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GROUP 3 – AGRARIAN LAW AND SOCIAL (3) Irrigated Land – denotes a farmland that is

LEGISLATION supplied with water by means of power-pump

or gravity flows system or other modes of
SATURDAY – 6:00 PM TO 8:00 PM

(4) Non-irrigated or upland refers to a farmland

CHAPTER III TENANTS EMANCIPATION DECREE located on a higher elevation or terrain and is
Presidential Decree No. 27 which took effect on not provided with water supply through any
October 21, 1972 method of irrigation and is almost rainfed.

Prefatory Statement (5) Normal crop year denotes an agricultural

period of 12 months of planting and harvesting
Under PD No. 27 there is no more leasehold in activities whether on a double or triple cropping
tenanted rice and corn lands. The tiller not attended by any natural calamity.
automatically becomes the amortizing owner of
the land he tills without even the benefit of (6) Right of retention in rice and corn lands is a
expropriation. The three shift underlines under right pertaining to a landowner or a landholding
RA No. 3844 no longer apply. devoted to rice and corn retain an area of 7
hectares for his own individual farming if such
EO No. 228 by Corazon Aquino provides that landowner is cultivating or will now cultivate it.
“all qualified beneficiaries are now deemed full
owners as of October 21, 1972 of the land they COMMENT:  The landowner could be
acquired by virtue of Presidential Decree No. compelled to transfer his landholding in favor of
27.” However, if such beneficiaries have not a tenant-farmer even if the retained area is less
completed amortization on the land, they have than 7 hectares should he be found by the DAR
to continue paying the land amortizations. to be an absentee or with sources of income
other than the retained area, EXCEPT when the
A. Phrases and Terms under PD No. 27 cause of his absenteeism is due to force
(1) Private agricultural lands primarily devoted majeure.
to rice and corn – refer to lands of private B. Tenant Beneficiaries
ownership planted with rice and corn as
principal crops as of October 21, 1972, not  The tenant-farmer shall be deemed
being part of the public domain and are under owner of a portion constituting a family
the effective control and supervision of natural size of 5 hectares, if not irrigated, and 3
or juridical persons. - The controlling criterion is hectares, if irrigated.
that the land has been proven to be suitable for  A tenant beneficiary who fails to take
the production of rice and corn as their advantage of his right under the Decree
principal crops, although seasonal crops are or is guilty of abandonment of his farm
from time to time planted thereon. holding, may be deprived thereof, in
which case the landholding shall revert
(2) Tenant farmer – farmer who actually tills the
to the government and not the
land, whether under share tenancy or lease
tenancy. In case the share-tenant or lessee
 In case the land is transferred to the
employs sub-tenants or sub-lessees who
tenant-farmer, the latter shall pay the
actually till the land, the latter shall be
Land Bank in 15 years with interest at
considered the tenant-farmers.
6% per annum. The value of the land to
be transferred to the tenant-farmer Bank, fully tax-exempt both as to principal and
shall be equivalent to two and one-half income, and bear interest at the rate of 6% per
(2 ½) times the average harvest of annum redeemable at the option of LBP at or
three normal crop years immediately before maturity, which in no case shall exceed
preceding the promulgation of PD No. 25 years. They are fully negotiable and
27. unconditionally guaranteed by the government
 Should he default in the payment of his of the Republic of the Philippines. (Maddumba
amortizations, the farmer’s cooperative v. GSIS)
which he is affiliated with, shall answer
These bonds are deemed contracts and the
for the remaining balance. (It is
obligations resulting therefrom fall within the
therefore essential that the tenant
purview of the non-impairment clause of the
farmer in order to become a bona fide
Constitution, and any impairment thereof may
beneficiary that he must be a member
take any encroachment in any respect upon the
of a duly recognized farmers’
obligation and cannot be permitted. Thus, the
cooperative, otherwise, he shall not be
value of these bonds cannot be diminished by
entitled to the issuance of a certificate
any direct or indirect act, particularly, since said
of title to his farmholding.)
bonds are fully guaranteed by the government
 Payment of such amortizations is
of the Philippines. They are issued not in the
guaranteed by the government by
open market nor for the primary purpose of
purchasing shares of stock in GOCC like
raising funds or pooling financial resources, but
the Land Bank and DBP.
in the captive market of landowners and to
 Title to land acquired under PD No. 27
facilitate the speedy transfer of lands to the
shall not be transferred to third
tenant-farmers in support of the Land Reform
persons except by hereditary
Program of the government. They are not
succession or in favor of government.
ordinary commercial paper in that sense subject
Hereditary succession should be limited
to discounting.
only to intestate succession under the
Civil Code. Sec. 27 of RA No. 6657 has All outstanding LBP bonds that are retained by
the effect of amending the provision of the original landowner-payee or by their heirs
PD No. 27. Lands acquired under these are deemed matured up to one-twenty fifth
laws, may now be transferred by (a) (1/25) of their yearly face value from their date
hereditary succession, (b) to the of issue to the date of Executive Order No. 228
government, (3) LBP, (4) other qualified and may be claimed by the original landowner-
beneficiaries, and (5) even third payee by surrendering the bonds to the LBP.
persons after the lapse of ten years (Sec. 4, E.O. No. 228).
from the issuance and registration of
The original landowner-payee may claim
the Emancipation Patent or Certificate
payment for the remaining unmatured period
of Land Ownership Award.
of the surrendered bonds under any of the
C. MATURITY DATE OF LAND BANK OF modes of compensation provided in Section 3,
THE PHILIPPINES (LBP) BONDS subsections (a) (b) or (c) of E.O. No. 228. In
order to meet the financial requirements, the
What are LBP Bonds?
Central Bank shall remit to the LBP such sums as
LBP bonds are certificates of indebtedness, may be necessary from the Sinking Fund
approved by the Monetary Board of the Central established by the LBP from the retirement of
its bonds and other long-term obligations and ordains that the amortization due shall be paid
which Sinking Fund is administered by the by the farmer’s cooperative where the
Central Bank, provided, however, that there is defaulting tenant-farmer is a member, with the
no change in maturity of other outstanding LBP cooperative having a right of recourse against
bonds acquired and held by transferees from the farmer. Thus, if the tenant-farmer defaults,
original bondholders. the landowner is assured of payment since the
farmers’ cooperative will assume the obligation.
The landowner is exempt from capital gains tax
on the compensation paid to him under this Executive Order (E.O.) No. 228, issued on July
Executive Order. 17, 1987, modified P.D. No. 27 on the manner
of payment and provided for different modes of
D. Procedure in Case Landowner Refuses
payment of the value of the land to the
to Accept Payment
landowner, the pertinent portion reads:
In the event the landowner does not accept
SECTION 3. Compensation shall be paid to the
payment of the compensation, it shall be held in
landowners in any of the following modes, at
trust for him by the Trust Department of the
the option of the landowners:
Land Bank. The cash portions of the
compensation and such portions that mature (a) Bond payment over ten (10) years, with
yearly shall be invested only in government ten percent (10%) of the value of the land
securities fully guaranteed by the Republic of payable immediately in cash, and the balance in
the Philippines. All the net earnings thereof the form of LBP bonds.
shall be for the benefit of the landowner, his
(b) Direct payment in cash or in kind by the
heirs or successors in interest.
farmer-beneficiaries with the terms to be
Lease rentals paid to the landowner by the mutually agreed upon by the beneficiaries and
farmer beneficiary after October 21, 1972, shall landowners and subject to the approval of the
be considered as advance payment for the land. Department of Agrarian Reform; and

E. Effect of Failure to Pay Amortization (c) Other modes of payment as may6 be

prescribed or approved by the Presidential
Failure of the farmer-beneficiary to pay 3
Agrarian Reform Council {Emphasis supplied}
annual amortizations shall be sufficient cause
for the LBP to foreclose on the mortgage. In the event a dispute arises between the
landowner and the tenant-farmer on the
Foreclosure proceeding shall be commenced by
amount of the lease rentals, Section 2 of E.O.
serving final notice of payment to the defaulting
No. 228 provides that the DAR and the
tenant-farmer by the LBP which shall furnish
concerned BCLP shall resolve the dispute. In any
DAR with a copy of such notice.
case, the Land Bank of the Philippines shall
After the lapse of 30 days from service of final process the payment of the landowner’s
notice to both the farmer and the DAR, the LBP compensation claim, which it shall hold in trust
shall register a certification under oath of its for the landowner, pending resolution of the
intent to foreclose with the Register of Deeds. dispute. Thus, under this scheme, as with
P.D.No. 27, the landowner is assured of
PAYMENT payment of the full value of the land under E.O.
In the event the tenant-farmer defaults in the No. 228/
payment of the amortization, P.D. No. 27
When the allegation involves the non-payment suitable place frequented by the public of the
of a debt and the opposing party raises the barangay.
defense of payment, the burden shifts from the
I. Affidavit Required to Voluntary
party alleging non-payment who claims
payment of the debt. Thus,. In the case of (BPI
vs Spouses Reynaldo, G.R. No.176664, July 21, No voluntary deed or instrument purporting to
2008): be any encumbrance or conveyance of private
agricultural land principally devoted to rice and
“As a general rule, one who pleads payment has
corn or any portion thereof shall be registered
the burden of proving it. Even where the
unless accompanied by an affidavit of the
plaintiff must allege non-payment, the general
vendor or executor stating the land involved is
rule is that the burden rests on the defendant
not tenanted, or if tenanted, the same is not
to prove payment, rather than on the plaintiff
primarily devoted to the production of rice and
to prove non-payment. The debtor has the
burden or showing with legal certainty that the
obligation has been discharged by payment. J. Status Quo over Lands Covered by PD No. 27
F. How Foreclosure may be Lifted Upon effectivity of PD No. 27, all tenant-farmers
of private agricultural lands primarily devoted
A foreclosure may be lifted by the tenant-
to rice and corn are deemed owners if the land
farmer, or any of his compulsory heirs, within
they till. Pending the issuance of implementing
the period of 2 years from its registration, by
rules and regulations which were never issued
paying the LBP all unpaid amortizations on the
at all until the issuance of PD No. 228 and the
land with interest thereon of 6% per annum.
enactment of RA No. 6657, the relations
In case of failure to life the foreclosure, between landowners and tenants were placed
ownership of the land shall be deemed in their status quo. In effect the agricultural
transferred to the LBP. land leasehold relationships with respect to rice
and corn lands of seven (7) hectares, but also
G. Sale of Lands Foreclosed
private agricultural lands of seven (7) hectares
The LBP, not later than 3 months after its in aggregate areas, or land used for residential,
registration of the land, shall sell the foreclosed commercial, industrial or other purposes from
land to any interested landless farmer duly which they derive adequate income to support
certified to as bona fide landless farmer by the their families.
DAR of the barangay or the two closest
With respect to landowners whose landholdings
barangays where the land is situated.
fall within the exempted limit but who have
The cost of the land is the unpaid amortizations offered their landholdings for transfer under PD
due on the land as of the date of the sale with No. 27, the same are immediately placed within
interest thereon of 6% per annum. the coverage of operation land transfer.

H. Prior Notice of Sale Operation Land Transfer further

The LBP, at least 1 month prior to the sale, shall Further extends to home lots occupied by
furnish the DAR with a notice of sale and shall tenant-farmers of land principally developed to
post similar notice in the town hall or any rice and corn by virtue of the mandates of LO!
No. 75 dated July 10, 1978, regardless o
whether or not the home lot is found inside or duty of the Register of Deeds to prepare a
outside the farm lot or equivalent to 2-5 times corresponding certificate of title for the
the harvest of three normal crop year farmer’s farmholding and the issuance of the
immediately preceding October 21, 1972. owner’s duplicate certificate of title to the
In case of failure to agree on the price, the
tenant-farmer may request the DAR to EO No. 228 now allows transfer of lands
exprobrate home lot for sale to the farmer. In acquired by the operation PD No. 27 and other
no case shall tenant-farmer ejected from the agrarian reform laws, provided such beneficiary
home lot during the pendency of the has fully paid his remaining amortizations to the
expropriation proceedings. LBP, and the transferee is a qualified
beneficiary. It can even transfer the same in
If the home lot is owned by another person
favor of third persons not a beneficiary,
other than the land leased, the price of resell
whether natural or juridical, after the lapse of
shall be that agreed upon and in case of
10 years from the issuance and registration of
disagreement, the value of the home lot shall
the Emancipation Patent or Certificate of Land
be the same as the valuation of the owner
Ownership Award.
appearing in the tax declaration

K. Certificate of Land Transfer as Evidence

of Ownership

This is immediately issued to the tenant-farmer

after identifying the farmer’s landholding, as
soon as the DAR has transferred the
landholding to him and recognized as a
qualified beneficiary.

This is not yet considered as absolute evidence

of ownership but only as a provisional title of
ownership thereof while he remains as
amortizing owner. It is, however, a registrable
valid evidence of ownership which can be
accepted as collateral for a loan with any
financing institution.

L. Mechanics on Issuance of
Emancipation Patent

As soon as the tenant-farmer had fully paid his

amortization to the LBP, an Emancipation
Patent is issued to him by the DAR.

The lands covered by an Emancipation Patent

have the character of registered lands under
the Torrens System. After an entry is made of
such Emancipation Patent in the corresponding
registration book, it becomes the ministerial

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