Liderazgo en Rrii

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Kevin Daniel Leal Silva


International relations is the social science that chages the world in orden to know the rol of
factors like education in the development of tools that help countries to be efficient and
more competitive in the international system. The born of this science was in the university
of Gales (Aberyswyth) where was created the catedra of international relations in 1919
(Barbé, 1995). However this science was expanded about all the world in different lapses of
time, in the case of Colombia, the study of international relations began about 1980 with
the creation of the center of international studies and the appeareance of this career in some
universities of Bogota (Ghotme, 2007). Now, its neccesary to know the rol of leadership
defined as the influence that is exercised on people and allows to encourage in order to
work to reach a specific goal. Without a leader, a country won’t be able to reach their goals
in this new globalizated world.
The importance of these leaders in the internationals relations of countries like Colombia
falls in the rol of someone that guides the decisions of the rulers, also, these people can
create an agenda in order to know what to do, and how do it. This leader should keep in
mind the interests of the country in crisis situations, also, this person must have information
and knowledge of all things that occur in the world and finally, this person must have the
capacity to decide in order to the interest of the citizens.
Some leaders in the career of international relations helps in the creation of knowledge that
helps people to interpret the world they live in, for example, the internationalist Raul
Prebisch was the creator of the theory of the deteroriation of the exchange terms, this
theory talks about international trade between peripherals and central countries, this trade
helps only central countries because they have technology and development, for this reazon
this countries are better than others, if you take the resources of other countries for your
only benefit, and you dont help others to grow, you are not doing a fair trade (Prebisch,
1950). Leaders with the thought of Prebisch are neccesary in Colombia, this are a country
with a lot of resources and advantages, a leader with know that and will use this resources
to position Colombia in a better place, it’s necessary the leader because is the person that
guides others in order to reach goals like welfare, education and others.
The rol of leadership in the career of international relations in Colombia is essential to the
development of the country, without a good leader, Colombia is not going to be a central
country, it’s neccesary to know the economic, geographical and geopolitical advantages of
Colombia, and teach them to all colombian. In this globalizated world the leaders are the
protagonist of all relacionated with markets, innovation, technologies and research, as we
can see, in countries like the Unites States, Finland, Rusia, India, Germany and others the
responsable of welfare are leaders, is for that reazon that leadership has a very important rol
in the international relations and in the decisión making. Without a good leader in markets,
companies, institutions and even in the positions of power, people are not going to be
organized and consequently are not going to get anywhere. Is for that that i expect in this
class to learn how to be a good leader and purchase useful skills.
BARBÉ, Esther. (1995). Relaciones Internacionales. Ed. Tecnos, Madrid, Cap. 2: El
concepto de las RRII y Cap. 3: La disciplina de las RRII: Génesis y marco académico,
pp.18-37. Recovered from:

Ghotme, R. (2017). La historia de las relaciones internacionales en Colombia una ojeada

a la literatura sobre la fase republicana, 1820- 1903, vol 2, num. 2. Recovered from:
Lavaniegos, M. (2016.). La importancia de los líderes en el sistema internacional: Indira
Gandhi Y Saddam Hussein como casos de estudio. (Degree). San Luis Potosí.

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