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The Chocolate

Enamored by pleasure, I eat the chocolate with a certain satisfaction

I get chills all over my body each time I taste this concoction
Every part and piece of this sweet treat can always make me covetous
Even if indulging in it can be considered dangerous

The first time I tasted the chocolate, it was an innocent meeting

I consumed it out of curiosity and tried to define its meaning
But after getting fond of the taste, I started craving for it, looking for it, yearning for
Right then I knew I fell into an unending and gratifying pit of inhibition.

The chocolates is sweet, the chocolate is wonderful

It can take away your sadness, make you forget the pain
Knowing what is wrong and right isn't the question here
It’s the fact that the chocolate seizes you from reality and makes you disappear

I promised to turn away, I promised not to give in anymore,

But then again, promises are meant to be broken and the chocolate leaves me wanting

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