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Thirteen years ago on 14th February 2005, YouTube, an American video sharing site was
launched, headquarter is in San Bruno, California. This video sharing site created a huge impact
on teenagers mainly college going students who spent ample amount of time browsing YouTube
videos. Registered users can upload and browse videos while the non- registered users can only
watch. “YouTube is an art medium; a technology which allows listeners to become singers,
watchers to become actors and consumers to become producers creating new original works and
supplementing existing ones. It allows everyone to have a voice that can be heard and face that
can be seen”. Students and teenagers of the twenty century are more digitally oriented. YouTube
became a basic platform for sharing information and easy tool of learning. Students upload and
watch videos of different field and learn different things from the tutorials and tend to create
their own sites. Educational institutions in the smart classrooms uses different YouTube videos
as there is more probability of getting attention of the students.

YouTube is changing the outlook of the integral world. This video sharing site receives billions
of viewers daily, the latest reports show that more than half the viewers are students. “Teens
constitute the dominant demographic on YouTube in terms of their viewership, comments, and
rating and other feedback mechanisms”.

The YouTube phenomenon has expanded all around the world and created new jobs,
revolutionizing the way to make business. Consumers are increasingly making brand purchase
decisions by relying on YouTube reviews and the reason behind this behaviour is the fact that
people consume information that is easy to understand (Pixability 2014). YouTube is a site that
appeals to a broad range of users, thanks to its diversity of content. Video sharing is the new
trend and possibly the most important way of Social Media communication now and in the
future. According to YouTube statistics of March 3rd 2015, the platform has more than 1 billion
users, processes more than 3 billion searches in a month, 300 hours of video are uploaded every
minute and Top YouTube creators were found to be more popular than mainstream celebrities
among U.S teenagers. Furthermore, YouTube is localized in more than 70 Countries across the
globe and the number of people subscribing to it daily has tripled since 2013. (YouTube Statics
2015). Video and video

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