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Sınıf 2
Ünitenin Adı / No Unit:9 Fruit
Expressing likes and dislikes
Konu Giving and responding to simple instructions
Telling someone what to do
Önerilen Süre / Tarih 40+40/ Tarih:22-26/04/2019

E2.9.L1. Students will be able to recognize the names of fruit.
Öğrenci Kazanımları / Hedef ve Speaking
E2.9.S1. Students will be able to talk about the fruit they like.
E2.9.S2. Students will be able to tell others to do things with fruit by pointing out them
—I like watermelon. Cut the peach.
—I don’t like grapefruit. Give the banana.
Touch the melon. Eat the grapes.
Ünite Kavramları ve Sembolleri / Show the apples. Color the lemons.
Davranış Örüntüsü
—Sure. apple,-s / banana, -s / grapefruit, -s
—Okay. grape, -s / melon, -s / orange,-s
—Of course. peach, -es / lemon, -s / watermelon, -s
Öğretme-Öğrenme-Yöntem ve Communicative approach, TPR, Audio-lingual method, MI
Kullanılan Eğitim Teknolojileri-Araç, Course book - Pictures - Flash-cards - Interactive Board
Gereçler ve Kaynakça

1 Listen and repeat.

Show the pictures on the book and point the fruits. Tell your students to listen and repeat the
fruits. Play the CD. Check their pronunciation. (p.122)

2 Sing the chant.

Tell your students that it is fun time. Play the CD for the first time and let them listen to the
chant just to enjoy themselves. Then play it for the second time and encourage them to sing the
chant with the CD. (p.122)

Öğretme-Öğrenme Etkinlikleri: 3 Listen and number.

 Dikkati Çekme Show the pictures on the book and point to the fruits. Tell your students to listen and number
the fruitss. Play the CD. Check the answers as a class. (p.122)
 Güdüleme
 Gözden Geçirme 4 Listen and follow.
 Derse Geçiş Show the pictures on the book and point to the people. Tell your students to listen and follow.
 Bireysel Öğrenme Etkinlikleri (Ödev, Play the CD. (p.123)
deney, problem çözme vb.)
 Grupla Öğrenme Etkinlikleri (Proje, 5 Listen and act out the dialogue.
gezi, gözlem vb.) Explain the task. Play the CD. Students listen to the dialogues. Allow students enough time to
 Özet prepare their dialogues. Encourage students to act out their dialogues in front of their
classmates. (p.123)

6 Listen, tick and cross.

Show the pictures on the book. Tell your students to listen, tick and cross pictures according to
the text. Play the CD. (p.124)

7 Listen, write and draw. Then, colour.

Show the pictures on the book. Tell your students to listen and draw the pictures then colour
according to the text. Play the CD. (p.124)

Ölçme-Değerlendirme Arts and Crafts

 Bireysel öğrenme etkinliklerine Chants and Songs
yönelik Ölçme-Değerlendirme Drama (Role Play, Simulation, Pantomime)
 Grupla öğrenme etkinliklerine Drawing and Coloring
yönelik Ölçme-Değerlendirme Games
 Öğrenme güçlüğü olan Labeling
öğrenciler ve ileri öğrenme hızında Matching
olan öğrenciler için ek Ölçme Making Puppets
Değerlendirme etkinlikleri Questions and Answers

Dersin Diğer Derslerle İlişkisi


Plânın Uygulanmasına İlişkin Açıklamalar This Plan is succesfully applied during within the scheduled time.

İngilizce Öğretmeni Uygundur .../.../...

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