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Network Marketing Recruiting

Learn How To Recruit Like The Top

People In Your Company

By: Brent R
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - Barriers to Network Building
Chapter 2 - Believe in Yourself
Chapter 3 - Targeting the Right People
Chapter 4 – Following Up
Chapter 5 - Knowledge: The Key to Success
Chapter 6 - Having a Team Mindset
Chapter 7 – Presentation

Here is a FREE bonus book Network Marketing Online: How to Use the
Internet to Consistently Recruit New Representatives in Your Network Marketing
Business by Brent R.

I want to thank you and congratulate you for downloading the book,

Network Marketing Recruiting: Learn How To Recruit Like The Top People

In Your Company. This book contains information on how to continually

bring people into your MLM organization.

The network marketing business model is one of the best business

models for the average person to build a significant fortune. You don’t need

a lot of capital or commit 40+ hours a week to it like a traditional business.

And you don’t need any specific skills when you start as long as you’re


If you’re like most people you were probably to conquer the world

when you first officially started your network marketing business. Sadly, that

excitement quickly fades after hearing your first few no’s from your
prospects. If you’re not recruiting the amount of people you want to then

you’ve come to the right place.

Learn the best strategies that are used by the top Network Marketing

Professionals! Get the right mindset, master your presentation skills, and

learn how to develop your team. Finally, you can be a superstar with the

tools you’ll get from this great guide!

Whether you’re new or a seasoned pro in the network marketing

industry you understand the key is building a large team of strong members

in your organization. It’s a fact that the average person in network marketing

only recruits 2-3 people. This book will show you step-by-step how to

recruit 2-3 people a week, a month, or a year depending on your goals.

You’ll also learn a critical step most network marketers fail to do and that’s

how to follow up so you have long term success.

Thanks again for downloading this book, I hope you enjoy it!
Chapter 1 - Barriers to Network Building

One of the surefire ways to financial independence is venturing in

multi-level marketing. When you have established a viable MLM business,

you can relax a bit and enjoy the fruits of your labor. That is because the

MLM business allows people you have recruited (your downlines) to

continually build the business even if you stop.

However, why do some people become insanely successful at MLM

while even more people are not? Why do some MLM people build their

businesses so quickly while others spend years with their company barely

scraping by?

Perhaps some of you have joined a multi-level marketing company for

the first time and are unsure of what to do. Some of you may have been in the

business for some time now, but are disappointed with the snail pace growth
of your business. Some of you at this time are ready to throw in the towel

because you have not recruited even a single downline yet. To all of these

people, this book is for you.

The reasons why your MLM business is not growing as it should

include the following factors:

• You do not believe in your capacity for greater success.

• You do not know your company or its product well enough.

• You do not target the right people.

• You do not have a team mindset; preferring to work only on your


• You are not prepared when presenting your company and your

product to your prospect.

To have a successful MLM business, you need to identify these faults

and correct your wrong practices.

• You must dispel your doubts and fears in failure and start to

believe in yourself.

• You must strive to have first-hand knowledge of your product.

• You must stop recruiting people at random and start targeting

people who can be your assets in the organization.

• You must stop thinking that you are alone in this business and

start to view your upline and your downline as partners in business.

• You must have adequate preparation in presenting your company

and the products to further your business.

Use these key principles presented and you will be on the right road to

success and abundance in your business.

Chapter 2 - Believe in Yourself

The first step is the most important step - that is, to believe that you

can achieve what you want to achieve.

Having a good belief system in yourself is so important for success and

can help you in many ways. First thing a belief system accomplishes is that it

builds your self-esteem. Knowledge of your ability to accomplish your goals

builds up a healthy self-esteem. A person who has a healthy self-esteem is a

person that has high confidence. When you have this confidence, you have

the power to attract the right people into your life. Second thing is that it has

the incredible ability to enhance your creativity. When you are confident of

your abilities, it forces you to look into ways that you can do to achieve your

goals, even unconventional ones. Third thing is that it infuses positive energy

into you, which shows on the outside when people view you. When you truly
believe in your heart and mind that you can do it, nothing and no one can

discourage you.

The exact opposite is also true. If you do not believe in yourself and

lack that confidence, you will destroy your self-esteem. When you lack self-

esteem, you do not have the confidence to talk to people, let alone sell a

product. Have you ever met anyone in sales that lacked confidence? They

were probably a broke salesperson. When you lack confidence in your

abilities, you resign yourself to defeat and you will just accept that this is the

way things are, and you will lack the desire to change your environment.

Lastly, lack of confidence in oneself brings negative energy which can

severely drain all your energy. Negative energy drains the life out of you, and

you will see the glass as half-empty instead of half-full.

To build up your positive belief in yourself, you have to set up two

things: your goals and your mind.

Set your goals.

The writer of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Steven Covey

has advised that in planning our activities, “Begin with the end in mind”. Ask

yourself why you want to succeed in this business and what you plan to


In effectively planning your goals, they must have the following


• They must be specific.

• They must have detail.

• They must be achievable within a given time.

• They must be attainable, yet beyond your comfort zone.

Specific - Your goal must not be something ambiguous such as, “I

want to be rich.” A goal like that will just make you bored in attaining it

because of its ambiguity. You have to clearly define what being rich is to you
and what it means. If you start to earn 10,000 a month, does that mean you

are rich? If you have a million dollars in your bank account, does that make

you rich?

Therefore, when you plan to build your MLM business, determine how

many people you need to recruit in order to get the profits that you want. If

you think that recruiting three people in a week will result to a thousand

dollars in a month, then write it down.

Detailed – You need to describe with as much detail as possible the

goal you want to attain. For example, instead of saying, “I want to buy a

house.” you say, “I want to buy a two-story apartment that is situated in the

heart of the city.” Instead of saying, “I want to travel abroad.” you say, “I

want to travel to Paris and visit the Eiffel Tower.” A goal statement with that

kind of detail paints a picture that gives you focus and purpose.

Time-specific - Your goal must be attainable within a reasonable

amount of time that you specify. A goal like, “I want to purchase a three-

bedroom house.” without a timeframe gives an impression that you have all

the time in the world to achieve it. When you say, “I want to purchase a

three-bedroom house in three years”, you will start planning so you can

achieve that goal within that those three years.

You need to apply these concepts to the goals you set for yourself in

your MLM business. When you state that your goal is to build a viable MLM

network within five years, you will be motivated to start moving. You will

have that clear vision and sense of urgency to achieve that specific goal you


Attainable, yet beyond your comfort zone - Stating, “In ten years, I

have saved $10,000.” might be too easy a goal to achieve. Rather, state a goal

that although within reach, will require a lot of effort for you to accomplish.

A goal that is too impossible does not motivate you either; it will do the
opposite and discourage you. It is better to accomplish the goal that you have

set earlier and when you achieve it, strive for a higher goal.

For instance, if you have projected that you will be able to recruit two

people in a month and you are the kind of person who easily makes contacts,

then this is a lazy goal for you. However, if you aim for 40 people per month,

then you are going to wear yourself out. Make a goal like two people per

week so you can stretch your boundaries yet are able to achieve it with a little

hard work.

The benefits of having a specific, detailed, time-specific, attainable, yet

requiring effort kind of goal are:

It is measurable. If a goal like this has variables that you can easily

measure, then you can easily quantify them.

It is concrete. Your goal becomes something that is not vague. It is

something that becomes tangible and something that you can define.
It inspires you to action. A concrete goal will motivate you and make

you want to go out and achieve it. Abstract goals remain just that—abstract.

When it is abstract, it does not move you.

Set your mind

After you set your clear goals that you want to achieve, start to set your

mind. You now have to condition your mind for this success. Here are some

good methods that you can start to use.

Visualize your goals. After you write down your goals, set aside at

least five to ten minutes thinking about them. If you stated in your goal that

you want to stay in a high-end condominium, imagine yourself living in that

condominium with all the amenities. If you have planned your goals with

someone, spend time talking about it so you have some accountability. Like,

for example, if you and your wife planned to go to Spain, then talk about the

places that you want to visit and the kinds of food that you plan to eat.
When you visualize what you want to achieve in life, you are preparing

your mind to find ways in achieving these plans. You want to be able to see,

hear, and feel as if the goal is already achieved. You will be able to build up

momentum and you will cultivate a positive spirit.

Listen to success stories within your MLM business. There is a

countless number of people who have benefited from joining an MLM

business. Pay close attention to their stories and use it as inspiration and learn

from them. Not only will their stories encourage you to move on, you will

also pick up lessons on why their MLM business is successful and how you

can apply these principles on your own business.

Read about how to be successful. There are countless self-

improvement books on how to achieve success and build the right attitude.

Constantly read and learn from this information as these books are

investments to your future. You can also find an overflowing amount of these
resources in the internet on these matters. If you want to be successful, you

need to be constantly reading, educating and improving yourself.

Learn about successful people. There are many stories out there about

people like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and other highly successful people and

you can learn from their experiences in achieving financial success. Knowing

what these people have gone through can motivate you on not to give up on

your dreams.

When you set your goals and your mind, you then have emotionally

prepared yourself for the challenge of recruiting people.

Chapter 3 - Targeting the Right People

Every person you know and meet has the potential to be part of your

MLM business. However, even though your sponsor might say don’t pre-

judge anyone some people just have more potential than the rest. Knowing

the right type of people will make recruiting a lot easier and more enjoyable.

Recruiting three people by yourself is harder and more time-consuming than

recruiting one person who can recruit three people for you.

First, learn the profile of people who have the most potential to

succeed in an MLM business. Then make a list of every single person that

you know since you were a child. If you saw them at a party and they’ll

recognize you put them on that list. From the list, you can start to assess what

type of potential they might have in the business. After that, prioritize those

whom you think have the most potential based on their interest and skill set.
Profiling the Right People

However, how are you supposed to know which people on your list

have the potential? Here are the different types of people you want to

ultimately be looking for:

• Look for people who have the drive to succeed.

• Look for people who need your product.

• Look for people who know a lot of people.

• Look for people who can influence other people.

People with the drive to succeed - These kinds of people filled with

ambition are the best ones to recruit in your MLM business. That is because

they have that drive and are the ones who will do everything to get what they

want. It does not matter whatever station they are in life, you have to sit down

with these people to share your great opportunity.

The world is filled with people who are sick and tired of earning just
enough to survive. Present them with an alternative and they will be thankful

for the opportunity you are presenting them to have a better life. These

people will work hard in order to make it and when they get some momentum

you won’t have to consistently babysit them.

Further, these people make good testimonials to share among future

prospects and also your current representatives. We have heard of an endless

list of stories of a similar nature before. A street vendor who became a

millionaire; a nurse who does not need to do night shifts anymore; a man

with a nine to five job that now has the time to travel around the world. These

people were tired of being in the rat race but now have the financial freedom

to do whatever they want.

People who need your product - One of the reasons why some MLM

members are hard up in recruiting people is because they have a mindset that

people do not want to be disturbed. These people give a vibe to their

customers and potential members to pity them into buying their product. This

often happens with young people in the industry getting grandma, grandpa,

and their parents to buy the product. This kind of attitude turns off a lot of

people and gives the entire industry a bad name. What you need to show to

your prospective customers and members is that they should be happy that

they got the opportunity to learn about the benefits of your great product.

You must present to these people why they need the products and how

effective they are.

When you meet people who view your product as a necessity, they will

use it immediately. When they think the product is effective, they can readily

testify to you and others of its amazing results. There is nothing more

effective as a marketing tool than a first-hand testimonial.

Look for people who know a lot of people – There’s a reason it’s

called NETWORK Marketing. The whole concept is based on building a

large network of people to distribute your product or service. If you have

people on your team that already have a large network of people you can

expect your business to expand at a very fast rate. It’s a lot easier to build a

massive team by recruiting a few people that know everyone in their

community compared to a lot of people who are anti-social and doesn’t really

know many people.

People who can influence other people – Just as important as knowing

a lot of people this is just as important. These kinds of people are leaders in

their community and other people look up to them. An example of this kind

of person would be someone that is a teacher. Teachers do not only influence

children; they also influence the children’s parents. If you happen to recruit

that person, especially if he has a good reputation, imagine the vast network

that he has. It’s amazing to see how many top earners in network marketing

were teachers.
It is also better if the person you are recruiting is an authority on your

company’s product. Who can be a better endorser of a health supplement than

someone that’s a doctor?

Building your List

Start to make a list of people whom you think are potential MLM

members of your business then determine what motivator you can use to

persuade that potential member. For example, you have a friend who is a

single mom who is working hard as a waitress finding it hard to make ends

meet. You can determine that the main motivator that you can use is financial

freedom. Another example would be if you have a close friend that is very

sensitive about their appearance and is hard up of losing weight. You can

assume that your friend needs a supplement that can aid in weight loss as a

main motivator in joining your business.

If you know your potential client enough, then you can also determine
what barriers can hinder him to commit to your business. Your single mom

waitress friend might think that she does not have the time to do the business.

Your close friend who is struggling to lose weight may have tried other

weight supplements before and ended up discouraged. We need to listen

carefully because we need to take note of these problems.

Where to look for people

You do not need to look very far to find the people who have the

potential to rock it in your network marketing business. Like most people in

the industry, you can start within your very own circle of influence. If you are

a doctor, you can start with your patients and other colleagues in your

medical profession. If you are a teacher, start with your co-teachers or the

parents of your students. If you are a salesclerk, you can start with your

colleagues, and even some of your regular customers. We meet new people

every day in our lives so there’s always people you can talk to about your

However, some people find it hard to talk with the ones that are close

to them, like close friends and relatives. This is very common in the industry

because they don’t want the people closest to them see them fail. If you fall

in this category you might want to wait a little bit till you get your business

more established and show proof of concept that it works. When you start to

achieve some success, they will start coming to you begging for details.

Aside from face-to-face contact, you can find and recruit people

through social media. This is a fast way to connect to people as you can

communicate with people on the other side of the globe from the comfort of

your own home. It is useful to connect to friends whom you have not met for

a long time, nevertheless are potentials for recruitment. It is also a way to

meet new friends, who believe that they want what you want to offer.
Chapter 4 – Following Up

A common phrase you’ll hear in the network marketing industry is

“the fortune is in the follow up”. This is a critical concept to understand in

order to be successful in recruiting.

Timing is everything in business and sometimes the timing just isn’t

right for your prospect. They might have all the qualities you’re looking for

in a brand new person for your organization and they might be excited about

the opportunity. But they just had a new child in the family, but they just got

a new promotion at work, but they just joined another network marketing


You’ll hear a lot of stories of people in your company that had a friend

tell them about your opportunity but said no, only to say yes a year or two

later. The last thing you want is to share the opportunity to someone only to
find they joined someone else’s organization a year later.

Your job is to always keep them in the loop of what’s going on and in

your marketing funnel. You can send out birthday and Christmas cards.

Anytime a big company event happens in your area casually invite them to

the event. Every 3-6 months accidently on purpose bring up how things are

going great with your opportunity.

Great way to track following up is putting it in your calendar or your

prospect sheet. You don’t want any more than 6 months to pass up without

you contacting your prospect in some shape or form. By staying in constant

touch with them you want to be the person they think of when they’re more

open to getting started in a brand new opportunity.

After knowing which people to target, the next step is to further your

Chapter 5 - Knowledge: The Key to Success

In building your MLM business, you must be knowledgeable about

two important things: your product and your company. It may sound logical,

but there are those who do not know what their product does or what their

company profile is. Lack of knowledge in these two aspects eventually leads

to catastrophic results.

In fact, you must know these two aspects well before you have

invested your time in the company. The assumption here is that you have

done your research before you joined the MLM company. However, if you

have not fully known your products and the company well, now is the time to

do so, doing this will help you and your potential recruits in the long run.

Knowing your Product

An MLM company should have a legitimate product to sell. Otherwise,

you will end up in a pyramid scam.

The best kind of knowledge of your product is first-hand. Test your

product and see if it delivers the results. If your products are health

supplements, try them for at least a month to see the results for yourself. If

you see the results for yourself, you can convince your prospective downlines

that your product works.

You must also know what properties your product has that will make

your clients be interested. If your product has antioxidants, then know what

antioxidants mean. Knowing those kinds of processes will make your

presentation more convincing.

Knowing your Company

Things that you need to know about your company are the following:

Profile - Your company should have presented short information about

its history, resources, organizational structure, performance (past, present and

projected), and reputation of its products. If you are not satisfied with what

the company bio has given, then you can search the internet for additional

information or look for testimonials.

System - Know how your company generates income using its present

scheme. If you think that the system does not satisfactory explain how they

were able to earn money, it probably is a dubious company.

After you build on your knowledge of your product and the company,

the next step is to develop a sense of being in a team.

Chapter 6 - Having a Team Mindset

The next step is to cultivate a team mindset. We all know that it is

easier to break a stick rather than a bundle of sticks.

Despite the team nature of the MLM business, some people conduct

their business as if it is their own empire. This view comes from seeing your

uplines and your downlines as your competitors in the business rather than

your teammates. There are many disadvantages of having this kind of

mindset and these disadvantages may bring disastrous consequences.

First, it brings the whole team down. People in a team who try to

compete with each other end up pulling each other down. Eventually, when

everyone pulls each other down, the whole team never goes up. It is like

watching crabs in a basket. A vendor who sells live crabs does not need to

worry that the crabs will escape the basket. When a crab tries to climb up, the
other crab beneath it will grab that crab’s leg and pull it down. Ultimately, no

crab will be able to escape and all of them will definitely end up on the table.

Second, you can lose potential clients. No person wants to be on a

group that has problems within. They all want to be with a team that has good

synergy. When your group has good synergy, you feel connectedness. In the

end, the people who are now with you will stick and you will eventually

attract other people to join your team.

Third, it brings a sense of loneliness. If you do not trust your upline or

your downline, you will not develop a relationship with them. You will fear

them and in the end, you will end up alone and unwanted.

The benefits of having a team mindset are:

Having a source of knowledge - Your upline has more knowledge in

the business than you. Do not hesitate to ask that person some advice. You

can also ask advice from other people from the MLM business who have
more experience than you do. Doing so makes your learning curve smoother.

Having a source of support - Your team is your source of

encouragement when you feel down. There are people who have been

discouraged because they are unable to recruit. However, because of the

support of their team, they managed to hold on. There was one person who

has not recruited even a single downline for a year. He was about to give up,

but because of his team, he managed to hold on. Now, he manages a big team

and is on the way to be financially successful in the MLM business.

To be a source of knowledge and support - To be an upline is to be a

leader to those who are under you. Their success is your success. Their

failure is also your failure. Strive to be a mentor to your downlines and they

will reward you with their success.

After you foster the team mindset, the next step is to form your team

through preparing a good presentation.

Chapter 7 – Presentation

Preparation is a huge key if you want to be building your MLM

business to be profitable long term. It shows if you do not prepare ahead for

your presentation and as a result, you will lower your closing ratio. Do not

blame fate if you have not done the necessary preparations for your success.

Preparations that you need to do are the following:

• Memorize your script.

• Set an appointment.

• Dress appropriately.

• Present your pitch to your prospect.

• Be ready for inquiries.

• Go for the close.

• Ask for referrals.

• Evaluate your presentation.

Memorize your script - Some MLM companies have prepared scripts

made by the head office that you must use. The advantage of using a script is

that you know what to say without too much thought.

If your MLM company does not have such a script, then you must

devise your own and master that script.

Set an appointment - When you set an appointment, you determine a

time that will be convenient for both you and your prospect. Always smile

when setting up your appointments even if the person can’t see you. Many

people in phone sales are taught to smile on the phone and also to stand up.

Your whole demeanor changes when you smile and people can sense it over

the phone.

Dress appropriately - Dress formally for the appointment; dress for

success because you need to remember that you’re the CEO of your
business. It makes you feel confident and a way of respecting your prospect,

as opposed to dressing shabbily. You definitely want to gauge your prospect

also and dress appropriately. If it’s a college student you’re meeting up with

don’t meet him in your nicest 3 piece suit. But you always want to make sure

you’re dressed more professionally than the prospect.

Present your pitch to your prospect. Build some rapport with the

prospect so you can gain some trust and learn more about them as a person.

By asking some probing questions you can learn what their hot buttons are.

When you know what their “why” is you can start by presenting to your

prospect this need that needs to be addressed. After that, you can start

drawing the picture in their mind on how that product will address that need.

Be ready for inquiries. Be prepared for any potential questions your

potential downline has about the company and the product. The best way to

be able to be ready for questions is to do lots of presentations so you can gain

real life confidence. Remember that the more the client finds that your

responses sufficiently answer his questions, the higher the chance that he will

commit to your company.

Go for the close. You should have a signature close technique that you

can use with everyone so you can feel comfortable going for that close. Many

network marketers hate sales! As a result, they can be great at everything else

but never go for that close to sign up a new business partner. Most people

have this preconceived notion they need to be the super aggressive used car

salesman type to go for the close. All you need to do is ask for their interest.

A simple non-threatening close you can try is asking “Mr. Prospect. On a

scale of 1-10, where would you say your interest level is in this

opportunity?” If they say 9 or 10 than bring out the paperwork and you have

a new signup!

Ask for referrals. This is HUGE! You should always go to every

presentation with the mindset of this person is going to lead you to at least

one new person to present your business to. Ideally you want this person to

sign up so you can see this new person. But if they don’t get the contact of at

least 1 new person they can lead you to that would be open to your business.

Evaluate your presentation. Be critical and assess the parts of your

presentation that are effective and not effective. You can even ask the people

you recruited from your presentation. Ask them what they liked and didn’t

like about your presentation.

When you do all these steps, you are on the right path to building a

successful network marketing empire.


Thank you again for downloading this book!

I hope this book was able to help you with your networking marketing


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Here is a FREE bonus book Network Marketing Online: How to
Use the Internet to Consistently Recruit New Representatives in Your
Network Marketing Business by Brent R.
Ó Copyright 2015 by Brent R - All rights reserved.

In no way is it legal to reproduce, duplicate, or transmit any part of this document in

either electronic means or in printed format. Recording of this publication is strictly
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Respective authors own all copyrights not held by the publisher.

Network Marketing Online
How to Use the Internet to Consistently Recruit
New Representatives in Your Network Marketing

By: Brent R

I want to thank you and congratulate you for downloading the book,

Network Marketing Online: How to Use the Internet to Consistently Recruit

New Representatives for Your Network Marketing Business.

This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to build a global

network marketing organization from the comfort of your own home.

Many people fail in network marketing simply because they run out of

people to talk to. By fully utilizing the internet you’ll have a massive contact

list that never runs out of leads to build your network marketing organization.

You’ll learn how to tap into the global market by building an online

presence and generating leads that are interested in what you have to offer.

Build your very own website even if you’ve never built one before. Discover

how to advertise online to a targeted group of people so you can attract the
right prospects for your business. You’ll also learn how to use social media

sites properly so you can generate leads with your social network.

From the information you’ll receive in this great book you can build a

solid foundation on how to do your network marketing online. Even if you’re

not the most computer savvy person this will set you in the right direction to

grow a borderless organization.

Thanks again for downloading this book, I hope you enjoy it!
Chapter 1 Build Your Own WordPress Website

The Internet is one of the most powerful tools in promoting a network

marketing business. Well, it has an advantage over traditional advertising

with its global reach, apart from allowing marketers to work at the comfort of

their own homes. To be successful in maintaining the flow of networking

leads, an online marketer must be proficient with Internet Marketing.

Using the internet as a tool to grow your business affords you the

ability to never run out of people to talk to. If you don’t believe this just go

check out Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and look at the number of people you

can promote your business to that you don’t know. There’s no reason a

person can’t succeed in their network marketing company if they know how

to leverage the internet to build their organization.

An online campaign starts with having your own website as this will be
your point of sale on the web. Buy your own domain name and host your site

on reliable hosting companies so you can have full control of the contents and

features. At any time you may think of incorporating a new functionality,

you have the freedom to do so.

Your online presence is a critical aspect of your business as it gives

you the much needed credibility you will need to succeed online. Just like

you won’t be an instant superstar in your network marketing company, it’s

the same with your online presence. The more quality you have out there

online and the longer you have that online presence the more credible you’ll

appear to your audience.

WordPress is recommended when choosing which software to build

your website. Why? It offers thousands of custom made themes that you can

easily tweak to fit your requirements. More than that, WordPress offers

highly customizable tools useful to marketing such as SEO and Social Media

WordPress is the most popular software for starting a website because

of its ease of use and flexibility you get from them. With limited knowledge

on web design you can make a very professional looking website in a few

hours. It’s also quite easy to maintain and make any necessary modifications

you might need over the lifetime of your website.

By default, WordPress posts have a comments box at the end where

you can engage your readers. Make the email and name fields “required”

before they can post comments, so you get their contact information. These

email addresses will quickly add-up to your list of possible network

representatives. Also, you can choose to approve submitted comment before

they show up, so you can filter out any comments that you don’t want to be


Make sure to have a good number of testimonials throughout your site

to promote your business opportunity or product. You need to show to your

prospects the benefits other people are getting from being a part of your

network marketing company. If you’re able to provide testimonials that are

more than just text (audio, video, photos) that will stand out a lot more and

increase your conversion rate.

Your website should also include your physical address, contact

options, and the persons behind your business, About Your Company (Vision

and Mission), Privacy Policy and a Site Map. A site map is a basic

categorical list of pages that are part of a website, similar to a directory. It

functions the same as the Table of Contents of a book by helping your

visitors and Search Engines navigate through all your pages easily.

WordPress has a number of different types of plugins you can choose for

making a sitemap.

If you’re new to all of this you might want to get a friend to help you
in this process or even consider hiring a web designer to build your website.

You’ll find many of them around just look for references and ask to see some

of their work. Don’t hire a web designer based on price as low price will

show in their low quality work.

Chapter 2 Work on Your SEO

SEO(Search Engine Optimization) is a term used for the collective

practices aimed at making a site rank higher in the free and organic search

results pages of search engines; mainly Google, Yahoo and Bing. Take note

that we refer to the free and voluntary results and not to the sponsored results

section. Sponsored listings appear at the top of search results. A good SEO

contributes to better rankings and may not come in an instant. The good thing

is, once you start to show up on the first page of SEs, you enjoy the longer

term visibility for free. Patience is therefore a key.

If you are new to SEO, I definitely suggest immersing yourself first on

the subject with websites dedicated for the matter. Visit or type in for Bruce Clay SEO on your search box.

You will find important information on their sites about SEO. SEO should be
taken seriously if you want to succeed in your network marketing niche.

Black Hat SEO refers to techniques which you should avoid like

spamming, keyword stuffing, cloaking, etc. The basic rule is to feed search

engine crawlers with the right food--which is highly relevant information on

the subject, the same thing that readers need to know.

SEO involves “on the page” and “off the page” activities. On the page

elements include: meta tags, alt attributes, clean codes, informative content,

well researched keywords, page load, and url architecture. Off page SEO are

activities that contribute to your link building.

The more links pointing to your site from respected and quality

websites, the better it is for SEO. Yet, there are many elements that come into

play. Links should be voluntary, not reciprocal. Do not engage in link

farming (a group of webmasters who link to each other’s sites) because this is
traced by search engines and considered as spamming the search index.

Think of it this way, a site should link to you by heart because they find your

website to be helpful. No payment involved, and you did not ask for it.

Beware of people who introduce themselves as SEO experts and

promise to rank your site at number one. You can be on top of searches on a

keyword that is irrelevant to your networking activity. Being number one is

not really what matters; it should be how to do it right. Take time to research

keywords that blend your product to your target reader. Next is being

aggressive in finding the right audience. I believe that manual SEO would

produce better results than automated services. Besides, it is ethical because it

involves people-to-people interaction. Webmaster tools should stay as tools,

in aid of human SEO workers.

SEO is an element of Search Engine Marketing, and at times, they are

complementary to each other. You will find that some of the things you do
for Internet Marketing is a function also for SEO purposes. This is mostly

true to “off-the-page SEO”. For an example, by writing an article for another

website with a link to your site included, you get referral traffic (an SEM

benefit). At the same time, the link counts as a backlink to your site (an SEO


I would recommend hiring someone with full knowledge of ETHICAL

SEO to work on this part for your website. This allows you to attend to the

other areas where your expertise is needed the most.

Chapter 3 Explore Pay-per-Click

Focus on Bing Ads, Google Ad Words, Facebook Ads

Major Search Engines have an ad service often referred to as pay-per-

click (PPC). The term pay-per-click is a common term in online marketing

that refers to a billing option that’s performed by SEs. You basically post an
ad and every time someone clicks that ad you pay a pre-determined fee.

Hence the name pay-per-“click”. For example if you’re on Facebook and

click on an ad that you see on your browser and the marketer paid for that to

specifically be a pay-per-click ad. The person that posted that ad now has to

pay a fee because someone clicked on their ad.

Another option that’s very similar to pay-per-click is paid per

impression. This campaign is highly targeted and it is one of the most

efficient methods of acquiring “interested” network representatives. With this

option you’re paying every time your ad shows up hence the name paid per

“impression”. For example let’s say you’re on Facebook and you see an ad

on your web browser but don’t click on it. If the marketer paid to specifically

have that ad be a paid per impression ad then they have to pay a fee whether

you clicked on that ad or not.

For both options the process is simple: open an account on their ad

service, choose how much to spend, choose the keywords for your ad, you

create the details of how should your ad appear on the searches and you are

good to go live.

Because of the dynamics of how the two options operate the pay-per-

click ad is usually more expensive since you only pay when someone actually

clicks your ad.

The tricky part is how much to spend and in choosing the keywords

you want to spend for. Don’t rush. Take time to familiarize yourself on how

it works, and be very specific on your keyword choice. Google Analytics

provides an estimate of monthly traffic for keywords so you can properly

setup your budget. You can also have all this data from the tools provided in

what is called Word Tracker. Also, provided by Search Engines on your ad

service campaign is the cost per click or per impression for each keyword.

With these two data, you can have a baseline of your daily expenses and
adjust accordingly. If you are unsure about this process, you can always ask

the customer support or check out some online forums, to figure it out

quickly consult an expert. Again, freelancers swarm the web so it won’t be

hard to get some help in this topic.

Be sure to keep track of all the different keywords, ads, headlines,

pictures, and even the demographics you’re using to see their conversion rate.

Using online ads takes a lot of testing to come up with the most cost-effective

online ad campaign for your business. Just because one picture doesn’t work

it could be because the headline was bad. You need to try that picture with

different keywords, ads, headlines to see if it really doesn’t work.

These are the links to register at:


Yahoo and MSN also Bing Ads:

Consider 2nd Tier Pay-per-click Networks

These Search Engines are second tier in the sense that they are not as

widely used as the other three. However, some of these SEs are used in

specific niche searches which means visitors are more targeted. They can

result to higher sign-up rates so it’s definitely worth taking the time to look

into., 7search,, Look Smart, Search Feed, Miva,

Neetseer and Ad Brite are examples of 2nd tier PPC networks. Spend a little

to start with, and then assess its efficiency if it’s worth continuing on these

sites. You may be spending too much if you don’t closely monitor what’s

going on with each specific site. The last thing you want to happen is to see

that at the end, clicks don’t turn into sign-ups.

Chapter 4 Build Your Social Media Network

The SEs are going towards the trend of adapting the social media

framework as more and more people are using social media. Google at

present even discounts meta-keywords, and instead gives more weight to how

many sites mention another website; an indication that they are going to a

direction of becoming more relative to social-media. The more the

interactions you get involved over the web, the better the image you will have

in the eyes of Google. Google often disregards links from social networking

sites (nofollow) and does not count for SEO. However, it is going to be one

of the best sources of referral traffic to your sign-up page.


Facebook has more than a billion registered users and could even

surpass Google in daily page views. Think of it like this: If you can corner
1% of this 1 billion into your network marketing organization, that is 10

million emails. Aside from the usual personal profile building offered by

Facebook, you are also able to create a page or a Group representing your

business. It wouldn’t be surprising to see that Facebook is your site’s top

referrer of visitors. Indeed, it is one of the most effective mediums for

marketing your business opportunity.


Twitter uses small sets of text called tweets (max of 140 characters) to

share ideas to followers. It is a good place to share marketing links and

promos to spread the word and can even go viral.


LinkedIn is like a Facebook for professionals. It’s where professionals

go to network with other like-minded professionals. Let’s say your network

marketing company offers a nutritional product. You can link with other
people in the nutrition industry and build on relationships with these people.


Instagram is definitely more of a younger crowd but you can generate a

lot of leads with Instagram as it’s getting bigger and bigger. It’s largely all

about photo content on the site but photo testimonials can be huge for your

business. If your company has a weight loss product you can post a lot of

before and after pictures on Instagram. You can also take pictures of living

the great lifestyle and take pictures when you go on trips.


Although YouTube is video-focused, its features like suggesting users

to share videos by embedding them to other websites makes the site also a

form of social media. Viral videos reaching millions of views carry the same

traffic and value as a written piece visited by millions. As with other social

media, your YouTube user picture should be a clear picture of you or your
company logo.


Digg is a social news aggregator that selects trending issues of social

interest and feeds them to its users.

Google Plus

Google+ is Google’s version of social media, but unlike other

networking sites, it focuses more on identity service and associating web

content to its author, and the site ranks 2nd to Facebook in terms of number

of active monthly visits among the social media.

So what should you be doing on these social media sites? You want to

get away from the spammy sales pitch that so many network marketers are

doing. When you know enough people in the industry you’ll see people

message things like “Just met Mr. X who’s a millionaire in my company. If

you want to quit your job and become a millionaire send me a message”. You
want to stay as far away from that as possible.

Instead you want to build relationships, tell a story, and help people.

Let’s take the above “sales pitch” and modify it into a story. You can post a

photo having a drink with Mr. X. On the photo post “Having a drink with Mr.

X! His story is so inspiring how he used to work 60 hours a week never

seeing his family. Now he doesn’t work and just travels the world with his


There’s no pitch going on with that photo. But it does paint a story in

the reader’s mind and can spark a conversation with other people to engage

with you about Mr. X.

Make sure to also be in regular contact with the people in your network

on these sites at the bare minimum once a year. That would be their birthday.

Be sure to wish every person a Happy Birthday. You need to be visible to

everyone that’s in your network. Something as simple as a birthday greeting

will put you back in their radar if you’ve been forgotten.
Chapter 5 Spread the Word

Post on Classified Ads Listings

Craigslist, Amazon, Alibaba, EBay are among the top classified ads

that you can promote on. These sites are visited by millions of customers

daily in their search for the best deal out there. Some classified ads listings

have a specific category just for network marketing which you can explore

for interested members. Post your business offers so others may join your

downline and also post your product or service to get more customers.

It’s important not to forget about promoting for more customers also in

your online marketing efforts. Always remember that these customers can

also become your representatives in the future when they find out how great

your company’s product or service is. You always want to get as many leads

as possible for both the business and product or service.

To save on time, post the same ads on every classifieds you find. provides a huge list

of these ad services.

A sort of sneaky way to generate a lot of leads on Craigslist is to put

job postings for your opportunity. You can post job postings for sales

positions, management positions, and business opportunities. In order to stay

within the guidelines you will need to make sure in your ad that it mentions

your posting is paid based on performance. That way you’re not sending any

false pretenses and at the same time getting quality prospects to contact.

In your ads, make sure to point them to a single setting where you can

attend to their queries. This would of course be your new, professional

looking WordPress website that you created. Links in classified ads are

nofollow so you should not be worried about spamming. Then again, your

audience needs information rendered to them professionally. Classifieds are

another great source of traffic to your network marketing website but does

not have much weight for SEO.

Take Advantage of Universal Search Results

In order to widen your audience, you should be found in every possible

internet medium that is out there. Google’s latest search innovation displays

results not only on web text content but in images, videos, maps and business


Have your site listed on Yahoo! Local, Bing Local Listing Center,

Google Places for Business, etc. Promote your videos through YouTube and

Vimeo, audios on iTunes, images on Picasa and Flickr, and your

presentations at There are internet users who are not used to

textbook learning and they prefer looking for information on videos. Always

be creative in meeting the individual preferences of your target visitors so

you can reach as many people as possible.

Video Marketing

Video is very effective because few people are willing to put their face

out there to promote themselves. If you’re willing to get in the public eye

more than your competitors you’ll build a larger organization faster. People

like to know who they’re dealing with and video is able to connect you with

the prospect.

YouTube is a great way to promote your business as it also will help

you with your SEO. When making these videos it’s important not to make

any blatant sales pitches to get people into your business. These videos are

meant to educate people so they’ll click on your link and give their email


Publish Press Releases and News Relevant to Your Niche

You should publish relevant events in your industry to PR sites so you

can increase your visibility. Referral traffic from news releases may be
temporary but it adds SEO value to your website. In your area, there can be

something of interest to your service that is worthy of a press release. By

writing the press release yourself and publishing it you’ll gain instant

credibility as a leader in the field. Also make sure you post a link to your

website on your bio in the press release.

Chapter 6 Share Your Expertise

People go to experts for their needs. And if you are an authority on

your niche, your ideas should b found all over the web and presented

professionally. The information you convey to your audience should be very

helpful. Remarkably, when you extend your expertise for free, more people

come to your door willing to pay for your service. Below are some ways you

can extend further to the web.


A blog is short for weblog, a site that allows page visitors to make

comments at the end of the posts. This information exchange feature is

basically its difference from static websites. Two of the most popular
blogging platforms are Blogger and WordPress. Both are widely used

because of their functionality and ease of operation. In fact, you do not need

to be a techy to work with their platform.

Blogger is easier to setup and is hosted on Google. By default, a

blogger site would have a name “” or

“”. However, having your personalized domain

name is essential for branding. You would need to register a domain name

from sellers like and connect it to your blogger account to get

rid of the “.BlogSpot” extension. Hosting stays free and you continue

enjoying your free blogger template. A word of warning, “Google reserves

the right to remove your blog without notification if you violate its policies”.

WordPress is also a blogging platform that offers both free and paid
themes for your blog. You need to buy your domain name and pay for a

hosting service like to go live. The advantage however is that

you will have full control of your blog while you enjoy thousands of themes

and plugins. You also can modify the theme if you are a coder. You would

not be too wary of Google shutting your blog for not complying with a rule.

In fact, many businesses are migrating and using WordPress because of these


There are other content management systems, both free and paid, but

none works smarter than these two.

Write highly informative articles on your niche for article aggregators

and hubs. A high quality article provides substantial information to readers.

Something that makes you think it should be on your own website or blog.
However, submit only to trustworthy sites or you are creating a bad

neighbourhood for your website instead of gaining links. E-zine as well as

HubPages were once regarded as trustworthy sites, but went to a slump after

Google ruled out that the publications on their sites were done by webmasters

mostly for gaining links. This happened after the release of Google Panda. So

would you care to submit to them? Yes, if you think they have fully complied

with Google.

Be active in forums and discussion boards about your niche. Use the

“forum:” search attribute. The syntax is “forum:keyword”, no space in

between. “Forum:network marketing” search in Google returns about

39,500,000 results that you can manually revalidate. Of course, this is a very

large number but not all would be of value.

Forums may have threads dedicated for online network marketing like Such is a great place to find likeminded people who

may be interested to become your representative. Visit their site, make

friends, and introduce your product.

Chapter 7 Build a Subscribers List for email

People often view email marketing as negative as most marketers do

tend to abuse it. But if done correctly, email-marketing can be the most

powerful online marketing tool. The truth is that you would be left out of the

competitive networking industry if you don’t have a method to know your

reader’s email.

It is common practice in web promotion to send introductory or

promotional emails to users, although it may seem spammy at times. The

secret is to introduce links very sparingly. I would advise having a single or

two hyperlinks, not forgetting to place one on your signature. This makes

your email different from the others sent by unprofessional marketers. Also

include an opt-out option or subscription removal in accordance with rules on

unsolicited emails. I hate spams myself. I filter out my mails with more than

two links to go straight to the spam folder. So in case your email arrives to

such filters, it will qualify to the person’s inbox.

In every form, always ask for their email. Ask for emails before they

post their comments on your blog. Most of the successful network marketers

use a pop-up box that partially blocks the text from their reader. If the

information being blocked is so informative, the reader will likely type in

their email.

How do you add forms to your pages then? If you are using custom

CSS like WordPress, forms are available as plugins. Plugins are pretty simple

to work with. Most web hosting companies also have forms that you can drop

into your own website if your sites are hosted on them. On instances that you

are unable to work out a form for your website, contact a coder.

Email your subscribers snippets of your newest information, an

upcoming activity or promo, and free eBooks you have written. Simply

coming up with a nice template in connection to your service will be much

welcomed by your audience. As you send these emails, post them to both of

your off-page (example: classified ads sites, social network, third party blogs)

and on-page (personal blog or website) managed pages.

Follow-up is the key in email marketing. Install an auto-responder that

has a personal touch. A line with “Hi Subscriber’s Name” is far more

appealing than “Dear Reader”. Thank the new subscriber, introduce who you

are, explain what you do, and how you intend to use their email from your


There are also some automated services on email marketing that you

can employ with a fee.

Chapter 8 Leverage Your Network Marketing By
Using Tracking Platforms

You might want to automate monitoring after you have blasted your

promotions all over the web. There is a bunch of free and paid monitoring

tools that lets you index and track keywords across the web. However, it is up

to the networker to make value out of these automated data. These tools may

not be able to immediately provide you with emails but the data points you to

the sites it has grabbed the info.

Third party providers often offer tracking services, and they will only

let you access the software through their website. You pay for the use of their

software via a monthly subscription.

Meantime, I will have to start with free tools that I find helpful if you

are up for manual tracking.

Google Alerts-, free

Free from Google. Enter keywords that you want to get notifications

for, choose the frequency you want to get alerts, and register your preferred

email to be notified. Google emails you search results for your keywords as

they index new results.

Hashtag search engine- searches hashtags across Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook

and Instagram and displays them in a results page. It functions as a Social

Search Engine. The site has hashtag boards and search filters for more

relevant returns. Create your account and get the hang of it.

Synthesio- Paid

Synthesio integrates human monitoring to bots result. Their technicians

refine the data to make sure the information is relevant and provides
insightful analysis of a brand. Users still have a choice of availing just the

raw data. Synthesio has a feature called Engagement Platform that allows the

user to have a peek of the top social media influencers on an industry.

Radian6 or Salesforce Marketing Cloud- marketing/radian6, paid

The company who built Radian6 is one of the oldest to offer web

tracking service. With this tool, you can monitor and take action on queries,

comments and replies as they go live on the web. You can also: 1.) Select the

channels to monitor; either blogs, social networks or video, 2.) Narrow down

search fields to languages, countries, and websites and; 3. ) Choose to view

results in top inbound links, total unique commenters, average engagement,

total comment count and vote count. and Digg provides the data

for vote count. Radian6 scans almost all social media sites as their data

eCairn Conversation-, paid service

eCairn Conversation traces sites talking about a subject on your niche.

The software compiles and analyzes the social media mentions of keywords

you want to monitor which it calls as “influencers”. Influencers are either

classified into: High, Medium and Low level influencers. Go to the eCairn

website to discuss what you want and have a quote.

Simplify360-, paid service

Try also the Simplify 360’s Social Media Marketing tool. The console

allows you to schedule updates across all your social network profiles in a

single page. This saves you a huge amount of time from manual posting to

your accounts in LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter etc.

Another useful tool from Simplify 360 is Social Media Monitoring.

This software has the ability to function alongside with other enterprise tools

like Google Analytics, a Google Webmaster Tool that shows demographic

mapping of page visitors along with other relevant website stats.


I hope this book was able to help you to build your network marketing


We covered here the working foundation of how you can use the

Internet to recruit network-marketing representatives consistently. The list of

Internet marketing methodologies can be unending as you try to discover

variations of what we mentioned. The process is science, and being so, it

transitions to a better version as you work on it. Experiment with all these

techniques and hold on to what works for you.

The next step is to apply the knowledge you gained from this book and

watch as your business grows right in front of your eyes.

Here is a FREE bonus book Network Marketing for Social Media:
Become a Multilevel Marketing Superstar in Your First Year of Business
Using Social Mediaby Brent R.
Ó Copyright 2015 by Brent R - All rights reserved.

In no way is it legal to reproduce, duplicate, or transmit any part of this document in

either electronic means or in printed format. Recording of this publication is strictly
prohibited and any storage of this document is not allowed unless with written
permission from the publisher. All rights reserved.

Respective authors own all copyrights not held by the publisher.

Network Marketing for Social Media
Become a Multilevel Marketing Superstar in
Your First Year of Business Using Social Media

By: Brent R

I want to thank you and congratulate you for downloading the book,

Network Marketing for Social Media: Become a Multilevel Marketing

Superstar in Your First Year of Business Using Social Media. This book

contains information on how to use social media sites such as Facebook,

Twitter, Instagram to build your network marketing business.

Network Marketing is a great business because of the low start-up

costs, and great potential financial rewards. Unfortunately, too many people

have no clue how to properly build an organization and fail miserably. This

book will show you how to build an organization simply by using social

media sites. More importantly it will help you grow a profitable network

marketing business than can go global without leaving your own home.

Thanks again for downloading this book, I hope you enjoy it!
Chapter 1
Multilevel Marketing

Multilevel marketing (MLM) or network marketing is a strategy used

to encourage distributors of a product brand to recruit new distributors. These

distributors earn from the sales of their recruits. During the early years of

MLM, the recruitment process involved encouraging family members and

friends to join the business, visiting neighbors, and making phone calls.

Nowadays, due to technology and the proliferation of social networks, the

process is easier.

You can become a Multi-level Marketing Superstar quickly by being

active in social media networks. Even if you have only a few close personal

friends, you can build a large network through social networking sites like
Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. The important thing is to use these

networking sites in a way that could gain you more friends and followers.

This is the way to expose them to your products and business.

One basic requirement of MLM is having a website or blogsite. This is

where you will direct your potential recruits and buyers so that they learn

more about the business and your products. This would also save you time

from explaining in each of your social network sites your business

opportunity and products. All the information on your business must be in

this website, but of course, you also need to constantly update your social

networking sites about developments in your business. In any case, you must

not forget to direct them to your website and blogsite. Those who are

interested or at the very least intrigued by your business will surely check out

this site.
In terms of social networking sites, the following are the general

guidelines that you should bear in mind when doing MLM on social media.

Show That You Are Not a Pyramid Scheme

One of the first things to do is to differentiate yourself from the

pyramid schemes that victimize unsuspecting people. Although pyramid

schemes and MLM have similarities, they also have distinct differences.

Pyramid schemes are illegal while MLM is not. Pyramid schemes charge

high start-cup costs on new recruits, which are supposed to be spent on

compulsory sales training. Also, they require a starter kit and membership

fees. Pyramid schemes emphasize on recruits. MLM, on the other hand, is

focused on selling the product. In your social media pages, you must make
clear that your business is not a pyramid scheme. Rather, stress that your

business is a network marketing project.

Praise Your Product, Not the Marketing Scheme

Tell true stories about how your products have helped you and your

clients so your friends and followers will have an idea of the benefits of your

business. This may entice them to purchase your products and try them out. If

they like your products, they might even ask you how they can become

distributors. On the other hand, if you start boasting about the benefits of

being a distributor, people might be turned off. Not a lot would be interested

to become a distributor simply for the financial rewards. They must believe in

the products that they are selling.

Abide by the Law of Reciprocity

Social media is all about engagement. The more you engage and

communicate with your followers and friends, the more the favors are

returned. This is especially important for a network marketer like you

because it differentiates you from pyramid schemers. A pyramid schemer’s

every post is a sales pitch. Network marketers, however, abide by the Law of

Reciprocity by giving free information and insights. This practice of giving

by MLM companies leads to higher sales.

Avoid Spams

People get annoyed by those who turn every post into spam about their

product or business. When you see a post about someone who lost his job,
don’t publicly announce that you have an opportunity for him. Rather,

communicate to him in private and explain your offer. Also, you must learn

when to stop pushing. Make clarifications and address the other person’s

concerns. But in the end, you should respect his final decision.

Be Discriminating in Choosing Your Social Network Groups

You must choose wisely the social networking sites that you would

want to join. Each site usually has a particular type of community or group.

Not all of them are open to the product that your MLM Company sells.

However, there are others that may be open to unconventional and

independent types of work. You should join groups that have an interest in

your products and company. Avoid selling your products to those who are not

Make Sure That Your Profile Photo Looks Professional.

When you create a social media page, your photo must reflect

professionalism. It must be a photo of one who exudes confidence and

reliability. Do not emphasize piercings or tattoos that might turn away

prospective recruits and clients.

Keep Your Personal and Professional Page Separate

You should not mix your personal and professional posts. Confine

your business posts on your business page and keep your personal posts on

your personal page.

Update Your Feeds Regularly

A lot of networkers set up a business page and then forget about it.

You should post at least once a week to update your clients on new products

and seasonal promos. This would also ensure that discussions about your

business continue and further encourage others to try your products or join

your business.

Post Informative Stories

People will more likely buy your product or join your business if they

are armed with information. So you must post news stories that educate and

inform. For example, if you’re selling organic natural products, you should

share stories about the harm done by chemicals to the environment. Or you
could share an article on the benefits of consuming naturally-grown food.

There are surely a lot of written articles related to your product or multi-level

marketing company. As you share information, your friends and followers

will know that you care.

Post Success Stories

It is important that you share stories about how your life has changed

through your business. You can talk about how the financial rewards enabled

you to send your daughter to college or to enjoy a vacation. You could also

share the joy you feel building friendships with your co-distributors or

clients. You should not hesitate to share your success stories, but you should

be wary that you don’t come off as boastful. You can also take this as an

opportunity to thank your recruits and customers for helping you achieve
your goals. You will inspire others to follow in your footsteps.
Chapter 2
Using Facebook

Facebook is the largest social network there is, so it’s important that

you have a Facebook account. However, a lot of people on Facebook are

annoyed by marketing posts, so you must be careful that you do not turn your

posts into spam. You can do this by simply sharing your thoughts and

experiences related to your business and products and not sell to people the

opportunity. People are interested in your experiences and insights, not in

what you have to sell. They will more likely accept your friend requests if

you post interesting ideas.

A good example of a post is this: “I’ve been involved in a lot of social

marketing in the past but haven’t really earned anything. I am happy that I’ve
finally found a company that helps ordinary people like me earn residual

income. Glad to have joined the group.”

This would intrigue other people about your company and perhaps

make them comment on your post which would get a conversation going.

You can also tag your colleagues in your post so that they can comment and

share their own experiences and feelings. This would let others know the

impact of your business on others and maybe even convince them to join

your company.

Facebook works incredibly well for network marketing companies that

sell vitamins, specifically a product that helps people lose weight. If you post

a picture of someone in your company that’s lost a lot of weight on your

product you’ll get a lot of people liking and commenting on that photo.
When these people like or comment these photos don’t start selling to

them right away how great your product is. Engage them in normal

conversation and let the conversation flow to wherever it goes. It’s the same

for people that liked your photo you can shoot them a simple message “Hey

(name). I was looking at the photo that I posted of my friend (name) and saw

your name. I haven’t heard from you in years. How’s it going?”

Add Personal Friends and New Friends

I’m sure you heard it before; everyone you’ve ever met should be on

your list. So we’re going to expand on that sentence, everyone you’ve ever

met should be on your Facebook Friends List. From this day forward every

new contact you make should be your Facebook friend. This book is about

Network Marketing for Social Media but you still can’t forget to go out in the
real world and talk to people. If you meet someone at a networking event, a

party, or work function get their card and add them to your Facebook list.

You can add your friends on Facebook using the Find Friends tool bar.

Type in your friend’s email address and then send them a Friend Request.

Then you can expand your network by clicking on the “Suggestions” link in

your Facebook homepage. Send a maximum of 10 Friend Requests per day.

When they’ve accepted your requests, don’t forget to send them a short thank

you message.

Find Targeted Friendships

You would want to include in your circle of friends those that share

your interests. You can do this by using the Search tool of Facebook and
typing in keywords such as business professionals, entrepreneurs, business

opportunities, and home-based business. From the search results, select a

group that has the largest membership. Read the group description and post

your affiliate link or website. Above the wall of the group, you can find

thumbnail photos of the group members. Click “See All” and choose

someone whom you want to “Add as Friend”. Send ten friend requests a day.

But before you do, be sure to send a brief message. Again, once they accept,

send a thank you message.

Build a Relationship with Your Facebook Friends First

It is important that before you promote your company, you establish

some sort of relationship with your Facebook friends. People wouldn’t trust a

person whom they barely know. Thus, you must first have credibility, and
you can earn this by having personal relationships with your potential recruits

and network.

Always send out birthday greetings to everyone on your Facebook list.

It’s such a small gesture but it goes a long way in them remembering the

gesture and remembering you. If you don’t believe this try doing it today

until your own birthday and see how many more people wish you Happy

Birthday compared to the previous year. Wishing people a happy birthday

can also spark up a conversation because they’ll likely send you a message

thanking you.

Paint a Picture of Your Lifestyle for Your Friends

When your friends check your page you want them to think how
you’re able to do what you’re doing. You can post a picture of you with your

laptop in the park Monday morning with a comment “Just another Monday

morning”. Or when you go to your company convention take lots of pictures

and you can post “Partying with game changers!” These things get your

friends thinking and wanting to learn more.

Don’t lie, and definitely don’t be posting up pictures of Ferraris,

private jets, and mansions. That just looks too fake and makes them think,

“what get rich quick scam are they in?”

Post Your Website or Blog on Your Wall

To increase traffic to your website or blog, you need to advertise this

on Facebook. But don’t just post the link—say something about it. You can
write a testimonial sharing your experience or insights about your business or

give a brief background on what can be found in your link. This way, people

can locate your website and visit it if they are interested. Be sure to post this

link between 9 am and 9 pm in the time zone of your targeted audience as

these are the peak hours of Facebook. You can post this link once a day, but

delete any previous post so that your wall doesn’t appear desperate or

spammy. You can also post your link in network marketing groups.

Create Your Own Facebook Group

It is also important that you create your own Facebook Group to

expose your friends and contacts to your business opportunity and products.

Go to the “My Groups” page and click “Create a New Group”. Choose a

Group Name and write your Group Description. Under the Group
Description, write a brief description of the opportunity and your personal

reasons for joining. Be careful that you do not sell the opportunity. Just be

honest about why you think it’s a great opportunity. Add a good photo or

image. Then you can start to click the “Invite People to Join” link found on

the right side of the page. Click on the name of the person you want to join.

Don’t forget to send a brief personal message. Then click “Send Invitations”.

This group page will enable you to have discussions with members of

the group. Constantly monitor the activity on this page and answer any

questions that the group members may have. Post information on your

products as well as give insights and strategies on how to recruit others. You

can assume that most members in this group are interested in your business.

Otherwise, they wouldn’t have joined the group.

Chapter 3
Using Instagram

People are more attracted to visuals than to written texts. Also, people

who don’t have the time to read can get the instant message that a photo

conveys. An image is able to spread awareness about a business quickly. It is

for these reasons that Instagram can be a powerful social networking tool to

help you succeed in your multi-level marketing business.

So you have a better idea of how you can utilize Instagram for your

multi-level marketing business, search for famous brands such as Coca-Cola,

Red Bull, Puma, and others. You can also search for businesses whose

network marketing target audience is similar to yours and observe how they

are utilizing Instagram to sell their products.

You can search for other businesses that use Instagram by writing

“Instagram + any topic” into a search engine, such as Google. For example, if

you are interested to learn about food supplements, type in “Instagram food

supplements”. If you like to know about a specific brand like Coca Cola, type

in “Instagram Coca Cola.” If you desire to find out how distributors of a

certain multilevel marketing company are marketing their product, type in

“Instagram + Company Name”.

Your search query will give a list of links. It will include the website

address of the company’s profile page and you will see the kind of images

they utilize. You will also get a good idea which ones their followers like

through the comments generated. Also, their profile page would show you the

hashtags used by them, which is something that is crucial when you post your

Raising Your Rank in the Search Engines

Every marketing campaign seeks to introduce as many persons to your

product and business, get them to check out your website, as well as have

them buy products from you. You do all these through direct communication

in social media. But you can also do this by using your social media to

increase your chances of appearing at search engines.

Social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are a

fertile ground for your MLM business because they not only provide you

with a platform to interact with your target audience, they can also aid you in

improving your search engine rankings, and thus increase visits to your
website and profiles.

Photos and images considerably affect your ranking in search engines

because they attract attention more quickly than written texts can. It is thus

important that you learn how to use Instagram to boost your rankings in

search engines. Many people will actually find your website through your

profile in Instagram and other social networking sites.

Images and Photos to Post

Search engines will rank you better if you receive a significant number

of likes and comments on your photos. It is therefore critical that the images

you post elicit interest from your audience and engage them.
First, ponder on how your photos can enrich and bring attention to

your business opportunity or products. You have to be creative because you

want to be differentiated from all the rest, especially your competition.

Experiment with various kinds of images. You can try using witty, funny,

emotional, and intriguing photos and images. Then observe your viewers’

reactions, whether they like or comment on your photo. This will make you

realize what kind of images best suit your MLM business.

Tips When Posting

Here are some tips when posting in Instagram:

Post regularly – Be consistent in posting photos and images as search

engines prefer consistency. To improve your ranking, it’s crucial that you
update your Instagram feed with interesting and relevant images.

Use Hashtags – A hashtag identified by the # symbol is used to mark

the topics or keywords of your images. Using hashtags in your images and

photos will make them visible in public tag pages. It will also make it easier

for others to find your content. You can also think of a unique hashtag about

your business and encourage your followers to use it when they share your


Link up to other Social Networking sites – Link your Instagram

account to your Facebook page so that you don’t need to post your images

separately. This will also enable your Facebook friends to see, like, and

comment on your photos. This way, you will increase the amount of attention

your photos receive.

Get a Unique Username – When choosing your username, make sure

that it says something unique about you. Your username should brand you.

You may also choose a name that is connected to your business. This will

make it easier for others to find you when they search for your business

opportunity or products.

If you have registered your Instagram account under a different name,

don’t worry. You can simply edit your profile and change your name when

you log in.

Share Engaging Photos – Not only should you post original photos that

are exciting and engaging, you should also share others that are equally

compelling, so that your followers will also like and share them with their

You can also make sure that your Instagram feed is regularly updated

by sharing photos. Again, it’s important that you are consistent. You have to

keep your followers entertained. Otherwise, they will ignore or even

unfollow you.

Ask for Feedback – Ask for feedback from your followers so you

know what they want. Do not be tentative or shy. You can think of creative

ways to make this process engaging and fun for them. For example, you can

give a reward for their honest opinions or conduct a contest on the most

interesting and thought-provoking idea or comment.

Tell A Story – Your photos must tell a story about your business or
about you. Try to be creative so that your followers will await and look

forward to your succeeding posts.

Geo-Tagging – The location services of Instagram can be used to

recruit your prospects to your business. By geo-tagging your photos, potential

recruits in your local community might get interested at the opportunity.

Some of them may be particularly looking for a mentor or counselor in your

area. You can geo-tag quickly by adding photos to your photomap. This

option can be found on your Instagram share panel.

Conduct Contests – You can generate interest in your products as well

as invite likes and comments by holding contests. You can ask your

distributors to upload photos of them using Instagram to win a prize. You can

further engage your followers by encouraging them to vote on their favorite

photo. You can also ask your followers to upload photos of an Opportunity

Meeting. By doing so, you are able to promote your business as well as

recognize your company’s efforts.

Get Connected – Lastly, connect all your social media accounts on

sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, and Tumblr. By doing this, you will

increase your chances of engaging and expanding your audience in several

Chapter 4
Using Twitter

You should promote your products and MLM Company on Twitter as

it has a network of 645 million users. The trick is to gain as many followers

as you can so that more people are exposed to your products and business.

The first thing to do is to have a Twitter Account. Like in other social

networking sites, you must have a unique Twitter handle or username

because it will represent you in all your future engagements. Then, the crucial

step in creating a Twitter account is having a nice tagline or bio. Bear in

mind that your tagline must make sense and represent the real you. Also, it’s

important that you give reasons for others to follow you. And don’t forget to

put in less than 5 hashtags as this would make your profile more visible.
Gaining Followers

An important principle in social media marketing is that you must find

the right people to follow and connect with. You may have 15,000 followers,

but if they are not interested in your blog post or topic, this virtually means

nothing. Therefore, it is important to connect with influencers, although there

is really no harm in having more followers. Connecting with influencers will

make you more visible in your selected niche.

You can use the Twitter search function to look for influencers. You

can type in, for example, #MLM and then search for people. When looking

for persons to connect with, choose the ones with professional-looking profile

photos and respectable names; having these in their profile means that they
are serious about their business. You should also read through their profile

and find out if it would be a good idea to link up with them. Then you can

send them a private message that indicates your interest in following them. If

they respond and follow you that means you have found the right person.

These followers of yours could provide you with information about MLM

which you can share to update your feed. At the same time, they can connect

you with other individuals interested in MLM.

One way you can leverage the followers on influencers is to cross-

promote to each other’s followers. This strategy will take time because you’ll

need to have a lot of followers also for this to work. If you have 5,000

followers you can find some influencers that have roughly 5,000 followers

also. Message the influencer saying you’ll love to tweet your 5,000 followers

a link of some of their work (article, video, blog etc). In return you can give

them a link to an article you wrote and ask them to send that link out to his or
her followers. This really helps you become an authority figure online when

someone else is endorsing you.

You can also use Twitter Chat as a way to connect with more people to

eventually gain followers. There are many different chat rooms on Twitter

covering a wide range of niches. Find a chat room that’s related to MLM or

your product and you can start conversations with others in the group. Be

careful not to spam these people in the chat room or you’ll surely get kicked

out of the group.

Building a Relationship with Your Followers

A first step in social marketing is building a relationship with your

followers. You can do this by sending a tweet or welcome message to your

new followers. You can also post a shout out to the top influencers of the

week. Or you can tweet random shout outs to maintain the connections.

After this, you strengthen relationships by constantly tweeting

information about your business or products. This could direct your followers

to your blog or website and increase your chances of selling your products

and getting new recruits.

Again, the trick is to be creative in your posts in order to capture the

imagination of your followers and get them to be curious. This would also

increase the probability that your followers will retweet your message,

thereby again increasing traffic in your blog or website.

Sending Out Tweets

Twitter only allows 140 characters per message so you need to be

creative, and concise to make your tweets stand out. One way to make your

message stand out is to use # (hashtags). This will make your tweets more

visible to people that might be searching for something related to your tweets.

Some good hashtags might be #mlm, #network marketing, #make money,

#vitamins (or whatever your product is).

There are certain times in the week and certain times in a day that have

been proven to be more effective to send out tweets. During the day you can

get more clicks, favorites, and retweets if you tweet in the early morning

between 11:00 p.m. – 5:00 a.m. It sounds counterintuitive that would be the

best time, but it’s probably because there’s not as many other tweets

happening at that time. There’s no need for you to be up on your computer

every day from 11:00 p.m. – 5:00 a.m. If you search online you’ll find a long
list of different Twitter programs that enable you to schedule the majority of

your tweets at this time.

It’s a good idea to also tweet your more popular tweets more than just

once. You can check which your best tweet was for the week and send it out

again on a different day and time to reach a different audience. If you already

know it’s a popular tweet why come up with a new one hoping it will get

clicked on.

It’s proven that tweets with images have higher engagement than just

plain text. So try to have an image on almost all your tweets to maximize the

clicks, favorites, and retweets. To get a little extra boost a little unknown tip

is you can tag up to 10 people per image you tweet. So you can tweet an

image and tag 10 influencers in your industry to increase the likelihood of

your tweet being seen by a lot more people.

Always remember the purpose of your tweets. You’re tweeting for

business purposes. Always be thinking what your followers would want to

check out. Share some of your personal side but understand that nobody is

interested in seeing the pictures of what you just had for dinner at some fancy

restaurant. At the same time you shouldn’t be sending all spam-like tweets

telling people how great XYZ Company is. Find a fine balance between good

business tweets and some personal tweets.

Chapter 5
Using YouTube

Video marketing is getting huge and YouTube is leading the way.

Unlike the last 3 social media platforms, YouTube has the real ability to

make your audience get to know you as a person because they can see and

hear you. They’re not just reading words and seeing your picture, you come

to life when they see your video.

Using YouTube to market your business and services will really make

you stand out because most people shy away from this platform so you have

less competition.

Make a High Quality Professional Video

You don’t need the newest, most expensive video camera to make your

YouTube videos but make sure it produces a nice quality video with good

sound. If you search some homemade YouTube videos they look so poorly

done I don’t even know why some people would watch these videos. Another

thing you’ll see are videos of people in their office or computer rooms, stay

far away from doing that. You need to stand out; you’re a professional

looking for professional business partners so don’t make a low quality video.

Keep Videos Short With Good Content

Ideal video length should be about 3-5 minutes. People on YouTube

have short attention spans and don’t have all day to watch your video. It’s

important to have a very specific topic for each video and stick to that topic
for the whole video. If you’re thinking of putting something in the video but

see it doesn’t fit with the topic don’t put it in the video. You only have a few

minutes to capture and keep your audience so you need to be as concise as


You want to continually be posting videos every week or two to

continually engage your audience. Different viewers will want to learn

different topics so be sure to cover a different topic each time. All it takes is

one good video to get tens of thousands of views and when that happens,

those thousands of people that watched that video will want to view your

other videos in your channel.

Sneaky Trick to Get More Views

Using celebrity names can skyrocket your views if you know how to

use this strategy properly. There’s 2 ways you can use celebrity names, one is

pretty subtle, and the other is a borderline “black hat strategy”.

If you’re a supplement company you can take names like a Dr. Oz and

put the name throughout your description, you can even put it in your title.

Now when people are watching Dr. Oz videos on YouTube you can get your

video on the sidebar so the viewer might click on your video.

The other way, and again this is borderline “black hat” so do this on

your own discretion. You can take a couple Dr. Oz videos and upload it on

your YouTube Channel. So it looks like these are your own videos. These

videos will probably get thousands of views pretty quickly. When viewers

click on your YouTube Channel they’ll also be exposed to your other


Follow the general guidelines found in the first chapter of this book in

using your Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram accounts. By constantly

updating your newsfeed, sharing information on your products and business,

telling stories of your experiences and insights, as well as expanding your

social network, you will increase the probabilities of having new recruits and

people buying your products. Remember, be active in your social media

networks and you will surely be a multilevel marketing superstar!


Thank you again for downloading this book!

I hope this book was able to equip you with the necessary tools to build

your network marketing business using social media.

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Here is a FREE bonus book Recruiting Books: Master Plan to
Build Your MLM Marketing Business Using Social Media Sites by Brent
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Recruiting Books
Master Plan to Build Your MLM Marketing
Business Using Social Media Sites

By: Brent R

I want to thank you and congratulate you for downloading the book,

Recruiting Books: Master Plan to Build Your MLM Marketing Business

Using Social Media Sites. This book contains information on ways to build

your network marketing business from the comfort of your own home in

front of your computer.

Network marketing is an incredible industry, but the major hurdle most

people face is they run out of people to talk to about their great opportunity.

Everyone makes a contact list, but that list can only sustain you for so long

till you run out of people. This book will introduce you to ways to use social

media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter just to name a few and

build a following of people that have an interest in learning about your great

opportunity. More importantly you won’t feel like you’re harassing them
because they’ll come to you wanting to hear your offer. Thanks again for

downloading this book, I hope you enjoy it!

Chapter 1: The MLM Essentials

People will always remain as the life blood of any Multilevel

Marketing (MLM) System. Successful MLM companies are those who are

able to recruit a certain number of down lines. Some MLM companies have

membership ranging from hundreds to tens of thousands. Without a

continuous flow of leads, the system will go down and will not be able to

sustain the early growth it enjoys.

Given that situation, generating leads should be the main activity of

any multilevel marketer. Without leads or prospects there would be nothing

to recruit.

MLM people usually run into the challenge of exhausting their list of

prospects. Competition is getting fierce. New players are coming; new

products and system are being implemented. Thus, your prospecting activity
becomes more and more challenging. It seems like there is nowhere else to

go to recruit new members and do your prospecting activity.

The good thing is, there is the Internet. More importantly, social

networking sites are becoming really popular nowadays. In fact, there are

millions of social media users. Therefore, there is a really huge opportunity to

gather leads and recruit members under your MLM system.

Instagram, Facebook and Twitter are some of the most popular social

networking sites around. It is a gold mine for network marketers. These sites

have billions of members who regularly visit their pages. On the average,

people spend three to four hours on social media sites. What’s more,

interacting with these people is so easy. You can even reach out and

communicate with them on a personal level. Thus, prospecting and recruiting

new members is a lot easier than doing a direct marketing. Moreover, it is

quite cheap. In fact, most of social media sites’ features are free to use for

The Internet and these social networking sites are great tools to

prospect, recruit new members and succeed in the network marketing

landscape. However, you need to understand some of the basic concepts that

would allow you to use these online tools to its maximum potential. Having a

clear strategy in using social media sites for your marketing activities would

save you a lot of time, effort and even money. Below are the essentials in

network marketing.

The Product

Many MLM companies are selling the promise of earning huge

income. They cater to the needs of individuals who are tired of doing 9-5

jobs. However, they end up getting disappointed members because they do

not specifically state the products they are offering.

A legitimate MLM company should not fall into the concept of

pyramiding. Pyramiding is basically a scam where the business relies on

fresh money from new recruits without selling any legitimate and useful

products. This type of business is strictly illegal and would put their

members’ investment in jeopardy.

To succeed in recruiting new members, network marketers should

clearly state the kind of products they are selling and how users would benefit

from using it. It is true that network marketers earn huge income from

recruiting new members. However, the main business is still selling products.

Otherwise, it is just a pyramid scheme.

Before you put any promotional materials on social media, you must

identify first what kind of products you are selling.

There are two types of products. The first is tangible product. These

are physical products. Common examples of tangible products are personal

care products like soap, lotion, whitening creams, among others. The other
type of product is intangible products. These are service-oriented products

like training, health and wellness programs and business coaching.

Letting your audience and prospects know what your product is all

about is important. When your prospects know what they are getting from

you, you can easily establish trust. People are easily persuaded when they

know they’re in control. Thus, let them know what you are offering them.

Share with them a brief description of its functions and features.


When you successfully tell your audience about your business and the

products you are selling, you already made it to the first base. You are doing

great. People are now at ease and confident with your offer. They are now in

control because they understand what you are offering them and what they

are getting from you. It is time to move on to the next step.

You must understand that people do not buy the product itself. What
they buy is the benefits that they will gain when they purchase your product.

Always put yourself in the shoes of your customers. If you understand how

your products would help your potential customers, you can easily convey

the message that will get their attention.

Remember, it is the benefits that make people buy stuff. When they

realize that a certain product would help them improve their life or solve their

immediate problems, they will easily buy. Thus, you need to identify the

strong points of your products. Make a list of all the benefits and its

advantages. Think of a certain problem that can be easily solved by using

your products. Gather all these important pieces of information and let your

audience know about it.

Since you are in the business of network marketing, your main source

of income does not depend solely on retailing your products. A major portion

of your income comes from the commission you earn by recruiting new
members. Thus, you must also communicate the benefits and advantages of

joining your MLM organization.

Most network marketers create a generic message telling the benefits

of joining MLM companies. In this day and age of fierce competition, it will

not work anymore. You need to stand out from the crowd. There hundreds of

other MLM companies out there. How are you going to convince them to join

your group instead of other MLM organizations?

You need to move away from those generic “get rich quick” slogans.

Those are overused and even sound obnoxious. People don’t buy that

anymore. You must craft a unique message that will touch your audience’s

heart. You must deliver a message that will get their attention, which is called

a unique selling proposition (USP). To find out your USP, you need to go to

your basic manual and find out what makes you different among other MLM

Target Market

Not all prospects are created equal. To succeed in your social media

campaign, you have to understand that some prospects are not receptive to

your offers and membership invitation. Not everyone wants to purchase your

product. Not everyone wants to get rich by doing network marketing. Hence,

you need to concentrate your effort and resources in finding the “right

prospects” for your business.

A lot of network marketers use a “shot gun approach” in getting leads.

They believe that the more prospects they approach, the better the chance of

getting new recruits. While that strategy works, it is a huge waste of time and

effort. To maximize your lead generating activities, you must identify first

who your target market is.

An ideal target market is the one whom you think would benefit the

most with your products and your MLM system. This is the segment of the

market that will react positively on your product offers and invitation.

Remember, when people believe that they would greatly benefit from certain

offers, convincing them is a breeze. When you effectively divide the market

in its most ideal chunk, your lead generating and recruitment initiatives will

be a lot easier as compared to shot gun/generic approach.

To identify your ideal market, you must define their basic

demographics. These are age, gender, location, social class, and specific

preferences. The key here is to be as specific as possible. When you’re able

to identify and create a clear picture of your ideal prospect, you can easily

align your social media strategies to attract them and convey your messages.

Identifying your target market may require some work. However, once

you successfully establish your niche, things will start to go swimmingly.


There are a lot of scams happening online. The problem for a lot of

people doing online transaction is their lack of protection. Wrongdoers could

easily mask their identities and easily get away with their crime. Thus, using

online tools like social media to promote your business is a bit challenging.

Your audience will usually show skepticism. You cannot blame them; it is

just their way of protecting themselves from cyber offenders.

To effectively promote using social media, you must first establish

trust. Do not be obnoxious. Do not harass people to buy your products and

attend your seminars. The problem with many network marketers is their

tendency to use cookie cutter strategies to promote their business. They

would try to attract prospects by showing people how cool they are. They

usually present some common images of success like huge commission

paycheck, luxury cars and expensive stuff. After showing off, they would
continue by inviting people to join them if they want to be successful as well.

People do not buy this anymore. They know better.

If you want to establish trust, the first thing that you need to show is a

demonstration. Give them a brief walkthrough on how they could succeed in

multilevel marketing business. You can provide them with a series of videos,

a PDF report or a slide show. Refrain from the allure of pressuring your

audience and using obnoxious sales tactics. Instead, focus on guiding your

prospect. Let them understand what they will be getting when they join your

business. Give out free stuff without asking anything. Offer your service by

letting them know that you are available should they wish to get more

information about the business.

Before you can establish trust you need to earn it first. You must find a

way to let your prospects know that you care for them and that you are

willing to give them the best service possible. You need to shatter the image
that you are only after the commission. Make them feel that their success is

also your success. Thus, let them know that you are in this together; that you

are going to hold their hands every step of the way. You are a mentor who is

willing to share your knowledge and skills.

Network marketing is all about trust. Yes, product selling and

recruitment is critical to your success. But, if you cannot project an image of

trust, people will not get attracted to your offers. They won’t follow you or

give you a second look.

Chapter 2: The Website

Social media is a powerful tool to promote your business and recruit

many potentials members. It offers a great communication tools that let you

engage with your audience on a personal level. However, social media is not

enough, especially when you need to convey critical messages. You need to

have a website to go along with your social media strategy.

Advantages of Having a Website

It provides you a platform to convey your messages more effectively.

Social networking sites are limited when you need to provide comprehensive

details about your products and MLM system.

Website is a great tool to share articles, images and videos. You can

actually add those contents on social networking sites. However, they have a

limited space to place your contents. Twitter is only limited to 120 characters.
Instagram also has a limit on the number of characters, which is

understandable because the platform is more on sharing images and short

videos. A website is more ideal when you want to share an interesting article

to your audience.

Setting up Your Own Website is Easy

Contrary to common belief, you don’t need to be a programmer or a

tech wiz to set-up your website. There are lots of user-friendly tools that you

can use to build one. Nowadays, you no longer need to use some complex

coding to your website.

The first thing that you need to have is a domain name. It is simply the

name of your website, like and There are

lots of domain registry companies online where you can purchase your

unique domain name. Examples are GoDaddy and BlueHost.

After purchasing your domain name, you need to get a hosting

account. It works like a hard drive where you can save all the contents of

your website like texts, images and videos. A hosting account will allow your

website to run 24/7. Thus, when somebody wants to visit your pages, they

could easily access it.

Lastly, you need a content management system (CMS) to create the

structure and design of your website. The most popular CMS is WordPress. It

will allow you to write articles, upload images and videos directly to your

website. WordPress provides free beautiful templates. Most of their templates

have a drag and drop features. Building your website is like creating a

PowerPoint slide show.

Having a website would allow you to effectively recruit new members

using social media sites. It is not mandatory to have a website. However,

your recruitment activities on social media will be more effective if you

would integrate a fully functional website.

Chapter 3: The Message

Adjust to Your Target Audience’s Taste

You now understand the basic concept of MLM. You also learn how to

establish difference and make your offer stand out from the competition. It is

time to craft a message that will easily attract your audience.

Understanding your target market is critical in crafting marketing

messages on social media. When you know the things that motivate your

prospects, you could easily get their attention. You can easily engage them in

a conversation. Ultimately, you can convert.

For example, if your market is not open to the idea of leaving their job

because they value stability, you cannot convince them to quit and join your

MLM group. However, you can encourage them to do network marketing on

a part-time basis. Help them see the benefits of your offer. Show them the
potential income they might earn with minimum time and effort required.

The key here is to customize your message in a way that your target

audience would react positively.

Best Product

When you run a marketing campaign on social media sites, you must

convey a message that the product you are offering is the best in the market.

Your aim is to establish a product rating of 10/10.

It is not advisable to overpromise and tell lies about your products. The

key here is to identify your market needs. Find out a certain need in the

market that you think your products can best solve. Thus, you will always go

back to your target customers.

If you can effectively identify certain features in your product that

would greatly benefit your prospects, you can easily establish a 10/10 rating.

Best MLM Company

If you don’t believe that your MLM Company is the best in the

industry, you better quit and look somewhere else. It is important that you

know in your heart that your company has the best system for its members.

Otherwise, your doubt and uncertainty will manifest in your communication


People could easily detect if you are half-hearted with your offers.

They can process a signal that you are not confident with the organization

you belong to. Thus, you won’t be able to catch their attention and engage

with them effectively.

People like to do business with confident individuals. They want to see

enthusiasm and conviction. They want to “believe”. Thus, you have to help

them reach that certain level of trust and confidence.

Again, never tell lies and make overpromises about your company. Do

not mislead your prospects. Don’t give them false hope, especially on income
potential of your system.

One negative feedback could really hurt your reputation. It takes a long

time to build a positive image. It only takes a few seconds to destroy it.

Here to Help

The most important message that you must convey in your social

media campaign is that you are “here to help”. Make it a primary goal to help

people achieve whatever aspirations they have.

If you are selling products, highlight the benefits that they would get

when they purchase it. If you want to recruit new members in your

organization, give them the details on how you could help them earn big and

succeed in the network marketing business.

Do not fall into the trap of asking people for their money. Many

network marketers pressure their prospects to join them without giving them

anything of value. Do the exact opposite. Provide your prospects with lots of
valuable stuff. You would be surprised that they will automatically join your

cause without even asking them. Moreover, they would even do the

recruitment for you. Why? It’s because they believe in you. They trust you.

They know that you are there to help them benefit from what you offer.
Chapter 4: Social Media Strategies

Here comes the juicy part. You have already learned from this book

the important factors that would help you succeed in multilevel marketing.

You understand the importance of identifying your target market. You now

realize that cookie cutter strategies could no longer get you far in the

business. More importantly, you now understand how to establish trust and

build a positive image about yourself, your products and your company.

This chapter will discuss the different social media sites that you can

use to prospect for leads and recruit potential business partners. As discussed

earlier, social networking sites like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are gold

mine. Billions of people visit and interact in social media sites every month.

It is the best place on the Internet to recruit new members.

It is a social networking site that allows you to post texts on your

account for people to view and interact with. Twitter limits the number of

characters you’re allowed to publish to 120. Therefore, the message that you

are going to publish must be concise, direct to the point, and attention-


The good thing about this format is it removes the clutter and

unnecessary fillers in your message. When you promote and advertise using

Twitter, people would only see the juicy part of your message. They will

instantly pickup the message you are trying to convey.

Creating a Twitter account is free and simple. Just go to their website

and follow the instructions. You can create a page for your business so

people could easily recognize you.

A powerful feature of Twitter is the use of “hash tag” (#). Hash tag

would enable your page and posts to be indexed by Twitter algorithm. Thus,
people could easily find your page when they search for information that is

relevant to your business.

If you are trying to recruit potential members in your MLM group, you

must identify certain keywords that would interest your target audience. You

can use phrases like “business opportunity”, “free business coaching”, and

“income opportunity”. Every time you post something using your Twitter

account, always include the phrases that you chose as hash tags. The ideal

number of hash tags is at least five. That way, Twitter algorithm could index

your page.


It is also a popular social networking site. Unlike Twitter, Instagram is

focused on sharing pictures and short videos instead of texts. People love it

because it allows them to reveal a visual representation of what is going on

with their life. You would find pictures of pets, clothes, vacation homes,

travel experiences, gadgets, and important life events on Instagram.

Instagram is similar to Twitter. You can use hash tags to enable their

algorithm to index your page. That way, people could easily locate your page

and the information you provide.

The focus of this social media site is on images and short videos. Thus,

you must publish a collection of pictures that are interesting and related to

your business goals.

You can post an image with quotation about starting a business. You

can also share images that depict dreams and life goals. Try to be creative

when crafting your message. Always remember the profile of your target

market when you post something on Instagram.


It is the most popular social networking site. Just like Twitter and
Instagram, creating an account for your business is also free. Facebook will

only charge you when you use their paid advertising platform. But, if you are

going to advertise on Facebook organically, you don’t need to spend a single

penny out of it.

This site allows you to post long texts and share images and videos. It

is a great platform to convey your message and do recruitment.

Building Your Audience

There are two ways to build your audience and get possible recruits-

paid and organic. Twitter and Facebook have paid platforms to advertise and

reach out to millions of its users. Instagram is still developing its own

advertising platform.

The true beauty of their advertising platform is the targeted marketing

effort. Since these are social media sites, they have access to the information

of their users. They know the age, gender, status, social class and preferences
of their members. Thus, you can advertise with them and only reach for the

users that fit your target market. You can set your own parameters based on

your ideal prospect. More importantly, you only pay whenever someone

clicks your link or likes your page. You can be sure that the audiences you

are reaching out are those that matter to your business.

If you want to build your audience organically, meaning you don’t

want to use their paid advertising platform, you can start with your own

network. Try to ask your personal network to like your social media page.

Encourage them to share it with their own friends and personal networks.

The key here is to constantly publish interesting contents on your

account. This will stir their interest and would motivate them to share your


Sharing Your Website on Social Media

To successfully recruit new members, you can write interesting articles

on your website. Then, you can promote your website via social media. You

can simultaneously provide links on your Twitter, Instagram and Facebook

accounts. This will help you boost your image and establish trust from your



Thank you again for downloading this book!

I hope this book opened your eyes to a new way to build your network

marketing business and you’re able to use it to build a profitable


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