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3) Choosing Brands Elements

Branding ultimately will be the only unique differentiator between companies. Brand
equity is now a key asset. Much of the skill of marketing and branding nowadays are
concerned with building equity for service whose characteristics, pricing and availability
are close to each other.
To earn positive customer based equity it is essential that providers choose brand
elements keeping in view the customer brand knowledge.
As we already chosen laundry service so before going more insightful we must launch
the name of our laundry service

The name of the Brand

The name of the Brand is “Dr. Laundry”.
There has a meaning of the name. Reason behind choosing the name is as Dr. can give
our treatment, it can also give all type of laundry treatment such as wash, dry and at the
same time they can press their clothes.
This name is also simple and easy to pronounce.

Tagline of the brand

The tagline of the brand DR. LAUNDRY is “Make Cleaning Easy”.
We are providing washing machine, dryer machine to the customer to wash their
clothes with a view to make their life easier.
Using technology reduces the dependence on human labor. Now a day’s people do not
like to depend on others. People have many issues regarding cleaning clothes. First of all
it is a hard job to do, secondly, some people washes their clothes by their maids but it is
often observed that they do not clean it well or they do not want to wash clothes. So
Dr. Laundry will give technological support to its customer to be more self-sufficient as it
is very easy to clean clothes in this place.

The logo seems to be easily recognizable, gives a quick idea what type of a brand it is.

Our slogan is “Stay net and clean, Enjoy everyday”. This slogan telling the customer why
should they take the service and to take the Dr. Laundry service everyday.

Target group and competitive analysis

A target market is a group of customers within a business's serviceable available market
that the business has decided to aim its marketing efforts towards. Target markets
consist of consumers who exhibit similar characteristics and are considered most likely
to buy a business's product or service.
In our service business our main target market is two groups of people. One is Bachelors
or students and another is Job holders or in other words corporate peoples. We are
targeting them as they find laundry is hard.

Criteria for choosing our Brand’s elements

We selected our Brand name, logo, tagline, slogan on the basis of the following
elements -
01 Memorable
 Easily recognized: The name “Dr. Laundry” and its symbol is likely to stick in the
mind of the consumer.

 Easily recalled: Customers can correctly elicit the brand name from memory. The
name itself is easy to pronounce, as there is no complex choosing of words.
02 Meaningful
 Descriptive: The name and logo itself telling the people what type of service it is
going to provide.

 Persuasive: The Tagline “Make Cleaning Easy” & the slogan “Stay net and clean,
Enjoy everyday” both influencing the customer to take the service.
03 Likable
 Fun and interesting: The name & the logo don’t seems boring.
 Rich visual and verbal imagery: The logo seems refreshing which matches our
target customers.
04 Transferable
 Within and across product categories: As the name and the logo is simple and
easy to understand so it will be easy to transfer across product categories.

 Across geographic boundaries and culture: The name & logo do not conflict with
culture of other regions thus easily accessible.

5 Adaptable
 Flexible: The brand Dr. Laundry can be modified to put emphasize on consumers
values and opinion.

 Updatable: The brand name, slogan, content can be easily updateable and logos
of Dr. Laundry can be given a new look.

06 Protectable
 Legally: The brand will formally register with appropriate legal bodies; nationally
and internationally so that any other firm does not copy it.
 Competitively: As “Dr. Laundry” is the first time self-laundry service in Bangladesh
so people are aware of the brand so if competitors come they can’t copy our
brand name, logo, tagline ,slogan by slightly changing.

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