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Name Vicious de Brehan Species Human (Reiklander) Class Academics

Career Wizard Career Level
Career Path Apprendice / Wizard / Status Silver 3
Age 30 Height 1,73 Hair Dark Brown Eyes Pale Grey

Characteristics Fate Resilience Experience

WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel Fate 4 Resilience Resolve Motivation Current Spent Total
Initial 41 29 37 33 41 30 29 41 38 32 Fortune 5 2 2 Riqueza

Advances 5 5 5
Current 46 29 37 33 41 30 29 46 43 32 Movement 4 Walk 8 Run 12

BASIC Skills BASIC Skills Grouped & Advanced Skills

Name Characteristic Adv Skill Name Characteristic Adv Skill Name Characteristic Adv Skill
Art Dex Gossip Fel Evaluate Int 46 5 51
Athletics Ag Lore (Reikland) Int 46 3 49
Haggle Fel 32 5 37
L (Bretonnian) Int 46 3 49
Bribery Fel Intimidate S Melee (Polearm) WP 40 5 45
Channeling Int 46 5 51
Charm Fel Intuition I 41 5 44
Int 46 5 51
L (Magick)
Charm Animal WP Leadership Fel Lore (Magick) Int 46 5 51
Climb S Melee (Basic) WS 46 8 54
Cool WP 43 5 48 Melee WS
Consume Alcohol T Navigation I
Dodge Ag 30 5 35 Outdoor Survival Int
Drive Ag Perception I 41 5 46
Endurance T Ride Ag
Entertain Fel Row S
Gamble Int Stealth Ag

talents Ambitions

Talent Name Times Description Short-

taken term
Savvy 1 + 5 permanent bonus to INT.
Sharp 1 + 5 permanent bonus to INI. Long- Encontrar a tus padres.
Warrior Born 1 + 5 permanent bonus to WS. term
Luck 1 Gain +1 Fortune.
Second Sight 1 You can detect the Wind of Magic
Petty Magic 1 You can cast Petty Magic
Read/Write 1 Every language you know. Party
Arcane Magick 1 Metal Lore
Party Name


Armour armour points
Name Locations Enc AP Qualities 01-09


25-44 Left arm

(or secondary arm)

Right arm
Trappings Psychology (or primary arm)

Name Enc Inferiority (Elves): -1 SL to all Opposed tests. 90-00 Body

Clothing. 1
Dagger. 0
Pouch. 0 Right leg 80-89
Sling bag. (carries: 2) 0
Sheets of parchment.(x9) 0
Grimoire 1 Left leg
Staff 2

Wealth Encumbrance Wounds

Weapons 2 SB 3
D 0
Armour 0 TB×2 6

SS 11 Trappings 2 WPB 4

Max Enc. 6 Hardy 0

GC 0
Total Wounds 13

Name Group Enc Range/Reach Damage Qualities
Dagger Basic 0 Very Short +SB+2
Quarter Staff Polearm 2 Long +SB+4 Defensive / Pummel / Two handed

Spells and Prayers

Name TN Range Target Duration Effect
Dazzle 0 Touch 1 WPB Round Target gain 1 blinded condition and gain 1 more every round.
Light 0 You You WP minutes You create a small light like a torch
Open Lock 0 Touch Special Instant One non magical lock you touch opens
Twitch 0 WPB meter Special Instant You cause a small object to move, slightly
Fool's Gold 4 Touch 1 WP minutes Metal object turn to gold.


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