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An overview of oral and general health benefits
Lindsey Rennick Salone, DDS; William F. Vann Jr., DMD, PhD; Deborah L. Dee, PhD, MPH

uring the last several

D years, investigators
have paid consider-
able attention to the
Background. Breastfeeding is the reference against


relationship between oral and

which alternative infant feeding models must be meas-
general health.1-3 Dentists are


ured with regard to growth, development and other health N


engaging in new roles as outcomes. Although not a systematic review, this report A 1

advocates for health promo- I C LE
provides an update for dental professionals, including an
tion and disease prevention overview of general and oral health–related benefits associated with
beyond the oral cavity. Exam- breastfeeding.
ples of dentists’ willingness to Types of Studies Reviewed. The authors examined the literature
venture outside the realm of regarding general health protections that breastfeeding confers to infants
traditional oral health issues and mothers and explored associations between breastfeeding, occlusion in
include the profession’s role the primary dentition and early childhood caries. To accomplish these goals,
in embracing counseling they reviewed systematic reviews when available and supplemented them
regarding cessation of tobacco with comparative studies and with statements and reports from major non-
use,4,5 monitoring blood pres- governmental and governmental organizations.
sure6 and participating in the Results. When compared with health outcomes among formula-fed chil-
fight against childhood obe- dren, the health advantages associated with breastfeeding include a lower
sity.7-11 Substantial evidence risk of acute otitis media, gastroenteritis and diarrhea, severe lower respira-
exists supporting the many tory infections, asthma, sudden infant death syndrome, obesity and other
health benefits associated childhood diseases and conditions. Evidence also suggests that breastfed
with breastfeeding12-14; how- children may develop a more favorable occlusion in the primary dentition.
ever, the extent of dental pro- The results of a systematic review in which researchers examined the rela-
fessionals’ knowledge is tionship between breastfeeding and early childhood caries were inconclusive.
uncertain. Conclusions and Clinical Implications. The American Academy of
The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, Chicago, suggests that parents gently clean infants’
Pediatrics13 (AAP), Elk Grove gums and teeth after breastfeeding. The American Academy of Pediatrics,
Village, Ill., and the World Elk Grove Village, Ill., recommends that breastfeeding should be exclusive
Health Organization,15 for about the first six months of life and should continue, with the introduc-
Geneva, state that exclusive tion of appropriate complementary foods, to at least age 12 months or
breastfeeding, defined as beyond, as desired by mother and child. Dentists and staff members can take
giving an infant only breast steps to ensure they are familiar with the evidence and guidelines pertaining
milk—no water, no formula to breastfeeding and to oral health. They are encouraged to follow the sur-
and no other liquids or solid geon general’s recommendations to promote and support optimal breast-
foods—is the norm against feeding and oral health practices among their patients.
which all alternative feeding Key Words. Asthma; breastfeeding; primary dentition; occlusion; early
methods should be compared. childhood caries; gastroenteritis; nonnutritive sucking; obesity; oral habits;
The 2012 AAP policy state- otitis media.
ment on breastfeeding and JADA 2013;144(2):143-151.
the use of human milk docu-
At the time this study was conducted, Dr. Salone was a dental student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a general practice resident at
the University of North Carolina Hospitals, Chapel Hill. She now is in private practice in Charlotte, N.C.
Dr. Vann is a research professor of pediatric dentistry, School of Dentistry, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, CB# 7450, 228 Brauer Hall, Chapel
Hill, N.C. 27599-7450, e-mail Address reprint requests to Dr. Vann.
At the time this study was conducted, Dr. Dee was affiliated with the Nutrition Branch, Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity, Centers for Dis-
ease Control and Prevention, Atlanta. She now is the senior scientist, Applied Sciences Branch, Division of Reproductive Health, National Center for
Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

JADA 144(2) February 2013 143

Copyright © 2013 American Dental Association. All rights reserved.

ments the many important reductions in health policy statement of the AAP Section on Breast-
risks for infants and children, mothers, families feeding specifies that breast milk is the only
and society that are attributable to breast- source of nutrition a healthy infant requires for
feeding and the use of human milk for feeding.13 about the first six months of life.13 Breast milk
These advantages include developmental,14 eco- is tailored to the infant’s specific nutritional
nomic,16,17 health, nutritional, immunological, needs, contains immunological agents such as
psychological, social and environmental bene- secretory immunoglobulin (Ig) A and IgG and
fits.13 In addition, investigators at an evidence- has anti-inflammatory properties that offer pro-
based research center supported by the Agency tection to the potentially immature immune sys-
for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, tems of both term and preterm infants.20 Breast
Md., conducted a systematic review of the asso- milk contains bioactive components that are
ciations between breastfeeding and maternal resistant to digestive processes and that
and child health outcomes, focusing on findings enhance the infant’s immune system, thereby
in developed countries.12 They, too, concluded contributing to short- and long-term health pro-
that substantial reduced health risks can be tection. Breastfeeding also confers health
realized through breastfeeding.12 advantages to mothers.
The purpose of this report is to provide an Reduced health risks for breastfed chil-
educational update for dentists and dental staff dren. Protection against short-term infec-
members about the general health advantages tions. Acute otitis media. Acute otitis media
and oral health outcomes associated with (AOM), commonly referred to as middle ear
breastfeeding. In addition, we examine current infection, is a common infection experienced
breastfeeding and oral health recommendations during childhood. Among U.S. children aged
from major pediatric and dental organizations. 0 through 4 years, the rate of ambulatory care
visits with AOM as the primary diagnosis was
METHODS 575 per 1,000 visits in 2007.21 AOM also is one of
This is not a systematic review; rather, to pro- the leading causes of hearing loss in children,22
vide an update on the maternal and child health and typically it begins as an upper respiratory-
benefits associated with breastfeeding, we used tract infection (RTI) that leads to eustachian
results of meta-analyses and systematic reviews tube dysfunction and an ear infection.12 The bac-
when available, and we supplemented these tericidal properties of human milk may help
with comparative studies, as well as statements protect against AOM.20,23 Investigators con-
and reports from major nongovernmental and ducting a meta-analysis of studies that included
governmental organizations (including “The children in developed countries found that those
Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Support who were formula-fed exclusively had twice the
Breastfeeding”18). In examining the relation- risk of developing AOM compared with those
ships between breastfeeding and early child- who were breastfed exclusively for three or six
hood caries (ECC), we used the definition pro- months.12
vided by the American Academy of Pediatric Gastroenteritis and diarrhea. Gastroenteritis
Dentistry (AAPD), Chicago: “the presence of 1 or and diarrhea are common among children and
more decayed (noncavitated or cavitated can cause dehydration. Globally, researchers
lesions), missing (due to caries), or filled tooth have estimated that 1.34 million deaths among
surfaces in any primary tooth in a child under children aged 0 through 59 months are attribut-
the age of 6 [years].”19 For our overview of the able to diarrheal disease, making it the second
association between breastfeeding and ECC, as most common cause of mortality among children
well as for associations between breastfeeding, in this age group.24,25 Human milk protects
craniofacial development and dental occlusion, against diarrhea by coating the intestinal lining
we searched MEDLINE, PubMed and Google and killing pathogens that can cause infec-
Scholar for relevant English-language reviews tions.26 In a review of 18 studies, Lamberti and
and comparative studies published from Jan-
uary 1999 through March 2011 by using breast-
ABBREVIATION KEY: AAP: American Academy of
feeding, craniofacial development, dental occlu-
Pediatrics. AAPD: American Academy of Pediatric
sion and early childhood caries as key words. Dentistry. ADA: American Dental Association. AOM:
Acute otitis media. ECC: Early childhood caries. Ig:
Immunoglobulin. NEC: Necrotizing enterocolitis.
RTI: Respiratory-tract infection. SIDS: Sudden
The unique properties of breast milk make it infant death syndrome. T2DM: Type 2 diabetes
the best source of nutrients for infants.13 The mellitus.

144 JADA 144(2) February 2013

Copyright © 2013 American Dental Association. All rights reserved.

colleagues25 found that the risk of diarrhea- among U.S. children aged 0 through 14 years.35
related mortality among infants 0 through 5 Little is known about its etiology, but research
months of age was higher among those who indicates that viruses may play a role. The
were partially breastfed (relative risk [RR] = immune factors in human milk may have a pro-
4.62; 95 percent confidence interval [CI], 1.81- tective effect against leukemia-related viruses.
11.76) or not breastfed (RR = 10.52; 95 percent In a meta-analysis of 14 case-control studies of
CI, 2.79-39.6) than it was among infants who children who were breastfed and those who
were breastfed exclusively. were not breastfed, researchers concluded that
Serious infections and diseases. RTIs. breastfeeding for more than six months signifi-
Severe lower RTIs, such as pneumonia and res- cantly reduced the risk of developing acute lym-
piratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis, are the phocytic leukemia (OR = 0.76; 95 percent CI,
most common cause of infectious disease– 0.68-0.84) and acute myelogenous leukemia
related hospitalizations among U.S. infants.27,28 (OR = 0.85; 95 percent CI, 0.73-0.98).36
In addition to accounting for a large proportion Sudden infant death syndrome. Sudden
of hospitalizations among infants and young infant death syndrome (SIDS) is the leading
children,29 severe lower RTIs increase the risk of cause of death among infants 1 through 12
developing childhood asthma.30 As with other months of age and the third-highest cause of
infections, however, the antibodies and bacteri- infant mortality in the United States.37,38 Some
cidal properties in breast milk help combat uncertainty exists regarding how breastfeeding
severe lower RTIs.20,28,31 The results of a meta- reduces the risk of SIDS; however, the immuno-
analysis of the risk of being hospitalized for res- logical and anti-inflammatory qualities of
piratory disease among otherwise generally human milk are mechanisms through which
healthy infants showed a lower risk among breastfed infants may be protected.39,40 For
those breastfed exclusively for four months than example, infections can lead to inflammatory
among those who were formula fed (RR = 0.28; responses in the respiratory and cardiac sys-
95 percent CI, 0.14-0.54).28 tems, but the anti-inflammatory agents in
Necrotizing enterocolitis. Necrotizing entero- human milk help control infection and prevent
colitis (NEC) is a severe and often devastating illnesses that may be precursors to SIDS.39
gastrointestinal disease that occurs most often Research findings also suggest that breastfed
among preterm and low-birth-weight infants, infants are aroused more easily from sleep,
with an estimated prevalence of approximately which helps protects against SIDS.41 In a 2007
5 to 10 percent among very-low-birth-weight meta-analysis of six studies in which
(< 1,500 grams) infants32 and high morbidity researchers examined the associations between
and case-fatality rates. Abdullah and breastfeeding and SIDS in developed countries,
colleagues33 estimated that an average NEC- the results showed that breastfed infants had a
related hospital stay lasts 62 days and costs lower risk of experiencing SIDS than did infants
approximately $300,000 per infected patient. who were never breastfed.12 The results of a
Many components of breast milk, such as 2011 meta-analysis also showed protective
maternal secretory IgA, epidermal growth factor effects of breastfeeding on the risk of experi-
and anti-inflammatory cytokines, decrease the encing SIDS; compared with the effects for
risk of developing NEC by means of their infants who were never breastfed, the strongest
antimicrobial and bactericidal properties.34 Ip effects were observed for infants who were
and colleagues12 conducted a meta-analysis of breastfed any amount for at least two months
four randomized controlled trials of the relation- (summary OR = 0.38; 95 percent CI, 0.27-0.54)
ship between breast milk feeding (that is, and for those who were breastfed exclusively for
directly from the breast, via mothers’ expressed any duration (summary OR = 0.27; 95 percent
breast milk or via donor human milk) and the CI, 0.24-0.31).40
development of NEC in preterm infants in Chronic diseases and conditions. Asthma.
developed countries; they found an absolute risk Asthma is a chronic, inflammatory lung disease
difference of 5 percent between infants who with symptoms that include breathing difficulty,
were fed breast milk and those who were not. wheezing and excessive mucus production; the
Given the high case-fatality rate associated with disease affects 6.3 percent of U.S. children
NEC, this absolute risk difference is clinically younger than 5 years.42 Research findings indi-
meaningful. cate that IgG immune complexes found in
Leukemia. Childhood leukemia is the most human milk may play a role in protecting
common form of childhood cancer in the United breastfed infants against asthma.43 The results
States, with an incidence of 49.8 per 1,000,000 of a meta-analysis of 10 prospective studies con-

JADA 144(2) February 2013 145

Copyright © 2013 American Dental Association. All rights reserved.

ducted in developed countries showed that 95 percent CI, 0.44-0.85).53

among infants with no family history of asthma, Reduced health risks for mothers who
those who were breastfed exclusively for at least breastfeed. Mothers who breastfeed typically
three months had a lower estimated risk of are at a lower risk of developing certain dis-
developing asthma (summary OR = 0.74; 95 per- eases. In general, longer exclusivity and dura-
cent CI, 0.60-0.92) compared with infants who tion of breastfeeding are associated with
were not breastfed.12 improved health outcomes. Breastfeeding
Obesity. The prevalence of childhood obesity reduces postpartum bleeding and hemorrhage
has increased rapidly in the United States risk,55 which help mothers recover from child-
during the last few decades; among children and birth. Breastfeeding is associated with longer
adolescents, the prevalence has virtually tripled birth intervals resulting from lactational amen-
since 1980.44 Using data from the 2007-2008 orrhea, or suppression of ovulation, giving
National Health and Nutrition Examination mothers’ bodies more time to recover fully from
Survey, the Centers for Disease Control and pregnancy and childbirth. Breastfeeding also
Prevention44 estimates that approximately 12.5 provides women with a nonpharmacological
million people (17 percent) aged 2 through 19 method of family planning.55
years are obese. Concerns exist regarding the Breast cancer. Breast cancer is the most
potential long-term negative health effects of commonly diagnosed cancer among women, and
obesity, such as the risk of developing heart dis- it is the second highest cause of cancer mor-
ease, type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and tality in women.56 Women who breastfeed may
cancer, especially among those who continue to be protected from breast cancer by reduced
be obese into adulthood.45 Research results indi- estrogen exposure through removal via breast
cate that breastfeeding protects against obesity, fluid, delayed ovulation, an anti-inflammatory
possibly by means of improved self-regulation of response or other mechanisms.55,57-60 Several
energy intake and recognition of internal satiety investigators have reported a reduced risk of
cues in children who are directly breastfed.46 developing breast cancer among women who
Arenz and colleagues47 conducted a meta- breastfeed.12,52,57,61,62 In a meta-analysis of 47
analysis of nine studies that included more than studies consisting of more than 145,000 women,
69,000 children from developed countries and researchers concluded that each additional year
found that the odds of developing childhood obe- of breastfeeding reduced a woman’s breast
sity were lower among those who were breastfed cancer risk by 4.3 percent (95 percent CI, 2.9-
than among those who were formula fed (sum- 5.8).61 Palmer and colleagues62 examined risk
mary OR = 0.78; 95 percent CI, 0.71-0.85). factors for breast cancer among African
Other investigators have reported similar American women and found that breastfeeding
results, indicating a protective effect of breast- was associated with a lower risk of developing a
feeding against overweight and obesity.48-50 particularly aggressive type of breast cancer,
T2DM. T2DM is diagnosed in approximately especially among women who had a family his-
3,600 youth in the United States annually.51 tory of the disease.
Breastfeeding may protect against the develop- Ovarian cancer. Ovarian cancer is the fifth-
ment of T2DM through behavioral and hor- leading cause of cancer mortality among U.S.
monal mechanisms.49,52,53 Research findings sug- women.56 Investigators in several studies have
gest that infants who are directly breastfed reported a reduced risk of ovarian cancer among
have better self-regulation of intake compared women who have breastfed.12,52,57,58,63 Suppressed
with bottle-fed infants; this could have effects ovulation or decreased gonadotropin levels,
on intake and resulting weight status later in which occur through oral contraceptive use and
life, thereby reducing the risk of developing dia- breastfeeding,64,65 are mechanisms by which the
betes.46 In addition, compared with formula-fed risk of developing ovarian cancer may be
infants, breastfed infants have higher concen- reduced. In a study of two prospective cohorts,
trations of polyunsaturated fats in their skeletal researchers found that for each month of breast-
muscle membranes, which is associated with feeding, the relative risk of developing ovarian
lower fasting glucose levels and lower insulin cancer decreased by 2 percent (RR = 0.98; 95
resistance.54 The results of a meta-analysis of percent CI, 0.97-1.00).63 Furthermore, the results
seven studies consisting of 76,744 people in of a meta-analysis of the relationship between
developed countries showed that participants breastfeeding and ovarian cancer showed that
who were ever breastfed had a lower estimated women who had ever breastfed had a lower risk
risk of developing T2DM in later life compared than did those who had never breastfed (sum-
with formula-fed participants (pooled OR = 0.61; mary OR = 0.70; 95 percent CI, 0.59-0.83).12

146 JADA 144(2) February 2013

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ORAL HEALTH CONSIDERATIONS 15.8-23.1 percent, respectively; P = .03).

Craniofacial growth and development are Viggiano and colleagues67 conducted a retro-
affected by functional stimuli such as breathing, spective study of 1,130 Italian children aged 3
swallowing, chewing and sucking.66 The roles of through 5 years. The investigators assessed the
nutritive sucking, which includes breastfeeding odds of developing altered occlusion (open bite
and bottle feeding, and nonnutritive sucking, or posterior crossbite) in children who were
which includes pacifier and digit sucking, have bottle fed (defined as being bottle fed exclusively
been of particular interest to researchers. The from birth or fed via bottle starting within the
sucking mechanism used during bottle feeding first three months of life) versus those who were
differs from that used during breastfeeding.67-69 breastfed (defined as being breastfed exclusively
Viggiano and colleagues67 described the breastfed for more than the first three months of life).
child as one who “draws milk, putting both the They concluded that the way in which a child
nipple and areola into the mouth; the movement was fed as an infant was not associated with
of lips and tongue contribute more to squeezing altered occlusion (OR = 1.28; 95 percent CI,
than to sucking … [and] the tongue compresses 0.99-1.66). They did find, however, that nonnu-
the soft breast nipple against the palate using a tritive sucking (that is, sucking an object such
peristaltic-like motion.” The bottle-fed child “uses as a digit or dummy/pacifier for more than the
the tongue with piston-like motion in order to first year of life) was associated with altered
compress the artificial teat against the palate.” occlusion (adjusted OR = 2.43; 95 percent CI,
These different sucking mechanisms have the 1.82-3.25).67
potential to predispose a bottle-fed infant to Finally, Warren and Bishara71 conducted a
development of a malocclusion.67 longitudinal study of 372 American children fol-
Challenges exist in designing an investiga- lowed up from birth, collecting data regarding
tion of the influence of sucking behaviors on sucking habits and feeding practices, as well as
craniofacial growth; however, the results of other information via periodic questionnaires
studies in which researchers used electro- completed by parents. In addition, the authors
myography suggest that the muscle activity of obtained study models when the children were 4
infants who are breastfed exclusively renders to 5 years of age to assess specific malocclusions

overjet ≥ 4 mm and any Class II canine relation-

them less likely to develop the dysfunctional (that is, anterior overbite, posterior crossbite,
muscular patterns that might predispose bottle-
fed infants to develop a malocclusion.68,69 ship). They found no differences in the preva-
We identified four clinical studies in which lence of these malocclusions in the primary den-
investigators directly examined occlusal charac- tition of children who were breastfed (defined as
teristics in the primary dentition of children who any amount of breastfeeding and categorized
were bottle-fed versus those who were breastfed into durations of less than six months, six
as infants.67,70-72 Investigators in two of these to 12 months and more than 12 months) versus
studies70,72 found that breastfeeding was more those who were bottle fed (defined as no
conducive to the favorable development of occlu- breastfeeding).71
sion than was bottle feeding. More specifically,
Karjalainen and colleagues70 examined 148 BREASTFEEDING AND EARLY CHILDHOOD
Finnish children with and without a posterior CARIES
crossbite. They found that those with no pos- In a 2008 systematic review, White73 investi-
terior crossbite had had a higher mean duration gated whether continuation of breastfeeding
of breast milk’s being their only milk source as (compared with other types of infant feeding)
an infant than did those who had a posterior increases the risk of developing ECC in infants
crossbite (6.1 months versus 3.6 months, respec- older than 6 months. She searched three large
tively, P < .01). In addition, they found a higher online databases (MEDLINE, Embase and
mean duration of any breastfeeding among chil- Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health
dren who did not have a crossbite compared with Literature) and all evidence-based medical jour-
those who had a crossbite (7.6 months versus 4.7 nals represented in Ovid for pertinent studies
months, respectively, P < .002). Similarly, in a published from 1982 through 2008.73 White
cross-sectional study of 359 6-year-old children identified three comparative studies and two
in Brazil, Peres and colleagues72 found that the review articles,74-78 one of which she excluded
prevalence of posterior crossbite was lowest in from consideration because it was not written in
children who were breastfed for at least nine English.76 Definitions of breastfeeding varied
months compared with those who were breast- across the studies, and they often lacked detail.
fed for a shorter duration (8.2 percent versus For example, investigators in two studies exam-

JADA 144(2) February 2013 147

Copyright © 2013 American Dental Association. All rights reserved.

ined the influence of exclusive breastfeeding children and mothers as a means to inform and
(breast milk alone or breast milk and water),77,78 update the dental profession about the impor-
whereas the authors of the review articles were tance of breastfeeding and their role as clini-
constrained by the definitions used in the cians in encouraging it. The American Dental
studies they examined, which considered any Association (ADA), Chicago, has no specific
amount of breastfeeding74,75 and allowed for con- policy statement about breastfeeding; however,
sumption of water, formula or other liquids and in a report regarding fluoride in reconstituted
foods. In addition, as Valaitis and colleagues74 infant formula published in 2011,82 the ADA
noted, investigators in their systematic review Council on Scientific Affairs included language
often provided vague definitions of the duration supportive of the AAP’s (then current) 2005
of breastfeeding (for example, “prolonged,” with policy on breastfeeding.83 The AAPD does not
no unit of measure given) and categorized have a specific policy regarding breastfeeding,
breastfeeding differently (for example, more but in its recently revised Policy on Dietary Rec-
than six months, more than one year), making it ommendations for Infants, Children and Adoles-
difficult to compare associations of breast- cents, it “encourages breastfeeding of infants to
feeding duration with ECC across those studies. ensure the best possible health and develop-
Valaitis and colleagues74 were the only inves- mental and psychosocial outcomes, with care to
tigators in the four studies74,75,77,78 examined by wiping or brushing as the first primary tooth
White73 to report evidence suggesting an asso- begins to erupt and other dietary carbohydrates
ciation between breastfeeding and ECC. Specifi- are introduced.”84
cally, among researchers in 28 relevant studies Dentists and professional dental associations
identified by Valaitis and colleagues,74 those in are concerned about the development of ECC in
three79-81 studies considered to be of moderate infants and children. For example, the current
quality on the basis of adapted Cochrane sys- AAPD policy statement on ECC recommends
tematic review criteria suggested that breast- that “[a]d libitum breastfeeding should be
feeding for longer than one year and nighttime avoided after the first primary tooth begins to
breastfeeding were associated with caries, erupt and other dietary carbohydrates are intro-
nursing caries syndrome or ECC. Among those duced.”19 The rationale and evidence for the rec-
three studies, however, it was unclear whether ommendation to avoid ad libitum breastfeeding
investigators adjusted for potential confounders are unclear. Of the studies and reviews we
such as fluoride exposure, certain dietary habits found, none focused solely on examination of the
and oral hygiene practices, all of which could association between breastfeeding on demand
have affected the results. In light of these and ECC. Confounding factors, such as carbohy-
issues, Valaitis and colleagues74 concluded that drate consumption and oral hygiene practices,
the findings of their systematic review did not however, have been associated with ECC.19,75,84
provide clear evidence of a strong association Similarly, in their review of the literature
between breastfeeding and ECC. Researchers in pertaining to the relationship between breast-
the three comparative studies reviewed by feeding and ECC, Ribeiro and Ribeiro75 ques-
White determined that no evidence existed to tioned the basis for recommendations that ad
confirm an association between breastfeeding libitum breastfeeding be avoided. They observed
and ECC.75,77,78 Hence, White73 concluded that, that investigators sometimes combined on-
because of the evidence demonstrating impor- demand and nighttime breastfeeding into one
tant maternal and child health benefits asso- category, and that issues related to nighttime
ciated with breastfeeding, scientifically rigorous breastfeeding may differ from those assumed to
research is needed to elucidate whether associa- be related to on-demand breastfeeding. If clini-
tions exist between breastfeeding and ECC, and cians’ concerns relate to the possibility that
such evidence is lacking. She recommended that breast milk will pool in the child’s mouth during
dental professionals encourage parents to begin nighttime feedings and remain in contact with
practicing healthy oral hygiene with their chil- the teeth for long periods, Ribeiro and Ribeiro75
dren as soon as the first tooth erupts, and they countered that the biomechanics of breast-
should keep intake of sugar-sweetened bever- feeding differ from those of bottle feeding, with
ages to a minimum.73 the result being that breast milk is expressed
into the soft palate and swallowed. These
DISCUSSION authors and others pointed to the lack of evi-
One of our overarching goals is to provide infor- dence that human milk is cariogenic and stated
mation about some of the many important that other factors, such as oral hygiene, may be
health protections that breastfeeding confers to more influential in caries development than is

148 JADA 144(2) February 2013

Copyright © 2013 American Dental Association. All rights reserved.

on-demand breastfeeding.73-75,77,78 Thus, on the cussed in this article, and we call upon all
basis of the current scientific evidence, it dental team members to be advocates, pro-
appears that the relationship between unre- moters and supporters of breastfeeding. We also
stricted (ad libitum) breastfeeding and an encourage dental professionals to inform care-
increased risk of developing caries is givers of the importance of cleansing infants’
equivocal.73-75 teeth as soon as they erupt by using a washcloth
We should note that a policy to restrict or soft toothbrush to reduce bacterial coloniza-
breastfeeding is inconsistent with the AAP’s tion and to help reduce children’s risk of devel-
200583 and 201213 breastfeeding recommenda- oping ECC.91 ■
tions. Furthermore, breast milk production is Disclosure. None of the authors reported any disclosures.
based largely on infant demand; thus,
restricting breastfeeding after the first tooth Dr. Salone received a Short-Term Dental Student Research Fellow-
ship at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
erupts is detrimental because it threatens to
decrease the mother’s milk supply and disrupt The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors
the child’s feeding patterns.30,85 and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention.
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