences at international, regional and national level
- Learning Networks though virtual platforms and conferences
- Leadership and team experiences

For more information, please visit:

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