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Find Out the IP Considerations of Your Venture


Now that you know the different kinds of IPs, it is time to find out the IP considerations of your venture. While
the process of filing for a patent is time-consuming, getting a patent will serve your business well in the long
run by giving you more time to capture the market share and keeping the rivals out. If your business is creative
in nature, it becomes imperative for you to secure the copyrights over your creative work.
Objective of this assignment is to:
1. Find out the IP considerations of your venture.
dv Instructions:
ce 1. Regroup in your practice venture teams.
d 2. Go through the tips on finding out the IP considerations of your ventures.
Co 3. Complete the assignment in 1 hour.
ur 4. Check with your facilitator how and when to submit the assignment.
En Tips to Find Out the IP Considerations of Your Venture:
ep 1. Find out the unique aspects of your venture.
re 2. Check under which category of IP these unique aspects fall under. You can refer to the Student
Handout, Conduct a Trademark Search for Your Company/Brand Name.
3. Fill in the table given on Page 2. Categorize your IP into patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets,
or domain names. Also, provide a little description of the IP, highlighting its unique aspects.

Legal Matters Page 1 of 4

© Wadhwani Foundation For Students’ Use V01
SI. No. IP Category of IP Description

1. Company Name Trade Mark It is any unique expression such as a word, name,
symbol, or device that is used in trade with goods to
indicate the source of the goods and to distinguish them
from the others.

2. Logo Trade Mark It is any unique expression such as a word, name,

A symbol, or device that is used in trade with goods to
dv indicate the source of the goods and to distinguish them
an from the others.
3. Tagline Trade Mark It is any unique expression such as a word, name,
se symbol, or device that is used in trade with goods to
in indicate the source of the goods and to distinguish them
En from the others.
4. Sound Mark Trade Mark It is any unique expression such as a word, name,
ur symbol, or device that is used in trade with goods to
indicate the source of the goods and to distinguish them
from the others.

5. Graphics Copy Right It is a form of IP protection that grants the creator of an

original work exclusive rights to determine whether, and
under what conditions, the original work might be used
by others. The original work includes creative and
intellectual work that can be written, musical, dramatic,
or artistic in nature.
6. Brand Label Trade Mark It is any unique expression such as a word, name,
symbol, or device that is used in trade with goods to
indicate the source of the goods and to distinguish them
from the others.
7. Domain Trade Mark It is any unique expression such as a word, name,
symbol, or device that is used in trade with goods to
indicate the source of the goods and to distinguish
them from the others.

8. Process Trade Secret It is a formula, practice, design, process, instrument,

pattern, commercial method, or a compilation of
A information not generally known or reasonably
dv ascertainable by others by which a business can
an obtain an economic advantage over competitors or
ce customers.
Co 9. Technology Patent It is a legal document granted to an
inventor/inventors that allows them to exclude
in others from making, using, or selling their invention
En for a specific period of time.
ne 10. UX/UI Copy Right It is a form of IP protection that grants the creator of
an original work exclusive rights to determine
whether, and under what conditions, the original
work might be used by others. The original work
includes creative and intellectual work that can be
written, musical, dramatic, or artistic in nature.

11. Algorithm/Software Copy Right It is a form of IP protection that grants the creator of
code an original work exclusive rights to determine
whether, and under what conditions, the original
work might be used by others. The original work
includes creative and intellectual work that can be
written, musical, dramatic, or artistic in nature.
12. Recipe/Formula Patent It is a legal document granted to an inventor /
inventors that allows them to exclude others from
making, using, or selling their invention for a specific
period of time.

13. Packaging Trade Mark It is any unique expression such as a word, name,
A symbol, or device that is used in trade with goods to
dv indicate the source of the goods and to distinguish
an them from the others.
En Note: The IP laws vary in different countries. Go through the types of IP protection for your respective
tr countries and consult an IP attorney, if required.

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