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Karen silva 9a

Geneticaly modified-crops
Positive aspects negative aspects
Increase food production Possible negative long-term
One of the benefits of GMO health effects
Foods is that they are more This means that, just as changing a gene a
Efficient in productive terms. Gene in a tomato can make it more

Possibility of solving world resistant to drought, it can also lose part of

Hunger its nutrient concentration

In addition, by increasing production and posible relationship with the

Having more resistant food, famine and development of diseases
Starvation problems could be solved in the consumption of transgenic foods and the
Some areas where malnutrition is a true development of allergies intolerances and
Social emergency autoimmune diseases in the case of human

They can be modified to beings

Improve health Invasión of ecosystems

GMO foods could be designed in such a The problem arises when they reproduce
Way as to increase their nutrients. In this without control by the farmer, since they
Way, it would be foods that would favor invade the rest of the ecosystems and,being
The health of consumers, invade the rest of the ecosystems and being

Example can hunger with hunger as in example can damage the ecosystem it
Africa not controlled

Modified crops are very helpful if they learn to control and use these foods with
great caution since they could cause a lota of damage in society but they can also
be very helpful if they know how to control
Karen silva 9a

We can use transgenic foods

To a large extent, the problem arises because their appearance and
taste do not differ too much from natural foods and, consequently, if the
labeling does not say so, it is difficult to find differences between them
Now we will talk about some advantages and disadvantages

 Positive aspects
1. Increase food production One of the benefits of GMO Foods is that
they are more Efficient in productive terms.
2. Possibility of solving world Hunger In addition, by increasing
production and Starvation problems could besolved in Some areas
where malnutrition is a true Social emergency
3. They can be modified to Improve health GMO foods could be
designed in such a Way as to increase their nutrients. In this Way,
it would be foods that would favor The health of consumers

 Negative aspects
1. Possible negative long-term health effects This means that, just as
changing a gene a Gene in a tomato can make it more resistant to
drought, it can also lose part of its nutrient concentration
2. posible relationship with the development of diseases the
consumption of transgenic foods and the development of allergies
intolerances and autoimmune diseases in the case of human
3. Invasión of ecosystems The problem arises when they reproduce
without control by the farmer, since they invade the rest of the
ecosystems and,being


Modified crops are very helpful if they learn to control and use these foods
with great caution since they could cause a lota of damage in society but
they can also be very helpful if they know how to control
Karen silva 9a

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