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Environmental Pollution 145 (2007) 516e528

Transfer and accumulation of metals in a soiledietewood mouse

food chain along a metal pollution gradient
Damien Rogival a,*, Jan Scheirs b, Ronny Blust a
Department of Biology, Ecophysiology, Biochemistry and Toxicology Group, University of Antwerp, Groenenborgerlaan 171, B-2020 Antwerp, Belgium
Department of Biology, Evolutionary Biology Group, University of Antwerp, Groenenborgerlaan 171, B-2020 Antwerp, Belgium
Received 5 December 2005; received in revised form 18 April 2006; accepted 19 April 2006

Non-essential metal transfer through a soildietwood mouse food chain is more important than essential metal transfer.


We studied the accumulation and transfer of As, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in the compartments of a soiledietewood mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus)
food chain at five sites located along a metal pollution gradient. We observed a clear gradient in metal exposure at increasing distance from the
smelter in all compartments of the food chain for the non-essential metals. The gradient was less clear or absent for the essential metals in acorn
and mice target tissues. Regression analysis showed overall strong relationships within the soilediet and dietewood mouse compartments for
the non-essential metals, while relationships for the essential metals were weak or absent. Total metal in soil appeared as a better predictor for
the diet metal content than the available metal fraction. Our results suggest a more important transfer of non-essential elements through the food
chain than essential elements, which is probably a consequence of homeostatic control of the latter group.
Ó 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Heavy metals; Transfer; Food chain; Cadmium; Apodemus sylvaticus

1. Introduction plant (Salomons and Förstner, 1984). The total soil concentra-
tion of a metal does therefore not necessarily indicate its avail-
Concentrations of metals in soils, organisms and their diet ability to plants and other soil organisms living in it (Sharma
provide information concerning their movement through the and Shupe, 1977). These influences may therefore complicate
environment, accumulation and potential toxicological effects the identification of patterns of uptake and accumulation. In
(Torres and Johnson, 2001). Many factors can influence the order to cope with this problem, extraction procedures that
transfer of metals to various compartments within the food give an indication of metal bioavailability have been devel-
chain. First, the type of metal is an important variable in all oped. Several authors have urged for more attention to metal
transfer routes. The transfer of non-essential metals, such as availability when analysing metal transfer within a food chain
Cd and Pb can differ greatly from essential metals, such as (e.g. Crommentuijn et al., 2000). Third, transfer of metals to
Zn and Cu, due to the efficient homeostatic regulation of es- terrestrial mammals depends on factors such as the species
sential metals in organisms (Sheffield et al., 2001). Second, and its diet, season and age (Hunter et al., 1987). Fourth, the
several physico-chemical (e.g. total metal concentration and route of exposure is also important. Although absorption of
speciation) and edaphic factors (e.g. pH and total organic con- some metals by inhalation is more efficient than from the gas-
tent) are known to influence the transfer of metals from soil to trointestinal tract, oral exposure by ingestion of contaminated
food is the dominant source of metals for wild mammals
(Hunter et al., 1987; Ma, 1989). Oral exposure can also occur
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ32 3 2653779; fax: þ32 3 2653497. by direct ingestion of contaminated soil, as a result of burrow-
E-mail address: (D. Rogival). ing activity and grooming (Beyer et al., 1994).

0269-7491/$ - see front matter Ó 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D. Rogival et al. / Environmental Pollution 145 (2007) 516e528 517

This paper describes the transfer of As, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn (Belgium). As, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn are the main pollutants in this area and
in a terrestrial soiledietemouse food chain at five sites along they form a decreasing pollution gradient away from the plant (VMM,
1999; Janssens et al., 2001; Tersago et al., 2004; Rogival et al., 2006). Metal
a metal pollution gradient. The selected food chain included soil pollution in the area around the factory is mainly a consequence of histor-
the wood mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus Linnaeus) and two pri- ical emissions during the period 1950e1970, and to a lesser extent also of re-
mary food items of the wood mouse diet, i.e. acorn (seeds of cent emission. The atmospheric metal emissions from the factory have
Quercus robur) and earthworm (Dendrodrilus rubidus and strongly decreased during the last decades (VMM, 1999). We established
Lumbricus rubellus). The wood mouse is an abundant oppor- five study sites along a west-east pollution gradient: i.e. Umicore (UM),
Fort 8, Fort 7, Fort 4 and Zoersel (reference site), located at respectively
tunist rodent species that occurs over most of Europe (Corbet 0.1, 1, 3, 8 and 27 km east of the factory (Fig. 1). All sites were deciduous
and Harris, 1991) and is a frequently used study organism for park areas where grasslands interfered with patches of deciduous forest.
monitoring metal pollution (Talmage and Walton, 1991;
Shore, 1995). The present study differs from most of the pre-
vious ecotoxicological field studies that focus on terrestrial 2.2. Field sampling strategy
mammals because it reports food chain relationships for
Six to ten oak trees (Quercus robur) were selected and marked within each
a wider range of elements and looks at total and available site: i.e. 10 at Zoersel, 9 at Fort 4, 10 at Fort 7, 9 at Fort 8, and 6 at UM. The
soil metal concentrations simultaneously and in conjunction minimum distance between the selected trees was 100 m. This distance is
with levels in food items and in tissues of wood mice. In based on the fact that the home range of wood mice in deciduous park areas
this study, metal transfer to the selected compartments of the varies from 250 to 5000 m2 (Corbet and Harris, 1991). We could therefore
wood chain was not measured directly, but was inferred safely assume that we had independent sample points within each site. Soil
samples, earthworms, acorn and wood mice were collected in the direct prox-
from a combination of different indirect measures as described imity of every oak tree. Based on the home range and migration distances of
by Notten et al. (2005). First, we measured metal concentra- wood mice in deciduous park areas described in the literature (Corbet and Har-
tions in the different food chain compartments at the five study ris, 1991), we have used the soil metal levels around each oak tree as an esti-
sites along the pollution gradient. Therefore, concentrations of mate of the soil contamination within the core home range of the wood mice
As, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn were determined in the soil (total and captured in the direct proximity of that tree (see Torres and Johnson, 2001;
Festa et al., 2003 for a comparable approach).
available concentration), acorns and earthworms, and in differ- Three soil samples per tree were collected according to a standardized
ent tissues (liver, kidney and bone tissue) of the wood mouse. sampling procedure as described elsewhere (Rogival et al., 2006). Collected
Next, we investigated if acorns and earthworms, and subse- soil samples were air-dried and passed through a 2-mm sieve to remove stones,
quently wood mice, showed elevated levels of metals when roots, and other large items. Afterwards, samples were stored in tightly closed
living on increasing levels of soil pollution. Therefore, we in- polyethylene jars at room temperature and protected from light until metal
vestigated the occurrence of positive relationships of metal The diet of wood mice constitutes mainly of seeds (70%), followed by an-
concentrations between the different food chain compart- imal food (15%) (which includes small invertebrates, such as earthworms) and
ments. Differences in the strength of these relationships, forbs (5e10%) (Corbet and Harris, 1991). These proportions can be greatly
measured as the coefficient of determination, were used as
a measure of the importance of the different transfer routes.
We expected positive relationships between metal concentra-
tions in the soilediet compartments. Within the soilediet com-
partments, we expected stronger relationships between the Zoersel
available soil metal concentrations and the food items than
between the total soil metal concentrations and the food items, Flanders
since total soil concentration of a metal does not necessarily
indicate its availability to plants and other soil organisms. We
expected positive relationships between metal concentrations
in the dietewood mouse compartments. We expected stronger
relationships between metal concentrations in the acorn and Highway
0 1 2
Sampling location
wood mouse, than between the earthworm and wood mouse, Pollution Source Kilometres
since the diet of wood mouse constitutes mainly of seeds River
(70%), followed by animal food (15%) and forbs (5e10%) Scheldt Antwerp
(Corbet and Harris, 1991). We expected a more important trans-
fer of non-essential metals through the food chain compared to
essential metals, due to the efficient homeostatic regulation of
essential metals in organisms (Sheffield et al., 2001). Fort 4
factory Fort 7
2. Materials and methods Fort 8

2.1. Study sites

The present study was performed along a pollution gradient originating Fig. 1. Map of the study area (Belgium). The lower map is an enlarged and
from a still active non-ferrous metallurgic plant in the south of Antwerp detailed representation of the square in the upper map. UM, Umicore.
518 D. Rogival et al. / Environmental Pollution 145 (2007) 516e528

affected by the abundance of different food items. Corbet and Harris (1991) As, Cu, Pb and Zn in the soil samples were measured using ICP-AES (Varian
showed that seeds, including acorn, are dominant food items during most of Liberty series) and of Cd using ICP-MS (Varian Ultra-Mass series). The same
the year, while invertebrates, including earthworms, are mainly consumed in metals were measured using the above mentioned ICP-MS for the extractable
late winter. Acorn is the dominant seed in our study areas during winter, which metal concentrations in the soil samples, the total metal concentrations in the
was the period preceding the start of our capturing sessions (FebruaryeMay). food items and in the mice tissues. Only Pb was measured in the bone samples
We also chose to analyze earthworms because it was the only invertebrate spe- for two reasons: (1) in the case of chronic metal exposure, as is the case in the
cies that was present in large quantities and readily available for consumption present study, Pb is mainly accumulated in bone tissue. Metals such as Cd, Cu
in all of the study sites during the period before the trapping sessions. A sec- and Zn are mainly accumulated in liver and kidney, while only very small
ond reason for analyzing both the acorns and the earthworms is that metal con- amounts of these metals are accumulated in bone tissue (Sheffield et al.,
centrations may differ greatly among animal and plant food items (Hunter and 2001) and (2) in order to reduce the already large number of data and analyses.
Johnson, 1982). Five earthworms and acorns per tree were collected from the All metal concentrations were expressed on a dry weight (dw) basis in mg g1
soils by digging and hand sorting. Back in the laboratory, the food items were or mg g1. Analytical accuracy was determined using certified reference ma-
rinsed with ultra pure water and the earthworms were identified. Most (78%) terial of the Community Bureau of Reference (Belgium). Standards for trace
earthworms belonged to the species Dendrodrilus rubidus and Lumbricus ru- elements in river sediment (BCR 320) were used for the analysis of the total
bellus. Dendrodrilus rubidus was the main earthworm species collected in all metal concentration in the soil samples. Olive leaves (BCR 62), mussel tissue
of the study sites compared to Lumbricus rubellus. Metal analysis was only (CRM 278) and bovine liver (BCR 185) were used for the metal analysis of the
performed with these two species, since they were both found in large numbers food items and mice tissues. An in-house reference material of The Federal
in all of the five sampling sites. The ingested soil present in the gut of the cap- Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM) (Berlin, Germany); soil
tured earthworms was not removed before metal analysis because that soil is sample ANEx-RV6-xxx, was used for the analysis of the extractable metal
also ingested by the wood mouse when eating the earthworm. As a conse- concentrations in the soil samples. Two blank and two reference samples
quence, the wood mouse is not only exposed to the metals in the tissues of were included for each batch of 20 soil, food and tissue samples. Analyses
the earthworm but also to the metals of the soil in the earthworm’s gut. The were accepted when recoveries ranged between 90% and 110% of the certified
food items were stored in polyethylene jars at 20  C until metal analysis. values. After metal analyses, the total soil concentrations were compared with
A minimum of three wood mice were collected in the direct proximity of the Belgian standards for the assessment of polluted soils, including a sanita-
every oak tree. Wood mice were caught overnight with Sherman live traps tion norm and a target value (VLAREBO, 2004). The sanitation norm is the
baited with peanut butter from mid-April till the end of May 2003. Five traps, maximum allowable metal concentration, and soil remediation measures
placed within a 20 m circle of each tree, were set in the evening (7 pm) and should be considered if this concentration is exceeded. The target value is
checked at dawn (7 am). A total of 126 mice were collected: 21 at UM (13 the Belgian background metal concentration for a clean standard soil (i.e.
males and 8 females), 29 at Fort 8 (16 males and 13 females), 29 at Fort 7 soil with clay content of 10% and organic matter of 2%).
(16 males and 13 females), 23 at Fort 4 (14 males and 9 females) and 24 at
Zoersel (13 males and 11 females). The captured wood mice were transported
to the laboratory and euthanized with ether according to legal procedures 2.4. Statistical analyses
(ACUC, 1998). The mice were sexed, weighed and tissues (liver, kidney and
bones) were dissected. Liver and kidney are the main target organs for metal A linear mixed model analyses (LMM) was performed in order to test for
accumulation in general, and bone tissue for Pb accumulation specifically differences in metal concentrations in soil and food items among sites. Mixed-
(50e70% of the total body burden) (Sheffield et al., 2001). Bone samples com- effects models provide a powerful and flexible tool for the analysis of balanced
prised the femur, tibia and fibula of both hind legs. Muscle and other tissue and unbalanced group data. Second, both fixed and random effects can be an-
attached to the bones were completely removed with the scalpel during the dis- alysed with this technique (SAS Institute, 1999). Site was used as an indepen-
section and bones were cleaned afterwards with ultra pure water. The tissues dent class variable in our LMM analysis of the soil data. Tree nested within
were stored at 20  C until metal analysis. Eye lenses were isolated and study area was used as a random variable. The different metals were used
stored in 10% formaldehyde for age determination as described by Vandorpe as dependent variables. Differences in body mass and tissue metal content
and Verhagen (1980). were analysed in a comparable way, except for the fact that age, gender and
all possible interactions among the fixed independent variables were included
in the model. Age and gender were included in the model in order to account
2.3. Sample preparation and metal analyses for potential age and gender effects. The age structure of the different popula-
tions was compared using a linear mixed model analysis with tree nested
The total metal concentrations of the soil samples were determined using within study area as a random variable. Site, gender and the interaction be-
the aqua regia extraction procedure as described elsewhere (Rogival et al., tween both were used as fixed effects. In order to meet the assumptions of
2006). the latter LMM analyses, the dependent variable was always log10(x þ 1)
The available metal content of the soil was determined using extraction transformed. All previous mixed model analyses were calculated using the
with 1 mol L1 ammonium nitrate solution according to the standard German PROC MIXED module in SAS (SAS Institute, 1999). The degrees of freedom
protocol DIN 19730 (DIN, 1997). Use of ammonium nitrate soil extraction as of the fixed effects F-test were adjusted for statistical dependence using
a reliable indicator of metal availability to organisms has previously been dem- Kenward Roger formulas. Variance components were estimated by restricted
onstrated (Wenzel et al., 2001; Pueyo et al., 2004). A 10 g dried and homoge- maximum likelihood (REML). Model reduction was performed by dropping
nised soil sample was extracted with 25 mL of 1 mol L1 ammonium nitrate non-significant (a ¼ 0.05) fixed effects in a backward hierarchical way, start-
solution for 2 h on a mechanical end-over-end type shaker rotating at ing with the least significant highest order interaction term (Verbeke and
20 rpm. After settling of the undissolved residue, the supernatant solution Molenberghs, 1997). We used a Tukey multiple comparisons test in order to
was filtered through a 0.45 mm cellulose acetate membrane filter. The filtrate establish differences among sites and between genders (SAS Institute, 1999).
was acidified with 500 mL sub-boiled HNO3 and used for analysis. The relationship between total and available soil metal concentrations was
Tissues (liver, kidney and bone) and food items (acorn and earthworm) studied using Pearson’s correlations (Statsoft, 1994). Regression techniques
were placed in acid-cleaned polypropylene vials and dried for 24 h at were used to investigate the relationships between two different food chain
60  C. Subsequently, samples were digested with sub-boiled HNO3 (70%) compartments for each metal over all five study sites (Statsoft, 1994). All vari-
and H2O2 (30%). Using the procedure described by Blust et al. (1988), the di- ables were log10(x þ 1) transformed in order to meet the assumptions of the
gestion was completed by heating the samples in a microwave oven. After- parametric test. All regression analyses were based on colocated data (e.g.
wards, the digested samples were diluted with ultra pure water, and stored within home ranges of wood mice). Therefore, mean soil, food and tissue
at 20  C until analysed. metal concentrations were calculated for every selected tree and means were
An internal standard yttrium solution was spiked in all of the measured used in the analyses (see Torres and Johnson, 2001; Festa et al., 2003 for
samples to correct for possible matrix effects. The total concentrations of a comparable approach).
D. Rogival et al. / Environmental Pollution 145 (2007) 516e528 519

3. Results to the factory, were 9, 95, 4, 3 and 11 times higher than the re-
spective concentrations at the reference site, Zoersel. Accord-
3.1. Metal concentrations in food chain compartments ing to the Belgian environmental standards, the soils at UM
and Fort 8, the sites nearest to the metallurgic factory, highly
3.1.1. Total and available metal concentrations in the soil exceeded the target value for all metals, and exceeded the san-
All total soil metal concentrations differed significantly itation norm for As, Cd and Pb (Fig. 2) (VLAREBO, 2004). At
among sites (Fig. 2). Total soil concentrations of As, Cd, Cu, Fort 7, the total soil Cd concentration exceeded the target value
Pb, and Zn at UM and Fort 8, the sites nearest to the factory, and still slightly exceeded the sanitation standard. The total soil
were significantly higher than those at the other sites. Total concentrations of Cu and Pb at this site still exceeded the target
soil concentrations of these metals at UM, the site adjacent value, but were similar to the target value for As and Zn. A

120 0.16 28 6
c b d

Available [Cd] in soil (µg g-1 dw)

Available [As] in soil (µg g-1 dw)
0.14 c

Total [Cd] in soil (µg g-1 dw)

Total [As] in soil (µg g-1 dw)

100 24 5
c b
80 4
0.10 c
60 0.08 3
40 a 2
a 8
b a 0.04
20 c b 1
a 0.02 4 b ab
a a
0 0.00 0 0
UM Fort 8 Fort 7 Fort 4 Zoersel UM Fort 8 Fort 7 Fort 4 Zoersel

240 1.0 350 18

Available [Cu] in soil (µg g-1 dw)

Available [Pb] in soil (µg g-1 dw)

c 16
Total [Cu] in soil (µg g-1 dw)

Total [Pb] in soil (µg g-1 dw)

b 300 c
200 0.8 14
250 c
c 12
c 0.6
200 ac 10
b 150 8
a 0.4
40 a a 6
a 100
0.2 b
20 a a

0 0.0 0 0
UM Fort 8 Fort 7 Fort 4 Zoersel UM Fort 8 Fort 7 Fort 4 Zoersel

630 18
Available [Zn] in soil (µg g-1 dw)

Total [Zn] in soil (µg g-1 dw)

c ab 12
200 ab
ab 10
160 8
120 b
b 6
80 4

40 a 2

0 0
UM Fort 8 Fort 7 Fort 4 Zoersel

Fig. 2. Mean total (white bars) and available (black bars) metal concentrations (mg g1 dw  SE) in the soils of the five study sites along a metal pollution gradient
(UM (Umicore), n ¼ 21; Fort 8 and Fort 7, n ¼ 29; Fort 4, n ¼ 23; Zoersel, n ¼ 24). Total metal concentration: As: F4,41 ¼ 60.43, p < 0.001; Cd: F4,40 ¼ 54.44,
p < 0.001; Cu: F4,40 ¼ 19.65, p < 0.001; Pb: F4,40 ¼ 17.46, p < 0.001; Zn: F4,40 ¼ 43.84, p < 0.001. Available metal concentration: As: F4,40 ¼ 14.10, p < 0.001;
Cd: F4,40 ¼ 24.48, p < 0.001; Cu: F4,40 ¼ 5.04, p ¼ 0.002; Pb: F4,36 ¼ 3.88, p ¼ 0.01; Zn: F4,40 ¼ 2.95, p ¼ 0.03. Bars with the same letter do not differ signif-
icantly from each other (Tukey multiple comparisons test, a ¼ 0.05). F (ndf, ddf ), F distribution with numerator degrees of freedom (ndf ) and denominator degrees
of freedom (ddf ). Dotted line (bottom), target value (see text); dashed line (top), sanitation norm (see text). Both values are according to the Belgian standards for
the assessment of polluted soils.
520 D. Rogival et al. / Environmental Pollution 145 (2007) 516e528

comparison of the soil data with several international target Zoersel and Fort 4, but did not differ significantly from Fort 7.
values revealed the same results as describes here above (e.g. Available Zn concentration in the soil at UM was 4 times higher
Andersen et al., 1994). All soil concentrations at Fort 4 and compared to Zoersel but did not differ significantly from the
Zoersel, the sites furthest away from the non-ferrous plant, rest of the sites.
were around or below the target value, except Pb at Zoersel. Total and available metal concentrations in the soil showed
Available soil concentrations differed significantly among positive relationships for all measured metals (As: n ¼ 134,
sites for all metals (Fig. 2). The soils at UM and Fort 8, the sites r ¼ 0.46, p < 0.001; Cd: n ¼ 128, r ¼ 0.85, p < 0.001; Cu:
nearest to the factory, had significantly higher available As, Cd n ¼ 134, r ¼ 0.51, p < 0.001; Pb: n ¼ 134, r ¼ 0.37,
and Cu concentrations than those at the other sites. Available p ¼ 0.01; Zn: n ¼ 134, r ¼ 0.51, p < 0.001).
concentrations of these metals at UM, the site adjacent to the
factory, were 3, 63 and 5 times higher than the respective con- 3.1.2. Metal concentrations in selected food items
centrations at the reference site, Zoersel. Available Pb concen- All measured metal concentrations in the acorns, except for
trations at UM and Fort 8 were significantly higher compared to Zn, differed significantly among sites (Fig. 3). Concentrations

0.10 250 1.4 500

b c

[Cd] in earthworm (µg g-1 dw)

[As] in earthworm (µg g-1 dw)
c 1.2

[Cd] in acorn (µg g-1 dw)

[As] in acorn (µg g-1 dw)

0.08 b 200 400

1.0 c

0.06 150 300

0.6 200
0.04 100
a a
a 0.4
a b a
0.02 b a 50 100
a a a a
0.00 0 0.0 0
UM Fort 8 Fort 7 Fort 4 Zoersel UM Fort 8 Fort 7 Fort 4 Zoersel

60 100 5 1000
[Cu] in earthworm (µg g-1 dw)

[Pb] in earthworm (µg g-1 dw)

c a b
[Cu] in acorn (µg g-1 dw)

[Pb] in acorn (µg g-1 dw)

ab 80 4 800
40 ab
b 60 3 b 600

40 2 400
b a
20 1 200
10 a
a a a
a a
0 0 0 0
UM Fort 8 Fort 7 Fort 4 Zoersel UM Fort 8 Fort 7 Fort 4 Zoersel

70 1200
[Zn] in earthworm (µg g-1 dw)

[Zn] in acorn (µg g-1 dw)

b a b 800
a a

10 200

0 0
UM Fort 8 Fort 7 Fort 4 Zoersel

Fig. 3. Mean metal concentrations (mg g1 dw  SE) in acorn (white bars) and earthworm (black bars) from the five study sites along a metal pollution gradient
(UM (Umicore), n ¼ 24; Fort 8, n ¼ 30; Fort 7, n ¼ 32; Fort 4, n ¼ 29; Zoersel, n ¼ 30). Acorn: As: F4,38 ¼ 13.21, p < 0.001; Cd: F4,36 ¼ 7.84, p < 0.001; Cu:
F4,37 ¼ 3.19, p ¼ 0.02; Pb: F4,39 ¼ 25.91, p < 0.001; Zn: F4,37 ¼ 3.22, ns. Earthworm: As: F4,33 ¼ 43.79, p < 0.001; Cd: F4,33 ¼ 106.11, p < 0.001; Cu:
F4,37 ¼ 58.86, p < 0.001; Pb: F4,35 ¼ 44.14, p < 0.001; Zn: F4,34 ¼ 4.32, p ¼ 0.006. Bars with the same letter do not differ significantly from each other (Tukey
multiple comparisons test, a ¼ 0.05). F (ndf, ddf ), F distribution with numerator degrees of freedom (ndf ) and denominator degrees of freedom (ddf ). ns, non-
D. Rogival et al. / Environmental Pollution 145 (2007) 516e528 521

of As, Cd and Pb were significantly higher in the acorns from mass of the wood mice among the five study sites (Rogival
UM and Fort 8 compared to the other sites. Concentrations of et al., 2006). It is therefore unlikely that differences among
As, Cd and Pb at the most polluted site UM were 6, 5 and 14 sites in tissue metal concentrations are due to site differences
times higher than the respective concentrations at the refer- in age structure or body mass. Nevertheless, these factors may
ence site, Zoersel. Concentrations of Cu in the acorns from still explain some of the within site variation.
Zoersel were higher compared to Fort 4 but did not differ sig-
nificantly from UM, Fort 8 and Fort 7. 3.3. Relationships between the food chain compartments
We observed no significant differences in metal concentra-
tions between the two sampled earthworm species Dendrodri- Significant positive relationships were found between metal
lus rubidus and Lumbricus rubellus (As: F1,128 ¼ 1.09, concentrations in acorn and total soil concentrations for As,
p ¼ 0.299; Cd: F1,138 ¼ 0.03, p ¼ 0.862; Cu: F1,135 ¼ 0.09, Cd and Pb, and between metal concentrations in acorn and
p ¼ 0.763; Pb: F1,136 ¼ 0.52, p ¼ 0.473; Zn: F1,133 ¼ 0.01, available concentrations for Cd and Pb (Table 1). No such re-
p ¼ 0.959). Therefore, the two species were pooled in the lationships were observed for Cu and Zn. The coefficients of
rest of the statistical analysis. All measured metal concentra- determination (r2) varied between 0.32 and 0.53 (acornetotal
tions in the earthworms differed significantly among sites soil) and between 0.17 and 0.37 (acorneavailable soil). Rela-
(Fig. 3). Concentrations of As, Cd, Cu and Pb in the earth- tionships between the earthworm and total soil metal concen-
worms from UM and Fort 8, the sites nearest to the metallurgic trations were significantly positive for all metals. The r2 values
plant, were significantly higher compared to the other sites. varied between 0.32 and 0.86. Significant positive relation-
Levels of Zn in the earthworms from UM were higher com- ships were found between the earthworm and available soil
pared to Zoersel and Fort 4, but did not differ significantly metal concentrations for all metals, except for As. The r2
from Fort 8 and Fort 7. Levels of As, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in values varied between 0.12 and 0.45. Metal concentrations
the earthworms from the most polluted site UM were 30, 31, in the acorn and the mouse tissues showed positive relation-
7, 22 and 3 times higher than the respective earthworm con- ships for Cd and Pb. The r2 values varied between 0.33 and
centrations at the reference site, Zoersel. Comparison of the 0.71. No such relationships were observed for As, Cu and
metal concentrations in the acorns and the earthworms showed Zn. Significant positive relationships were found between
that all metal levels were higher in the earthworms. earthworm and mouse tissues (liver, kidney and bones) for
Cd, Pb and Zn. The r2 values varied between 0.16 and 0.71.
3.1.3. Metal concentrations in mouse tissues No such relationships were observed for As and Cu.
Concentrations of Cd, Pb and Zn in liver and kidney dif-
fered significantly among sites, while concentrations of As 4. Discussion
and Cu did not (Fig. 4). Hepatic and renal Cd and Pb concen-
trations at UM and Fort 8, the sites nearest to the metallurgic 4.1. Metal concentrations in food chain compartments
plant, were significantly higher compared to the other sites.
Levels of these metals at the most polluted site UM were for 4.1.1. Total and available metal concentrations in the soil
livers 45 and 19, and for kidney 18 and 12 times higher than Total soil metal concentrations at Fort 4 and Zoersel com-
the respective tissue concentrations at the reference site, Zoer- pared fairly well with total concentrations of reference soils
sel. Hepatic and renal Zn levels at UM, the site adjacent to the reported in other studies, but those at Fort 7, Fort 8 and UM
metallurgic plant, were higher compared to Fort 4 and Zoersel, were significantly higher (Andersen et al., 1994; Bak et al.,
but did not differ significantly from Fort 8 and Fort 7. Bone Pb 1997; Tarvainen and Kallio, 2002). Total soil concentrations
concentrations at UM and Fort 8 were significantly higher than of As, Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn decreased with increasing distance
compared to the other sites (Fig. 4). Bone Pb concentration at from the non-ferrous metallurgic factory. This corresponds
the most polluted site UM was 19 times higher than at the ref- with the fact that the non-ferrous factory is one of the impor-
erence site, Zoersel. The kidney contained higher levels of As tant metal emitting point sources of Cd and Pb, and to a lesser
and Cd than the liver, while the Cu and Zn concentrations extent of As, Cu, and Zn in Flanders (VMM, 1999). Yet, metal
were comparable. The highest Pb concentrations were mea- pollution in the area around the factory is mainly a conse-
sured in the bone tissue, followed by the kidney and the liver. quence of historical emissions.
We observed a significant increase in hepatic and renal Cd While high total concentrations of As, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn
concentrations with age (see statistics in legend Fig. 4). No pose potentially high exposure to local biota, conditions con-
significant gender effect was observed for all the measured trolling metal availability also must be considered in charac-
metal concentrations in liver and kidney. No significant gender terizing the transfer of metals into the food web. Relatively
and age effects were observed for the Pb concentration in the small fractions of the total metals in soil were extractable
bone tissues. with ammonium nitrate, suggesting limited availability of
metals for uptake by organisms (As: 0e0.4%, Cd: 18e38%,
3.2. Age and body mass of wood mice Cu: 0.6e2%, Pb: 4e7%, Zn: 8e16%). Use of ammonium ni-
trate soil extraction as a reliable indicator of metal availability
A previous publication on the same wood mice individuals to organisms has clearly been demonstrated for Cd, Cu, Pb and
already showed no significant differences in age and body Zn, while it is questionable for As (Wenzel et al., 2001; Pueyo
522 D. Rogival et al. / Environmental Pollution 145 (2007) 516e528

0.35 0.35 80 80
70 d d 70
0.30 0.30 60 60

[Cd] in kidney (µg g-1 dw)

[As] in kidney (µg g-1 dw)
[As] in liver (µg g-1 dw)

[Cd] in liver (µg g-1 dw)

50 50
a a
0.25 0.25
a 30 c 30
0.20 0.20
a 25 c 25
0.15 a 0.15 20 20
a a b
0.10 a 0.10 15 15
10 10
0.05 0.05 b a
5 a 5
0.00 0.00 0 0
UM Fort 8 Fort 7 Fort 4 Zoersel UM Fort 8 Fort 7 Fort 4 Zoersel

30 30 1.8 14
a 1.6 c 12

[Cu] in kidney (µg g-1 dw)

[Pb] in kidney (µg g-1 dw)

25 a a a a
[Cu] in liver (µg g-1 dw)

[Pb] in liver (µg g-1 dw)

a a a 10
20 a 20 1.2 b
a c
1.0 8
15 15
0.8 6
10 10 0.6
a 4
b a b
5 5 2
0.2 a a

0 0 0.0 0
UM Fort 8 Fort 7 Fort 4 Zoersel UM Fort 8 Fort 7 Fort 4 Zoersel

140 140 35

120 b b b b b b 120 30 c
[Zn] in kidney (µg g-1 dw)

[Pb] in bone (µg g-1 dw)

[Zn] in liver (µg g-1 dw)

100 100 25
a a a a c

80 80 20

60 60 15

40 40 10

20 20 5 a a

0 0 0
UM Fort 8 Fort 7 Fort 4 Zoersel UM Fort 8 Fort 7 Fort 4 Zoersel

Fig. 4. Mean metal concentrations (mg g dw  SE) in liver (black bars), kidney (white bars) and bone tissue of wood mice from the five study sites along a metal
pollution gradient (UM (Umicore), n ¼ 21; Fort 8 and Fort 7, n ¼ 29; Fort 4, n ¼ 23; Zoersel, n ¼ 24). The following results relate to site effects. Liver: As:
F4,38 ¼ 2.65, ns; Cd: F4,39 ¼ 60.20, p < 0.001; Cu: F4,36 ¼ 0.69, ns; Pb: F4,36 ¼ 12.16, p < 0.001; Zn: F4,37 ¼ 3.17, p ¼ 0.02. Kidney: As: F4,33 ¼ 1.94, ns;
Cd: F4,37 ¼ 49.08, p < 0.001; Cu: F4,33 ¼ 0.48, ns; Pb: F4,38 ¼ 21.54, p < 0.001; Zn: F4,36 ¼ 5.07, p ¼ 0.002. Bone: Pb: F4,37 ¼ 69.98, p < 0.001. The following
results relate to age effects. Liver: Cd: F1,101 ¼ 7.09, p ¼ 0.009. Kidney: Cd: F1,101 ¼ 39.28, p < 0.001. Bars with the same letter do not differ significantly from
each other (Tukey multiple comparisons test, a ¼ 0.05). F (ndf, ddf ), F distribution with numerator degrees of freedom (ndf ) and denominator degrees of freedom
(ddf ). ns, non-significant.

et al., 2004). Wenzel et al. (2001) reported that ammonium ni- and non-contaminated sites (Table 2). Analogous to other
trate soil extraction has rather low extraction efficiency for As, studies (Stefanov et al., 1995; Angelova et al., 2004), we ob-
which may indicate that this extraction is rather unsuitable to served higher concentrations of As, Cd and Pb in the acorns
determine available As concentrations in soil samples. The at the most polluted sites Fort 8 and UM compared to our ref-
low extraction efficiency for As is supported by the very low erence site, Zoersel. No differences in acorn metal levels were
available As concentrations measured in the present study. observed for Zn and only small differences for Cu despite the
fact that soil concentrations varied considerably among sites
4.1.2. Metal concentrations in selected food items for these two metals. In contrast to these results, Stefanov
All metal concentrations in the acorns from the five sam- et al. (1995) and Angelova et al. (2004) observed higher Zn
pling sites were within the range reported in the literature and Cu concentrations in seeds from polluted sites compared
for seeds and nuts of different plant species from contaminated to seeds from reference sites.
D. Rogival et al. / Environmental Pollution 145 (2007) 516e528 523

Table 1 earthworms than the acorns. The accumulation of high tissue

Results of regression analyses for metal concentration (mg g1 dry wt) between metal concentrations by earthworms is well documented.
the dietesoil (n ¼ 37) and mouseediet (n ¼ 37) compartments
Metals taken up by earthworms either through the skin or
Variables ( yex) a b r2 from ingested soil may contribute to the high metal levels ob-
Dietesoil served (Kennette et al., 2002). The low metal concentrations
log As acornelog total As soil 1.20 0.72 0.51 *** measured in the seeds are in agreement with the tendency of
log Cd acornelog total Cd soil 0.01 0.57 0.32 ***
log Cu acornelog total Cu soil 1.81 0.13 0.02 ns
many metals to become immobilized in root and other
log Pb acornelog total Pb soil 1.80 0.72 0.53 *** below-ground storage plant tissues and undergo limited trans-
log Zn acornelog total Zn soil 2.95 0.22 0.05 ns location to aboveground structures. Therefore, seeds typically
log As acornelog avail. As soil 0.01 0.27 0.08 ns contain much lower metal concentrations than other plant
log Cd acornelog avail. Cd soil 0.04 0.61 0.37 *** parts (Torres and Johnson, 2001).
log Cu acornelog avail. Cu soil 0.06 0.05 0.003 ns
log Pb acornelog avail. Pb soil 0.79 0.41 0.17 *
log Zn acornelog avail. Zn soil 0.42 0.13 0.02 ns 4.1.3. Metal concentrations in mouse tissues
log As earthwormelog total As soil 0.82 0.87 0.75 *** The observed high tissue concentrations for Cd, Pb and Zn
log Cd earthwormelog total Cd soil 0.71 0.93 0.86 *** at the most polluted sites UM and Fort 8 are in accordance
log Cu earthwormelog total Cu soil 0.43 0.85 0.73 *** with previous studies in the same pollution gradient. Metal
log Pb earthwormelog total Pb soil 1.28 0.74 0.55 ***
log Zn earthwormelog total Zn soil 1.30 0.57 0.32 **
levels in excrements of passerine birds (Janssens et al.,
log As earthwormelog avail. As soil 0.01 0.30 0.09 ns 2001), in organs of wood mice (Tersago et al., 2004) and in
log Cd earthwormelog avail. Cd soil 0.19 0.67 0.45 *** blood of humans (Staessen et al., 2001) in the same metal gra-
log Cu earthwormelog avail. Cu soil 0.03 0.35 0.12 * dient showed the same pattern. After comparing the tissue
log Pb earthwormelog avail. Pb soil 0.47 0.49 0.24 ** metal concentrations observed in the present study with those
log Zn earthwormelog avail. Zn soil 0.60 0.39 0.15 *
reported in the literature for small rodents at contaminated and
Mouseediet non-contaminated sites (Table 3), we can conclude that only
log As liverelog As acorn 0.01 0.02 0.0002 ns
the hepatic and renal Cd levels at the most polluted sites
log Cd liverelog Cd acorn 0.08 0.61 0.37 ***
log Cu liverelog Cu acorn 2.04 0.25 0.06 ns UM and Fort 8 were comparable to hepatic and renal Cd levels
log Pb liverelog Pb acorn 0.14 0.68 0.46 *** in rodents from other heavily polluted environments. Further-
log Zn liverelog Zn acorn 1.98 0.13 0.02 ns more, the measured renal Cd concentrations in UM and Fort 8
log As kidneyelog As acorn 0.005 0.30 0.09 ns were one of the highest concentrations ever reported in kidney
log Cd kidneyelog Cd acorn 0.04 0.57 0.33 ***
of free-living wood mice (Table 3). The tissue concentrations
log Cu kidneyelog Cu acorn 1.07 0.10 0.01 ns
log Pb kidneyelog Pb acorn 0.04 0.67 0.44 *** of As, Cu, Pb and Zn at the most polluted sites UM and Fort 8
log Zn kidneyelog Zn acorn 1.63 0.002 0.00001 ns were generally much lower than the concentrations reported in
log Pb boneelog Pb acorn 0.09 0.84 0.71 *** other heavily polluted environments (Table 3). As a result we
log As liverelog As earthworm 1.30 0.07 0.01 ns hypothesize that only the high Cd tissue levels may possibly
log Cd liverelog Cd earthworm 1.00 0.85 0.73 ***
cause toxic effects in wood mice from the most polluted sites.
log Cu liverelog Cu earthworm 1.51 0.02 0.0005 ns
log Pb liverelog Pb earthworm 1.70 0.60 0.36 *** However, further research is needed to elucidate if wood mice
log Zn liverelog Zn earthworm 0.52 0.44 0.19 * from the most polluted sites encounter toxic effects of the high
log As kidneyelog As earthworm 0.04 0.003 0.08 ns Cd tissue levels observed in the present study. In contrast, it is
log Cd kidneyelog Cd earthworm 0.46 0.79 0.62 *** likely that far greater As, Cu, Pb and Zn tissue concentrations
log Cu kidneyelog Cu earthworm 0.02 0.11 0.01 ns
would have to occur in order to cause toxic effects.
log Pb kidneyelog Pb earthworm 1.47 0.59 0.35 ***
log Zn kidneyelog Zn earthworm 0.54 0.40 0.16 *
log Pb boneelog Pb earthworm 1.09 0.84 0.71 *** 4.2. Soileacorn and soileearthworm metal transfer
2 2
a, intercept; b, slope; r , coefficient of determination; avail., available. r sig-
nificant at *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01 and ***p < 0.001 level; ns, not significant. Significant positive correlations were observed between
total soil and acorn metal concentrations for As, Cd and Pb,
and between available soil and acorn metal concentrations
The metal concentrations in the earthworm species Dendro- for Cd and Pb. In contrast to our results, Torres and Johnson
drilus rubidus and Lumbricus rubellus from the five sampling (2001) did not find significant relationships for these metals
sites were within the range reported in the literature for these between the seeds of salt marsh bulrush (Scirpus robustus)
two species and other earthworm species from contaminated and the total or DTPA-extractable soil concentrations.
and non-contaminated sites (Table 2). Analogous to other Significant positive correlations were observed between
studies (Van Hook, 1974; Pizl and Josens, 1995), we observed total soil and earthworm metal concentrations for all metals.
higher concentrations of As, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in earthworms The relationships between available soil and earthworm metal
at the most polluted sites Fort 8 and UM compared to our ref- concentrations were significantly positive for all metals,
erence site, Zoersel. except for As. Our results support earlier reports on observed
After comparing the metal concentrations in the acorns and positive relationships between earthworms and total or avail-
earthworms at the five sampling sites, we can conclude that all able soil metal residues (Pizl and Josens, 1995; Rida and
measured metal concentrations were much higher in the Bouché, 1997; Kennette et al., 2002).
524 D. Rogival et al. / Environmental Pollution 145 (2007) 516e528

Table 2
Mean metal concentrations (mg g1 dw) in seeds and nuts of different plant species and in earthworm species at reference (Ref) and polluted (Poll) sites reported in
the literature
Source As Cd Cu Pb Zn
Ref Poll Ref Poll Ref Poll Ref Poll Ref Poll
Seeds and nuts
Current study Quercus robur 0.02 0.08 0.22 1.03 29.3 41.8 0.28 3.79 48.6 55.3
Murillo et al., 1999 Helianthus annuus 0.01 0.06 0.08 0.24 17.8 47.2 0.27 0.42 43.6 73.6
Torres and Johnson, Scirpus cyperinus 0.03 e e e 12.7 e 0.11 e e e
Bennett et al., 2000 Zizania aquatica 0.02 0.09 0.01 e 3.2 e 0.15 e 36.8 e
Folkeson et al., 1990 Fagus sylvatica e e 0.09 e 19.7 e e e 36.1 e
Angelova et al., 2003 Linum usitatissimum e e 0.52 2.30 12.0 45.2 1.50 11.3 19.8 97.4
Angelova et al., 2003 Cannabis sativa e e 0.30 1.00 5.9 8.9 1.00 7.61 17.8 73.5
Stefanov et al., 1995 Pisum sativum e e 0.45 1.13 e e 0.65 3.84 32.4 56.0
Stefanov et al., 1995 Zea mays e e 0.19 0.24 e e 0.27 5.71 22.4 26.9
Current study Lumbricidae sp. 6.2 189.2 12.9 395.5 10.7 74.9 34.0 757.3 310 890
Langdon et al., 2002 Lumbricidae sp. 3.2 902 e e e e e e e e
Langdon et al., 2003 Lumbricidae sp. 13 1358 e e e e e e e e
Van Hook, 1974 Lumbricidae sp. e e 3.1e9.3 e e e 4e6 e 93e502 e
Morgan and Morgan, Lumbricidae sp. e e 12.3 9e812 13 13e39 2.2 69e3667 426 466e2933
Pizl and Josens, 1995 Lumbricidae sp. e e 15.6 31.2 11.1 14.9 28.9 77.5 333 1101
Morgan and Morgan, Lumbricidae sp. e e 12 42e147 14 10e16 5 71e900 330 770e1745
Kennette et al., 2002 Lumbricidae sp. e e e e 9.1e12.2 21e83 0.6e12.9 24e33 168e180 207e754

After comparing the total soilediet and the available soile results suggest a more important transfer of metals from the
diet relationships, comparable patterns were observed for soil to the earthworm, than from the soil to the acorn. All to-
acorn and earthworm. First, total soilediet relationships gether, the positive soileacorn and soileearthworm relation-
were significantly positive for As, while the available soile ships suggested metal transfer from the soil to the diet
diet relationships were not (see Table 1). The rather low ex- compartment for most of the metals, which was in accordance
traction efficiency of the ammonium nitrate soil extraction with what we predicted.
for As, as previously reported by Wenzel et al. (2001), could
possibly explain these results. This was also supported by 4.3. Dietewood mouse metal transfer
the very low available As concentrations measured in the pres-
ent study. Second, the total soilediet relationships were much The elevated metal concentrations in the mouse tissues and
stronger than the available soilediet relationships for all the positive relationships between the metal concentrations in
metals, except for Cd in the acorn, which was comparable mouse diet and tissues for Cd, Pb and to the lesser extent for
(see Table 1). The total soil fraction seemed therefore a better Zn, indicate transfer of these metals from the diet to the mouse
predictor for acorn and earthworm metal contents than the compartment. No such relationships were observed for As and
available fraction, which was opposite to what we predicted. Cu. Roberts and Johnson (1978) and Hunter et al. (1987) also
We have no good explanation for this observation except for observed positive relationships between metal concentrations
the fact that this may question the standard use of the ammo- in the estimated diets and tissue levels of wood mice, field
nium nitrate soil extraction method for determining metal vole and common shrew for Cd and Pb, but not for Zn. In con-
availability to plants and soil organisms, as proposed by trast to our results, Torres and Johnson (2001) found positive re-
DIN 19730 (1997). Previously, salt solutions such as ammo- lationships between Cu concentrations in the liver of the house
nium nitrate, gave no or only poor reflections of the plant- mouse (Mus musculus) and the seeds of salt marsh bulrush.
available (e.g. Jackson and Alloway, 1991; Gupta and Aten, Folkeson et al. (1990) observed positive relationships between
1993) and earthworm-available (Bequer et al., 2005) fractions Cu concentrations in beech nuts and liver of the yellow-necked
of the soil metal content and causes for these observations mouse (Apodemus flavicollis). In current study, no significant
could not be explained satisfactorily. dietemouse relationships for As and Cu were found. Based
After comparing the soileacorn relationships to the soile on the increased As concentration in the diet of the wood mouse
earthworm relationships, higher coefficients of determination with decreasing distance from the non-ferrous factory, we
were found for the soileearthworm relationships for all metals would expect the same pattern for As levels in wood mouse tis-
(see Table 1). Furthermore, much higher metal concentrations sues. Selective sequestration of As in tissues other than liver and
were measured in the earthworm than in the acorn. These kidney, such as hair and nails, and a relative faster rate of
Table 3
Ranges of mean tissue metal concentrations (mg g1 dw) in wood mouse and other small rodents at reference (Ref) and polluted (Poll) sites reported in the literature
Source Species As Cd Cu Pb Zn
Ref Poll Ref Poll Ref Poll Ref Poll Ref Poll
Current study A. sylvaticus 0.06 0.12 0.52 23.21 16.54 18.75 0.07 1.34 80.97 106.19
Ismail and Roberts, 1992 A. sylvaticus 1.75 5.60 e e e e e e e e
Erry et al., 1999 A. sylvaticus 0.1e0.8 1.3e5.4 e e e e e e e e
Erry et al., 2000 A. sylvaticus 0.5e0.9 0.4e8.7 e e e e e e e e

D. Rogival et al. / Environmental Pollution 145 (2007) 516e528

Hunter et al., 1987 A. sylvaticus e e 0.4 18.2 16 14e16 e e e e
Hunter and Johnson, 1982 A. sylvaticus e e 0.51 1.46 13 24 e e e e
Beardsley et al., 1978 M. agrestis e e 0.1e2 4e9 2e24 40e56 2 3 90 149
Ma, 1989 A. sylvaticus e e e e e e 0.5 e e e
Chmiel and Harrison, 1981 A. sylvaticus e e e e e e 3.5 8.5 e e
Roberts et al., 1978 A. sylvaticus e e e e e e 5.4e7.9 12e14 e e
Johnson and Roberts, 1978 A. sylvaticus e e 0.66 4.36 e e 5.37 13.0 84.8 133
Cook et al., 1990 A. sylvaticus e e e e e e e e 309 218
M. agrestis e e e e e e e e 77 80
Current study A. sylvaticus 0.11 0.25 3.26 57.74 22.02 23.82 0.81 9.71 82.73 111.30
Ismail and Roberts, 1992 A. sylvaticus 4.90 15.4 e e e e e e e e
Erry et al., 1999 A. sylvaticus 0.2e0.6 1.6e4.9 e e e e e e e e
Erry et al., 2000 A. sylvaticus 0.4e1.0 0.5e6.7 e e e e e e e e
Hunter et al., 1987 A. sylvaticus e e 2.0 41.7 22 19e25 e e e e
Hunter and Johnson, 1982 A. sylvaticus e e 1.46 7.4 12 14 e e e e
Beardsley et al., 1978 M. agrestis e e 1e5 2e14 13e49 21e56 4 7 77 108
Ma, 1989 A. sylvaticus e e e e e e 0.8 e e e
Chmiel and Harrison, 1981 A. sylvaticus e e e e e e 0.4 9.8 e e
Roberts et al., 1978 A. sylvaticus e e e e e e 9e13 39e47 e e
Johnson et al., 1978 A. sylvaticus e e 2.19 18.0 e e 9.4 39.2 101 158
Cook et al., 1990 A. sylvaticus e e e e e e e e 338 401
M. agrestis e e e e e e e e 82 84
Current study A. sylvaticus e e e e e e 1.36 25.56 e e
Johnson et al., 1978 A. sylvaticus e e e e e e 12e34 189e672 e e
Chmiel and Harrison, 1981 A. sylvaticus e e e e e e 25 67 e e
Roberts et al., 1978 A. sylvaticus e e e e e e 12e21 189e352 e e
Ma, 1989 A. sylvaticus e e e e e e 1.9 26.3 e e
Beardsley et al., 1978 M. agrestis e e e e e e 1e5 12e17 e e

526 D. Rogival et al. / Environmental Pollution 145 (2007) 516e528

excretion of As may account for such a lack of relationship compartment, than from the acorn to the mouse compartment.
(Sharma and Shupe, 1977; Torres and Johnson, 2001). In anal- Transfer of Zn from the diet to the mouse compartment only
ogy to our results, Ismail and Roberts (1992) found that As in seemed to occur from the earthworm, but not from the acorn.
tissues of field voles, bank voles and wood mice from an As re- Furthermore, overall transfer of metals from food to mice is
finery and a reference area did not consistently reflect As levels probably to a large extent determined by the small proportion
in soil or vegetation, indicating that these animals may not be (15%) (Corbet and Harris, 1991) of animal food in the wood
a reliable monitor of environmental As. mouse diet. Plant tissue compromises the largest part of the
The Cu concentrations in the earthworms increased with wood mice diet (70%) (Corbet and Harris, 1991) but contains
decreasing distance from the non-ferrous factory, while in far less metals than animal food as indicated by the metal con-
acorns no such gradient was observed. However, tissue Cu centrations of acorn and earthworm in Fig. 3. The non-essen-
concentrations in wood mice did not differ significantly among tial metals were a factor 100e2500 higher in the earthworms
sites. Two mutually non-exclusive possible explanations could compared to the acorns, which is much larger than the five fold
account for such a lack of significant differences. First, since smaller portion of animal food in the wood mice diet. The dif-
acorn Cu concentrations did not differ much among sites, ference for the essential metals was smaller but still in favour
and because acorn is the dominant food item consumed by of the earthworms.
the wood mouse during most of the year (Corbet and Harris, It should be noted that the transfer of metals to the mouse
1991), very small or no differences in Cu concentrations in compartment not only occurs through the oral route but also
mouse tissues could be expected among sites. The clear Cu through the respiratory route. Although absorption of some
gradient observed in earthworms was not reflected in mouse metals from the lungs is more efficient than from the gastroin-
tissues because this food item is only consumed in late winter testinal tract, oral exposure by ingestion of contaminated food
(Corbet and Harris, 1991). Second, it is well known that, over is the dominant source of metals for wild mammals (Hunter
a wide concentration window, the retention of Cu in mamma- et al., 1987; Ma, 1989). In the present study, the metal pollu-
lian systems is effectively regulated by absorption-excretion to tion is mainly a consequence of historical emissions from the
maintain a homeostatic situation (Sheffield et al., 2001). non-ferrous factory. During the last decade, the atmospheric
Therefore, the small differences in acorn Cu concentrations metal emissions from the factory have strongly decreased
among sites are most probably regulated by the homeostatic (VMM, 1999). Nevertheless, the relative contribution of expo-
system of the wood mouse. sure through the oral and respiratory route for mice living in
We observed a positive earthwormemouse relationship for the pollution gradient under study needs further investigation.
Zn, despite the fact that Zn is under close homeostatic control
in mammals (Sheffield et al., 2001). However, the coefficients 4.4. Overall transfer of essential and non-essential
of determination were low (liver: r2 ¼ 0.19; kidney: r2 ¼ 0.16). elements
Two mutually non-exclusive possible explanations could ex-
plain this observed relationship. First, total Zn concentrations Regression analysis showed strong relationships within the
in the soils of the most contaminated sites were particularly el- soilediet and dietewood mouse compartments for the non-
evated (approximately 10 times) compared to the reference site. essential metals Cd, Pb, and to a lesser extent for As, while
Burrowing rodents, such as the wood mouse, are mainly exposed relationships for the essential metals Cu and Zn were weak
to environmental contaminants via the consumption of contam- or absent. These results were in accordance with what we pre-
inated food, and to the lesser extent via direct ingesting of con- dicted. Hunter and Johnson (1982) and Hunter et al. (1987) ob-
taminated soil (Beyer et al., 1994). As a result, direct soil intake served a much greater transfer for the non-essential metal Cd
together with intake via contaminated diet may result in high Zn than for the essential metal Cu in a soiledieterodent food
intake, which may possibly break down the Zn regulatory capac- chain. Previous studies observed stronger relationships within
ity of the body, resulting in elevated Zn levels in tissues of wood a soiledieterodent food chain for the non-essential metals Cd
mouse at the most polluted sites. Second, Cd-induced changes in and to the lesser extent Pb (Sharma and Shupe, 1977; Roberts
Zn homeostasis may result in an increased retention of Zn in the and Johnson, 1978), while relationships for the essential metal
liver and/or kidney due to Cd accumulation and metallothionein Zn were absent (Roberts and Johnson, 1978). In line with these
induction in these organs (for a review see Brzoska and Mon- results, we observed stronger transfer of non-essential ele-
iuszko-Jakoniuk, 2001). ments through the food chain than essential elements, which
When comparing the acornemouse relationships to the was probably a consequence of the homeostatic control of
earthwormemouse relationships, comparable coefficients of the latter group.
determination were found in the case of Pb (liver r2: 0.46 vs
0.36; kidney r2: 0.44 vs 0.35). In the case of Cd, the earthworme 5. Conclusions
mouse relationships (liver r2: 0.73; kidney r2: 0.62) were much
stronger than the acornemouse relationships (liver r2: 0.37; The present study differs from most of the previous ecotox-
kidney r2: 0.33). The earthwormemouse relationships were icological field studies that focus on terrestrial mammals be-
significantly positive for Zn, while the acornemouse relation- cause it reports food chain relationships for a wider range of
ships were not. All together, these results suggest a more im- elements and investigates total as well as available soil metal
portant transfer of Cd from the earthworm to the mouse concentrations simultaneously and in conjunction with levels
D. Rogival et al. / Environmental Pollution 145 (2007) 516e528 527

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indicate transfer of these metals from the diet to the mouse ktion von Spurenelementen mit Ammonium-nitratlösung. Vornorm DIN
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the earthwormemouse relationships were stronger than the Erry, B.V., Macnair, M.R., Meharg, A.A., Shore, R.F., 1999. Seasonal variation
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our results suggest a more important transfer of non-essential Erry, B.V., Macnair, M.R., Mekarg, A.A., Shore, R.F., 2000. Arsenic contam-
elements through the food chain than essential elements, ination in wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus) and bank voles (Clethriono-
which was probably a consequence of the homeostatic control mys glareolus) on abandoned mine sites in Southwest Britain.
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