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Catherine Root

Lesson #2 (of 5)
Subject Matter Research
Topic: Energy Forms and Changes

Part One (Adult Explanation)

Through my research, I learned about all about energy and the various forms it can take.
Our entire universe is made up of energy, and we use a combination of many different energy
types each day (such as light, sound, mechanical, and electric energy). Energy can be divided
into two main types: kinetic (energy in motion) and potential (energy that can be stored for future
use). From these two main types of energy stem many other forms of energy. Kinetic energy
includes Mechanical, Electric, Light, Thermal, and Sound energy. Forms of potential energy
include Chemical and Gravitational energy. The Law of the Conservation of Energy states that
“energy cannot be created or destroyed; energy can only be transferred or changed from one
form to another.” This means that all the energy that will ever be used is already existing today
and is being changed from the various forms of energy into other usable forms, such as electrical
energy converting to light energy when a lamp is turned on.

Part Two (Prior Knowledge)

 Prior Knowledge: Most students will be familiar with the idea of energy and the fact
that we use it to move and function as humans. After learning about life cycles and the
transfer of energy in food webs in 3rd grade, they should also be knowledgeable about
energy being transferred from one form to another (energy from the sun transfers to
plants which transfers to animals when plants are eaten). Since they have a basic
understanding that energy is important to how the earth functions, we will expand upon
this by introducing energy’s various types.
 Day One: The students learned about the definition of energy, how important it is to
everyday life, the difference between kinetic and potential energy, and how those two
main types are manifested in their different forms (mechanical, electric, light, thermal,
sound, and chemical energy). This knowledge will help students to understand that
energy is required for all of life to occur, and will provide the basis for understanding the
different forms energy takes on.

Part Three (Future Knowledge)

 Day Three: The students learned about energy transformations and The Law of
Conservation of Energy. This lesson was taking the knowledge they gained about energy
forms to the next step. They worked in stations to get hands-on experience and see real
life examples. This grasp on energy transformations helped students to better understand
how all life revolves around energy. The amount of energy on Earth will never become
less or more but simply change form.
 Day Four: The students will delve deeper into sound energy. The students will determine
the characteristics of sound. This include loudness, pitch and echoes. The students will do
an activity where they can experience and create differences in the characteristics first
hand. Students will learn about specific transformations of sound energy.
Misconceptions, such as, sound disappears will be cleared up during this class time and
the activity.
 Day Five: The students will play a review game to assess and have them apply their
gained knowledge over the past four days. By understanding energy forms, how energy
changes, the different types of transformations and The Law of Conservation of Energy,
the students will be better prepared for this review game.
 Future Learning: In the future, the students will be able to recognize the energy
transformations discussed in the class in their life outside of school. It will also set the
ground for expanding on deeper, larger topics in their future science classes. This lesson
will help create interest and desire to continue learning in the world and understanding
how life works.
Part Four (Resources Used)

Catherine Root/Lesson #2 (of 5)

I. Topic: The topic of this fourth grade science lesson is energy and its different forms. The
students will build on their prior learning from the first lesson on energy forms. They will apply
this knowledge to the lesson today when they are split into groups and rotate through three
stations that help to solidify their understanding and ability to identify different energy forms.

II. Objective(s):

A. Given prior learning from the last lesson, TSWBAT identify and share with the class
what forms of energy the pictured objects use in the anticipatory set.

B. Given prior learning about different energy forms, TSWBAT create a robot that uses
at least 3 different forms of energy and write a description explaining how the robot will
use the different energy types.

C. Given prior learning and their class notes from the first lesson, TSWBAT create a
morning/evening energy routine that shows at least 3 different energy forms they use in
their mornings/evenings.

III. Standard(s): PA Science and Technology - S4.C.2.1.1- Identify energy forms and

examples (light, heat, electrical, sound, chemical, potential, kinetic).

IV. Teaching Procedures:

A. Anticipatory Set – (5 minutes) – I will greet the students and ask them to remind me
what we learned about last class. Next, I will hold up different pictures of everyday
objects and have students raise their hands to tell me whether they use potential or kinetic
energy, and what energy forms they use as well.

After the quick review, I will tell students about the station activities they will be
completing and ask the students what kinds of behaviors I would like to see while they
are in their stations/rotating (taking all materials with them, being respectful of the
materials, keeping noise level at a 2, etc.) Tell students to bring their notes from last class
to each station. Then split the students into 3 groups of seven and have them move to
their first stations.
B. Independent Practice (40 minutes) – There are two different stations – an energy
robot station and a morning/evening energy routine station. There will be a teacher (I and
Ms. Reeher) at each station to show students the example projects and answer any
questions the students have. The students will spend 15 minutes at each station (I will
have a timer up on the SmartBoard to keep track of time) and will turn in all their work at
the end of the class period. There are directions and examples at each station, and
students are to raise their hands if they have any questions.

E. Closure (5 minutes)

I will ask students to pass in all their station activities and have students raise their hands
if they would like to share one of their projects with the class.

V. Materials:

 Anticipatory Set:
o Pictures of objects
 Station One:
o Example Robot
o Robot worksheet
o Station Checklist
 Station Two:
o Loose-Leaf paper for planning
o Colored paper for final draft
o Markers
 Assisted note-taking guides

VI. Adaptations/Plan Modifications: The teacher indicated that all test/quiz directions should
be read aloud, and word bank choices should be narrowed down. I will explain each station
activity at the beginning of class so all students understand what is required of them.

VII. Evaluation:

A. Formative: Throughout the lesson students will be assessed formatively through the
station activities they complete today.
B. Summative: This lesson is the second in a series of five lessons on Energy Forms,
Changes, and Sound. A written summative assessment will be given after this lesson on
Energy Forms, as well as after the next two lessons on Energy Changes and Sound (as
directed by the teacher). They will each be worth 10 points.

VIII. Evaluation:

A. Write an assessment of the students’ performance and mastery in terms of each

stated objective. List each objective’s evaluation separately.

Given prior learning from the last lesson, TSWBAT identify and share with the class
what forms of energy the pictured objects use in the anticipatory set.

The students easily responded with the different energy forms the objects used.

Given prior learning about different energy forms, TSWBAT create a robot that uses at
least 3 different forms of energy and write a description explaining how the robot will
use the different energy types.

The robot assignments that were turned in all incorporated at least 3 different energy
forms and explained them.

Given prior learning and their class notes from the first lesson, TSWBAT create a
morning/evening energy routine that shows at least 3 different energy forms they use
in their mornings/evenings.

The students’ energy routines showed more than 3 different energy forms.

B. Write a self-evaluation including explanation for the success or lack of it. Discuss:
What changes might have produced better results and could be used in subsequent

This lesson was successful, and the students’ work was of good quality. I found that they
didn’t necessarily create neat or beautiful work, but they did meet the content objectives.
They worked well within the time limit and used their notes from last class as an aid so
they could create well-planned robots and routines. In subsequent lessons I would have
them create a rough draft of their routines before the final copy, and provide spaces on
the worksheet for written explanations.

C. Explain what specific changes were implemented from your professor’s

suggestions prior to teaching and the results (if suggestions were not taken, explain
your rationale).

I eliminated one of the stations as the work would be even more rushed than it was in this
lesson to complete three stations. This helped students to create higher quality work and
enabled them to think more deeply about their projects as they were less concerned about
finishing within a certain time-frame.

D. Explain what specific changes were implemented from your cooperating

teacher’s suggestions and the results (if suggestions were not taken, explain your

My cooperating teacher did not provide any suggestions.

Anticipatory Set:
Station One:
Energy Robot Station Checklist:
1. Draw Robot
2. Label at least 3 different energy types
3. Write a paragraph describing your robot
4. Color your robot!
Station Two:
My _______________________ Routine!
Forms of Energy

Energy is the ability to make things move or ________, or the ability to do __________.

There are two main types of energy:

Potential energy is used to describe ___________________________.

Kinetic energy is used to describe _____________________________.

Where does all energy come from? _______________________

Mechanical energy is created by a _________________ or machine.

Electrical energy is caused by the flow of _____________, and it travels in circuits.

_____________ energy creates heat.

Sound energy travels in _____________ and can be heard.

List two objects and name all the forms of energy they use (potential/kinetic or MELTS).


Word Bank:

waves thermal energy in motion change work

the sun stored energy moving part electrons

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