Do You Kiss Pt. 1 - Mindless

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Do You Kiss? J.


“Yep. Hi! I’m already booking. I’ll be there in half an

Do You Kiss? hour, I guess.” I put the phone down and actually
start booking a ride. It’s been a long time since I
went for a night out with my friends, I don’t know if
it will be awkward but good thing tequila always
Mindless rids me of my timidity.

It’s a struggle to fit it in a tight dress and wear Three minutes before the taxi arrives, I take a last
stilettos just to dance around and sweat all night. look at my reflection – a backless black dress short
Why do women subject themselves to such enough to enunciate my long legs and my broad
unnecessary torture? Why does a drinking spree shoulders, a ponytail to project a smaller face
always end up on the top of a “How to Get Over an shape, and enough make-up to conceal the dark
Ex” list in Cosmo? Irritation overcomes me as I circles under my eyes. Average but presentable.
struggle to zip my black bodycon. I hear “Lonely
The taxi reeked of old leather and elderly perfume.
Together” by Avicii play and frantically answer my
I didn’t want to seem rude to the cab driver and
spray my own perfume inside the car. I mentally
“Hey, hey, sorry. I’m almost done.” slapped myself as I remembered the horrid fact that
I wasn’t able to eat dinner because of how agitated I
“No girl, it’s fine. Take your time. We already have a was with preparing myself for the night. Crap. I
table here. Just making sure that you’re coming.” don’t really have a high tolerance for alcohol. Not
“Yes, I’m coming, I promise. How’s Rachel?” I asked eating before a drinking spree lowers it more. I try
while slipping into my black stilettos. to compose myself throughout the ride.

“She’s not that okay, but I think finally having you The loud EDM music and the bright neon lights
come will make her feel better.” blinded me as I entered Black Market. Bodies
crashed as the remix of Side Effects echoed through
“CADEN? CADEN, IS THAT YOU?” shrieked the the club walls. Millenials bobbed their heads to the
other girls over the background. beat and I just kept on thinking why so many

Do You Kiss? J. Dumaual

people had to fill their existential dread on this with all the emotional strength she could have
Friday Night through booze and boobs. possibly gathered. Her eyes had darker circles
around it and the eye shadow barely hid the
I narrowed my eyes and tried my best to spot our
swelling of her eyelids.
table. “CADEN!!!” Someone shouted behind me. I
look around and see Priscilla standing on the dance As we sat down, Alyssa blew a flying kiss towards
floor holding a Double Black. me. I catch it and return my attention to Rachel.
“I’m always here for you, girl. We can talk about it
“Where’s our table?” I yelled. She points her index
you know? How are you and how are you coping?”
finger to the exclusive area upstairs and I see
Alyssa waving at me. I raise my thumb and signal “I’m not here to talk about Rob. I just wanna have
Priscilla that I’ll go ahead. some fun with you guys tonight!”

The smokescreen still perpetuated my eyes. I had to I felt aghast and gazed at Alyssa. She just raised
sheepishly walk through the crowd along the her shoulders in surrender. I presumed she already
staircase. A guy wearing a white polo bumps my tried talking to Rachel. Rachel has an infamous
shoulder with “unintentional” force. I halt for a history of coping mechanisms – ranging from
moment and narrow my eyes at him. I was peeved. alcohol, drugs, and cigarettes. Self-destruction was
The neon blue hues exposed a smirk he made as he written all over her face tonight, and I felt like we’re
looked back. I shrug him off and make my merry in for the ride too.
way. As difficult it is walking through the dark; I
finally arrive at our table.
FOUR OF US!” Rachel shouts. My eyes widened in
Rachel’s plump figure greets me as she stands up distraught signaling Alyssa to do something. She
to give me a big hug. We part and I caress her awkwardly chuckles and tried convincing Rachel to
cheeks and fix her long dark brown locks. I force a take it easy. I can’t do three straight fucking shots
smile. “How are you?” of tequila this early in the night.

“I’m hurting so much Caden but I don’t wanna drag “Rach, can we calm down? I haven’t eaten dinner. I
down everyone’s mood tonight, okay?” She replied don’t want to get wasted this early.” I begged.

Do You Kiss? J. Dumaual

Before Rachel could retaliate, Priscilla comes At the behest of Rachel, the three of us take
running towards the table and immediately drops another shot.
on the couch. Her neon halter top glowed in the
I instantly recognize one of the four guys walking
dark because of the LED lights in the club, further
towards our table – it was the dude who I bumped
accentuating her anterior “assets”.
into earlier, the one wearing the fit white polo. The
“GIRLS! I met this group of guys downstairs and brighter lights in our area aided him to also
they want to buy us drinks. Should I say yes or noticing me, judging from how he smirked at me.
no?” The group comes closer and the dude in the white
polo glowed. The gleam highlighted his lean and tall
build. He had broad shoulders and toned arms. His
Rachel swiftly declares before the DJ could drop the
glasses could not conceal the piercing stare he
directed at me.
Priscilla turns her attention to me for consent. I feel
“Girls, this is Chase and his friends, Lionell, Paolo,
hysterical about the whole ordeal and look at
and Aleister.” Apparently, the man I bumped into
Alyssa. She smiles at me and nods, signifying her
was Aleister. The guys were decent looking. Lionell
reassurance that she’ll take care of us tonight.
was the shortest but had a muscular build
Alyssa has always been the big sister of the group.
complimented by a gray muscle tee. Paolo was tall
She tells the hard truths but really takes care of all
and lanky. He sported a ¾ navy blue shirt and
of us at the end of the day. I roll my eyes at her and
some black jeans. Chase went full bohemian with
raise my hands in acquiescence. Rachel hugs me
his patterned tee, shorts and boat shoes. The getup
with gratitude.
suited his Filipino-Chinese aesthetic and thick hair.
Priscilla stands up to fetch the group of guys who
Priscilla wrapped her right arm around Chase’s left
want to sit with us. I try to compose myself, fix my
arm. This is her nonverbal communication of
ponytail, and sit straight. Alyssa brushes her bob
saying, “dibs”. The guys sit in front of us with
and puts some burgundy lipstick.
Aleister directly in front of me.

“Hi guys! I’m Rachel!”

Do You Kiss? J. Dumaual

“Alyssa.” the disarray as she still deemed everything

manageable. I don’t.
“My name is Caden.” I said coldly.
“Nice name. Wish you also had better eyesight.”
DRINKERS” exclaimed Paolo as he sucked on a
Aleister replies arrogantly. Rachel gives a puzzled
lemon slice.
look while the boys let out a few chuckles.
“Not too bad yourself!” Alyssa is obviously flirting.
“Your friend here collided with me really hard while
Her reassurance is fading.
going upstairs. She even had the audacity to glare
at me and not apologize.” “Let’s finish this bottle so we can get a new one!”
Priscilla was foolish enough to suggest. Everyone
“Excuse me?? I had the audacity?” I protested.
else concurred. To be honest, I would have agreed
Priscilla gestured me to calm down. Aleister caught
to it too if not for my empty stomach or maybe it
was something else. Maybe my anxiety stems from
“No, sorry it’s fine. I like women with fire anyway.” my peeve for Aleister? I felt tense when his group
joined the fray. I guess tonight’s party left no room
I rolled my eyes to the farthest corner that they can for my skepticism. I drink.
roll to. He kept on staring at me with a smug look
on his face as if he was deliberately trying to vex One shot.
Two shots.
“Since we already know one another, why don’t we
Three shots.
take shots?” Rachel reaches for the Jose Cuervo on
our table and starts pouring out shots for everyone A fourth one.
like a madwoman.
Deafening jeers and EDM music.
“Let’s do the three shots!” Rachel shouted. I look at
Loss of physical sensation from my fingers to
her with disbelief and looked at Priscilla with even
different parts of my body
greater terror as she easily agreed to this madness.
Alyssa scratched her head and opted to ride with
Do You Kiss? J. Dumaual

Feverish internal temperature Aleister chuckles and nods. I have no idea what
they’re talking about. My drunkard of a friend runs
This midnight mayhem seemed all too familiar.
towards the stairs giggling like a maniac. Aleister
Priscilla making out with Chase. Alyssa getting a grabs my wrist and drags me along for the ride. I
cigarette break with Paolo. Rachel having a swear I rammed on every person I passed by on the
chugging competition with Lionell. way back to our spot but I didn’t feel a thing.

And where was I? Aleister guided me back to the couch. I crashed on

his shoulders as I sat down. I felt so tired and
My field of vision felt obscure. My feet were queasy. I’m barely aware of my surroundings and
staggering, my face feels damp, and my body… my my body is burning up bad – both literally and
body was inclined against another’s. figuratively. I tried drinking some water, closed my
eyes, and took a deep breath. I look around to see if
Intoxication physically numbs one’s senses but
our bags are still here and looked back at all the
elevates the internal desire to feel more. What a
girls and the guys. No one is at full capacity
paradox. I can feel my libido elevating. Not good.
His hands were caressing my thighs, and my
abdomen. I felt his groin as I pushed my ass
WEEE??” It was the last thing I heard before the
against Aleister, harder with every beat. He was
DJ’s bass drop. My intoxication and the club tunes
breathing against my nape as my hips swayed to
seemingly impaired my senses. I saw little light orbs
the beat. I wanted to feel him more and my dress
in my field of vision, and I didn’t know if it was the
was starting to get in the way. Before I turn into
club lights or the thing that happens when
tonight’s Black Market succubus, Rachel pulls me
someone is going to go full shit-faced after a few
away from Aleister or did she pull Aleister away
more drinks. Maybe it was both.
from me?
My perception still caught sight of Aleister mixing
“ALEISTER. DUDE. Lionell said, said that you, you
something in the drink of Rachel. Alyssa is kind of
have some good stuff for us tonight?”
going hysterical as she kept on pointing at Rachel,
and Priscilla is trying to contain the commotion.
Do You Kiss? J. Dumaual

Rachel drinks the substance in the shot glass and

tilts her head up and raises her arms. I’m sure she
said, “FUCK YOU, ROB!!” or something along those
lines from the motions of her mouth.

“You okay?” Aleister chuckled as he moved closer to


“I AM. Mind, mind your business.” I’m sure I said it

loud enough for him to hear.

“You’re cute when you act tough you know.” He

whispers into my ear. I felt a shiver down my spine
and let out a small gasp but tried to regain

“What are you trying to do?”

“Do you not want me close to you?” He asks as he

circles his index finger around my loose hair.

“How close do you want to be with me?” I spoke

into his ear. He smirks and gives me a tequila shot.

“Drink and let’s see how close I can get.” Mindless

drinking has been the recurring theme of the night,
so why stop now?

I drink.

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