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Joshua D.

(740) 978-0169│​​ │​

Additional Information:

Technology Skills: ​I am highly skilled in my uses of technology and can adapt this knowledge
for educational purposes. I am proficient in both the Microsoft Office and Google Office suite.
Proficient in audio and visual recording and editing. I have a repertoire of educational-based
websites and tools that I have experience in using in the classroom and I have some experience
in website and blog design. I have taught online classes with several different platforms. Due to
my knowledge of technology I can also overcome computer and tech issues fairly easily.

Writing and Editing Skills: ​During my time in graduate school, I have written and edited many
different papers for myself and my peers. I consider myself skilled in writing and have taught
students to write and edit their own work in the past. As I have experience in higher education
and job applications, I advise students on their applications for college and scholarships.

Content Skills:​ With a Master’s Degree in history, I am capable of teaching College Credit
History courses. I have also achieved Highly Qualified status after passing the edTPA in AYA
Social Studies. I am also very willing and able to receive my training in Advanced Placement for
any social studies course.

Team Skills:​ My experiences in leading and working with several different teams have prepared
me to be both a leader and a team player when need be. I have the ability and confidence to take
charge when necessary and when asked to as well as the understanding that there is always going
to be someone that knows more than I do and they are a valuable resource as I grow. I have
worked in content-related teams as well as Teacher-Based teams in the past.

Additional Skills:​ I consider myself very flexible and adapt to the situations I find myself in
with ease. I am ready to volunteer and work with the teachers, parents, and administration in any
projects or opportunities that may arise. I am very curious and have a knack for exploration so I
am always ready to embrace new ideas and take new chances when I get the chance. I consider
myself respectful and personable and I always strive to build positive and professional
relationships with anyone I meet.

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