Fce. Unit 5. Adjectives, Adverbs Comparison

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FCE. UNIT 5. ADJECTIVES,/ADVERBS/COMPARISON1)1. prestigious2. golden3. winners.4.
uncertain.5. resemblance6. importance7. successful8. recognition9. seriously10.
popularity.2) 1. hazardous2. advice3. distance4. directions5. normally6.
attention7. safety8. previously9. discouraged10. seriously3)2. non-existent3.
maladjusted4. illegible5. irreligious6. immoral/amoral7. unavailable8.
irresponsible9. disrespectful4)2. a long-lasting product3. a badly-made suit4.
anever-ending story5. a three-course meal6. a poorly-paid/badly-paid employee7. a
two-storey house8. a badly-organised office5)2. the homeless/ -young people/ -needy
people3. the deaf/ -deaf children4. –middle-aged people/ the young 6)2. afantastic
red French sick scarf.
3. three old American oak chairs4. an intelligent young English dramatic actress5.
The small white metal table lamp6. an expensive antique Persian woolen carpet7. his
brand new yellow sports car8. a gorgeous hand-madelace wedding dress9. an exciting
Italian detective film10. a lovely big old-fashioned brick country house11. a
successful young computer salesperson12. an old Latin poetry book13. an interesting
short English educational programme.14. acheap long plastic raincoat.15. an
interesting antique rectangular wooden trunk16. a huge second-hand Swedish
yacht.7)2. metal3. feathery4. golden /metallic5. leathery6. silky7. leaden8. gold/
silver9. woollen / leather10. steely8) 2. big upstairs front3. plain offwhite
linen4. beautiful old flower-patterned woolen5. charming, new, next-door6. well-
known, popular, fiction7. big, old, overgrown8. beautiful, thirty-year old,
cherry9. small, square, stone10. delicious, home-made9)2. adverb, adjective3.
adjective4. adverb5. adverb6. adjective7. adjective8. adverb9. adverb10.
adverb10)1. lately / nearly2. hardly / surely / 3. widely / shortly
4. highly / hard / fully5. wrongly / deeply6. easily / direct7. widely / free8.
pretty / last9. hardly / high10. fully11)2. quite/rather/fairly/pretty3.
quite/rather ; rather/quite/ fairly/pretty4. quite/fairly/pretty/ rather;
quite/rather5. rather/quite ; quite/fairly/ pretty6. quite/fairly /pretty7.
rather/quite/ fairly/pretty8. rather ; fairly/pretty/ quite / rather9.
fairly/pretty; rather/quite/fairly/pretty10. rather/quite12) 2. Birds usually
migrate to warmer countries in winter.3. The plane suddenly crashed into the sea
an hour ago.4. Politicians generally prepare their speeches thoroughly at home in
advance.5. The thief crept silently into thehouse at midnight.6. (in remote areas)
Newspapers are only delivered weekly (in remote areas).7. Hundreds of people in
Britain are wrongly imprisoned each year.8. People who frequently sunbathe on the
beach can get badly burnt.9. (now) Hotplan’s new washing machine has (now) been
cleverly designed to save you money in the home.10. Staff have recently been
made fully aware of the consequences of a rapidly shrinking market.13) The
Hotel Miramar sits picturesquelyon top of the cliffs overlooking the beach
below. The service we offer is exceptional-the hotel staff work hard all dayto make
your visit memorable. Each room is speciallydesigned to enable youto rest
comfortablyand each has its own bathroom. The rooms have been tastefully
decorated to help you to relax completelyand feel at home. Sample the local dishes
traditionallyprepared in our hotel restaurant every evening. We are particularly
proud of our chef who (daily)selects only the finest fruit and vegetables
(daily)and then (expertly)prepares each dish for your pleasure. So, don’t delay!
Reserve your rooms at once and spend your holiday with us this summer.14)2. more
hospitable3. the oldest4. the most famous5. the best6. easier 7. the most popular8.
longest9. more amazing
10. the oldest11. smaller12. friendlier/more friendly13. larger14. more
impersonal15. the most frequent15)2. more conveniently3. more quickly4.
moreeasily5. best 6. more practically7. earlier16)2. further3. most4. any5.
much17)2. most powerful3. the most comfortable4. safer5. more careful6. the
highest7. the proudest18)2. the longer we stay, the more ....3. I’d prefer to go
home rather than go...4. In some countries, women are paid the same as / as much as
men.5. Crisps are less nutritious than nuts.6. It is the best-paid job.7. I have
received as many job offers as John.8. I have never felt as tired as I did ...9.
Geography is not as easy as history ...10. The older he gets, the less tolerant he
becomes.11. I love going to football matches whereas my sister prefers going...12.
Janet had half as much word as Helen.13. I prefer being self-employed to
working ...14. My grandfather is getting more and more impatient as ...15. Laura
isn’t such a sensitive girl as her sister.16. Airships are safer than they used to
be.17. My father is not spending as much time at the office...18. Martha’s views
are the same as Julia’s.19. I think I’d sooner leave than wait....20. The higher we
climb, the better the view will be.19)1. as /like/ like/ as
2. like/as 3. like/like/as4. as / like5. as/as/like6. as/as/as/7. like/like/as8.
as/as/as20)2. Spanish is said to be similar to Portuguese.3. It’s the hottest curry
I’ve ever eaten.4. She behaves in an extremely disrespectful way to her
colleagues.5. Sheila is less talented than her sister.6. She was better prepared
than all the other candidates.7. The more prices increase, the higher thecost of
living becomes.8. She is a very creative writer.9. George made as many mistakes as
Peter.10. It’s not as expensive to live in Liverpool as in London.11. No one else
in the team is as skillful as MacMahon.12. It was the lowest offer the sellerwould
accept.13. I’ve never met such an/a more eccentric person.14. The richer she gets,
the more extravagant she becomes.15. It is /was the most heated argument we’ve ever
had.16. The boss behaves in a friendly way to her staff.17. She received as many
gifts as her cousin on her birthday.18. He is a fluent German speaker because he
was born...21)1. You should take great care when ...2. It wouldn’t make sense to
turn down...3. That idea was put forward by my grandfather.4. You mustn’t run out
of patience if you want to teach children.5. Michael had never been in a helicopter
before.6. My father objects to me/my staying out late tonight.7. Mr Jones takes
pride in his ceramics collection.8. Peter’s nerves prevented him from performing
well ...

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