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Attack of the Corona Zombies

All I see is darkness, then I open my eyes and see a bright light hanging above me. I sit
up and look around, I see blue on the walls and some old, broken medical equipment.
My friend, Steve is sitting on a chair next to me reading a book titled: Advanced Medical
Procedures. He has a big stack of books next to him. The one I can see on the top is:
Outdoors, Guide to All Edible Wildlife. He notices that I'm awake and puts the book
down “Hey Peter, how are you feeling?” “Kinda dizzy Steve”, I say. “Yeah that's what
waking up from a coma will do to you,”Steve says. “A coma?!” I ask. “Yep,you were in a
coma.” I tried to get up but nausea takes over and I have to sit back down. “Take it
easy, you just woke up from a coma, you're going to have to rest for a bit,” Steve says.
After a few minutes of sitting down,. I decided to try and get up again. This time I can
get up and Steve gets up with me. “Come on, let's get out of here,” he says and we walk
out of the building I've deduced to be a hospital.

The land around us is barren and empty, there is no sound except for the crickets
chirping. I ask “What happened here?” “From the info I've gathered it seems that the
coronavirus started turning people into zombies,” Steve explained. All of a sudden we
hear a growl and a zombie jumps out from around the corner and tries to bite me. It’s
skin is green and falling off and part of it’s skull is showing. I barely dodge and Steve
hits it in the head with a hammer. It kills the zombie and we run away, once we think we
are far enough, we stop, “Thanks for saving me back there bud,” I say. “No problem,”
Steve says. “That put a wave of adrenaline through me. I was scared you were gonna
become zombie food,” he said, and we started walking away from the hospital.

After a few weeks of hopping from town to town looting the supermarkets, we hear a
rustling in a nearby bush. “What was that?” I asked “I don’t know” Steve said. All of a
sudden Steve gets tackled. “Hey! Get off of me!” Steve yells. I’m about to attack but I
get tackled too. Our aggressors hold our hands behind our backs and one asks us in a
deep, rough voice “Who are you and what's your game” I try to keep my cool while I say
“I’m Peter Simpson and my friend is Steve.” I whisper “He won't tell anyone his last
name.” Are y’all human?” The other one asks, he seems to be a bit taller than his friend.
“Of course we are,” I say “why wouldn't we be.” They let us go, “ We are so sorry about
that,” one of them says “ We just thought y'all were zombies.” “It's okay,” I say getting up
and dusting myself off, asking myself if I REALLY even look like a zombie. “Do you want
to come inside,” the first one says. “Inside where,” I ask. “Follow us,” one of them says.
Steve and I go inside with them. “Sorry again about what happened outside,” the tall
one says, “I’m Rick and this here is Joe,” says the tall guy “It’s nice to meet you all,” I
say yawning. “You look fried,” Joe says. “Go to bed and we’ll wake you up when
breakfast is ready.” Ok” I say, stretching across the couch; glad he mentioned the idea
vs. wanting us to stay up and socialize. As soon as I close my eyes I fall asleep.
When I wake up I hear yelling. “Peter! Wake up man, we are being attacked!” I jump out
of bed to find our small house being overrun by zombies. Rick and Joe appear in front
of me. “We have to run,” says Joe. “Take these and try not to get bitten,” Rick says,
handing Steve and I a small handgun and a knife. None of us say anything as we run
out of the house at full speed with the zombies chasing us. “These zombies are faster
than normal,” I yell over the wind rushing between us. We turn a corner and find
ourselves at a dead end street. “It’s a dead end!” shouts Steve, stating the obvious.
“Emphasis on dead,” says Rick. We turn around to find ourselves facing the horde of
zombies with no way out, knowing that if we get bitten we will too become infected with
coronavirus and be zombified. “Ok guys, it’s now or never,” Joe says, and we all start to
open fire on the zombies. We defeat wave after wave of them but they just keep
coming. Finally we are down to the final wave, but the zombies have all of us
surrounded. I am surrounded by three zombies. I shoot one in the head, killing him
instantly. Then I slice another one's throat, killing it. Then I feel something on my leg, it's
like I'm being burned alive. I look down to see a zombie biting my leg. I slice Its head off,
killing it and releasing my leg from its jaws. All of a sudden I feel woozy. I can hear my
friends calling out to me but I can’t make out their words. After a few seconds everything
goes black.

Once again all I see is darkness. I open my eyes to Steve standing over me. He sees
me open my eyes and yells “Guys, He’s awake!” I sit up and look around to find Rick
and Steve rushing towards me “Are you ok?” Ricks asks. “Yeah I think I'm fine,” I say
“Do you know what happened?” Joe asks me. “Yeah I do,” I say. “But can I go inside
first? I need to sit down and I need a glass of water” “Of course” Rick says, and they
lead me inside. When I got inside I sat down and started to explain “So as we were
fighting zombies, I killed two of them but the third one bit me on the le-” “What!!!!?? One
of them bit you!?” Joe yelled, cutting me off. “Yeah, so?” I say getting defensive. “If one
of them bites you then you become one of them,” Joe says. “But I’m not one of them,” I
say. “Exactly,” Joe says. I then realize what this means, but before I can say it Steve
beat me to it. “This means that Peter has the antibodies for the cure!” he shouts. “If we
can get to that medical lab I saw on patrol yesterday then we might be able to develop
the cure!” Getting a sudden rush of energy I jump up and start running toward the door.
At this point I don't even feel the pain from the bite on my leg. “C’mon guys,” I say “What
are we waiting for.” “Ok,ok we’re going. Let us just gather our stuff,” says Rick. Rick and
Joe gather their weapons and food and we head out the door.

When we got there it seemed to be abandoned so we went inside. As soon as we

opened the door we heard the noise of what seemed to be a thousand zombies. “We
must be quiet,” Joe whispers. We all nod our heads in agreement. We sneak quietly
around the medical lab, avoiding zombies and looking in rooms for anything helpful. In
one room we see some chemicals tipped over and spilled on the floor, in another all we
see is steam. “Guys, over here,” Steve says. We all look through the small window and
see some kind of machine hooked up to a vent. “I think we should check it out,” Rick
says. We go inside and find test tubes with various liquids inside of them. “It looks like
someone was trying to develop a cure for the coronavirus,” Rick says. “Look,” Steve
says “It says here: ‘I am a scientist trying to develop a cure. I have everything I need
except the correct antibodies. To whoever finds this, here is how to make the cure. I just
hope you have the correct antibodies for it, or humanity is doomed.’ ” “This is perfect,” I
say “We have the correct antibodies to make the cure so we can save humanity!” “Wait
there's more,” Steve says. “Once you have finished the cure pour it into this machine to
put it into the air. Once it does, every single cloud will have a little bit of the cure in it and
as soon as it rains, the cure will heal everyone it touches.” “Ok then,” I say “let's get to it”
After a few hours of hard work and a few zombie battles we finally finished the formula.

“Ok,” Steve said “The cure is done. Now time to put it in the machine.” We all nodded.
Steve put the cure in the machine and walked over to the on switch. He flipped it but
nothing happened. I could tell Steve was looking nervous but trying to keep his cool. He
kept flipping it but nothing happened. But on the 5th flip the machine powered on. “Ok
well that's the end of that” Steve said. “I just hope that this works,” Joe says. “Well let's
go outside and find out” Rick said. We all ran outside and saw it start to rain. We looked
out in the distance and started seeing the zombies turn into humans. “Well I'm glad
that's settled,” Steve said. “Let's go home,” Rick said. So we went home hoping we had
just saved humanity.

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