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The Generic City : € mS ae we aM taewaD A 1.1 ithe comemporary tie te contemporary spor al he ae? si poset thie his conergece? Ando, wha inate config von initasping? Convergence pssibl oly athe rie of edig entity. Tht sual sexn as alos, Bathe scala which tose, mustmean someting, What tre dandvantaes fen, nd conversely, wht ae advantages of nes? ‘What if hi seemingly aciental—and usually rereted—homogeiaion Were an intenonl process, a concious movement away fom difeene toward sini? ‘What fw re witnesing lb iberaton movement “own wih rae!" Wha isk afer ety i sepped? The Generic? 1.2T theta atin i deve ffm yal subeane, om the histori fom cnt, fom he ea, we ometow anotinagne tat anything comenporry—-madeby scones tot Bathe fe thar human pow is exponetal implies thatthe past wil a some pin become to “alto beinhabited and sued by thos ive. We orcs exu it To the exten hathisry nds depoxtn architec presenthuman guantswlinevitably burs nd deplete previous uttance, Lent conceived his form of sharing the pest it “Tovng proportion tony there ~inastblemodel of ominous popsson expe Slon_proporonly ess nd es sare, bt istry so hasan iis aie Isitsmore bused becomes lessgificant™10the point where its ininishng and cuts become inslig,Thithinnng iseacerbatedy the constant increasing mass tors an sale tht na perelquestfor"charce” nds xcs ett down to meaningless dst 13 enti hea mone in wich more and more tice have to sh he vigil but nd wich, on closer inspection, may have been rnp forces. Thesongedeniy. te moriimprsns, hemor ites expr Son inerpreion,reewal,cnradcion Ten becomes ike ihtous es Gevkeined: ican change ts pstion ote pater emits nla cot of ‘Stabling sigan (Parca only become more Parisian —its abeadyonits way to tecoming hyper Pa, a polished crcare, There ae exepins: Lenton is al deat lk foe dnt —teperptsltroveing ran lan Lindon mrt Ter sae) 1 ety eneiesitimists onan esos, points apedy sven insimple geomet rms. As the sper of inven expends, the ach characteriza ty the centr bcomes ler and larer, pees ing bot he rong ad the ory ofthe coe nevis he tance between center and ccunference ines tote raking pon is perspce, te cet blatdicvey of he prey zone of potential vlue—a kind of pre-historic condition that might finally be worthy ‘ofarcitectralatention— is only a disguised insistence onthe pity of nd dependency ‘on the cener: without center, no periphery; the interest ofthe first presumably compen sates forthe emptiness ofthe later: Conceptally orphaned, te condition of te periph ry iz made worse by the fact that its mothers sl alive, stealing the show, emphasi ing its ospring’s inadequacies. The lat vibes emanating from the exhaust center preclude the reading ofthe periphery as arial mas. Not only isthe ceterby defi. ition to smal to perform is assigned obligations, itis also no longer te ral enter but ‘an overblown mirage on its way to implosion; ye its illusory presence denis the rest ofthe city its egtimacy (Manhattan denigratesas"brdge-and-tnnel people” hose who ‘need infrastructural supporto ener the city and makes them pay for it) The persistence ofthe present concentric obsession makes us al bridge-and tunnel people, second-

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