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2009 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics

Suntec Convention and Exhibition Center

Singapore, July 14-17, 2009

Optimal Location and Capacity of STATCOM for Voltage stability

Enhancement using ACO plus GA
Whei-Min Lin, 1Kai-Hung Lu, 2Cong-Hui Huang, 3Ting-Chia Ou, and 1Yuan-Hui Li

Abstract—Voltage security is a crucial issue in power STATCOM devices in the power system. Particularly,it is
systems especially under heavily loaded condition. In the new desired to determine their optimal location and capacity.
scheme of restructuring, voltage stability problem becomes Traditional optimization methods such as mixed integer
even more serious. To solve the problem, we integrate reactive
linear and non linear programming have been investigated to
address this issue; however difficulties arise due to multiple
power compensation concept by Static Synchronous
local minima and overwhelming computational effort. In
Compensator (STATCOM) with Equivalent – current Injection
order to overcome these problems, Evolutionary
(ECI). We derive a new STATCOM with ECI model. This
Computation Techniques have been employed to solve the
paper shows the application of Ant Colony Optimization (ACO)
optimal allocation of FACTS devices. This study, which
plus Genetic Algorithms (GA) for optimal capacity and location uses the Genetic algorithms (GA), has been tested for
of a new STATCOM with ECI model in a power system. Finally finding the optimal location and capacity, with promising
simulation shows the optimal location and capacity of new results [3].
STATCOM with ECI model to enhance power system voltage This paper applied the ability of the GA operated after
stability by using GACO. The proposed method demonstrates can promote the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) efficiency.
the improvement of voltage stability margin. The objective of GA is to improve the searching quality of
ants by optimizing themselves to generate a better result,
Keywords: Genetic Algorithms, Ant Colony Optimization, because the ants produced randomly by pheromone process
voltage stability, Static Synchronous Compensator are not necessary better. This method can not only enhance
(STATCOM), Equivalent -Current-Injection (ECI) the neighborhood search, but can also search the optimum
solution quickly to advance convergence. [1] [4].
I. INTRODUCTION The load flow analysis (commonly called load flow or
power flow) is the basic tool for investigating power system

P ower systems components mainly consist of generators,

transmission lines, transformers, switches, active or
passive compensators and loads. Power system networks are
state variables, and it is very important part of the system
supervisory, planning and optimal operation. The unbalance
three-phase load flows based on the
complex systems that are nonlinear, non-stationary, and Equivalent-Current-Inject (ECI) were applied successfully to
prone to disturbances and faults. Reinforcement of a power the distribution system. It is unable to apply the ECI model
system can be accomplished by improving the voltage to the high voltage transmission systems, because of the
profile, increasing the transmission capacity and others. voltage – controlled buses (PV Bus). In this a new power
Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) devices are an flow approach based on ECI model and Cartesian
alternate solution to address some of those problems [5]. coordination is presented. PV Bus model were developed,
The FACTS devices can be categorized into three types, and according to the network characteristics, the decoupled
such as series controllers, shunt controllers and combined models were also proposed.
series-shunt controllers. In principle, the series controllers This paper introduces the application of GACO for
inject voltage in series with the line and the shunt controllers optimal location and capacity of a new STATCOM with ECI
inject current into the system at the point of connection. The model in the power system. It is organized as follows:
combined series-shunt controllers inject current into the Section II STATCOM with ECI. Section III presents the
system with the shunt part of the controllers and voltage in basic concepts of GA. In section IV the objective function to
series in the line with the series part of the controllers. Table be optimized is described. In section V simulation results are
1 list the representative kind of FACTS devices with presented. In section VI conclusions and future work are
controlled parameters. given.
In the case of voltage support, shunt FACTS devices,
such as STATCOM and SVC are typically used. This study II. STATCOM with ECI MODEL
is focused on the steady state performance of multiple
The Authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, National A. STATCOM Basic Concept
Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung 80424, Taiwan. STATCOM is a second generation FACTS device used
(e-mail: for shunt reactive power compensation. The principle of
Cong-Hui Huang is with the Department of Automation and Control STATCOM is the reactive power compensation where the
Engineering, Far East University, Tainan County 744, Taiwan.
3 reactive power and voltage magnitude of the system can be
Ting-Chia Ou is with the Institute of Nuclear Energy Research Atomic
Energy Council, Taoyuan 325, Taiwan. adjusted such as shown in Fig. 1. It consists of three paths:

978-1-4244-2853-3/09/$25.00 ©2009 IEEE 1915

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shunt (coupling) transformer, voltage source converter B. STATCOM with ECI
(VSC), and capacitor. The reactive power is distributed in The STATCOM can act as on equivalent voltage source
the power system by the converter control [6~7]. series reactance. Voltage source can transform the current
source by way of Norton Theorem as shown in Fig. 2.

g ij + jbij Ij Vj

Zvr = gvr + jbvr

Vi ∠θi
Fig. 2 Transmission line equivalent model shunt STATCOM equivalent
Vs ∠θ s circuit diagram

According to Fig. 2 with ECI model inferential reasoning

as follows: Bus i and Bus j the beginnings and ends injection
current show in (3) and (4)
I ivr = I i + I vr
= (Vi − V j )( gij + jbij ) + Vi jbc +Vi ( g vr + jbvr ) (3)
Fig. 1 STATCOM connected to power system

where Vi∠θi : are the bus voltage and its phase angle of I j = (V j − Vi )( gij + jbij ) + jbcV j (4)
power system.
Vs∠θs : is the STATCOM voltage and its phase angle.
where V i = V i c o s θ i + j V i s in θ i

The SATCOM active P and reactive power Q are shown V j = V j cos θ j + j V j sin θ j
in (1) and (2).
P= sin δ (1) Polar to Cartesian coordinate transformation is used in (5)
2 VV e + jf = V cos θ + j V sin θ (5)
V s i
Q= s − cos δ (2)
Xs Xs
where e : is the bus voltage real-part
where Xs : is coupling transformer equivalent reactance f : is the bus voltage imaginary-part
δ : θ s − θi Therefore I ivr , I j can be rewritten as show in (6) and (7)

The STATCOM is a combination of a voltage sourced

converter and an inductive reactance and shunt connected to Iivr = {gij (ei − e j ) − bij ( fi − f j ) − bc fi + gvr ei − bvr fi }
power system. The convert supplies leading current to the + j{gij ( fi − f j ) + bij (ei − e j ) + bc ei + gvr fi + bvr ei } (6)
AC system if the converter output voltage Vi is made to lead
the corresponding AC system voltage VS. Then it supplies
reactive power to the AC system by capacitive operation.
Conversely, the converter absorbs lagging current from the I j = {gij (e j − ei ) − bij ( f j − fi ) − bc f j }
AC system; if the converter output voltage Vi is made to lag
the AC system voltage VS then it absorbs reactive power to + j{bij (e j − ei ) + gij ( f j − fi ) + bce j } (7)
the AC system by inductive operation. If the output voltage
is equal to the AC system voltage, the reactive power
exchanges. Then Iivr, Ij divides into the real part, imaginary part and
respectively to differential state variable e i , e j , fi , f j .


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We can obtain the new admittance matrix and equivalent
injection current with the relations shown in (8).
I = YmatrixV (8)

∆Iivr,r   gij + gvr −gij −(bij + bc + bvr ) bij   ∆ei 

 ∆I   −g g b −(b + b )
 ∆e 
 j,r  =  ij ij ij ij c   j 
∆Iivr,i  (bij + bvr + bc ) −bij gij + gvr −gij   ∆fi 
    
∆I gij  ∆f j 
 j,i   −bij (bij + bc ) −gij

Fig 2 Hybrid Structure of Genetic Algorithms Combined with Ant Colony
III. Ant Colony Optimization plus Genetic Algorithm
The vast literature on metaheuristics tells us that a The population of ants 30
promising approach to obtaining high-quality solutions is to Iteration times 100
couple a local search algorithm with a mechanism to
Initial pheromone trail 30,00
generate initial solutions. In fact, in most search procedures,
the better the solutions quality returned, the higher the The relative influence of the pheromone trail 1
computation time required. Such a coupling of solution The relative influence of the heuristic information 2
construction of ant colony system with local search of GA is The pheromone evaporation rate 0.085
a promising approach for unit commitment problems. GA The chromosome crossover rate 0.5
has been successfully applied to a wide range of applications,
The chromosome mutation rate 0.08
mainly in solving combination optimization problems. GA
improves a solution constructed by an ant. In the following,
we study how the performance of the ACO algorithms IV. OBJECTIVE FUNCTION
improved when coupled with GA.
A common form of hybrid algorithm is the combination of In such a power network, it is desirable to keep the
the local search and global search. ACO is good at global voltage deviations between ±5% to avoid voltage collapses
search but slow to converge; GA is good at fine tuning but during faulty conditions. In general, if the load requirements
often falls into local optima. In this paper, the hybrid increase, the voltages at the corresponding buses may drop
approach complements the properties of ACO and GA below 0.95p.u. and consequently an additional voltage
search heuristic methods. Ant colony optimization is used to support is needed at that particular bus. In this study, the
perform global search to escape from local optima; Genetic voltage support will be provided by a STATCOM with ECI
algorithms are used to conduct fine tuning. The procedure of model, and its optimal location and capacity will be
GACO is as follow: determined by using GACO.
For instance, the IEEE 30-Bus system in Fig. 4 has 5
Procedure: ACO plus GA generators buses where voltage is regulated by the generator
AVRs. These generator buses do not need a STATCOM and
1. Input test data; are omitted from the GACO search process. Also
2. Set the parameters of GACO ; considering the topology of the system, the bus numbers are
3. Generated solutions based on the level of pheromone; limited to the range from 1 to 30.
4. fitness evaluation;
5. Calculate selection probability to select a pair of ant to be STATCOM selection to install the location principle
parents; 1. Because STATCOM are expensive, therefore the
6. Apply a crossover and mutation to generate offspring; minimum device installed is searched for economic
7. Evaluate offspring ; efficiency reasons.
8. Select the better solution from parents and offspring; 2. Generator buses where voltages are regulated by the
9. Update the pheromon ; generator do not need STATCOM installation.
10. If a prespecified stopping condition is satisfied, stop the 3. Each bus is limited to the installation of one device.
run; otherwise, return to step 3. Installing more does not represent a significant effect.
4. If the bus voltage is above 0.95 p.u., then STATCOM
is not installed.

According to the above discussion, candidates Bus are

shown in Table II.


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TABLE II where
CANDIDATE BUS ai, bi, ci: fuel cost coefficients of thermal plant
Bus 15 18 19 20 21 22 23 Vi : voltage magnitude at bus
Bus 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ei , f i : Real and imaginary part of voltage Vi at bus i
PGi : Dispatchable active power at bus i
(i, j ) : Transmission line connecting buses i and j
S ij2 , S 2ji : Apparent power of transmission line (i,j) or (j,i)
S L2,ij , S L2, ji : Apparent power limit of transmission line (i,j) or
(j,i) , where S L2,ij = S L2, ji .
Vsm: The STATCOM voltage Vs at candidate bus m
θsm: The phase angle of STATCOM at candidate bus m

The final implementation of the GACO algorithm is

illustrated in the flow chart shown in Fig. 3.


A 30-Bus test system as shown in Fig. 4 is used for this

paper. The test system consists of 5 generators and 24 PQ
bus (or load bus). The simulation is run in MATLAB.
The problem to be addressed consists of finding the
optimal location (bus number) and power rating (MVA) of
STATCOM with ECI model. In this case the GA is able to
find different options for both location and capacity of the
STATCOM with the ECI model.
The solution found by GACO, in terms of bus location
and capacity for each STATCOM unit, is shown in Table III.

Fig. 3 Flowchart of GACO optimization

The objective function to minimize the system operation

cost is presented in (9)

Min f(PGi ) = ∑ ai PGi + bi PGi + c (9)

i =1
subject to
 - I spec
r + I cal
r =0
 spec cal
 - I i + I i =0 (10)
- P + P + P cal = 0
 G 2 Load 2
 - VG + V cal = 0

S 2 ≤ S 2L ,ij
 ij Fig. 4 The 30-bus test system
 S ji2 ≤ S L ,ij
 (11) TABLE III
PGi ≤ PGi ≤ PGi
 V 2 ≤ (e 2 + f 2 ) ≤ V 2 SOLUTION FOUND BY GACO
 i i i i
STATCOM Location Capacity

VSm ≤ VSm ≤ VSm Unit (Bus number) (MVA)
 1 18 51.613
θ Sm ≤ θ Sm ≤ θ Sm
2 27 24.165


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The best solution is found by inserting STATCOM at ITERATIONS AND CPU TIMES BY GACO
bus 18 and bus 27. The power flow results, the voltage Tine(s) Max_time(s) 869 712 1169
comparison with and without STATCOM is show in Fig. 5 Min_time(s) 95 51 122
and Table IV. Table V show the comparison of GACO, GA Avg_time(s) 420 583 506
and EP. The system without the STATCOM has 17 buses CPUtime/count 18.4 18.33 16.96
with voltage below 0.95 p.u.. Once the STATCOM units are Cost Worst 774.7703 774.8686 775.5145
($/h) Best 774.7575 774.7575 774.7575
connected to buses 18 and 27 the voltage is improved. Average 774.7580 774.7600 774.7732
Count Max_count 44 39 69
Min_count 4 2 6
Voltage Comparison Avg_count 23.14 31.82 29.86

Additionally, In order to study the effect of the load
conditions in the optimal solution found by the GACO,
simulations are carried out by changing the load in each load
0.6 center in a range from 30% to 90%.
0.4 The Fig. 6 and Fig. 7 are the with and without
STATCOM voltage comparison for different load. In Fig. 6
and Fig. 7 is registered again a voltage improvement.
10 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30

Voltage Comparison
without STATCOM

Fig.5 Voltage comparison

Bus Voltage p.u. w/o Voltage p.u. with
number STATCOM units STATCOM units 0.4

10 0.93760 0.99402
14 0.92612 0.98576
15 0.91577 0.99541 0
16 0.93683 0.98307 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30
without STATCOM
17 0.92725 0.98056
Bsu with STATCOM
18 0.89363 1.05500
19 0.88846 1.01710 Fig. 6 Voltage comparison for 30% load
20 0.89860 1.00930
21 0.88873 0.96099
Voltage Comparison
22 0.89516 0.96705
23 0.89802 0.98157 1.2

24 0.89414 0.98194 1
25 0.89148 1.01800
26 0.85369 0.98311
27 0.90785 1.05700 0.6
29 0.85377 1.00760
30 0.82140 0.97714

9 10 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30
Bus without STATCOM

Fig. 7 Voltage comparison for 90% load


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The results obtained by the different load conditions are VI. CONCLUSIONS
shown in Table V and Table VI. Fig. 8 and Fig. 9 illustrate
the relationship between the different load conditions. From The paper has demonstrated the application of GACO
Table VI and Table VII, the capacity of the STATCOM does for location and capacity of STATCOM with ECI model in a
change under different load condition. power system considering at each bus the voltage constraints.
The study is carried out for the aim of voltage security
TABLE VI margin enhancement. Simulation results through an IEEE
LOCATION AND CAPACITY OF FIRST STATCOM FOR DIFFRTRNT 30bus validate the efficiency of the optimal location and
LOAD CONDITIONS capacity of STATCOM with the ECI model. The result
Load (%) Location (Bus) Capacity (MVA) shows the significantly voltage stability enhancement.
30 18 41.611
60 18 51.613
90 18 65.221 REFERENCES
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Load (%) Location (Bus) Capacity (MVA)
30 27 22.729
60 27 24.165
90 27 25.265

Fig. 9 STATCOM capacity for different load condition


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