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Name: Imtiaz Ahamed

ID : 1713057630

Course Title: Eng105

Section : 09

I am doing a research on Student Facing Gender Discrimination by

Faculties at NSU . I’d appreciate your honest answer to the following
question. Thank you for your time!

Survey Questions
(Circle all letters that apply)

1. Which department you are?

E. Hons in English
F. Other Department
2.What is your point of view about gender discrimination at NSU?
A. Negative
B. Positive
C. Neutral
D. No idea
3. Do you think gender discrimination causing bad impact at NSU?
A. Agree
B. Strongly Agree
C. Disagree
D. Strongly Disagree
E. No comments
4. If agreed then what is the actual cause of this problem?
A. Bad Behavior
B. Flirting
C. Socio-culture
D. Prejudice
E. Education
5. Who are suffering most?
A. Male
B. Female
6. Do you think female faculties flirt male students?
A. Yes, very much
B. Not much
C. Not al all
D. No idea
7. Are female student getting more attention by the male students?
A. Agree
B. Strongly Agree
C. Disagree
D. Strongly Disagree
E. No comments
8. Do you think male faculties give good grades to female students?
A. Agree
B. Strongly Agree
C. Disagree
D. Strongly Disagree
9. If agreed then tell the cause of giving good grades in two or three

10.What is the sustainable solution of this problem?

A. Creating seminar

B. Creating awareness

C. Changing mindset

D. Changing behavior

E. Stop flirting

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