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Name: Sushmita Regmi

Subject: Foundation of Counseling

1. Addiction
It is a psychological and physical inability to stop
consuming a chemical, drug, activity or substance even
though it is causing psychological and physical harm.
When a person experiences addiction, they can’t control
how they use a substance or partake in an activity an then
become dependent on it as a coping mechanism while
functioning in daily life.

2. Art Therapy
Art therapy is a creative technique which involves activities
such as drawing, painting, coloring, collage or sculpting to
help people express themselves artistically. The process
itself helps to examine psychological and emotional
undertones of the person through the form of art as it is
essential to decode the non-verbal messages and
information to decode and resolve deeper issues.

3. Authenticity
Authenticity is more than when someone believes in what
they say or acts in a way that is consistent with their
beliefs. Human psychologists would say that authentic
people possess a number of common characteristics that
show they are psychologically mature and fully functioning
as human beings. Acceptance and realistic attitude makes
ones authenticity.

4. Cognitive-Behavioural Approach
This approach focuses on the person’s ways of thinking
and behaving, as well as the relationship between their
thoughts, their actions/ their reactions, and how they feel.
It is short-term and focused on helping the person deal
with a very specific problem.

5. Counseling
Counseling is a talking therapy that involves a trained
counselor listening and building a professional relationship
that empowers diverse individuals, families, and groups to
accomplish mental health, wellness, education, and career

6. Counseling agencies
These are the type of institutions that involves providing
mental health service, such as counseling to those in need.
These agencies focuses on the mental health of an
individual and community together.
7. Counseling psychologist
Counseling psychologist is a person who helps to address
the emotional, social, work, school, and physical health
concern people may have at different stages in their lives.
The main motto of counseling psychologist is to help a
person alleviate every aspect of their life and become a

8. Counseling skills
A proper set of counseling skill includes techniques like
active listening, attending, eye contact, asking questions,
non-judgemental questions and opinions. Empathy is the
ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes. It is much
more than sympathy in that you are able to show your
understanding of your clients feeling surrounding an

9. Healing
Healing only begins when the hurt is shared with
someone. The act or process of curing or of restoring to
health is healing. This process mainly involves a pattern to
make the person realize their strengths, teach them self
love, emotional regulation techniques and so on.

10. Human Services Professionals

Human service professionals are usually employed
in public and private educational settings, social and
community service agencies such as group homes and
halfway houses, correctional facilities, community health
centers, and in programs addressing alcoholism, drug
abuse, and family violence.

11. Humanistic Approach

It is the psychological approach which states that the
human is the most important thing, more important than
the complex, the disorder, the behavior, or the
environment. It seeks to help people live better lives
through practical therapeutic measures.

12. Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy is guided hypnosis, or a trance-like state of
focus and concentration achieved with the help of a
clinical hypnotherapist. This trance-like state is similar to
being completely absorbed in a book, movie, music, or
even one's own thoughts or meditations. In this state,
clients can turn their attention completely inward to find
and utilize the natural resources deep within themselves
that can help them make changes or regain control in
certain areas of their life.

13. Phenomenology
Phenomenology is the study of human experience and of
the ways things present themselves to us in and through
such experience.

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