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UNCLASSIFIED/JFOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY USAFRICOM FUOPS Synch - Meeting Minutes 23 April 2020, OB00EDT Conducted via Skype (U) Attendees (24) ‘Zamawang “Zama" F. ALMEMAR (OB-BP) Mark A. J. ANDERSON (Ol-OAO-ROW) Gregory T. BALDWIN (OI-OPFF) CDR Phillip J. CASTANEDA (SI-PL) Joseph A. CONTI, CTR (NE) Meghann DAIGLE (OB-BP) Doug De WITT (CT-PP) Kathryn S. DUCCESCH! (OB-BP) Drake L. FORREST, CTR (CT-Pi) Douglas H. GORSLINE (CT-BP) Kurt A. HENSE (SI-PLE) William “Bill” E. High (O|-OPTS) David "Dave" E. LEISTER (Ol-OPFF) Julie R. LOILAND (DAG) Cristina F. LUSSIER (SI-PL OA-6) Victoria M. MANUEL (OL-OPFL) Chafiq Moummi (O-OAO) Kiana L. MYLES, CTR (CT-SE) Stephen P. Passero, CTR (Ol-OPFF) J. David PINKSTON, CTR (SI-PL) Andrew P SMITH, CTR (CT-SE) William G. SOSNOWSK\ (OB-BP) James “Jim” L TURNER, CTR (Ol-OPFF) Michael T. WARRING, CTR (NE) (U) Agenda ‘Attendance FUOPS Update COVID-19 Update DDSR/Forward Formation Update DIR Rep Updates Closeout (U) Attendance and Opening Comments ‘+ Attendees were requested to send an email to the FUOPS AFRICOM Desk team IOT avoid collecting attendance during the meeting. (U) FUOPS Update ‘* Mr. Baldwin reported there have not been any major developments over the past two weeks and again highlighted the CT-BT COVID-19 tracker as a model for maintaining awareness on OAls impacted by the pandemic. UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ‘+ AFRICOM will be conducted it Component Commanders’ Conference via SVTC on 29- 30 April. The DDIR is tentatively scheduled to participate. Read ahead documents for the conference topics are expected by the end of the week. The Forward team will provide those ‘for senior leader prep when they become available. ‘+ The group was reminded of the current taskers of the FY22 SSCI inputs and FY21 M2M data call for coordination with Ms. Manuel with the suspense in a few days. ‘* Highlighted the monthly DDIR to DCOM update letter to go out on Friday, 24 April, and that the May letter is scheduled to out on the Thursday prior to the Memorial Day holiday weekend on 21 May. ‘+ The next DDSR synch meeting on CVR is scheduled for Thursday, 30 April, for those with accounts and able to use a personal device or government smartphone. + The next FUOPs synch meeting will be on 14 May. probably via Skype. «Asan update on the use of CVR MS Teams, the IT Dept has not yet been able to make the software available on GFE computers, meaning that those on those systems still have the ted functionality of the web app. There was a pause in the issuance of new accounts but it has started up again. Mr. Baldwin will try to get an update on the status of the SW availability and share it with the group. Any with an active CVR account can be added to the DTRA AFRICOM Team through the Forward Team or CCMD Desk Team. (U) COVID-19 Update «Reviewed the current status of cases in the AOR. Confirmed cases continue; stil only have two countries not reporting cases; Lesotho and Comoros. ‘* Highlighted that Djibouti has by far the highest incidence rate per population on the continent and the concern that leads to due to the location of the only major U.S. military base (Camp Lemonnier). ‘* Also highlighted the leading case countries, led by South Africa, and the especially high mortality rate in Algeria (~14%), which is more than double the glabal average. ‘*_ Briefed the GPC impacts of China's "mask diplomacy” efforts and some signs of push back from African countries, providing an opportunity for greater U.S. influence. But, highlighted some of the negative impacts related to the POTUS halt on WHO fut (U) DDSR/Forward Formation Update «Ms, Manuel reported an engagement between the DDIR and AFRICOM DCMO to discuss DTRA DWR impacts to support to AFRICOM. * Briefly discussed the regional strategy for the FY22 SSCI and engagement with OB-BP that is ongoing to wrap that up. ‘+ _ Ms, Manuel gave a brief update on the developing work of the AFRICOM COVID-19 OPT, including the look at how itis impacting the OE moving forward, which will be discussed during the ACCC next week. ‘¢ There is also an effort at continuing to develop the GPC capabilities being worked at 2 higher classification level. UNCLASSIFIEDI/FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UNCLASSIFIEDI/FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (U) DIR Representatives Update, CT-BT update from Ms. Marsh highlighting BTRP work with the Africa CDC on COVID- 19 response as well as response to the South Africa and Morocco requests for assistance. The other requests are being examined to see how and if they can be supported. Continuing to examine long-term impacts, such as how the Ethiopian emergency declaration halting construction will impact programs and projects. © OP-BP update from Ms. Ducceschi on the efforts to support the SSCI submissions. Ms. Daigle highlighted inputs to the NSC on support to partner COVID-19 capabilities and the upcoming BPCIC on 01 May, 1400EDT. jenda due out soon. © OFOPF/BPC update from Mr. Turner on Tunisia BCAP support efforts and development of plans to support Morocco partner CTN capabilities. (U) Closeout ‘+The next synchronization meeting will be largely an O1 internal one with the Forward Footprint team and is anticipated to be conducted next Thursday at 0800EDT on the Microsoft Teams CVR environment. ‘+ The next FUOPS AFRICOM Synch meeting will be Thursday, 14 May, at BOOEDT. The venue is not currently set, but will likely be conducted via Skype. UNCLASSIFIEDI/FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

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