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Lesson Plan 

 Teacher Name: Brady Blackwell____________________________________________

Lesson Title: Supply and Demand____________________________________________

Grade/Name of Course: 7 and 8 Intro to

th th

Link to Standards:

Curriculum Framework Unit: ___Business Administration

Standard(s) 2.2__________________________________________________

References/Resources: __

Google Drive – Introduction to Business folder shared with PLC

Video -
Materials and equipment needed for lesson:

1. Supply and demand power point

2. Physical Supply and Demand Video

Objectives:  The learners will be able to…..

1. Define supply, demand, producer, and supplier

2. Explore the relationship between supply and demand

3. Construct a supply and demand graph using principles learned in the power point

Introduction to the Lesson/Hook:

This lesson will begin with a warm up question: “What is one product that you buy more of when the

price is lower?”
Higher Order Thinking (HOT) Questions:

1. How do the laws of supply and demand effect my everyday life?

2. How do consumers effect the decisions of suppliers/ producers?
Content to be presented in lesson:
 Students will begin class answering the warm up question: “What is one product that you

buy more of when the price is lower?”

 This question will then be discussed with several examples including tvs at Christmas

time, and clothes that are past season and are on sales eg jackets in the summertime

 After the discussion of the warm up we will move into the lecture of the class that is titled

“Supply and demand”

 Students will have guided notes to complete during the lecture found on google


 The lecture consist of defining key terms associated with supply and demand first, then

dives deeper into each definition 

 The lecture consists of the law of supply and the law of demand, as well as gives several

scenarios in which demand and supply are effected by price

 These scenarios contain graphics for visual learners

 Also contained in the power point is a supply and demand graph that needs to be

discussed as students will be required to construct a graph on the worksheet during the

second half of class

 After the lecture students will decide the activity they want for the brain break

 In order to further illustrate the graph and the laws, there will be a video shown that will

describe how to construct a supply and demand graph

 After the video, students will take what they have learned about supply and demand

graphs and construct one using the worksheet provided

 Students will be given a worksheet with price and quantity points and required to graph

them on the graphing paper provided

 The class will conclude with students using the remaining time to work on the worksheet

Learning activities/procedures:

 Complete warm up

 Discuss warm up questions

 Supply and demand lecture and guided notes

 Supply and Demand Video 

 Supply and demand graph worksheet

Summary/Closure/Review of Content:

Today we have explore the importance of supply and demand and how it effects your everyday life. You are now

able to notice shifts in supply and demand as well as construct a supply and demand graph. 

Evaluation/assessment of student learning:

Student learning will be assessed by their supply and demand graph worksheet.  

Modifications for exceptional learners: 

No Modifications are needed for this lesson.

Lesson Plan 
Teacher Name: Brady Blackwell____________________________________________

Lesson Title: Business Ownership____________________________________________

Grade/Name of Course: 7 and 8 Intro to

th th

Link to Standards:

Curriculum Framework Unit: ___Business Administration


Standard(s): ____2.4.1 , 2.4.2 , 2.4.3


References/Resources: __

Google Drive – Introduction to Business folder shared with PLC

Materials and equipment needed for lesson:

1. Business ownership power point

2. Business ownership power point guided notes
3. Entrepreneur Brochure worksheet 
Objectives:  The learners will be able to…..

1. Define the major forms of business ownership

2. Discover advantages and disadvantages of each
3. Explore an entrepreneur of their choice
4. Create a brochure detailing the entrepreneur
Introduction to the Lesson/Hook:

This lesson will begin with a warm up question: “What is one example of a franchise?”

Higher Order Thinking (HOT) Questions:

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the four types of business ownership?

2. How do the types of business ownerships differ?

3. What is one entrepreneur that I am interested in researching?

Content to be presented in lesson:

 The lesson will begin with students being seated and silent in their seats, any students not seated

and silent when the bell rings will receive a tardy

 The lesson will continue with students answering the warm up question “What is one examples of

a franchise?”

 This question will then be discussed giving several examples of franchises including: Mcdonalds,

UPS, and H and R block

 This will allow students to foreshadow the lesson and see concrete examples of material to be

covered in the lesson

 Students will then be prompted to pull up their guided notes on google classroom to follow along

with the business ownership lesson

 The business ownership power point will then be presented, found in the shared google drive

intro to business in the standard two folder

 This power point consists of each of the four types of business ownership

 Each type of business ownership is defined as well as given several advantages and disadvantages

that are associated with it

 During the power point students will take notes on their guided notes, which consist of the

definition of the type of ownership, advantages, disadvantages, as well as a section to list

examples of each

 The examples line will be filled out by the students after the lecture and they will be required to

research each type themselves and come up with at least three examples of each

 After they are finished, or halfway into class, there will be a brain break activity that will allow

students to move around

 The activity will consist of the students lining up by their birthday without speaking to each other

 After the brain break the lesson will move into the explanation of the entrepreneur project

 The students will create a brochure using publisher, word, or google docs the contains specific

information about an entrepreneur of their choice

 The brochures will consist of entrepreneur details, business/ product information,

challenges/failures/risks, incentive, needs fulfilled/impact on society, and reasons for success

 The class will conclude with students using the remaining time to complete their brochure

Learning activities/procedures:

 Complete warm up

 Discuss warm up questions

 Business ownership lecture and guided notes

 Brain break activity

 Entrepreneur brochure

Summary/Closure/Review of Content:

Today you have defined the four types of business ownership, and advantages and disadvantages of each. You

will take what you have learned to construct a brochure detailing an entrepreneur of your choice.

Evaluation/assessment of student learning:

Student learning will be assessed by their entrepreneur brochure and guided notes.

Modifications for exceptional learners: 

No Modifications are needed for this lesson.

Lesson Plan

Teacher Name: Brady Blackwell____________________________________________

Lesson Title: Web Pages____________________________________________

Grade/Name of Course: 7 and 8 Intro to

th th

Link to Standards:

Curriculum Framework Unit: ___Information Technology 


Standard(s): ____3.1.1____________________________________________


References/Resources: __

Google Drive – Introduction to Business folder shared with PLC

Google Sites

Materials and equipment needed for lesson:

1. Web page design power point

2. Web page design guided notes

Objectives:  The learners will be able to…..

1. Explore key aspects of web pages

2. Create a web page using Google Sites

3. Identify key components of web pages

Introduction to the Lesson/Hook:

This lesson will begin with students being assigned their project groups.

Higher Order Thinking (HOT) Questions:

1. What aspects of websites are important?

2. How do I create a website that is easily navigated and aesthetically pleasing?
Content to be presented in lesson:
 Students will begin this lesson by sitting with their assigned groups for their website


 The lesson will continue with the website design lecture, accompanied by guided notes

 Students at this point have seen a test and realize the importance of guided notes after

their test contained materials directly from their notes

 The web design lecture goes over key elements of the average website, as well as

introduces key elements of a Google Site

 Google sites is an application provided by Google that serves as a platform for creating


 Students will then use the information they have previously learned as well as a video

explaining Google Sites to create their own Google site

 This site will serve as a tourist advertisement to persuade people to travel to a foreign


 The site is accompanied by a rubric, which contains the details to the project which is

worth 75 points and is an unassisted grade (unassisted grades include exams and projects

and are worth 79% of the student’s overall grade

 The site will consist of 4 pages; a title page, a page about attractions, a page about food,

and a page about music

 The rubric is provide below

 Students will be given the rest of class as well as half of the next class to finish the site,

which will be presented halfway through class on the second day

 This lesson concludes with students receiving time to work on the project
Learning activities/procedures:


 I will assign you to your groups and go sit by your group

 Website design Power Point and Guided Notes

 Google Site project

Summary/Closure/Review of Content:

Today we have identified key aspects of web pages and how to design them., 

Evaluation/assessment of student learning:

Student learning will be assessed by their guided notes and Google site project. 


Google Site Assignment

You will use the following video and acquired knowledge of website design to create a website
that will serve as a tourism site for your country of choice. The website is intended to persuade
people outside of the country to visit the country for a vacation which will help grow their
respected economies. The website will be presented and should be as creative and
aesthetically pleasing as possible. The following rubric describes what the website should
contain. This project will be worth 75 points. You will be given the rest of this class and the first
half of the next class to complete it. You will begin presenting the second half of the next class.
Any group not able to present will be docked 10% of their grade.

1. Website Title Page - 5 points

a. “Vist (your country)”
b. At least 2 pictures
2. Choose unique site theme - 5 points
2. Footer - 5 points
a. Names and country name
2. Logo - 5 points
a. Represents country
b. Use free logo maker site
2. 3 pages - 10 points each for total of 30 points
a. Each page and sub page must include two pictures
b. Attractions
i. Give details about two attractions and button containing link to attraction
b. Food
i. Sub page - Most popular food
ii. Sub page - Two restaurants with buttons to links to restaurant website
b. Music
i. Sub page - Popular Genre
ii. Sub page - Concert venues 
iii. Sub page - Upcoming concerts/ events with button to event website
2. Publish site, make public, and share with Mr. Blackwell and Mrs. Pollreis, turn in link on
Google classroom
2. Presentation - 25 points
a. Less than 5 minutes
b. Everyone must talk
c. Explain site thoroughly 
d. All aspects of site are presented
e. Presenters make eye contact and have upright posture, no hands in pockets

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