Letterland Lesson 143

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4 ‘Preparation and materials , + PCCH Review st plus (Patsy Popp en Pees &.f.9, 11,8, p, Use the ‘Quick Dash « + Consonant Blend Corde be Melo reco s € Live Spelling Distribute the PCCs. Have the children with b, ¢, f, g, and p. é stand to the left of the class. Let one child hold Lucy Lamp Light's PCC. Lucy € . Bow Digents sng cD, #7 giands at the front of the class. The children with other PCs stay in their seat, © * Role the ies onachantor | hese the he Wi Sentence strips, TG CD 2 7 ene ht wil Il hold the flashlight. You will prob ably want to, le. ‘Small group independect dim the room lights if possibl + Letterland Word Builders ot Pccs:8, b,¢, d.f,g, 71,5, p, p, ck other letter sets = Shere i lag, plop, glad, click, black Practice: Tecan 2 Sentence Say the first word. Children repeat and rubber-band stretch the word. Lucy Lamp Tent then shines her flashlight on the Letterlandes de comes first in the word, Then the children with PCCs who are seated foal up their PCs so that Lucy can shine her light on the letters as the class rereads them. Do the same with about half of the words © Next, read the rest of the words without showing them to the children. Say a word and then guide the children ie tubber-band stretching the word, Then tell them to use their yes to point to the correct blend. (This keeps everyone thinking.) Then call on one child to place the word. ond Point to other words for the class to read together, as many of the words in the song. Hand the fl: f Tecounting the story. Ask the other children to listen, and when they et the : flashlight, to tell something that no one else has told yet. Pass the flashligl lashlight to a child to begin to various children for their comments, © Read the lyrics on the chart you have made, one sentence at a time, as you point to the words. Then have children echo-read the ee Bees na couple times. Have children highlight ae vou will the song again for children to sing along as you point to come back to this song in the next lesson.) } ‘ <$ Section 4: Consonant Blends Scanned with CamScanner | al | flop blocks| © Spelling with letter sets Call out the words for children to repeat and then sound out with fingers or rubber-band stretch. Children build the words and then spell them aloud (with eyes open or shut). Letters: a, b,c, f,f, 9,1, K,1,m,0, p,s,s, Words: class, flop, blocks, glass, plums, cliff © Sort Word Cards This time lay out the four short vowel BPCCs (or PCCs) as shown at the left. Have children take turns sorting a Word Card (see list in green box) under the vowels. Each time a child places a word they should point to all the words under that vowel forall to read. © Lesson 143 Sentence Practice Project a copy of the page or write the sentences on the board with blanks to guide the children in completing the ‘worksheet, Children complete each question and then write yes or no in the blank. Read the sentences together one at a time, and have children fll in the blanks. Then fill in your sentence for them to compare. When finished, each child reads their paper to another child Scanned with CamScanner

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